7 research outputs found

    Moxifloxacin versus Clindamycin/Ceftriaxone in the management of odontogenic maxillofacial infectious processes: a preliminary, intrahospital, controlled clinical trial

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the days of hospitalization length between patients treated with Moxifloxacin with that of patients treated with a Clindamycin/Ceftriaxone combination and additionally, to isolate and identify the oral pathogens involved in orofacial odontogenic infections. Material and Methods: A pilot-controlled-clinical-trial was carried out on hospitalized patients with cervicofacial odontogenic abscesses or cellulitis, who were randomly asigned to two study groups: 1) patients who received Moxifloxacin, and 2) patients receiving Clindamycin/Ceftriaxone combination. Infiltrate samples were collected through transdermic or transmucosal punction and later cultured on a media specific for aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Mean hospitalization duration in days until hospital discharge and susceptibility assessment in rates were established. Results: Mean hospitalization time in days of patients treated with Moxifloxacin was 7.0 ± 1.6 days, while in the Clindamycin/Ceftriaxone group, this was 8.4 ± 1.8 days, although significant difference could not be demonstrated ( p =0.074). A total of 43 strains were isolated, all of these Gram-positive. These strains appeared to be highly sen - sitive to Moxifloxacin (97.5%) and Ceftriaxone (92.5%). Conclusions: Moxifloxacin and Ceftriaxone appear to be potential convenient and rational alternatives to traditional antibiotics, for treating severe odontogenic infections, in conjunction with surgical extraoral incision, debridement, and drainage

    Associations between whole peripheral blood fatty acids and DNA methylation in humans

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    Fatty acids (FA) modify DNA methylation in vitro, but limited information is available on whether corresponding associations exist in vivo and reflect any short-term effect of the diet. Associations between global DNA methylation and FAs were sought in blood from lactating infants (LI; n = 49) and adult males (AMM; n = 12) equally distributed across the three conventional BMI classes. AMM provided multiple samples at 2-hour intervals during 8 hours after either a single Western diet-representative meal (post-prandial samples) or no meal (fasting samples). Lipid/glucose profile, HDAC4 promoter and PDK4 5'UTR methylation were determined in AMM. Multiple regression analysis revealed that global (in LI) and both global and PDK4-specific DNA methylation (in AMM) were positively associated with eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acid. HDAC4 methylation was inversely associated with arachidonic acid post-prandially in AMM. Global DNA methylation did not show any defined within-day pattern that would suggest a short-term response to the diet. Nonetheless, global DNA methylation was higher in normal weight subjects both post-prandially and in fasting and coincided with higher polyunsaturated relative to monounsaturated and saturated FAs. We show for the first time strong associations of DNA methylation with specific FAs in two human cohorts of distinct age, diet and postnatal development stage

    Caracterización de los pacientes con pie diabético atendidos en el Instituto Nacional del Diabético. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2013- 2015

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    La Organización Mundial de la Salud define pie diabético como la infección, ulceración y destrucción de tejidos profundos de la extremidad inferior, asociadas con alteraciones neurológicas y diversos grados de enfermedad vascular periférica. Objetivo. Describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de pie diabético atendidos en el Instituto Nacional del Diabético (INADI), Tegucigalpa Honduras, en el periodo de enero 2013 a diciembre 2015. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo haciendo uso de 122 expedientes clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de pie diabético. Resultados. La edad media de la población estudiada fue de 59 años (DE= 11,1, rango= 36-88). El 51,6% pertenecía al género femenino. La morbilidad asociada con el daño macrovascular de tipo enfermedad vascular periférica presentó una frecuencia de 72,1%, y la microvascular de tipo neuropatía de 59,8%, la hipertensión arterial la padecían un 66,4% de los afectados. Todos los pacientes padecían diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con una media de evolución de 10 años (DE= 8.0, rango= 1-40), de los cuales el 69,6% no tenían apego al tratamiento. El 32,0% presento pie diabético escala Wagner III, requiriendo tratamiento quirúrgico el 38,5%. Conclusión. Una media de evolución de la enfermedad prolongada (10 años) y la presencia, por lo general, de más de una comorbilidad son algunas de las condiciones presentes de forma sobresaliente en la población estudiada, sumado a una alta prevalencia de no apego al tratamiento, por lo que es necesario profundizar en estos hechos y realizar estrategias de intervención oportunas.

    Associations between whole peripheral blood fatty acids and DNA methylation in humans

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    Fatty acids (FA) modify DNA methylation in vitro, but limited information is available on whether corresponding associations exist in vivo and reflect any short-term effect of the diet. Associations between global DNA methylation and FAs were sought in blood from lactating infants (LI; n = 49) and adult males (AMM; n = 12) equally distributed across the three conventional BMI classes. AMM provided multiple samples at 2-hour intervals during 8 hours after either a single Western diet-representative meal (post-prandial samples) or no meal (fasting samples). Lipid/glucose profile, HDAC4 promoter and PDK4 5'UTR methylation were determined in AMM. Multiple regression analysis revealed that global (in LI) and both global and PDK4-specific DNA methylation (in AMM) were positively associated with eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acid. HDAC4 methylation was inversely associated with arachidonic acid post-prandially in AMM. Global DNA methylation did not show any defined within-day pattern that would suggest a short-term response to the diet. Nonetheless, global DNA methylation was higher in normal weight subjects both post-prandially and in fasting and coincided with higher polyunsaturated relative to monounsaturated and saturated FAs. We show for the first time strong associations of DNA methylation with specific FAs in two human cohorts of distinct age, diet and postnatal development stage

    Estudios territoriales en México

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