65 research outputs found

    Libertad y necesidad en el marco de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible

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    La Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible se quiere defender como un ámbito general de educación, siendo uno de los ejes centrales para desarrollar unas relaciones con los otros que permitan construir un nuevo orden social. Para ello, se parte de los conceptos de libertad y necesidad. A continuación, se quiere establecer la conexión sobre cómo autores clásicos de la Teoría de la Educación analizaron estos dos conceptos, y establecer su vínculo en la sociedad del siglo XXI. Asimismo, se realiza una primera aproximación sobre cómo se presenta la Educación para el desarrollo sostenible en el curriculum oficial educativo

    Women in migratory movements in the northern border of México-USA.

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    [ES] El presente artículo centra su atención en la feminización del fenómeno migratorio en México, presentando datos obtenidos de la investigación “Mujeres migrantes indocumentadas: Historias de transgresión, resistencia, sumisión y reacomodo como estrategias de viaje. Una perspectiva socioeducativa” realizado por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) en colaboración con el Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Colef) de México. Las cuestiones que nos motivaron a la realización de esta investigación fueron ¿qué variables influyen en el aumento de los movimientos migratorios en México?, ¿qué rutas utilizan las mujeres migrantes en México y cómo se configuran dichas rutas?, ¿en qué redes migratorias se apoyan para sus desplazamientos? Por otro lado, analizamos el perfil de las mujeres migrantes en el contexto mexicano, sus motivaciones para iniciar el proyecto migratorio, las dificultades que encuentra en el camino, la vulnerabilidad y los riesgos que presentan, así como el papel que tienen en el sustento de su familia. En este sentido, se realizaron entrevistas a 26 mujeres migrantes en tres ciudades del Estado de Tamaulipas -norte de México- y entrevistas a profesionales que trabajan con este colectivo. De los resultados obtenidos exponemos cómo las mujeres están sujetas a una serie de riesgos por ser mujer, con bajo nivel educativo, pocos recursos económicos y con escasas redes sociales, siendo muy vulnerable ante las redes de tráfico humano, sobre todo las mujeres centroamericanas que cruzan México hasta EEUU. Hemos incluido también las rutas utilizadas porque consideramos que es importante seguir visibilizando a las mujeres en los procesos migratorios en un contexto donde la agresividad y la discriminación hacia las mujeres se encuentra arraigada en todos los actores que intervienen en dicho proceso; a su vez, la socialización en la violencia es una realidad en el contexto mexicano, siendo las mujeres y niños/as, los elementos más vulnerables de esta situación. [EN] This present paper focus on female action on migratory phenomenon in Mexico collecting data from the research work “Undocumented emigrant Women: Stories of transgression, resistance, submission and adaptation as travel strategies. A social educative prospective.” Carried out by Pablo de Olavide University with the co-operation of Northern Border College of Mexico. We wondered about which conditions influence in the increase of migratory movements in Mexico, which routes do women use and how they plan them. Also about which migratory webs they use to move around. On the other hand we analyze the profile of these migrant women in the Mexican context, motivations to leave, the difficulties they find, the possible risks as well as the importance on the family income. 26 migrant women were interviewed in Tamaulipas-north of Mexico and also professional people working with them. From the results obtained we stand out how their condition of being women with a low educational level, scarce economics resources and with no social support make them vulnerable in front of the human traffic nets mainly Centro American women going to the U.S.A. We have also included the most used routes as we consider it is important to go on seeing women in the migratory process where they are the weakest part in this process

    La percepción del fenómeno de la inmigración por la juventud española. Un estudio comparado entre Andalucía y Madrid

