11 research outputs found

    Implementación de una solución reutilizable para una funcionalidad de usabilidad

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en la XVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y de Bases de Datos (JISBD’2012), celebrada en 2012 en AlmeríaLa usabilidad es un atributo de calidad y un aspecto crítico en los sistemas de software. Se ha establecido que algunas de las recomendaciones para mejorar la usabilidad dadas desde el campo de la Interacción Persona Ordenador tienen impacto en el diseño de software. En este artículo presentamos la implementación de una solución reutilizable para realizar una funcionalidad de usabilidad con alto impacto en el diseño: Abortar Operación. Desarrollamos tres aplicaciones web como casos de estudio, incluimos esta funcionalidad de usabilidad y buscamos elementos comunes en las implementaciones. Encontramos escenarios de aplicación, responsabilidades, clases, métodos, atributos y trozos de código comunes en los tres desarrollos. Con base en estos hallazgos, proponemos elementos reutilizables para incorporar la funcionalidad de usabilidad en el análisis, diseño y programación. Formalizamos la solución como un patrón de diseño y patrones de programación en tres lenguajes: PHP 5, Java y Visual Basic .NET.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España a través de los proyectos Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentos en IS (TIN2011-23216) y Go Lite (TIN2011-24139)

    Reuse of a usability functionality implementation in web applications

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    Volumen dedicated to CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2013 - International Conference on Project MANagement/ HCIST 2013 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and TechnologiesSoftware system usability is recognized as a quality attribute related not only to the user interface but also to applications design. In this paper we analyse the feasibility of designing and programming reusable solutions for implementing usability features that have a major impact on design. We develop case studies to find common application scenarios, responsibilities, classes, methods, attributes and chunks of code, which we use to propose reusable solutions specified as patterns. In this paper we report the results for the progress feedback usability functionality.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentos en IS (TIN2011-23216) and Go Lite (TIN2011-24139) projects

    Design and programming patterns for implementing usability functionalities in web applications

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Systems and Software. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Systems and Software, VOL 105, (2015) DOI 10.1016/j.jss.2015.04.023Usability is a software system quality attribute. There are usability issues that have an impact not only on the user interface but also on the core functionality of applications. In this paper, three web applications were developed to discover patterns for implementing two usability functionalities with an impact on core functionality: Abort Operation and Progress Feedback. We applied an inductive process in order to identify reusable elements to implement the selected functionalities. For communication purposes, these elements are specified as design and programming patterns (PHP, VB.NET and Java). Another two web applications were developed in order to evaluate the patterns. The evaluation explores several issues such as ease of pattern understanding and ease of pattern use, as well as the final result of the applications. We found that it is feasible to reuse the identified solutions specified as patterns. The results also show that usability functionalities have features, like the level of coupling with the application or the complexity of each component of the solution, that simplify or complicate their implementation. In this case, the Abort Operation functionality turned out to be more feasible to implement than the Progress Feedback functionality.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentosen IS” (TIN2011-23216) and “Go Lite” (TIN2011-24139) projects

    Reusable Solutions for Implementing Usability Functionalities

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    Electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Volume 25, Issue 04, May 2015, 727 http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218194015500084 © World Scientific Publishing Company http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijsekeUsability is a software system quality attribute. Although software engineers originally considered usability to be related exclusively to the user interface, it was later found to affect the core functionality of software applications. As of then, proposals for addressing usability at different stages of the software development cycle were researched. The objective of this paper is to present three reusable solutions at detailed design and programming level in order to effectively implement the Abort Operation, Progress Feedback and Preferences usability functionalities in web applications. To do this, an inductive research method was applied. We developed three web applications including the above usability functionalities as case studies. We looked for commonalities across the implementations in order to induce a general solution. The elements common to all three developed applications include: application scenarios, functionalities, responsibilities, classes, methods, attributes and code snippets. The findings were specified as an implementation-oriented design pattern and as programming patterns in three languages. Additional case studies were conducted in order to validate the proposed solution. The independent developers used the patterns to implement different applications for each case study. As a result, we found that solutions specified as patterns can be reused to develop web applications.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentos en IS” (TIN2011-23216) and “Go Lite” (TIN2011-24139) projects

    An approach to build JSON-based Domain Specific Languages solutions for web applications

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    Because of their level of abstraction, Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) enable building applications that ease software implementation. In the context of web applications, we can find a lot of technologies and programming languages for server-side applications that provide fast, robust, and flexible solutions, whereas those for client-side applications are limited, and mostly restricted to directly use JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JSON and XML. This article presents a novel approach to creating DSL-based web applications using JSON grammar (JSON-DSL) for both, the server and client side. The approach includes an evaluation engine, a programming model and an integrated web development environment that support it. The evaluation engine allows the execution of the elements created with the programming model. For its part, the programming model allows the definition and specification of JSON-DSLs, the implementation of JavaScript components, the use of JavaScript templates provided by the engine, the use of link connectors to heterogeneous information sources, and the integration with other widgets, web components and JavaScript frameworks. To validate the strength and capacity of our approach, we have developed four case studies that use the integrated web development environment to apply the programming model and check the results within the evaluation engin

    Influential Yield Strength of Steel Materials with Return Random Walk Gravity Centrality

