78 research outputs found


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of agroforestry systems in the semiarid, and to evaluate the productivity of eucalyptus in three planting spacing, in single cultivation in agroforestry systems. The comparison of the systems was in a randomized block design with four systems (monoculture; peanut systems; castor bean; cassava) and three eucalyptus spacing (10 m x 2 m, 10 m x 3 m and 10 m x 4 m). Monocultures and other characteristics were compared by randomized block design. Peanut productivity was evaluated at three and a half months, castor productivity at five and eight months and cassava productivity at 21 months. Eucalyptus productivity was measured at 13 and 21 months of age. The results showed that the wood production was greater in the 10 m x 2 m spacing and in the system with castor and single cultivation. The castor yield was higher in the system, in the 10 m x 3 m spacing, while the cassava productivity was higher in monoculture. The area equivalence index of the systems was higher than that of monocultures. Therefore, eucalyptus agroforestry systems intercropped with castor and cassava are suitable for the semiarid region. The 10 m x 2 m spacing provided a larger volume of wood (m³ ha-1). Castor yield was higher in the 10 m x 3 m spacing. For cassava, the highest yield was obtained in monoculture and in the system with 10 m x 3 m or 10 m x 4 m spacing

    Methods of preparing propagules for tropical woody bamboo species

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    The production of seminal bamboo seedlings is considered not viable, being this the biggest limiting factor. The tissue culture and minicutting are efficient, but very costly techniques, which makes it necessary to search for alternative techniques, such as propagation through culm sections. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of three methods of vegetative propagation with segments of the culm of the species Bambusa vulgaris, B. variabilis, B. tuldoides and Dendrocalamus giganteus. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, factorial scheme of four (4) species (Bambusa vulgaris, B. variabilis, B. tuldoides and Dendrocalamus giganteus) and three (3) methods of preparing the propagule (a single node, binodal propagule, and binodal propagule + H 2 O), with four replicates and plots of five propagules. The propagules were deposited in shallow pits kept in field conditions. At 45 days, the percentage of shoots was measured and analyzes of variance and Tukey were performed at 5% error probability. For D. giganteus, none of the methods of preparing the propagules proved to be efficient for their propagation. The species B. vulgaris, B. variabilis and B. tuldoides showed higher percentages of sprouting. The method of preparing propagules with a single node was more efficient for B. variabilis, B. vulgaris and B. tuldoides


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    The quality of the seedling produced is directly related to substrate composition, so it is essential to select constituents with adequate characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate Eucalyptus urophylla, Peltophorum dubium and Eremanthus erythropappus seedlings and to relate the physical and chemical characteristics of the formulated substrates to their quality. For each species, an experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD), consisting of five treatments, five replicates, and plots composed of 20 seedlings. In order to evaluate the quality of the seedlings, the biometric variables were measured and, as a qualitative analysis, the ease to remove the seedlings from the tubes (ERT) and root aggregation to the substrate (AGGR) were evaluated. Seedlings produced in the substrates formulated with alternative constituents showed higher values when compared to seedlings produced with commercial substrate, for most of the analyzed variables. Coffee husk can be applied in the production of seedlings of P. dubium and E. urophylla. For the formation of E. erythropappus seedlings, none of the formulations tested are recommended

    Variabilidade espacial da sazonalidade da chuva no semiárido brasileiro

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    A chuva é um dos principais reguladores dos processos biogeoquímicos de uma região e o entendimento da sua variabilidade espacial e da sua sazonalidade ao longo ano, é fundamental para o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos e planejamento agrícola do Semiárido brasileiro. Foi avaliada a variabilidade sazonal da chuva no Semiárido brasileiro sob três condições: i) a média mensal das séries temporais, ii) ano considerado mais chuvoso (2009) e o ano considerado mais seco (2012). Informações diárias de chuva foram obtidos da base de dados da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA) e a partir deles, foram calculadas os valores totais precipitados nos meses e no ano, a entropia relativa (Dk), o índice de sazonalidade (Sk), o tempo característico da chuva (Ck) e a duração da estação chuvosa (Zk). Essas variáveis foram espacializadas para toda a região semiárida de modo à possibilitar a interpretação da variabilidade espacial a partir de técnicas de geoestatística. A magnitude do coeficiente de variação das variáveis foram semelhantes entre a média das séries temporais, o ano mais chuvoso e o ano mais seco, exceto para o Ck e a Zk no ano mais seco. O modelo de semivariograma esférico foi quem melhor representou a variabilidade espacial da maioria das variáveis estudadas. Na parte central do semiárido, mesmo no ano mais chuvoso, ocorreram os menores valores anuais de chuva. As medidas estatísticas de sazonalidade e variabilidade interanual da chuva utilizadas neste estudo mostraram um desempenho satisfatório na caracterização do comportamento das chuvas na região semiárida do Brasil