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    We analyze in this paper young peoples perception and attitudes towards immigration by comparing two research works done in different national contexts. Few people accept they are racist even when indirectly asked and deep refusal attitudes are not noted either although some differences according to the group being considered are observed. Even so we want to make it clear how stereotypes and prejudices concerning immigration phenomena are built by checking that a partial and not global consideration of the immigration phenomena done by this research work together with references to this subject by the media, finding out in some of them a dangerous connection among alien status, justice and civic insecurity, and an association between immigration and prostitution.. Thus racist prejudice consists on associating, the growth of immigration with delinquency. Hence the importance of a serious and objective approach to migration phenomena if we want to build up a plural and healthy society. Resumen: En este artículo analizamos la percepción y actitudes de la juventud frente al fenómeno migratorio, comparando dos estudios realizados en contextos nacionales diferentes. En ellos, pocas personas se declaran racistas. Ni siquiera cuando las preguntas son indirectas, se aprecian actitudes significativas de rechazo aunque si se observan diferencias según el origen del grupo analizado. Nos hemos planteado cómo se construyen los estereotipos y prejuicios con respecto a los colectivos de emigrantes, comprobando que el tratamiento parcial y no global del fenómeno migratorio por parte de la investigación junto a las referencias al mismo por parte de los medios de comunicación, contribuyen a establecer una peligrosa vinculación entre extranjería, justicia y seguridad ciudadana que unida a la asociación entre inmigración y prostitución, contribuyen a crear un caldo de cultivo para prejuicios xenófobos. De ahí que un tratamiento objetivo y serio del fenómeno migratorio contribuya a construir una sociedad rica y plural.Abstract: We analyze in this paper young peoples perception and attitudes towards immigration by comparing two research works done in different national contexts. Few people accept they are racist even when indirectly asked and deep refusal attitudes are not noted either although some differences according to the group being considered are observed. Even so we want to make it clear how stereotypes and prejudices concerning immigration phenomena are built by checking that a partial and not global consideration of the immigration phenomena done by this research work together with references to this subject by the media, finding out in some of them a dangerous connection among alien status, justice and civic insecurity, and an association between immigration and prostitution.. Thus racist prejudice consists on associating, the growth of immigration with delinquency. Hence the importance of a serious and objective approach to migration phenomena if we want to build up a plural and healthy society

    Rendimiento en la PAU y elección de estudios Científico-Tecnológicos en razón de género

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    ABSTRACTBoys and girls’ behaviours when they have to choose university studies have been investigated for decades. In these researching works it has been found that, despite the efforts made, those decisions are still conditioned by gender. Taking this into account, this paper analyzes the results and decisions made by the students of Biomedical, Science and Technological Senior Secondary Education who have attended the entrance exam (PAU) at the University of Oviedo in a period of five years (2006-2010). The University has supplied us all data and they have been processed with SPSS 19 in order to obtain different parameters disaggregated by gender, score on the issues, career choice, and so on. The paper also shows the dimensions of the sample disaggregated by gender, scientific-technological and bio-health subjects and career choice. We are also interested in the results achieved in the entrance examination in relation to gender, the subjects which have been evaluated and the academic choice. More specifically, we explore the factors that predict the already mentioned choice. Our outcomes are discussed comparing them with conclusions of other studies. The data verify certain lines of evolution but, on the other hand, some of them contradict long-established trends in other countries: resistance to choose technological studies is still observed in girls, whereas a set of changes are taking place (more women are present in traditionally male studies and there is a decline or even disappearance of differences between boys and girls’ academic performance).RESUMENDurante las últimas décadas se han estudiado los diferentes comportamientos que siguen chicos y chicas en la elección de estudios universitarios. En esas investigaciones se ha constatado que, pese a los esfuerzos realizados, esas decisiones siguen estando marcadas por el género. El texto analiza los resultados y decisiones que toman los y las estudiantes de Bachillerato Científico-Tecnológico y Biosanitario que realizan la PAU (prueba de acceso) en la Universidad de Oviedo durante un lustro (2006-2010). Este análisis se realiza a partir de los datos suministrados por la Universidad, siendo tratados mediante el programa informático SPSS 19.0, con el que se obtienen distintos parámetros estadísticos desagregados por género, puntuación en las materias, elección de carrera, etc. Se da cuenta de las dimensiones de la población desagregada por género, asignaturas de la modalidad científico-tecnológica y bio-sanitaria, y rama y carrera académica elegida. Se analiza el rendimiento en la prueba de acceso en relación con el género, asignaturas evaluadas y elección de carrera universitaria. Los resultados confirman ciertas esquematizaciones en razón de género, como la pervivencia de la resistencia a cursar estudios tecnológicos por parte de las chicas, pero también se formulan observaciones que contradicen tendencias muy asentadas en otros países y que permiten sustentar algunas conclusiones que evidencian la mayor presencia femenina en carreras tradicionalmente masculinas y la disminución e, incluso, desaparición de diferencias de rendimiento entre chicos y chicas.ABSTRACTBoys and girls’ behaviours when they have to choose university studies have been investigated for decades. In these researching works it has been found that, despite the efforts made, those decisions are still conditioned by gender. Taking this into account, this paper analyzes the results and decisions made by the students of Biomedical, Science and Technological Senior Secondary Education who have attended the entrance exam (PAU) at the University of Oviedo in a period of five years (2006-2010). The University has supplied us all data and they have been processed with SPSS 19 in order to obtain different parameters disaggregated by gender, score on the issues, career choice, and so on. The paper also shows the dimensions of the sample disaggregated by gender, scientific-technological and bio-health subjects and career choice. We are also interested in the results achieved in the entrance examination in relation to gender, the subjects which have been evaluated and the academic choice. More specifically, we explore the factors that predict the already mentioned choice. Our outcomes are discussed comparing them with conclusions of other studies. The data verify certain lines of evolution but, on the other hand, some of them contradict long-established trends in other countries: resistance to choose technological studies is still observed in girls, whereas a set of changes are taking place (more women are present in traditionally male studies and there is a decline or even disappearance of differences between boys and girls’ academic performance).