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    In complex networks, important nodes have a significant impact, both functional and structural. From the perspective of data flow pattern detection, the evaluation of the importance of a node in a network, taking into account the role it plays as a transition element in random paths between two other nodes, has important applications in many areas. Advances in complex networks and improved data generation are very important for the growth of computational materials science. The search for patterns of behavior of the elements that make up steels through complex networks can be very useful in understanding their mechanical properties. This work aims to study the influence of the connections between the elements of steel and the impact of these connections on their mechanical properties, more specifically on the yield strength. The patterns found in the results show the significance of the proposed approach for the development of new steel compositions

    Study of the structure and mechanical properties in 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia coating manufactured by suspension plasma spraying

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    RESUMEN: El estudio de recubrimientos nanoestructurados fabricados mediante proyección térmica ha generado un gran interés en las últimas dos décadas debido a su considerable mejora en sus propiedades sobre todo en las propiedades físicas y mecánicas. Esta mejora resulta de reducir los tamaños de grano de su materia prima a escalas de 100 a 1000 veces más bajas comparadas con los recubrimientos convencionales microestructurados. Así, estos recubrimientos con estructuras a nivel nano y/o submicrométrica están empezando a ser usados en la industria gracias a sus sobresalientes propiedades y es fundamental el estudio de sus propiedades mecánicas para determinadas aplicaciones. En la actualidad, la indentación es la principal técnica de caracterización de recubrimientos y películas delgadas, a pesar de estar altamente influenciada por los defectos propios del recubrimiento en la vecindad de la indentación. La nanoindentación y la microindentación se presentan como la mejor opción para evaluar el comportamiento mecánico de estos recubrimientos nanoestructurados. Por esta razón, en este trabajo se analizó el efecto de la estructura de un recubrimiento de circona estabilizada con 8% en mol de itria (8YSZ) elaborado por proyección térmica por plasma a partir de suspensiones nanométricas (SPS) y su relación con sus propiedades mecánicas (dureza y módulo de elasticidad) medidas por las técnicas de nanoindentación y microindentación. El análisis de la estructura de la sección transversal mostró que el recubrimiento exhibe una estructura bimodal, la cual está compuesta por una zona con partículas nanométricas semifundidas (ZS) y lamelas con mayor grado de fusión (ZF). Los ensayos de nanoindentación mostraron una distribución de Weibull bimodal de sus propiedades mecánicas, la cual característica de este tipo de recubrimientos; mientras que la dureza (HV) y el módulo de elasticidad evaluados por microindentación, presentaron una distribución monomodal. Estos resultados de microindentación estuvieron influenciados por el área de contacto en las zonas indentadas en la estructura bimodal del recubrimiento. Palabras clave: Recubrimiento por plasma a partir de suspensiones (SPS), estructura, indentación, Distribución Weibull, recubrimiento 8YSZ.ABSTRACT: The study of nanostructured coatings manufactured by thermal spraying has generated a great interest in the last two decades due to their considerable improved properties especially in the physical and mechanical properties. This improvement is to reduce grain sizes of their raw materials at scales of 100-1000 times lower compared to conventional coatings (microstructured). Thus, these coatings structured at the nano and sub micrometric scale start to be used in the industrial applications and, it is essential to study their mechanical properties for certain applications. Currently, the indentation is the main technique for characterizing thin films and coatings, despite being highly influenced by the defects of the coating in the vicinity of the indentation. Nanoindentation and microindentation is presented as the best option for evaluate the mechanical behavior of nanostructured coatings. For this reason, in this work the study of the effect of the structure of the 8 mol% yttria-stabilised zirconia coating (8YSZ) manufactured by suspension plasma spraying (SPS) and the relationship with its mechanical properties (hardness and elastic modulus) measures for nanoindentation and microindentation techniques was analyzed. Analysis of the structure of the cross section of coating exhibit a bimodal structure, which is composed by a zone with semi-molten nanoparticles (ZS) and lamellaes with a higher grade of fusion (ZF). Nanoindentation tests showed a bimodal Weibull distribution of the mechanical properties (hardness and elastic modulus) which is related to the two zones (ZF and ZS) present in the coat-ing, while hardness (HV) and elastic modulus measured by microhardness, showed a monomodal distribu-tion. These results of microhardness were influenced by the contact area of the indentation in zones com-posed of the bimodal structure of the YSZ coating. Keywords: Suspension plasma spraying (SPS), structure, indentation, Weibull distribution, 8YSZ coating

    Impact of usability mechanisms:a family of experiments on efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction

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    Abstract Context: The usability software quality characteristic aims to improve system user performance. In a previous study, we found evidence of the impact of a set of usability features from the viewpoint of users in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. However, the impact level appears to depend on the usability feature and suggest priorities with respect to their implementation depending on how they promote user performance. Objectives: We use a family of three experiments to increase the precision and generalization of the results in the baseline experiment and provide findings regarding the impact on user performance of the Abort Operation, Progress Feedback and Preferences usability mechanisms. Method: We conduct two replications of the baseline experiment in academic settings. We analyse the data of 366 experimental subjects and apply aggregation (meta-analysis) procedures. Results: We find that the Abort Operation and Preferences usability mechanisms appear to improve system usability a great deal with respect to efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction. Conclusions: We find that the family of experiments further corroborates the results of the baseline experiment. Most of the results are statistically significant, and, because of the large number of experimental subjects, the evidence that we gathered in the replications is sufficient to outweigh other experiments