2,088 research outputs found

    Descubrimiento de Colocaciones Utilizando Semántica

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    Collocations are combinations of two lexically dependent elements, of which one (the base) is freely chosen because of its meaning, and the choice of the other (the collocate) depends on the base. Collocations are difficult to master by language learners. This difficulty becomes evident in that even when learners know the meaning they want to express, they often struggle to choose the right collocate. Collocation dictionaries, in which collocates are grouped into semantic categories, are useful tools. However, they are scarce since they are the result of cost-intensive manual elaboration. In this paper, we present for Spanish an algorithm that automatically retrieves for a given base and a given semantic category the corresponding collocates.Las colocaciones, entendidas como combinaciones de dos elementos entre los cuales existe una dependencia léxica, es decir, donde uno de los elementos (la base) se escoge libremente por su significado, pero el otro (colocativo) depende de la base, suelen ser difíciles de utilizar por los hablantes no nativos de una lengua. Esta dificultad se hace visible en que estos, a menudo, aún sabiendo el significado que quieren expresar, tienen problemas a la hora de elegir el colocativo adecuado. Los diccionarios de colocaciones, donde los colocativos son agrupados en categorías semánticas son una herramienta muy útil, pero son recursos escasos y de costosa elaboración. En este artículo se presenta, para el español, un algoritmo que proporciona, dada una base y una categoría semántica, colocativos pertinentes a dicha categoría.The present work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through a predoctoral grant (BES-2012-057036) in the framework of the project HARenES (FFI2011-30219-C02-02) and the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502)

    Episodix: a serious game to detect cognitive impairment in senior adults. A psychometric study

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    Introduction Assessment of episodic memory is traditionally used to evaluate potential cognitive impairments in senior adults. The present article discusses the capabilities of Episodix, a game to assess the aforementioned cognitive area, as a valid tool to discriminate among mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and healthy individuals (HC); that is, it studies the game’s psychometric validity study to assess cognitive impairment. Materials and Methods After a preliminary study, a new pilot study, statistically significant for the Galician population, was carried out from a cross-sectional sample of senior adults as target users. A total of 64 individuals (28 HC, 16 MCI, 20 AD) completed the experiment from an initial sample of 74. Participants were administered a collection of classical pen-and-paper tests and interacted with the games developed. A total of six machine learning classification techniques were applied and four relevant performance metrics were computed to assess the classification power of the tool according to participants’ cognitive status. Results According to the classification performance metrics computed, the best classification result is obtained using the Extra Trees Classifier (F1 = 0.97 and Cohen’s kappa coefficient = 0.97). Precision and recall values are also high, above 0.9 for all cognitive groups. Moreover, according to the standard interpretation of Cohen’s kappa index, classification is almost perfect (i.e., 0.81–1.00) for the complete dataset for all algorithms. Limitations Weaknesses (e.g., accessibility, sample size or speed of stimuli) detected during the preliminary study were addressed and solved. Nevertheless, additional research is needed to improve the resolution of the game for the identification of specific cognitive impairments, as well as to achieve a complete validation of the psychometric properties of the digital game. Conclusion Promising results obtained about psychometric validity of Episodix, represent a relevant step ahead towards the introduction of serious games and machine learning in regular clinical practice for detecting MCI or AD. However, more research is needed to explore the introduction of item response theory in this game and to obtain the required normative data for clinical validityThis research was supported by the University of VigoS

    Fluorinated mixed valence Fe(ii)-Fe(iii) phosphites with channels templated by linear tetramine chains. Structural and magnetic implications of partial replacement of Fe(ii) by Co(ii)

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    Three new fluorinated mixed valence Fe(ii)-Fe(iii) phosphites were synthesized by employing mild hydrothermal conditions. (H4baepn) 0.5[FeIII 2.3FeII 1.7(H2O)2(HPO3) 4-(x+y)(HPO4)x(PO4) yF4] (x ≃ 0.13, y ≃ 0.3) (1) (baepn = N,N′-bis(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine (C7N 4H20)) and the Co(ii)-substituted phase with the formula (H4baepn)0.5[FeIII 2.0Fe II 0.71CoII 1.29(H2O) 2(HPO3)4-x(HPO4)xF 4] (x ≃ 0.38) (2) were studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The phase with the major content of Co(ii), (H4baepn) 0.5[FeIII 2.0FeII 0.62CoII 1.38(H2O) 2(HPO3)4-x(HPO4)xF 4] (x ≃ 0.38) (3) was obtained as a polycrystalline powder and studied by Rietveld refinement by using the structural model of 2. These compounds were characterized by ICP-Q-MS, thermogravimetric and thermodiffractometric analyses, and XPS, IR, UV/vis and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The single crystal data indicate that phases 1 and 2 crystallize in the P21/c space group with lattice parameters a = 13.6808(4), b = 12.6340(2), c = 12.7830(3) Å and β = 116.983(4)° for 1 and a = 13.6823(4), b = 12.6063(3), c = 12.7535(4) Å and β = 116.988(4)° for 2, with Z = 4. The reciprocal space of 1 shows satellite reflections with a modulation wavevector q = 0.284(2)a* which indicate an incommensurate long-range order. The average structure of these compounds is built up by a 3D lattice constructed by inorganic layers of Fe(iii) chains and Fe(ii) and Co(ii) dimers joined by phosphite groups partially substituted by HPO4 and PO4 tetrahedral groups. These anionic layers stack along the [100] direction encapsulating linear tetramines in eight-membered open channels involving host-guest interactions. Magnetic measurements of 1 and 3 showed antiferromagnetic coupling as the major interactions, exhibiting a weak ferromagnetic component together with a spin glass transition at low temperature in the case of 1. Heat capacity measurements showed a small anomaly at 20.5 K for 1 and a sharp magnetic peak at 28 K for 3. Unexpectedly, the small anomaly observed in 1 increased with the magnetic field and became better defined. © the Partner Organisations 2014

