2,626 research outputs found

    Nombres y paisajes inconclusos.

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    Se presentan en esta comunicación una serie de proyectos y espacios inconclusos y conflictivos del municipio de Toledo a partir de sus nombre, con el objetivo de plantear el alcance de la información toponímica como información relevante en el análisis geográfico de estos espacios

    Origin and evolution of the genera Lonsdaleia and Actinocyathus: Insights for the Mississippian palaeogeography from the western Palaeotethys

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    Representatives of the subfamily Lonsdaleiinae Chapman, 1893 are common in the Mississippian of the western Palaeotethys. A general analysis of the origin, distribution and evolution of that subfamily has been undertaken. The most probable hypothesis for the origin of the genus Lonsdaleia McCoy, 1849 is to acquire colonialism via the genus Axophyllum Milne Edwards and Haime, 1851. Actinocyathus d’Orbigny, 1849 would be a descendant of Lonsdaleia by increasing integration in the colonies. The first occurrences of Lonsdaleia have been recorded in the lower Visean from northern Britain and northern Tianshan Mountains of northwestern China, but the diversification and migration to the whole Palaeotethys only happened in the late Visean. Three hypotheses are proposed on that matter. The Serpukhovian was also a period of migrations and diversification for these genera. Both Lonsdaleia and Actinocyathus have been recorded in Bashkirian refuges, the Sverdrup Basin in northern Laurasia and the Tindouf Basin in northern Africa, respectively. The division of the western Palaeotethys into six subprovinces based on the distribution of corals is proposed.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónMinisterio de Universidadespu

    Special needs support teacher, a key professional to perform school counseling work

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    A relevancia social do Departamento de Orientación (DO) e a súa visibilización focalízase, con frecuencia, na figura do orientador ou orientadora, mientras que outros profesionais que forman parte de este quedan nun lugar subsidiario. O profesorado de apoio e o orientador precisan de un traballo conxunto imprescindible, porque os primeiros son os interlocutores directos e máis habituais co alumnado, co resto do equipo docente e incluso coas familias. Son estes profesionais os que aglutinan boa parte da información e do coñecemento alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoio educativo, independentemente de que traballen ou non co alumnado, pois a súa fución de apoio non se restrinxe ao alumnado senón tamén ao profesorado de aula no seu traballo diario. Nesta comunicación, preséntase unha reflexión entre dúas profesionais con esperiencia dende fai  12 e 6 anos respectivamente.The social relevance of school counseling departments are often focused on school counselor’s actions, meanwhile the remaining professionals that contribute to school counseling work have held a subsidiary position. Support teachers and school counselors need to work collaboratively, because the former continues to be the main interlocutor with students, the rest of the teaching staff and even the students’ families. They are the professionals that have the most information and knowledge about special needs students.  They work directly with the student amd they  help classroom teachers. This paper offers a reflection between two support teachers that have important work experience from 6 and 12 years respectivel

    Palaeogeographic significance of rugose corals: El Guadiato Area (Southwestern Spain) as a case study

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    Carboniferous rugose corals are useful for palaeoecological, palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic studies. However, most analyses are qualitative and/or comprise corals from long stratigraphical intervals, and detailed palaeogeographic studies in the Carboniferous from western Palaeotethys are scarce. This report presents a quantitative analysis of the late Visean coral assemblages from the El Guadiato Area (Southwestern Spain), which has been thoroughly studied during the last 30 years. This case study aims to check the utility of rugose corals in detailed palaeogeographic studies, reconstructing tectonic movements in the suture zone between the Ossa Morena and Centroiberian domains in the Iberian Massif. Sixty-one rugose coral species from the El Guadiato Area were included in the analyses. Moreover, two other late Visean rugose coral faunas have been added as an external reference: Los Santos de Maimona (Southwestern Spain) and Kingscourt (Ireland). The presence/absence datasets have been treated with paired group (UPGMA) Hierarchical Clustering and a Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The results of this study support previous observations about the palaeogeography of the El Guadiato Area, backing the hypothesis that the strike slip faults of the area produced large lateral displacements. The results of analyses conducted at this level of detail appear to be conditioned by palaeoenvironmental differences, but the results of the comparison with Los Santos de Maimona and with Kingscourt’s faunas look promising for future larger comparisons between different basins

    Manejo intraparto de la presentación de nalgas

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: en el año 2000 se publicaron los resultados del estudio Term Breech Trial que concluye que una política sistemática de cesáreas es mejor que un intento de parto vaginal en caso de una presentación de nalgas a termino. En base a ello se promulgó la practica de cesárea electiva en este tipo presentaciones. En 2006 tras la publicación del multicéntrico PREMODA la ACOG modifica sus protocolos y habla de que el parto vaginal en gestación única a término es una opción razonable en pacientes correctamente seleccionados y con obstetra experimentado. Objetivo: describir criterios de selección para la vía más adecuada del parto y conocer la evidencia del manejo intraparto de la presentación de nalgas a termino Metodología: revisión de la bibliografía en las bases de datos de ciencias de la salud: (Cochrane, MED-Line , CUIDEN, Scielo). según las palabras clave (parto de nalgas, maniobras presentación nalgas, expulsivo de nalgas). Se han incluido textos en español como en ingles. Resultados: los criterios de selección de las candidatas están basados en estudios observacionales: Edad gestacional, paridad, Edad materna, peso estimado fetal, diámetro biparieal, pelvis materna, presentación fetal, actitud de la cabeza fetal. El manejo intraparto: primer periodo: debe evitarse la inducción a parto, y con precaución Amniorexis y oxitocina, uso de analgesia epidural no se desaconseja, monitorización continúa; Segundo periodo: fase pasiva y fase activa de 1h de duración, maniobras para la expulsión fetal. Conclusiones: el parto de nalgas a termino es una practica que se esta recuperando en muchos hospitales y ya que las matronas somos los profesionales dedicados a la atención al parto debemos conocer su manejo intraparto y estar preparados para afrontar las dificultades que se presenten dentro del equipo de trabajo