    Crescimento inicial e nutrição mineral de espécies florestais com potencial econômico sob omissão de nutrientes

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    Nutritional management is one of the most limiting barriers to forestry development. In this context, the present work aims to establish the effect of liming and omissions of macro and micronutrients on plants development and nutritional status of Leucaena leucocephala, Cordia trichotoma, and Astronium graveolens. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with five dm³ pots in a randomized block design with single plant plots, with 12 treatments consisting of omission of N; P; K; S; B; Zn; Ca; Mg, without fertilization and complete fertilization. Nutrients omission and exclusion of liming limited plant growth in height, collar diameter, biomass accumulation, and reduced seedling quality. Liming is beneficial for Cordia trichotoma and Astronium graveolens. The nutrients importance order is N > K > P, Zn > Ca, Mg, B, S for L. leucocephala, N, P, K, Ca and Zn > Mg, B, S for C. trichotoma and, N, P, B, Ca > K, Zn > S for A. graveolens.O manejo nutricional caracteriza-se como uma das mais limitantes barreiras no desenvolvimento da silvicultura. Dentro deste contexto o presente trabalho visa estabelecer o efeito da calagem e das omissões de macro e micronutrientes sobre o desenvolvimento e o estado nutricional de plantas de Leucaena leucocephala, Cordia trichotoma e Astronium graveolens. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação com vasos de 5 dm³ em delineamento de blocos casusalizados com parcelas de plantas únicas, sendo testados 12 tratamentos, compostos de combinações de omissão de N; P; K; S; B; Zn; Ca; Mg, sem adubação e adubações completas. A omissão de nutrientes e exclusão da calagem limitou o crescimento das espécies florestais em altura, diâmetro do coleto, acúmulo de biomassa e reduziu a qualidade das mudas. Conclui-se que a calagem foi benéfica para o crescimento da Cordia trhichotoma e Astronium graveolens e a ordem de importância dos nutrientes é N > K > P, Zn > Ca, Mg, B, S para L. leucocephala, N, P, K, Ca e Zn > Mg, B, S para C. trichotoma e N, P, B, Ca > K, Zn > S para A. graveolens

    Growth and genetic parameters of progenies of Cordia trichotoma in the juvenile phase

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    Increasing the productive potential of native species is a challenge for forest genetic improvement. Progeny tests are efficient tools to determine the reproductive capacity of individuals and to assist with the selection of superior genotypes. Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrab. ex Steud, is a native species of commercial interest due to its high potential for sawn wood. The performance of seedling production from different progenies was the objective of this work. Seeds were collected from 34 matrices selected phenotypically and georeferenced in the region of Lavras - MG. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with 4 replications of 12 plants. Germination after 70 days of sowing, survival and height at 170 days after germination were evaluated. Height and genetic parameters were estimated according to mixed REML / BLUP models using the Selegen software model 82. Progeny 104 (70.8%) was superior in germination and progenies 86 (35.42%), 92 (35.42%) and 111 (43.75%) had the highest survival rates. Height shows high values for the individual additive genetic variation coefficient (49.18%) and genotypic variation coefficient between progenies (24.59%) and moderate values of heritability in the restricted individual sense (0.45) and heritability within progenies (0.38). Due to high values for the coefficient of genotypic variation and moderate values of heritability, there is a potential for height improvements. Progenies 104 stand out in the germination and the progenies 86, 92 and 111 in the seedlings survival). Regarding height, progeny 95 is the only one that stands out negatively

    Modelling the spatial dependence of the rainfall erosivity index in the Brazilian semiarid region

