23 research outputs found

    Emprendimiento asociativo: una opción para la generación de trabajo bajo el concepto de la Economía Social

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    During the most recent decades, within the social and economic agendas of national and local governments, in the recommendations coming from international organizations that promote development and various programs in universities, the promotion of entrepreneurship has been consolidated as a recurring theme in response to high levels of labour exclusion and unemployment. From there it becomes pertinent to ask: how to link competitiveness with social development? How to link labour and social exclusion and unemployment with economic competition in our region? These are complex tensions to attend to, but they must be identified in a responsible and conscious manner with the aim of contributing to the construction of feasible economic alternatives, from the Latin American approach, taking into account the complex processes of globalization. These challenges require relevant and specific responses from our universities in order to find options that allow job placement and job creation, specifically for young people in the labour market, an area in which the Social Economy plays a very important role, taking in consideration that creates enterprises that promote the relationship between social relevance and business effectiveness.Durante las décadas más recientes, dentro de las agendas sociales y económicas de gobiernos nacionales y locales, en las recomendaciones procedentes de organismos internacionales de promoción del desarrollo y de diversos programas en las universidades, el fomento al emprendimiento se ha consolidado como un tema recurrente en respuesta a los altos niveles de exclusión laboral y desempleo. A partir de ahí se vuelve pertinente preguntar: ¿cómo vincular la competitividad con el desarrollo social? ¿cómo vincular la exclusión laboral y social y el desempleo con la competencia económica en nuestra región? Se trata de tensiones complejas de atender, pero que deben ser identificadas de manera responsable y consciente con el objetivo de aportar la construcción de alternativas económicas factibles, desde el enfoque latinoamericano, atendiendo a los complejos procesos de globalización. Estos retos requieren de nuestras universidades respuestas pertinentes y específicas con la finalidad de hallar opciones que permitan la inserción laboral y la generación de empleos, específicamente de los jóvenes al mercado laboral, área en el que la Economía Social tiene un rol de gran importancia, tomando en consideración que crea emprendimientos que promueven la relación entre la pertinencia social y la efectividad empresarial

    El futuro de la educación: cómo la inteligencia artificial transformará el aula

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    La inteligencia artificial (IA) tiene promesas y riesgos por la masificación de las tecnologías digitales en la vida económica y social del siglo XXI. Se espera que robots similares a los humanos en apariencia y habilidades estén disponibles pronto, según expertos y medios de comunicación. Esto podría tener efectos positivos en la vida cotidiana y la sociedad, pero también podría poner en peligro algunos empleos tradicionales. Se realizan estudios para medir la magnitud de los cambios futuros, mientras las industrias automatizan procesos con nuevas máquinas y se experimenta con prototipos de inventos inimaginables hasta hace poco

    Description of Genetic Variants in BRCA Genes in Mexican Patients with Ovarian Cancer: A First Step towards Implementing Personalized Medicine

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    Abstract Gynecologic cancers are among the leading causes of death worldwide, ovarian cancer being the one with the highest mortality rate. Olaparib is a targeted therapy used in patients presenting mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The aim of this study was to describe BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene variants in Mexican patients with ovarian cancer. Sequencing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes from tumors of 50 Mexican patients with ovarian cancer was made in a retrospective, non-randomized, and exploratory study. We found genetic variants in 48 of 50 cases. A total of 76 polymorphic variants were found in BRCA1, of which 50 (66%) had not been previously reported. Furthermore, 104 polymorphic variants were found in BRCA2, of which 63 (60%) had not been reported previously. Of these polymorphisms, 5/76 (6.6%) and 4/104 (3.8%) were classified as pathogenic in BRCA1 and BRCA2, respectively. We have described the genetic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2 of tumors from Northeast Mexican patients with sporadic ovarian cancers. Our results showed that the use of genetic testing helps recognize patients that carry pathogenic variants which could be beneficial for personalized medicine treatments. Keywords: BRCA; ovarian cancer; personalized therapy; sequencin

    Latin American registry of renal involvement in COVID-19 disease. The relevance of assessing proteinuria throughout the clinical course