    Big four premiums in the Spanish audit market and monopoly power

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    This study seeks to investigate the effect of market competition as a moderator factor of Big Four fee premiums. Unlike previous studies, we measure market competition by structural variables, such as market concentration or entry barriers, and dynamic variables of market mobility, based on variations in the market shares of audit firms. Using a sample of Spanish non-financial listed companies over the years 2003–2010, we find that Big Four premiums are not explained by the level of competition within the market. Our findings are opposed to those of academics and regulators who consider that Big Four auditors earn higher fees through the exercise of market power. These results reinforce the idea that Big Four premiums are driven by audit firms’ reputation as providers of quality-differentiated audit services

    Beneficios del acompañamiento a la mujer por la matrona durante el trabajo de parto y puerperio

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: En 2008, el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo lanza la “Estrategia de Atención al Parto normal en el Sistema Nacional de Salud”, dónde se reconoce el derecho de la embarazada a estar acompañada por la persona que ella elija durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio. Por otro lado, ofrecer apoyo continuo profesional está descrito como una buena práctica de atención perinatal; las matronas favorecen la evolución de un parto normal. Objetivos: Conocer los beneficios del acompañamiento por la matrona durante el trabajo de parto y puerperio Metodología: Búsqueda bibliográfica en español e inglés durante Julio 2015, restringida entre 2000 y 2014. Se incluyen revisiones bibliográficas, sistemáticas, estudios cualitativos y observacionales. Resultados: Se hallaron 7 artículos que destacaban la importancia del acompañamiento por parte de la matrona y sus beneficios: mayor probabilidades de parto vaginal espontáneo, menor necesidad de analgesia epidural, menor incidencia de episiotomías, aumento de la satisfacción y de la sensación de control por parte de las mujeres, éxito en lactancia materna, percepción de buen apoyo por parte del padre, vivencia positiva de la pareja. Conclusiones: El apoyo emocional proporcionado por la matrona durante todo el proceso es imprescindible, brindan respeto, empoderamiento y facilitar el contacto piel con piel con su bebé. Estos aspectos son muy importantes tanto para la mujer como para su pareja. Además la implicación de la matrona en el puerperio facilita la transición tanto del rol de madre como de padre

    Characterization of a caleosin expressed during olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen ontogeny

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The olive tree is an oil-storing species, with pollen being the second most active site in storage lipid biosynthesis. Caleosins are proteins involved in storage lipid mobilization during seed germination. Despite the existence of different lipidic structures in the anther, there are no data regarding the presence of caleosins in this organ to date. The purpose of the present work was to characterize a caleosin expressed in the olive anther over different key stages of pollen ontogeny, as a first approach to unravel its biological function in reproduction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A 30 kDa caleosin was identified in the anther tissues by Western blot analysis. Using fluorescence and transmission electron microscopic immunolocalization methods, the protein was first localized in the tapetal cells at the free microspore stage. Caleosins were released to the anther locule and further deposited onto the sculptures of the pollen exine. As anthers developed, tapetal cells showed the presence of structures constituted by caleosin-containing lipid droplets closely packed and enclosed by ER-derived cisternae and vesicles. After tapetal cells lost their integrity, the caleosin-containing remnants of the tapetum filled the cavities of the mature pollen exine, forming the pollen coat. In developing microspores, this caleosin was initially detected on the exine sculptures. During pollen maturation, caleosin levels progressively increased in the vegetative cell, concurrently with the number of oil bodies. The olive pollen caleosin was able to bind calcium <it>in vitro</it>. Moreover, PEGylation experiments supported the structural conformation model suggested for caleosins from seed oil bodies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the olive anther, a caleosin is expressed in both the tapetal and germ line cells, with its synthesis independently regulated. The pollen oil body-associated caleosin is synthesized by the vegetative cell, whereas the protein located on the pollen exine and its coating has a sporophytic origin. The biological significance of the caleosin in the reproductive process in species possessing lipid-storing pollen might depend on its subcellular emplacement. The pollen inner caleosin may be involved in OB biogenesis during pollen maturation. The protein located on the outside might rather play a function in pollen-stigma interaction during pollen hydration and germination.</p

    Selection of an Appropriate Pre-Injection Pattern in a Marine Diesel Engine Through a Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Approach

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    [Abstract] In the present work, a numerical model was developed to analyze a commercial diesel engine. The adequacy of this model was validated using experimental results. This model was employed to study several pre-injection strategies. Particularly, the pre-injection rate, duration and starting instant were analyzed in the ranges 5% to 25%, 1◦ to 5◦ and −22◦ to −18◦, respectively. The effect on consumption and emissions of NOx, CO, and HC wereas evaluated. Since some of these configurations have opposite effects on consumption and/or emissions, it is necessary to develop a formal tool to characterize the most appropriate injection pattern. To this end, a multiple-criteria decision making approach was employed. It was found that the injection duration must remain as low as possible due to significant reductions in NOx. The most appropriate injection pattern resulted 1◦ pre-injection duration, 20% pre-injection rate, and −19◦ pre-injection starting instant. This configuration leads to increments of 6.7% in consumption, 3.47% in CO, and 3.83% in HC but reduces NOx by 34.67% in comparison with the case without pre-injection