23 research outputs found

    La importancia de los ácidos grasos en la leche materna y en las fórmulas lácteas

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    The best choice for feeding the newborn child is breast milk, and when it is not possible to breastfeed a baby, the breast milk is replaced by lacteal formula, which is why numerous studies focus their attention on the analysis of the diverse components of baby formula as well as functions in the breastfed baby. Fatty acids are components of great nutritional importance in the fetus and in the newborn child. Nowadays it is estimated that the fetus, during the last trimester of the gestational period and the newborn child, during the first six months of life, need a great contribution of araquidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, due to the fact that the speed of transformation of the predecessors to the hepatic level are not sufficient to cover the metabolic requirements of these fatty acids and it is the mother who contributes them through placental transport during gestation and her milk during lactation. The Organization of Food and Agriculture (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that lacteal formula imitate the composition of the breast milk, especially in the fatty polyunsaturated acids (PUFA).<br><br>El alimento natural por excelencia para el recién nacido es la leche materna, cuando no es posible darla se sustituye por fórmulas lácteas, por lo que numerosos estudios enfocan su interés en el análisis de los diversos componentes de éstas, y sus funciones en el lactante. Los ácidos grasos son componentes de gran importancia nutricional tanto en el feto como en el recién nacido. Actualmente se estima que el feto, durante el último tercio del periodo gestacional y el recién nacido, durante los primeros seis meses de vida, requieren un gran aporte de ácidos araquidónico y docosahexaenoico, debido a que la velocidad de transformación de los precursores a nivel hepático no son suficientes para cubrir los requerimientos metabólicos de éstos ácidos grasos y es la madre quien los aporta a través del transporte placentario durante la gestación y a través de la leche durante la lactancia. La Organización para Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO), la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la Sociedad Europea de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica (ESPGHAN), así como la Academia Americana de Pediatría recomiendan que las fórmulas lácteas deben ser inocuas y similares a la composición de la leche humana y muy especialmente en los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA)

    Phylogeographic and phenotypic outcomes of brown anole colonization across the Caribbean provide insight into the beginning stages of an adaptive radiation

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    Some of the most important insights into the ecological and evolutionary processes of diversification and speciation have come from studies of island adaptive radiations, yet relatively little research has examined how these radiations initiate. We suggest that Anolis sagrei is a candidate for understanding the origins of the Caribbean Anolis adaptive radiation and how a colonizing anole species begins to undergo allopatric diversification, phenotypic divergence and, potentially, speciation. We undertook a genomic and morphological analysis of representative populations across the entire native range of A. sagrei, finding that the species originated in the early Pliocene, with the deepest divergence occurring between western and eastern Cuba. Lineages from these two regions subsequently colonized the northern Caribbean. We find that at the broadest scale, populations colonizing areas with fewer closely related competitors tend to evolve larger body size and more lamellae on their toepads. This trend follows expectations for post-colonization divergence from progenitors and convergence in allopatry, whereby populations freed from competition with close relatives evolve towards common morphological and ecological optima. Taken together, our results show a complex history of ancient and recent Cuban diaspora with populations on competitor-poor islands evolving away from their ancestral Cuban populations regardless of their phylogenetic relationships, thus providing insight into the original diversification of colonist anoles at the beginning of the radiation. Our research also supplies an evolutionary framework for the many studies of this increasingly important species in ecological and evolutionary research

    Cripaviridae) antibodies in Chagas disease patients

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    PMID: 25595198 WOS:000351038800001BACKGROUND: Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, and humans acquire the parasite by exposure to contaminated feces from hematophagous insect vectors known as triatomines. Triatoma virus (TrV) is the sole viral pathogen of triatomines, and is transmitted among insects through the fecal-oral route and, as it happens with T. cruzi, the infected insects release the virus when defecating during or after blood uptake. METHODS: In this work, we analysed the occurrence of anti-TrV antibodies in human sera from Chagas disease endemic and non-endemic countries, and developed a mathematical model to estimate the transmission probability of TrV from insects to man, which ranged between 0.00053 and 0.0015. RESULTS: Our results confirm that people with Chagas disease living in Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico have been exposed to TrV, and that TrV is unable to replicate in human hosts. CONCLUSIONS: We presented the first experimental evidence of antibodies against TrV structural proteins in human sera.publishersversionpublishe