1,966 research outputs found

    Factores psicopedagógicos que inciden en el desempeño docente carrera de Enfermería, UCAN-Estelí 2017

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    La presente investigación sobre “Influencia de los factores psicopedagógicos que inciden en el desempeño docente, de la carrera de Enfermería, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas UCAN-Estelí-2017, tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de los factores psicopedagógicos en el desempeño docente de la carrera de enfermería. Como muestra se consideraron a 11 profesionales del personal académico, dos directivos seleccionados por conveniencia y una muestra probabilística de 50 estudiantes de enfermería. Se estudiaron los factores pedagógicos y psicológicos y la evaluación al desempeño para la mejora de la práctica educativa. El diseño utilizado fue mixto de corte transversal, abarcando el periodo del II trimestre 2017 y un modelo pedagógico constructivista, se utilizaron las técnicas de encuesta con una escala Likert y entrevista para la recopilación de información. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo para la encuesta de docentes y estudiantes con el uso del SPSS versión 21 y un análisis de correlación de Spearman. La información cualitativa de la entrevista fue analizada con el método reductivo y se realizó la triangulación por fuentes en el análisis. La mayoría de los factores pedagógicos, influyen de manera positiva en el desempeño docente, el factor psicológico asociado a este desempeño es la motivación, que incide en la selección de las estrategias metodológicas. La contribución de los procesos de evaluación al desempeño, se mide a través de la retención estudiantil y su alta demanda, considerándose la sede como un referente de la UCAN

    A new manual wheelchair propulsion system with self-locking capability on ramps

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    A wheelchair user faces many difficulties in their everyday attempts to use ramps, especially those of some length. The present work describes the design and build of a propulsion system for manual wheelchairs for use in ascending or descending long ramps. The design is characterized by a self-locking mechanism that activates automatically to brake the chair when the user stops pushing. The system consists of a planetary transmission with a self-locking capacity coupled to a push rim with which the user moves the system. Different transmission ratios are proposed, adapted to the slope and to the user’s physical capacity (measured as the power the user can apply over ample time periods). The design is shown to be viable in terms of resistance, and approximate dimensions are established for the height and width of the propulsion system. Also, a prototype was built in order to test the self-locking system on ramps

    An overview of ecopreneurship, eco-innovation, and the ecological sector

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    Given the current trend toward a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly economy, the overlap between entrepreneurship and sustainability has become a key research area. Part of this trend is the emergence of ecopreneurial businesses. These businesses are pioneers in using innovation to achieve sustainable growth by exploiting market opportunities. This article presents an overview of the concepts of ecopreneurship, eco-innovation, and the ecological sector. A rigorous review of the literature in this area is presented. The results of this review show the key values and principles that are central to this new stream of research and shed light on opportunities for further research. The primary conclusion is that there is a need for collective collaboration between ecopreneurs, consumers, and producers to achieve long-term sustainability

    Homeless women in Plans, Programs and Strategies. Analysis at state, regional and local level

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    El presente trabajo de investigación aborda la cuestión del sinhogarismo desde la perspectiva del género y la exclusión social, apoyándose en un procedimiento cualitativo de análisis de fuentes secundarias. El objetivo se concreta en analizar, desde la perspectiva de género, los recursos promovidos por las Administraciones Públicas dirigidos al colectivo de personas sin hogar, para comprobar si tienen en cuenta las necesidades específicas de las mujeres. En la primera parte del documento, se presenta el estado de la cuestión de los tres conceptos principales que vertebran la investigación: la exclusión social, el sinhogarismo y la cuestión del género. En ella se presentan los principales enfoques y abordajes teóricos que se han hecho de dichos conceptos. En la segunda parte, se presenta una fundamentación teórica basada en las dimensiones del fenómeno del sinhogarismo en España, relacionándolo con los procesos de exclusión de las personas sin hogar, la perspectiva de género y cuestiones relacionadas con el acceso de las personas sin hogar a los recursos de atención social. Por último, se presenta un análisis de los principales Planes, Programas y Estrategias dirigidos a dicho colectivo existentes en España, Andalucía y Almería. Gracias a este proceso de análisis se puede afirmar que los recursos existentes no plantean entre sus actuaciones medidas dirigidas a atender las necesidades concretas de las mujeres sin hogar. Abstract: This research study addresses the issue of homelessness from the perspective of gender and social exclusion, relying on a qualitative procedure for analysis of secondary sources. The objective is specified in analyzing, from a gender perspective, the resources promoted by Public Administrations aimed at the group of homeless people, to check if they take into account the specific needs of women. The first part of the document presents the state of the art of the three main concepts that underpin the research: social exclusion, homelessness and the gender issue. It presents the main approaches and theoretical insights that have been made of these concepts. In the second part, a theoretical foundation based on the dimensions of the phenomenon of homelessness in Spain is presented, relating it to exclusion processes of homeless people, the gender perspective and issues realted to the access of homeless people to social care resources. Finally, an analysis is presented of the main Plan, Programs and Strategies aimed at said group existing in Spain, Andalusia and Almería. Thanks to this analysis process, it can be affirm that the existing resources do not include measures aimed at meeting the specific needs of homeless women

