2,805 research outputs found

    The effect of teaching methodological strategies on the development of the speaking skill in the students of eleventh grade at the "Augusto C. Sandino" high school in Niquinohomo during the second semester, 2014

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    Speaking is the most useful skill to develop communication with many people around the world or with foreigners making use of the language naturally to provide good interaction of ideas with others. At present, students are developing few speaking skills and they are being affected in the process of the English language learning which do not allow them to carry out a good conversation. The problematic on how to apply teaching strategies to develop the speaking skill, should be considered immediately and find out a solution to the students to increase a good level of the communication skill in English. The development of this research allows to apply the knowledge gained in the field of research methodology, experienced each of the processes in which was divided the methodology used, and thus student help to suggest the teacher how to implement teaching strategies properly to the students to reach the appropriate level of the speaking skill management. This research project takes into consideration the variables that support and determine “The effect of teaching methodological strategies on the development of speaking skill in students of eleventh grade” at Augusto C Sandino in Niquinohomo. Moreover, this research provides information in different methods and strategies to improve the speaking skill in the classroom. Furthermore, to analyze the problematic and find out a suitable solution of this, it was necessary to make use of some instruments such as: student’s survey, teacher’s interview and class observation

    Dimensions of artistic education: Experiences from a popular workshop of painting in a village of Seville

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    En el presente trabajo se describe el proceso de aprendizaje de alumnas de un taller de pintura popular. Se integran en el análisis aspectos discursivos, conductuales y sociales del aprendizaje de la alumna. Se defiende la necesidad de analizar los contextos concretos de aprendizaje más allá de la simple descripción de las actividades dentro del taller y se sugiere el origen social de los recursos discursivos de las alumnas identificando de esta forma “el pensamiento artístico” con “discurso artístico”. Los contextos sociales de actividad fuera y dentro del taller se sitúan en el vértice de lo que se llama triángulo invertido de la educación artística.In the present paper is described the learning process of pupils of a popular workshop of painting. Discursive, behavioral and social aspects of learning are integrated. The need to analyze the concrete contexts of learning beyond the simple description of the activities inside the workshop is defended. The paper suggests the social origin of the discursive resources of the pupils and in this way “the artistic thought” is relabeled as “artistic speech”. The social contexts of activity out and inside the workshop are located in the apex of what is called an inverted triangle of the artistic educatio

    The vagueness of the Spanish model of school leaders’ preparation

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    Las investigaciones sobre dirección escolar en los últimos años vienen a demostrar la influencia que ejercen los líderes en los buenos resultados de las escuelas. Esta realidad ha generado un interés creciente por desarrollar programas formativos para directores y directoras que les ayuden a desarrollar competencias necesarias para el ejercicio del cargo. Nuestra investigación demuestra que en España existe interés por la formación de los directivos, aunque no existe un modelo claramente definido para todo el territorio español. La descentralización de los programas de formación, en manos de las diecisiete Comunidades Autonómicas, supone el desarrollo de diferentes modelos formativos en los que los contenidos sobre gestión siempre están presentes, acercándose con ello al desarrollo de una dirección tecnocrática. Lo anterior no siempre se complementa con objetivos y contenidos más orientados hacia un liderazgo pedagógico que incorpore cuestiones relacionadas con el currículum, la evaluación, la innovación o la formación del profesoradoIn recent years, research on school leadership has put in evidence the strong influence that headteachers have over educational success. It has provoked an increasing interest to develop training programs in order to help the principals to acquire the skills needed for that challenge. Our research evidence that although the interest in principals’ training has also increase in Spain, the model is far from being clear and well defined for the whole country. Due to a decentralized educational system, administered with a high level of autonomy in each of the 17 autonomous communities, a very different array of training programs and structures has been developed. While management issues are included in all of them, it is not always the case of contents and practices related to instructional leadership, such as curriculum development, teachers and programs assessment, innovation or teachers training. That provokes a technocratic leadership approach that need to be revise