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi modelar a dependência espacial e mapear o índice de erosividade das chuvas (EI30) na região semiárida do Brasil. Foram utilizados registros de erosividade mensal de 210 postos pluviométricos, com série temporal diária igual ou superior a 15 anos. Com base nos valores do EI30, a modelagem da dependência espacial foi realizada pelo ajuste do semivariograma. A partir dos modelos de semivariograma, foram gerados mapas de isolinhas de erosividade com interpolador da krigagem. De acordo com a série histórica de dados, o valor máximo mensal médio do EI30 foi observado em março, e o valor anual variou de 1.439 a 5.864 MJ mm ha-1 por ano, classificado como baixo e moderado, respectivamente. Os maiores valores do EI30 foram obtidos nos extremos norte e sul da região semiárida. Foi observada dependência espacial média para erosividade da chuva, para a maioria dos meses, principalmente com o modelo de semivariograma esférico. O alcance da erosividade variou entre 62 e 1.508 km, para o EI30 mensal, e foi de, aproximadamente, 1.046 km para o anual. A modelagem aplicada, com a validação dos semivariogramas pelo teste de jackknife, permite a espacialização do EI30 para a região semiárida do Brasil.The objective of this work was to model the spatial dependence and to map the rainfall erosivity index (EI30) in the semiarid region of Brazil. Registers of monthly erosivity from 210 rainfall stations were used, with daily time series equal to or greater than 15 years. Based on the values of the EI30, a spatial dependence model was made by adjusting the semivariogram. From the semivariogram models, erosivity isoline maps were generated with a kriging interpolator. According to the historical data series, the maximum monthly average value of the EI30 was observed in March, and the annual value ranged from 1,439 to 5,864 MJ mm ha-1 per year, classified as low and moderate, respectively. The highest EI30 values were obtained in the northern and southern extremes of the semiarid region. Average spatial dependence was observed for rainfall erosivity, in most months, especially with the spherical semivariogram model. The range of erosivity varied from 62 to 1,508 km for the monthly EI30 and was of approximately 1,046 km for the annual one. The applied model, with the validation of the semivariograms using the jackknife test, allows the spatialization of the EI30 for the semiarid region of Brazil

    QualiAB: development and validation of a methodology for the assessment of primary health care services

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    Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento, validação e utilização de uma metodologia de avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de atenção primária do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), o Questionário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Serviços de Atenção Básica (QualiAB). Destina-se aos serviços de atenção básica, organizados segundo diferentes modelos de atenção, incluindo a Saúde da Família. Contém 50 indicadores sobre oferta e organização do trabalho assistencial e programático e 15 sobre gerenciamento, na forma de questões de múltipla escolha, autorespondidas via web pela equipe local do serviço. Confere a cada resposta valor zero, um ou dois; a média geral atribui ao serviço um grau de qualidade expresso pela distância do melhor padrão correspondente à média dois. Foi construído por processo de consenso interativo, que incluiu metodologias qualitativas, teste-piloto, aplicação em 127 serviços, validação de construto e confiabilidade. Respondido, em 2007, por 598 (92%) dos serviços de 115 municípios paulistas, mostrou bom poder para discriminar níveis de qualidade. Adotado em 2010 como parte de um programa de apoio à Atenção Básica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, foi respondido por 95% (2.735) dos serviços de 586 municípios (90,8% do Estado). Os resultados foram encaminhados aos municípios. O QualiAB fornece uma avaliação válida, simples e com a possibilidade de retorno imediato para gerentes e profissionais. Mostrou factibilidade, aceitabilidade, bom poder de discriminação e utilidade para auxiliar a gestão da rede de atenção básica do SUS em São Paulo. A experiência indica aplicabilidade nas redes de atenção básica do Brasil.This paper presents the development, validation and utilization of a methodology for assessing the quality of the primary health care services of Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - Brazil's National Health System), the Questionnaire for the Assessment of the Quality of Primary Health Care Services - QualiAB. It is addressed to all primary health care services, organized according to different care models, including Family Health. It contains 50 indicators about availability and organization of the care and programmatic work, and 15 about local management, in the form of multiple choice questions self-responded through the Web by the local service team. It attributes to every answer the values zero, one or two; the general average attributes a 'quality degree' to the service, expressed by the distance to the best standard corresponding to the average two. It was built by an interactive consensual process, which included qualitative methodologies, pilot-testing, application to 127 services, construct validation and reliability. It was answered in 2007 by 598 (92%) services of 115 municipalities of the State of São Paulo, showing good sensitivity to differentiate quality levels. It was adopted in 2010 as part of a supporting program to the Primary Health Care of São Paulo's State Health Department, being answered by 95% (2735) of the services of 586 cities (90,8% of the State). The results were sent to the municipalities. QualiAB provides a valid and simple assessment, with immediate feedback to managers and professionals. It has shown feasibility, acceptability, power to differentiate quality levels and utility to help the management of the primary health care network of SUS in São Paulo. This experience might be extended to Brazil as a whole