279 research outputs found

    Empresas medianas y pequeñas en la República Dominicana

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    Reseña biográfica: Pablo Rodríguez Núñez (biografía): Economista dominicano y profesor del entonces Instituto de Estudios Superiores, hoy Universidad APEC.El presente artículo es una exposición general de la situación del desarrollo industrial en el país para el período 1968-1975. Aunque entonces había una ley, la núm. 299, sobre incentivo y protección industrial, que buscaba antes que nada el fomento de la actividad exportadora y la sustición de importaciones, los datos ofrecidos por el autor señalan que el esquema productivo de la industria dominicana era muy endeble. Esto así en virtud de que el conglomerado productivo nacional dependía mucho de las importaciones de materias primas y del soporte de los bajos salarios en buena parte de los sectores del ramo, pero más que nada era debido a que carecía de un sistema de integración horizontal que conectara entre sí sus diversas unidades productivas. A juicio del autor, otro factor que afectaba a todo el sector de la industria nacional radicaba en que el mismo operaba hasta cierto punto de espaldas a sus más amplias posibilidades, las cuales se concentraban sobre todo en las actividades agropecuarias, la minería y la foresta, motores que a su entender podían impulsar el surgimiento de una agroindustria y un sector de la metal-mecánica fuertes y pujantes. En esta coyuntura, no era de extrañar que las pequeñas y medianas empresas, con sus escasos capitales y su mínimo acceso al crédito, tuvieran un desenvolvimiento muy irregular en el período mencionado. En efecto, por solo poner un ejemplo, de 44 empresas medianas que existían en 1969, se pasó a solo 19 en en l974. Y si la inversión de las pequeñas empresas fue de RD131,453.00en1969,alcanzoˊsoˊloRD131,453.00 en 1969, alcanzó sólo RD11,844.00 en 1974

    Navigating the future and overcoming challenges to unlock open science

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    Open Science (OS) has been rapidly evolving in recent years, but there is still work to be done to return Science to researchers and citizens who pay for it. Technological advancements have enabled Open Science to transform the way scientific research is conducted, facilitating collaboration and innovation among researchers. As a result, OS is expected to play an increasingly important role in scientific research and innovation in the years to come, driving discoveries and advancements in various fields. However, OS also poses challenges, including the potential for bias and discrimination in research. This chapter explores the challenges that need to be addressed to fully implement OS globally, outlining the barriers that need to be overcome and describing the complexity of the changes that come with this new research approach. Additionally, the chapter discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence on addressing these challenges, while also creating new ones

    Perception of Advertisements for Healthy Food on Social Media: Effect of Attitude on Consumers' Response

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    The growing concern for health is currently a global trend, so promoting healthy products is an opportunity that companies can exploit to differentiate their products in highly competitive markets. The purpose of this research is to examine the antecedents of social media advertising value and their consequences for attitudes to healthy food and intentions to consume it, in a representative sample of Spanish consumers. The theory of Ducoffe's advertising value model was used as a conceptual framework for the antecedents of attitudes based on utilitarian and hedonic values. To achieve this objective, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out based on primary data from a survey of a representative sample of the Spanish population with 2023 valid questionnaires. The Partial Least Square (PLS) method was applied to test the hypothesized relationships and predictive variables. The result of this research allows us to determine which variables influence the consumer's response, as measured by intention, motivated by the consumer's attitude to the value of healthy food, as influenced by the advertising value on social networks. Furthermore, the findings show that, for advertising healthy food on social networks to be valuable, it must be credible and richly informative

    The role of consumer happiness in brand loyalty: a model of the satisfaction and brand image in fashion.

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    Purpose: The study of the antecedents to loyalty is of great interest to both academics and professionals in the context of fashion consumption. The purpose of this paper is to define a SEM model,in which brand image and its dimensions, as well as consumer satisfaction and consumer happiness asmediators, are explained as antecedents to loyalty. Design/methodology/approach: A transversal descriptive study based on primary data were,therefore, carried out using a survey with a sample of 2,515 consumers representing the Spanishpopulation. The Partial Least Square method was applied to test the hypotheses. Findings: The results of this research tell us which variables have a positive influence on consumer loyalty tofashion brands,where brand image, satisfaction and consumer happiness are the determining variables of loyalty. Research limitations/implications: This model has important implications and contributes both to theliterature and to the choice of differentiation and brand positioning strategies for marketing to a globaland highly competitive market. Originality/value: One of the novelties of this study is the fact that it considers the consumer happinessvariable as an antecedent to loyalty in the fashion consumer sector