    Design process and preliminary psychometric study of a video game to detect cognitive impairment in senior adults

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    Introduction Assessment of episodic memory has been traditionally used to evaluate potential cognitive impairments in senior adults. Typically, episodic memory evaluation is based on personal interviews and pen-and-paper tests. This article presents the design, development and a preliminary validation of a novel digital game to assess episodic memory intended to overcome the limitations of traditional methods, such as the cost of its administration, its intrusive character, the lack of early detection capabilities, the lack of ecological validity, the learning effect and the existence of confounding factors. Materials and Methods Our proposal is based on the gamification of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) and it has been designed to comply with the psychometric characteristics of reliability and validity. Two qualitative focus groups and a first pilot experiment were carried out to validate the proposal. Results A more ecological, non-intrusive and better administrable tool to perform cognitive assessment was developed. Initial evidence from the focus groups and pilot experiment confirmed the developed game’s usability and offered promising results insofar its psychometric validity is concerned. Moreover, the potential of this game for the cognitive classification of senior adults was confirmed, and administration time is dramatically reduced with respect to pen-and-paper tests. Limitations Additional research is needed to improve the resolution of the game for the identification of specific cognitive impairments, as well as to achieve a complete validation of the psychometric properties of the digital game. Conclusion Initial evidence show that serious games can be used as an instrument to assess the cognitive status of senior adults, and even to predict the onset of mild cognitive impairments or Alzheimer’s diseaseThe present work has been funded by the government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia, Spain) to cover the travel expenses to participants’ homes during the pilot experiment (Ref.: 2016/236)S

    Evolucion tectonotérmica del área metamórfica del SO de Salamanca (Zona Centroibérica O de España)

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    Los estudios realizados en el sector suroccidental de la provincia de Salamanca en el marco del Proyecto MAGNA, han permitido obtener nuevos datos sobre la estratigrafia, estructura y metamorfismo del potente y monotono conjunto de metasedimentos del Complejo Esquisto-grauvaquico que afloran en el Area. Estos materiales fueron sometidos a une deformaci6n hercinica polifasica cuyas estructuras pueden agruparse en tres fases principales de deformacion, ademas de otras tardias. La primera fase produce un tren de pliegues de longitud de onda kilometrica y de direccion NO-SE. Durante la segunda fase se desarrolla una zona de cizalla subhorizontal, de espesor kilometrico y con sentido de movimiento de bloque de techo hacia el Sureste. aue tiene caracter extensional. La tercera fase oroduce un re.o le-a emiento de las estructuras o r e vias, practicamente coaxial con la primera fase. Esta deformacion esta acompariada de un metamorfismo inicial de presiones intermedias que evoluciona posteriormente a otro de baja presión. El conjunto de los datos permite ser integrado en un modelo de evolución tectonotermal en el que el engrosamiento cortical, al que va asociado el metamorfismo de presiones intermedias, se ve interrumpido por un colapso extensional controlado por la zona de cizalla de segunda fase, responsable del gradiente metamórfico de bajas presiones. [ABSTRACT] A new set of data concerning the stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism of the monotonous Schist and Graywacke Complex, exposed in the southwestern Salamanca province, have been made available as an outgrowh of studies undertaken in the framework of the MAGNA Project. In structural terms, these allow characterization of the Hercynian orogeny as a polyphase event with three main phases of deformation and some late phases of less importance. The first phase was responsible forthe formation of NW-SE striking folds with kilometric wavelengths. A kilometre scale thick, extensional shear zone with downthrown to the SE of the hangingwall characterizes the second phase. The third phase in turn, roughly coaxial with the first one. resulted in a refoldino of the oreviouslv formed structures. This deformation seouence devolooed under initial metamordhic conditions of an iniermediaie pressuie type and evolved subsequently to a lowi pressure regime. The tectonothermal evolution of this area is thus envisaged in response to an initial crustal thickening event. The one associated to the intermediate pressure metamophic regimen, subsequently interrumpted by an extensional collapse of the thickened crust, controlled by the second phase shear zone. This is held responsible for the shift to the lower pressure metamorphic conditions which dominated the second part of the evolution

    Evolution of NH3 Concentrations in Weaner Pig Buildings Based on Setpoint Temperature

