28 research outputs found

    The royal laws and the Spanish universities in the XVIII century

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    During the Early Modern Age the study of Roman and canon law was undoubtedly an important fact in the Spanish universities. However, the instruction in the Castilian laws – like the Siete Partidas or the Nueva Recopilación – was a gap in the academic curriculum in law faculties. Several scholars learned the legal procedure and the “national” laws on their own – reading legal handbooks, practice treatises or dictionaries. In the eighteenth century the establishment of Chairs in royal laws was taught in some important centers for legal studies like Valladolid, Salamanca and Alcalá. In 1771 Ignacio Jordán de Asso and Miguel de Manuel Rodríguez published the first edition of their work Instituciones del Derecho civil de Castilla, a well-known handbook that also contained the Aragonese civil law. The reforms in the curriculum had a royalist purpose at the expense of Roman law and the papal power. At the same time, the renewal was necessary because the contents of the courses in universities were not suitable for the practice of justice before the various courts. Although some regulatory provisions tried to effect the transformation of legal studies since 1713, the establishment of native law teaching occurred under the reign of Charles III, a considerable delay. The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the transformations of legal education in Spain during the second half of that [email protected] de La Lagun

    Crime and morality in the Coloquio de los perros

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    En virtud del pensamiento jurídico de la Edad Moderna los conceptos de delito y pecado estaban interrelacionados. Asimismo, las Novelas ejemplares, entre otras obras literarias, reflejan la ideología imperante y concerniente a la necesaria salvaguarda del orden público y religioso. A la luz del derecho criminal castellano, el principal propósito de este ensayo es el análisis de los comportamientos heterodoxos y de los delitos perpetrados por los personajes del Coloquio de los perros. Algunas prácticas ilícitas contempladas son el robo, el amancebamiento y la brujería.In the Early Modern legal thought the concepts of crime and sin were interconnected. Furthermore Exemplary Novels, amongst other literary works, reflect the prevailing ideology concerning to necessary maintenance of public and religious order. In the light of the Castilian criminal law, the main purpose of this essay is the analysis of the heterodox behaviors and the offences perpetrated by the characters in The dialogue of the dogs. Some narrated crimes are theft, concubinage and sorcery

    María Dolores Álamo Martell, El regente de la Real Audiencia de Canarias (siglos XVI-XVIII)

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    La monografía que hoy es objeto de nuestra reseña está vertebrada en torno al profundo estudio de la regencia de la Real Audiencia de las islas Canarias (España) durante el Antiguo Régimen. Su autora, la doctora María Dolores Álamo, es profesora titular de Historia del Derecho y de las Instituciones en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). Sus principales líneas de investigación son la Historia Jurídica Militar y la Administración de Justic..

    Las controversias sobre las competencias de la jurisdicción eclesiástica ante las órdenes militares en la Monarquía de España: algunas “allegationes”

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    The characteristics of Spanish military orders were debate topics for the jurists and theologians in the early Modern Age. The most important issue was the consideration of knights as ecclesiastical or lay individuals. The main purpose of this paper is the analysis of the "allegationes" belonging to the Palafoxiana library (Puebla), in regard to the judicial competences over the members of military orders. In this sense, two important examples are the "allegationes" prepared by Ambrosio Machín in Sardinia and by Juan de Morales Barnuevo in Castile in the first half of seventeenth century. These printed texts are interesting sources for the study of the circulation of the juridical debates between the Catholic Europe and New Spain. Its contents concerned the competences of ecclesiastical and secular jurisdictions and the conflicts between courts or authorities because of crimes perpetrated by military knights and novices. The doctrinal discussions about the juridical “status” of those individuals were transcendental during the Old Regime, due to the social projection of the taking of military vows in the territories subjected to the Spanish Crown. Furthermore, the mentioned texts spread in New Spain the canon and royal rules about the judicial competences in civil and criminal trials, also as the opinions of famous authors, such as Castillo de Bobadilla, García Mastrillo, and Farinacci.The characteristics of Spanish military orders were debate topics for the jurists and theologians in the early Modern Age. The most important issue was the consideration of knights as ecclesiastical or lay individuals. The main purpose of this paper is the analysis of the "allegationes" belonging to the Palafoxiana library (Puebla), in regard to the judicial competences over the members of military orders. In this sense, two important examples are the "allegationes" prepared by Ambrosio Machín in Sardinia and by Juan de Morales Barnuevo in Castile in the first half of seventeenth century. These printed texts are interesting sources for the study of the circulation of the juridical debates between the Catholic Europe and New Spain. Its contents concerned the competences of ecclesiastical and secular jurisdictions and the conflicts between courts or authorities because of crimes perpetrated by military knights and novices. The doctrinal discussions about the juridical “status” of those individuals were transcendental during the Old Regime, due to the social projection of the taking of military vows in the territories subjected to the Spanish Crown. Furthermore, the mentioned texts spread in New Spain the canon and royal rules about the judicial competences in civil and criminal trials, also as the opinions of famous authors, such as Castillo de Bobadilla, García Mastrillo, and Farinacci.Las características de las órdenes militares españolas fueron objeto de debate por parte de los juristas y teólogos en la Edad Moderna. La cuestión más importante era la consideración de sus caballeros como individuos eclesiásticos o legos. El propósito principal de este trabajo es el análisis de las “allegationes” pertenecientes a la Biblioteca Palafoxiana (Puebla), en lo que concierne a las competencias judiciales sobre los miembros de las órdenes militares. En este sentido, dos ejemplos ilustrativos son los alegatos preparados en la primera mitad del siglo XVII por Ambrosio Machín en Cerdeña y por Juan de Morales Barnuevo en Castilla. Estos textos impresos son interesantes fuentes para el estudio de la circulación de los debates jurídicos entre la Europa católica y Nueva España. Su contenido concierne a las competencias de las jurisdicciones eclesiástica y secular, así como a los conflictos entre los tribunales o autoridades, motivados por los delitos perpetrados por caballeros y novicios militares. Las discusiones doctrinales sobre el estatus jurídico de aquellas personas adquirieron trascendencia durante el Antiguo Régimen, debido a la proyección social que tenían los votos en las órdenes de los territorios de la monarquía católica. Asimismo, los impresos citados contribuían a la difusión en Nueva España de los postulados canónicos y reales sobre las competencias judiciales en las causas civiles y criminales, y de las opiniones de famosos autores, tales como Castillo de Bobadilla, García Mastrillo y Farinacci