    The impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty in hypermarkets: A new socially responsible strategy

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to knowledge on the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on retailers' performance (hypermarkets). An analysis using a comprehensive conceptualization of CSR reveals that CSR has positive implications for hypermarkets' performance and illustrates which CSR dimensions are the most important to focus on. For this purpose, this study enhances its empirical validity by collecting data from 667 respondents in Spain and testing the hypothesis applying partial least squares structural equation modeling. The study finds that CSR is positively influencing customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction, image, and quality also intervened in their relationships. In particular, a new finding of the study highlights the importance of the mediating role played by image and quality in enhancing the effect of CSR on satisfaction. The research findings provide useful insights into how hypermarkets should develop a CSR strategy that would enhance customer loyalty

    Obesity and Prostate Cancer – A Good or Bad Prognostic Factor? A Literature Review (2015-February 2020)

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    Agradecimientos Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de Innovación Docente coordinado entre la Facultad de Medicina y la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada (UGR), bajo el marco del Plan FIDO 2018-2020 de la UGR (código 563).Introducción El cáncer de próstata es uno de los más prevalentes entre los hombres; se espera para el año 2020 un aumento de 35 126 casos nuevos solamente en España. El objetivo de esta revisión fue estudiar la relación entre la obesidad y el pronóstico de esta enfermedad, que cada vez tiene un papel más relevante en nuestro sistema sanitario. Método Se ha realizado una búsqueda sistemática en varias bases de datos (MEDLINE, Web Of Science core collection y SCOPUS) desde 2015 hasta febrero de 2020 incluyendo solo estudios observacionales (estudios de cohortes y de casos y controles) sobre la mortalidad específica por cáncer de próstata y un marcador de obesidad (índice de masa corporal, IMC). Los datos que se han extraído han sido los Hazard Ratio. Resultados De la búsqueda realizada, se obtienen 8 estudios (7 cohortes prospectivas y 1 cohorte retrospectiva) para esta revisión y se analizan sus Hazard Ratio. Se obtiene una asociación positiva en 5 estudios para un IMC>27,5 kg/m2 y IMC<22,5kg/m2. De manera paradójica, 1 asocian una relación protectora para un IMC<25kg/m2. Conclusión La literatura revisada indica que la obesidad parece ser un factor de mal pronóstico en el cáncer de próstata. No existe la suficiente evidencia científica para validar esta afirmación al no encontrar estudios con resultados concluyentes. Por consiguiente, es necesaria la realización de más estudios con otros factores de obesidad más específicos para poder realizar un análisis más exhaustivo que valide esta asociación.Introduction: Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among men. An increase of 35,126 new cases is expected by 2020 in Spain alone. The aim of this review is to study the relationship between obesity and the prognosis of prostate cancer, which is playing an increasingly important role in our health system. Method: A systematic search in several databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science core collection and SCOPUS) was conducted. This search included only observational studies (cohort and case-control studies) from 2015 to February 2020 on prostate cancer-specific mortality and one obesity marker (body mass index, BMI). The data extracted are the Hazard Ratio. Results: 8 studies (7 prospective cohorts and 1 retrospective cohort) were obtained from the search carried out for this review and their Hazard Ratio was analyzed. A positive association was obtained in 5 studies for a BMI>27.5 kg/m² and BMI<22.5 kg/m². Paradoxically, one associated a protective association for a BMI<25 kg/m². Conclusion: The literature reviewed indicates that obesity appears to be a bad prognostic factor in prostate cancer. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to validate this statement as no studies with conclusive results were found. Therefore, more studies with other, more specific obesity factors are needed in order to conduct a more comprehensive analysis to confirm this association

    Estudio paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España)