    Validating a model of effective teaching behaviour and student engagement:perspectives from Spanish students

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    Research consistently shows that teaching behaviour is a highly-important indicator of learning environments. Based on a teacher effectiveness model with six observable teaching behaviour domains (safe learning climate, efficient classroom management, clarity of instruction, activating teaching, teaching–learning strategies, and differentiation), the present paper examines the psychometric quality of the My Teacher questionnaire for capturing student perceptions of teaching behaviour in the Spanish secondary-education context. Additionally, this study validated the model of teaching behaviour and student engagement and its relevance in Spain. 7114 students of 410 teachers attending 56 public and private Spanish schools constituted the sample. The six teaching behavioural dimensions model were confirmed in the Spanish context. Regarding student academic engagement, the presence of two domains (behavioural and emotional engagement) were confirmed. Furthermore, results of a multiple-group structural equation modeling path analysis, examining the relationship between teaching behaviour and student engagement across different teaching experiences, revealed differential effects of teaching behaviour influences on students’ engagement. The percentage of explained variance was larger for emotional engagement than for behavioural engagement. Furthermore, teachers’ teaching experience explained differences in the relationship between perceived teaching behaviour and engagement. Two domains (learning climate and activating teaching) appeared to be the two most-important teaching domains for students’ behavioural engagement while, for emotional engagement, the most important domains for student engagement were learning climate and teaching learning strategies

    El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos

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    El documento recoge la memoria del Proyecto de Innovación "El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos" (PI nº 151). El método del caso es una de las técnicas que favorece el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Este tipo de aprendizaje anima al alumno a hacer preguntas en el aula y formular sus propias respuestas, así como a deducir principios de ejemplos prácticos o experiencias

    Antimicrobial Defined Daily Dose in Neonatal Population: Validation in the Clinical Practice

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    Paediatric Antimicrobial Defined Daily Dose Study Group KiDDDs.Currently, there is no validated method for estimating antimicrobial consumption in the neonatal population, as it exists for adults using Defined Daily Doses (DDD). In neonatology, although there are different methods, each one with advantages and disadvantages, there is no unified criterion for use. The aim of this study is to validate the neonatal DDD designed as a new standardised form of antimicrobial consumption over this population.M.M.-T. received financial support from the Subprograma Río Hortega, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (CM21/00115). The project has been carried out without financial funding but is supported by the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), the Working Group on Pharmaceutical Care in Infectious Diseases of the SEFH (Afinf) and Spanish working group on paediatric pharmacy of the SEFH (gefp).Peer reviewe

    Slavery and the african cultural legacy in the Caribbean

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    Con autorización de la editorial para este libro.[EN] The purpose of this book is to raise awareness among a wide audience of one of the most significant and shameful phenomena for humanity, as was the enslavement of over twelve and a half million Africans who were brought to America and forced to work and live as slaves. Many countries participated in the slave trade at different times and withvaried intensity (Great Britain, Portugal, France, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, United States...).[ES] El propósito de esta obra es dar a conocer a un público amplio uno de los fenómenos de mayor trascendencia y vergüenza para la humanidad como fue la esclavización de más de doce millones y medio de africanos que fueron trasladados a América, obligados a trabajar y vivir como esclavos. Muchos países participaron en la trata de esclavos en distintos momentos y con diferente intensidad (Gran Bretaña, Portugal, Francia, España, Dinamarca, Países Bajos, Alemania, Estados Unidos…).Connected Worlds: The Caribbean, Origin of Modern World. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement Nº 823846. This project is directed by professor Consuelo Naranjo Orovio, Institute of History-CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Plan gallego de hospitalización a domicilio. Estrategia HADO 2019-2023

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    Documento estratéxico que pretende potenciar e consolidar a hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial do Servizo Galego de Saúde e garantir o seu desenvolvemento nos próximos seis anos, establecendo criterios homoxéneos de atención coa finalidade de normalizar os modelos asistenciais, carteira de servizos e fluxos de traballo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calidadeDocumento estratégico que pretende potenciar y consolidar la hospitalización a domicilio como un modelo asistencial del Servicio Gallego de Salud y garantizar su desarrollo en los próximos seis años, estableciendo criterios homogéneos de atención con la finalidad de normalizar los modelos asistenciales, cartera de servicios y flujos de trabajo para asegurar una asistencia sanitaria de calida