    La Teología y el Derecho contractual en la edad moderna

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    A review of:Wim Decock, Theologians and Contract Law. The moraln transformation of the ius commune (ca. 1500-1650), Martinus-Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden-Boston, 2013.En reseña de:Wim Decock, Theologians and Contract Law. The moraln transformation of the ius commune (ca. 1500-1650), Martinus-Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden-Boston, 2013

    Juridical and moral considerations about women in colonial philippines: the “consultas” by Juan De Paz

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    In this article, the author analyses the activity of colonial institutions in the Philippines during the Spanish period with references to its ethnic particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y resoluciones varias, teológicas, jurídicas, regulares y morales” (1687) was an illustrative example of work about the judicial and extrajudicial resolution of conflicts in the Philippines under the Habsburgs.In its pages reflects the academic and colonial career of its author, named Juan de Paz. The casuistry and the projection of Thomist thought are two important characteristics of his juridical dissertation. The purpose of this paper is the study of the “Consultas” in regard to his legal, doctrinal and social considerations about women.En el presente artículo, la autora analiza la actividad de las instituciones coloniales en Filipinas durante el período español, con referencias a sus particularidades étnicas. En este sentido, las “Consultas y resoluciones varias, teológicas, jurídicas, regulares y morales” (1687) fue un ilustrativo ejemplo de obra sobre la resolución judicial y extrajudicial de conflictos en Filipinas bajo los Habsburgo.En sus páginas refleja la trayectoria académica y colonial de su autor, Juan de Paz. El casuismo y la proyección del pensamiento tomista son dos importantes características de su disertación jurídica.El propósito de este artículo es el estudio de sus consideraciones legales, doctrinales y sociales sobre las mujeres

    The treasure trove Under Spanish jurisprudence

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    Nuestro artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la jurisprudencia española que desde los albores del siglo XX se ha pronunciado sobre la figura del tesoro, desde su propia definición hasta las condiciones que posibilitaban considerar como indebida la apropiación del valioso objeto oculto.In this research we analyse the Spanish jurisprudence that pronounces judgments about the treasure-trove since the 1900s

    Óscar Domínguez, el genio surrealista

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    José Martí y la Restauración borbónica española

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    José Martí (1853-1895) analizó el sistema canovista y publicó sus impresiones al respecto en la prensa americana. En este trabajo se estudia su análisis, poniendo especial atención en el turno pacífico del Partido Liberal y del Partido Conservador.José Martí (1853-1895) analysed the Canovite System and published his opinions in the American Daily Press. In this work we study his analysis, paying special attention to the rotation office of the Liberal and the Conservative part

    The treasure trove under Spanish law

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    El principal objetivo de este artículo es mostrar el análisis doctrinal que del tesoro han realizado los principales civilistas europeos, además de su evolución histórica desde el Derecho Romano hasta nuestro actual Código Civil.In this research we study the historical background of the articles included in the Spanish Civil Code that establish the rules about treasure. We analyse too the issues about treasure that have been addressed by European authors since ancient Rome