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    AíRA RODRÍGUEz, M. J.; RAMIL REOo, P., &amp; ALvAREz NÚÑEZ, A. 1990. Estudio Paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España) Bat. Complutensis 16: 81-89. El estudio morfológico y biométrico de frutos carbonizados procedentes del Castro de Penalba ha pennitido el reconocimiento de glandes de roble (probablemente de Quercus rabur L.) y de cariópsides de Triticum dicoccum Schrank y Panicum mil/aceum L. Las dataciones C-14 efectuadas en muestras de carbón y cereal permiten confirmar que los frutos de estas especies datan dcl 2445 -4- 30 H.P. ~2584 + 126 H.P., por lo que formarian parte de la economia y sistema agrícola cerealista de los pobladores del asentamiento.AíRA RODRÍGUEz, M. J.; RAMIL REOo, P., &amp; ALvAREz NÚÑEZ, A. 1990. Estudio Paleocarpológico realizado en el Castro de Penalba (Campolameiro, Pontevedra. España) Bat. Complutensis 16: 81-89. El estudio morfológico y biométrico de frutos carbonizados procedentes del Castro de Penalba ha pennitido el reconocimiento de glandes de roble (probablemente de Quercus rabur L.) y de cariópsides de Triticum dicoccum Schrank y Panicum mil/aceum L. Las dataciones C-14 efectuadas en muestras de carbón y cereal permiten confirmar que los frutos de estas especies datan dcl 2445 -4- 30 H.P. ~2584 + 126 H.P., por lo que formarian parte de la economia y sistema agrícola cerealista de los pobladores del asentamiento

    How Does Happiness Influence the Loyalty of Karate Athletes? A Model of Structural Equations From the Constructs: Consumer Satisfaction, Engagement, and Meaningful

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    Federations are concerned about attracting new sportsmen and sportswomen and increasing the number of members. The purpose of this research was to describe karate federations' strategies for attracting and retaining members through happiness. The analysis was carried out by designing a structural equation modeling (SEM), which allowed to analyze the main variables that influenced the happiness of the karate athlete and consequently to study their effect on people's loyalty to sports federations. In particular, Partial least squares SEM was applied in an overall model when it was possible to understand the happiness role in relation with other traditional relevant variables on loyalty. The data were obtained through primary sources employing a survey sent to the autonomous federations in the discipline of karate, obtaining a sample of 682 federated members in Spain. The results of the model revealed that consumer satisfaction, engagement, and meaningful influence on consumer happiness, but engagement was the most important and relevant variable for affecting this variable. Finally, consumer satisfaction and consumer happiness influence loyalty, and consumer satisfaction was the most important variable, but consumer happiness showed a real alternative for improving loyalty in karate sports federations. Then, one of the implications of this work was that it helped to explain how the federations can be managed to achieve loyal consumers together with a more considerable increase in the number of federated members

    Preliminary feasibility of near-infrared spectroscopy to authenticate grazing in dairy goats through milk and faeces analysis

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    Nowadays, society demands certification and authentication methodologies that are able to clarify the origin of different livestock products. This is considered of paramount importance in order to not only provide accurate information to consumers, but also to protect producers against fraudulent practices. In this context, the aim of this study is to establish a methodology to authenticate the grazing activity of dairy goats. To achieve this, milk and faeces samples were analysed using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. The good results obtained in discriminant models demonstrated differences in both types of matrices when the two feeding regimes were compared. The development of this methodology could extend its use not only in dairy systems of goats but also in other animal species and systems

    Unveiling the alterations in the frequency-dependent connectivity structure of MEG signals in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease

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    Producción CientíficaMild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are neurological disorders that affect cognition, brain function, and memory. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a neuroimaging technique used to study changes in brain oscillations caused by neural pathologies. However, MEG studies often use fixed frequency bands, assuming a common frequency structure and overlooking both subject-specific variations and the potential influence of pathologies on frequency distribution. To address this issue, a novel methodology called Connectivity-based Meta-Bands (CMB) was applied to obtain a subject-specific functional connectivity-based frequency bands segmentation. Resting-state MEG activity was acquired from 161 participants: 67 healthy controls, 44 MCI patients, and 50 AD patients. The CMB algorithm was used to identify “meta-bands” (i.e., recurrent network topologies across frequencies). The meta-bands were used to extract an individualised frequency band segmentation. The network topology of the meta-bands and their sequencing were analysed to identify alterations associated with MCI and AD in the underlying frequency-dependent connectivity structure. We found that MCI and AD alter the neural network topology, leading to connectivity patterns both more widespread in the frequency spectrum and heterogeneous. Furthermore, the meta-band frequency sequencing was modified, with MCI and AD patients exhibiting sequences with increased complexity, suggesting a progressive dilution of the frequency structure. The study highlights the relevance of considering the impact of neural pathologies on the frequency-dependent connectivity structure and the potential bias introduced by using fixed frequency bands in MEG studies.Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN)’ through ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’- FEDERERA-Net FLAG-ERA JTC2021 project ModelDXConsciousness (Human Brain Project Partnering Project