    Mujeres y uso del alcohol en las sociedades contemporáneas

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    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los aspectos relacionados con el consumo de alcohol en grupos de bajo riesgo en función de sus condiciones ambientales, destacando aquellos aspectos significativos en razón del género. Para ello se ha utilizado una metodología de tipo cualitativo: el análisis de relatos escritos por jóvenes pertenecientes a grupos que contemplan conductas normalizadas socialmente. En los resultados encontramos, que a las mujeres no se las prepara en el seno familiar en las conductas relacionadas con la bebida, porque socialmente beber alcohol sigue siendo inapropiado para las mujeres, por lo que el aprendizaje lo realizan a partir de sus malas experiencias. Al mismo tiempo, las mujeres identifican el alcohol como una parte constitutiva de la vida social. Por lo tanto como conclusión podemos decir que las mujeres son más vulnerables que los hombres frente a conductas de riesgo, por lo que se plantearía la necesidad de abordar de manera específica la prevención de dicho consumo en los grupos de adolescentes en las edades de inicio en el alcohol

    Promoting light hydrocarbons yield by catalytic hydrodechlorination of residual chloromethanes using palladium supported on zeolite catalysts

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    Gas catalytic hydrodechlorination (HDC) of trichloromethane (TCM) and dichloromethane (DCM) was analyzed using Pd (1 wt.%) on different zeolites as catalysts. The aim of this study was to know the surface properties of the catalysts and reaction conditions that promote the yield to light hydrocarbons in this reaction. Five different zeolite supports were used from three commercial zeolites (KL, L-type; NaY, Faujasite; H-MOR, Mordenite). KL and NaY were submitted to ionic exchange treatments in order to increase their acidity and analyze the effect of the acidity in the activity and selectivity of the HDC reaction. Exchanged zeolites (HL and HY) showed the highest Pd dispersion due to their higher surface acidity. The best TCM/DCM conversion and selectivity to light hydrocarbons was obtained using the two non-exchanged zeolite-catalysts, KL and NaY. Low surface acidity seems to be the key aspect to promote the formation of light hydrocarbons. The formation of these products is favored at high reaction temperatures and low H2: chloromethane ratios. KL showed the highest selectivity to olefins (60%), although with a lower dechlorination degree. Non-exchanged NaY catalyst showed high selectivity to paraffins (70% and 95% for the HDC of DCM and TCM, respectively)Authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades—Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ CTM2017-85498-R. C. Fernández Ruiz acknowledges MINECO for his research gran

    Synthesis, structural study and antitumor activity of novel alditol-based imidazophenanthrolines (aldo-IPs)

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    A series of 1H-imidazo [4,5-f][1,10] phenanthroline derivatives functionalized at 2-position with chiral, and conformationally flexible polyhydroxy alkyl chains derived from carbohydrates (alditol-based imidazophenanthrolines, aldo-IPs) is presented herein. These novel glycomimetics showed relevant and differential cytotoxic activity against several cultured tumor cell lines (PC3, HeLa and HT-29), dependent on the nature and stereochemistry of the polyhydroxy alkyl chain. The mannose-based aldo-IP demonstrated the higher cytotoxicity in the series, substantially better than cisplatin metallo-drug in all cell lines tested, and better than G-quadruplex ligand 360A in HeLa and HT29 cells. Cell cycle experiments and Annexin V-PI assays revealed that aldo-IPs induce apoptosis in HeLa cells. Initial study of DNA interactions by DNA FRET melting assays proved that the aldo-IPs produce only a slight thermal stabilization of DNA secondary structures, more pronounced in the case of quadruplex DNA. Viscosity titrations with CT dsDNA suggest that the compounds behave as DNA groove binders, whereas equilibrium dialysis assays showed that the compounds bind CT with Ka values in the range 104–105 M−1. The aldo-IP derivatives were obtained with synthetically useful yields through a feasible one-pot multistep process, by aerobic oxidative cyclization of 1,10‐phenanthroline‐5,6‐diamine with a selection of unprotected aldoses using (NH4)2SO4 as promoter.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónMinisterio de Economía, Comercio y EmpresaUniversidad de AlcaláComunidad de Madri