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    The Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension conducted a prospective cohort, multinational registry of Latin American patients with kidney impairment associated to COVID-19 infection with the objective to describe the characteristics of acute kidney disease under these circumstances. The study was carried out through open invitation in order to describe the characteristics of the disease in the region. Eight-hundred and seventy patients from 12 countries were included. Median age was 63 years (54–74), most of patients were male (68.4%) and with diverse comorbidities (87.2%). Acute kidney injury (AKI) was hospital-acquired in 64.7% and non-oliguric in 59.9%. Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS) due to COVID-19 and volume depletion were the main factors contributing to AKI (59.2% and 35.7% respectively). Kidney replacement therapy was started in 46.2%. Non-recovery of renal function was observed in 65.3%. 71.5% of patients were admitted to ICU and 72.2% underwent mechanical ventilation. Proteinuria at admission was present in 62.4% of patients and proteinuria during hospital-stay occurred in 37.5%. Those patients with proteinuria at admission had higher burden of comorbidities, higher baseline sCr, and MODS was severe. On the other hand, patients with de novo proteinuria had lower incidence of comorbidities and near normal sCr at admission, but showed adverse course of disease. COVID-19 MODS was the main cause of AKI in both groups. All-cause mortality of the general population was 57.4%, and it was associated to age, sepsis as cause of AKI, severity of condition at admission, oliguria, mechanical ventilation, non-recovery of renal function, in-hospital complications and hospital stay. In conclusion, our study contributes to a better knowledge of this condition and highlights the relevance of the detection of proteinuria throughout the clinical course

    Aeroallergen immunotherapy associated with reduced risk of severe COVID-19 in 1095 allergic patients

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    Introduction: Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) brings along changes in the immune system, restoring dendritic cell function, reducing T2 inflammation and augmenting the regulatory cell activation. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, interferes with the immune system causing immune suppression during the first phase and over-activation in more advanced disease. We decided to explore the interaction of both in a real-world observational trial. Methods: We registered COVID-19 outcomes in patients with allergic disorders in Latin America, treated with and without AIT. The registry was conducted during the first 1.3 years of the pandemic, with most of the data collected before COVID-19 vaccination was concluded in most countries. Data collection was anonymous via a web-based instrument. Ten countries participated. Results: 630/1095 (57.6%) of the included patients received AIT. Compared to patients without AIT, those treated with AIT had a reduced risk ratio (RR) for COVID-19 lower respiratory symptoms (RR 0.78, 95% CI: 0.6703–0.9024; p = 0.001662) and need for oxygen therapy (RR 0.65, 95% CI: 0.4217–0.9992; p = 0.048). In adherent patients on maintenance sublingual immunotherapy/subcutaneous immunotherapy (SLIT/SCIT) the RR reduction was larger [RR = 0.6136 (95% CI 0.4623–0.8143; p < 0.001) and RR: 0.3495 (95% CI 0.1822–0.6701; p < 0.005), respectively]. SLIT was slightly more effective (NS). We excluded age, comorbidities, level of health care attendance, and type of allergic disorder as confounders, although asthma was related to a higher frequency of severe disease. When analyzing patients with allergic asthma (n = 503) the RR reduction favoring AIT was more pronounced with 30% for lower respiratory symptoms or worse (RR 0.6914, 95% CI 0.5264 to 0.9081, p = 0.0087) and 51% for need of oxygen therapy or worse (RR 0.4868, 95% CI 0.2829–0.8376, p = 0.0082). Among severe allergic patients treated with biologics (n = 24) only 2/24 needed oxygen therapy. There were no critical cases among them. Conclusion: In our registry AIT was associated with reduced COVID-19 severity

    Pensamiento Novohispano 20

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    El presente libro reúne 26 trabajos de investigación que tienen como objetivo mantener viva la relación cultural del presente con nuestro pasado histórico. Partimos del hecho de que somos seres históricos, es decir, pensamos y reconocemos la historia como parte constitutiva de nuestra existencia vital, razón que viene a consolidar el estudio y la investigación de nuestro pasado. El sentido que fortalece cada una de las colaboraciones aquí presentadas se convierte en un homenaje a la memoria histórica que recupera los hechos “pequeños”, los aparentemente “insignificantes”, para clarificar la “grandes” intervenciones. Cada uno de los trabajos aquí expuestos tiene el propósito de contribuir al estudio y difusión de la cultura novohispana.El número 20 de Pensamiento Novohispano ha quedado integrado por 26 trabajos de investigación distribuidos de la siguiente manera: 11 corresponden al siglo xvi; 5 al siglo XVII y 10 al siglo XVIII. Como en números anteriores, la diversidad de temas sigue presente, pues es una característica de este libro, que busca mantener viva la relación cultural de nuestro pasado histórico con el presente. Partimos del hecho de que somos seres históricos, es decir, pensamos y reconocemos la historia como parte constitutiva de nuestra existencia vital, razón que viene a consolidar el estudio y la investigación de nuestro pasado