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    Ammonia (NH3) concentration has seldom been used for environmental control of weaner buildings despite its impact on environment, animal welfare, and workers’ health. This paper aims to determine the effects of setpoint temperature (ST) on the daily evolution of NH3 concentration in the animal-occupied zone. An experimental test was conducted on a conventional farm, with ST between 23 °C and 26 °C. NH3 concentrations in the animal-occupied zone were dependent on ST insofar as ST controlled the operation of the ventilation system, which effectively removed NH3 from the building. The highest NH3 concentrations occurred at night and the lowest concentrations occurred during the daytime. Data were fitted to a sinusoidal model using the least squares setting (LSS) and fast Fourier transform (FFT), which provided R2 values between 0.71 and 0.93. FFT provided a better fit than LSS, with root mean square errors (RMSEs) between 0.09 ppm for an ST of 23 °C and 0.55 ppm for an ST of 25 °C. A decrease in ST caused a delay in the wave and a decrease in wave amplitude. The proposed equations can be used for modeling NH3 concentrations and implemented in conventional controllers for real-time environmental control of livestock buildings to improve animal welfare and productivityThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, grant number GPC-ED431B 2018/012S

    La lectura literaria. Una alternativa que favorece el desarrollo del comportamiento lector

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    La lectura literaria es entendida como un proceso social, cultural e interactivo que prepara al estudiante para que, acceda a experiencias positivas de lectura que lo conducen a descubrir, apreciar, valorar y socializar el texto literario a partir del fomento del goce estético de la lectura literaria. Sobre la base de estas consideraciones, el presente trabajo constituye el resultado de un proyecto de investigación y tiene como objetivo mostrar consideraciones teóricas en relación al proceso de lectura literaria y que han repercutido en el desarrollo del comportamiento lector en los estudiantes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación. Español-Literatura.  El tema se aborda con un enfoque teórico-práctico, basado en la importancia de la lectura literaria para el desarrollo del comportamiento lector. Para la realización de esta investigación se utilizaron varios métodos, tanto del nivel teórico como del empírico. La estrategia pedagógica elaborada fue aplicada en la práctica educativa lo cual fue comprobado a través de la experimentación sobre el terreno, empleado en la etapa de valoración de los resultados

    Cross-repository aggregation of educational resources

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    The proliferation of educational resource repositories promoted the development of aggregators to facilitate interoperability, that is, a unified access that would allow users to fetch a given resource independently of its origin. The CROERA system is a repository aggregator that provides access to educational resources independently of the classification taxonomy utilized in the hosting repository. For that, an automated classification algorithm is trained using the information extracted from the metadata of a collection of educational resources hosted in different repositories, which in turn depends on the classification taxonomy used in each case. Then, every resource will be automatically classified on demand independently of the original classification scheme. As a consequence, resources can be retrieved independently of the original taxonomy utilized using any taxonomy supported by the aggregator, and exploratory searches can be made without a previous taxonomy mapping. This approach overcomes one of the recurring problems in taxonomy mapping, namely the one-to-none matching situation. To evaluate the performance of this proposal two methods were applied. Resource classification in categories existing in all repositories was automatically evaluated, obtaining maximum performance values of 84% (F1 score), 87.8% (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve), 86% (area under the precision-recall curve) and 75.1% (Cohen's κ). In the case of resources not belonging to one of the common categories, human inspection was used as a reference to compute classification performance. In this case, maximum performance values obtained were respectively 69.8%, 73.8%, 75% and 54.3%. These results demonstrate the potential of this approach as a tool to facilitate resource classification, for example to provide a preliminary classification that would require just minor corrections from human classifiers.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. R2014/034 (RedPlir)Xunta de Galicia | Ref. R2014/029 (TELGalicia

    Validation of an AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average model for the prediction of animal zone temperature in a weaned piglet building

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    An AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average model was validated for the prediction of temperatures in the animal zone of conventional weaned piglet barn. The validation period covered seven cycles and recorded values at 10-min intervals for 292 days. Average weight was 5.75 ± 0.86 kg at the beginning of the production cycle and 18.41 ± 2.12 kg at the end of the cycle. Mean outdoor air temperatures ranged 6.14 to 17.85 °C with deviations in the range 2.49 °C to 5.24 °C, which involved marked differences in the operation of the ventilation system. The Mean Average Percentage Error was below 4%, with a mean error of ≤1 °C. The Root Mean Square Error was in the range 0.77 °C to 1.19 °C, whereas the coefficient of determination ranged between 0.52 and 0.81. Despite the changes in environmental conditions and in animal weight and management, the accuracy of the model remained stable with low dispersion of values. The model showed good accuracy and reliability covering all the seasons under changing meteorological conditions because it considered the operation of the heating and ventilation systems and changes in animal weight. The residuals obtained from the validation of the seven production cycles were Gaussian distributed, which confirmed the validity of the model. The generated model can be used for more effective environmental control systems that are capable of anticipating events and show a better response, which helps improve energy savings and animal welfareThe authors are grateful to the regional government Xunta de Galicia for funding this research through the “Programme of consolidation and structuring of competitive research units” (GPC2014/072)S