    Ética desde la práctica: pautas y claves en la actuación de un periodista durante la cobertura de un suceso

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    No parece sencillo acabar con la percepción negativa que la sociedad y parte de la propia profesión periodística mantienen ante el trabajo de los informadores en la cobertura de los sucesos (crímenes, catástrofes naturales, accidentes…), campo en el que el efecto pernicioso de sus actuaciones se multiplica por la presencia constante del dolor, la tragedia y la indefensión de víctimas y familiares. No obstante, se pueden buscar caminos que mitiguen y que reduzcan su impacto. La alternativa a la información sin escrúpulos o a la narración sensacionalista pasa por una formación específica y una aplicación práctica de los grandes principios éticos.It does not seem to be simple to finish with the negative perception that the society and part of the own journalistic profession support about the work of the journalists in the coverage of crime reports (crimes, natural catastrophes, accidents …), subject in that the pernicious effect of his actions multiplies for the constant presence of the pain, the tragedy and the defenselessness of victims and relatives. Nevertheless, there can be looked ways that mitigate and that reduce his impact. The alternative to the information without scruples or to the sensationalist story requires a specific formation and a practical application of the big ethical principles

    Highly Reliable Quadruple-Node Upset-Tolerant D-Latch

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER under Grant PID2020-117344RB-I00, and in part by the Regional Government under Grant P20_00265 and Grant P20_00633.As CMOS technology scaling pushes towards the reduction of the length of transistors, electronic circuits face numerous reliability issues, and in particular nodes of D-latches at nano-scale confront multiple-node upset errors due to their operation in harsh radiative environments. In this manuscript, a new high reliable D-latch which can tolerate quadruple-node upsets is presented. The design is based on a low-cost single event double-upset tolerant (LSEDUT) cell and a clock-gating triple-level soft-error interceptive module (CG-SIM). Due to its LSEDUT base, it can tolerate two upsets, but the combination of two LSEDUTs and the triple-level CG-SIM provides the proposed D-latch with remarkable quadruple-node upsets (QNU) tolerance. Applying LSEDUTs for designing a QNU-tolerant D-latch improves considerably its features; in particular, this approach enhances its reliability against process variations, such as threshold voltage and (W/L) transistor variability, compared to previous QNU-tolerant D-latches and double-node-upset tolerant latches. Furthermore, the proposed D-latch not only tolerates QNUs, but it also features a clear advantage in comparison with the previous clock gating-based quadruple-node-upset-tolerant (QNUTL-CG) D-latch: it can mask single event transients. Speci c gures of merit endorse the gains introduced by the new design: compared with the QNUTL-CG D-latch, the improvements of the maximum standard deviations of the gate delay, induced by threshold voltage and (W/L) transistors variability of the proposed D-latch, are 13.8% and 5.7%, respectively. Also, the proposed D-latch has 23% lesser maximum standard deviation in power consumption, resulting from threshold voltage variability, when compared to the QNUTL-CG D-latch.Spanish MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER under Grant PID2020-117344RB-I00Regional Government under Grant P20_00265 and Grant P20_0063

    Collection and integration of local knowledge and experience through a collective spatial analysis

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    This article discusses the convenience of adopting an approach of Collective Spatial Analysis in the P/PGIS processes, with the aim of improving the collection and integration of knowledge and local expertise in decision-making, mainly in the fields of planning and adopting territorial policies. Based on empirical evidence, as a result of the review of scientific articles from the Web of Science database, in which it is displayed how the knowledge and experience of people involved in decision-making supported by P/PGIS are collected and used, a prototype of a WEB-GSDSS application has been developed. This prototype allows a group of people to participate anonymously, in an asynchronous and distributed way, in a decision-making process to locate goods, services, or events through the convergence of their views. Via this application, two case studies for planning services in districts of Ecuador and Italy were carried out. Early results suggest that in P/PGIS local and external actors contribute their knowledge and experience to generate information that afterwards is integrated and analysed in the decision-making process. On the other hand, in a Collective Spatial Analysis, these actors analyse and generate information in conjunction with their knowledge and experience during the process of decision-making. We conclude that, although the Collective Spatial Analysis approach presented is in a subjective and initial stage, it does drive improvements in the collection and integration of knowledge and local experience, foremost among them is an interdisciplinary geo-consensusPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La pobreza de las fuentes en la cobertura de sucesos de impacto por los diarios de referencia en España

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    Uno de los indicadores fundamentales para la medición de la calidad de un diario se halla en las fuentes informativas que utiliza, tanto en el aspecto cuantitativo como en el cualitativo. El presente artículo analiza ambos parámetros en la cobertura de los sucesos de impacto (hechos trágicos que generan conmoción social) de los principales diarios de referencia en España (El País, El Mundo, Abc, La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya, El Correo y Diario 16) entre 1977 y 2000. Para ello, se ha establecido una comparación entre las cabeceras y se han observado su posible evolución y las tendencias más relevantes.One of the key indicators for measuring the quality of a journal is in the information sources used, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This article analyzes both parameters in the coverage of accident and crime reports of the leading reference newspapers in Spain (El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya, El Correo and Diario 16) between 1977 and 2000. To do so, this article includes a comparison among the various papers and the research of the evolution and possible trends