    Isotope Labelling for Reaction Mechanism Analysis in DBD Plasma Processes

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    Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasmas and plasma catalysis are becoming an alternative procedure to activate various gas phase reactions. A low-temperature and normal operating pressure are the main advantages of these processes, but a limited energy efficiency and little selectivity control hinder their practical implementation. In this work, we propose the use of isotope labelling to retrieve information about the intermediate reactions that may intervene during the DBD processes contributing to a decrease in their energy efficiency. The results are shown for the wet reforming reaction of methane, using D2O instead of H2O as reactant, and for the ammonia synthesis, using NH3/D2/N2 mixtures. In the two cases, it was found that a significant amount of outlet gas molecules, either reactants or products, have deuterium in their structure (e.g., HD for hydrogen, CDxHy for methane, or NDxHy for ammonia). From the analysis of the evolution of the labelled molecules as a function of power, useful information has been obtained about the exchange events of H by D atoms (or vice versa) between the plasma intermediate species. An evaluation of the number of these events revealed a significant progression with the plasma power, a tendency that is recognized to be detrimental for the energy efficiency of reactant to product transformation. The labelling technique is proposed as a useful approach for the analysis of plasma reaction mechanisms

    Design and Implementation of a Prototype with a Standardized Interface for Transducers in Ambient Assisted Living

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    Solutions in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) do not generally use standards to implement a communication interface between sensors and actuators. This makes these applications isolated solutions because it is so difficult to integrate them into new or existing systems. The objective of this research was to design and implement a prototype with a standardized interface for sensors and actuators to facilitate the integration of different solutions in the field of AAL. Our work is based on the roadmap defined by AALIANCE, using motes with TinyOS telosb, 6LoWPAN, sensors, and the IEEE 21451 standard protocol. This prototype allows one to upgrade sensors to a smart status for easy integration with new applications and already existing ones. The prototype has been evaluated for autonomy and performance. As a use case, the prototype has been tested in a serious game previously designed for people with mobility problems, and its advantages and disadvantages have been analysed.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-363

    ESTELLE: A Method to Analyze Automatically the Performance of Telecontrol Protocols in SCADA Systems

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    This paper presents the use of ESTELLE, a formal description technique, as a method to calculate automatically the performance of telecontrol protocols in SCADAsystems. Some specific primitives are added to the ESTELLE description language in order to achieve that goal. As an example, we analyze the performance of a telecontrol protocol. The results from this method are compared to performance measurements obtained from analytical and simulated solutionsMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-111

    Influence of irrigation conditions in the germination of plasma treated Nasturtium seeds

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    Plasma treatments had emerged as a useful technique to improve seed germination. In this work we investigate the influence of different irrigation conditions and plasma treatments on the germination of nasturtium seeds. During plasma treatment, seeds experience a progressive weight loss as a function of treatment time that has been associated to water release, a process that is more pronounced after longer plasma treatment times. Seeds treated for short times (<30 s) are able to germinate more efficiently than untreated specimen under hydric stress (drought conditions), while plasma treatments for longer times (up to 300 s) impaired germination independently on irrigation conditions. Characterization analysis of plasma treated seeds by FTIR-ATR, SEM/EDX and XPS showed that plasma treatment affected the chemical state of pericarp while, simultaneously, induced a considerable increase in the seeds water uptake capacity. The decrease in germination efficiency found after plasma treatment for long times, or for short times under optimum irrigation conditions, has been attributed to that the excess of water accumulated in the pericarp hampers the diffusion up to the embryo of other agents like oxygen which are deemed essential for germination.España FEDER y MINECO MINECO (projects MAT2013-40852-R, MAT2016-79866-R, MINECOCSIC 201560E055)España, RECUPERA 2020 y Junta de Andalucía project P12-2265 M