286 research outputs found

    A reduced Gompertz model for predicting tumor age using a population approach

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    Tumor growth curves are classically modeled by ordinary differential equations. In analyzing the Gompertz model several studies have reported a striking correlation between the two parameters of the model. We analyzed tumor growth kinetics within the statistical framework of nonlinear mixed-effects (population approach). This allowed for the simultaneous modeling of tumor dynamics and inter-animal variability. Experimental data comprised three animal models of breast and lung cancers, with 843 measurements in 94 animals. Candidate models of tumor growth included the Exponential, Logistic and Gompertz. The Exponential and-more notably-Logistic models failed to describe the experimental data whereas the Gompertz model generated very good fits. The population-level correlation between the Gompertz parameters was further confirmed in our analysis (R 2 > 0.96 in all groups). Combining this structural correlation with rigorous population parameter estimation, we propose a novel reduced Gompertz function consisting of a single individual parameter. Leveraging the population approach using bayesian inference, we estimated the time of tumor initiation using three late measurement timepoints. The reduced Gompertz model was found to exhibit the best results, with drastic improvements when using bayesian inference as compared to likelihood maximization alone, for both accuracy and precision. Specifically, mean accuracy was 12.1% versus 74.1% and mean precision was 15.2 days versus 186 days, for the breast cancer cell line. These results offer promising clinical perspectives for the personalized prediction of tumor age from limited data at diagnosis. In turn, such predictions could be helpful for assessing the extent of invisible metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Author summary Mathematical models for tumor growth kinetics have been widely used since several decades but mostly fitted to individual or average growth curves. Here we compared three classical models (Exponential, Logistic and Gompertz) using a population approach, which accounts for inter-animal variability. The Exponential and the Logistic models failed to fit the experimental data while the Gompertz model showed excellent descriptive power. Moreover, the strong correlation between the two parameters of the Gompertz equation motivated a simplification of the model, the reduced Gompertz model, with a single individual parameter and equal descriptive power. Combining the mixed-effects approach with Bayesian inference, we predicted the age of individual tumors with only few late measurements. Thanks to its simplicity, the reduced Gompertz model showed superior predictive power. Although our method remains to be extended to clinical data, these results are promising for the personalized estimation of the age of a tumor from limited measurements at diagnosis. Such predictions could contribute to the development of computational models for metastasis

    A reduced Gompertz model for predicting tumor age using a population approach

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    Tumor growth curves are classically modeled by ordinary differential equations. In analyzing the Gompertz model several studies have reported a striking correlation between the two parameters of the model. We analyzed tumor growth kinetics within the statistical framework of nonlinear mixed-effects (population approach). This allowed for the simultaneous modeling of tumor dynamics and inter-animal variability. Experimental data comprised three animal models of breast and lung cancers, with 843 measurements in 94 animals. Candidate models of tumor growth included the Exponential, Logistic and Gompertz. The Exponential and-more notably-Logistic models failed to describe the experimental data whereas the Gompertz model generated very good fits. The population-level correlation between the Gompertz parameters was further confirmed in our analysis (R 2 > 0.96 in all groups). Combining this structural correlation with rigorous population parameter estimation, we propose a novel reduced Gompertz function consisting of a single individual parameter. Leveraging the population approach using bayesian inference, we estimated the time of tumor initiation using three late measurement timepoints. The reduced Gompertz model was found to exhibit the best results, with drastic improvements when using bayesian inference as compared to likelihood maximization alone, for both accuracy and precision. Specifically, mean accuracy was 12.1% versus 74.1% and mean precision was 15.2 days versus 186 days, for the breast cancer cell line. These results offer promising clinical perspectives for the personalized prediction of tumor age from limited data at diagnosis. In turn, such predictions could be helpful for assessing the extent of invisible metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Author summary Mathematical models for tumor growth kinetics have been widely used since several decades but mostly fitted to individual or average growth curves. Here we compared three classical models (Exponential, Logistic and Gompertz) using a population approach, which accounts for inter-animal variability. The Exponential and the Logistic models failed to fit the experimental data while the Gompertz model showed excellent descriptive power. Moreover, the strong correlation between the two parameters of the Gompertz equation motivated a simplification of the model, the reduced Gompertz model, with a single individual parameter and equal descriptive power. Combining the mixed-effects approach with Bayesian inference, we predicted the age of individual tumors with only few late measurements. Thanks to its simplicity, the reduced Gompertz model showed superior predictive power. Although our method remains to be extended to clinical data, these results are promising for the personalized estimation of the age of a tumor from limited measurements at diagnosis. Such predictions could contribute to the development of computational models for metastasis

    Immediate vs. deferred switching from a boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r) based regimen to a Dolutegravir (DTG) based regimen in virologically suppressed patients with high cardiovascular risk or Age ≥50 years: final 96 weeks results of NEAT 022 study

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    Background Both immediate and deferred switching from a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r)–based regimen to a dolutegravir (DTG)–based regimen may improve lipid profile. Methods European Network for AIDS Treatment 022 Study (NEAT022) is a European, open-label, randomized trial. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected adults aged ≥50 years or with a Framingham score ≥10% were eligible if HIV RNA was <50 copies/mL. Patients were randomized to switch from PI/r to DTG immediately (DTG-I) or to deferred switch at week 48 (DTG-D). Week 96 endpoints were proportion of patients with HIV RNA <50 copies/mL, percentage change of lipid fractions, and adverse events (AEs). Results Four hundred fifteen patients were randomized: 205 to DTG-I and 210 DTG-D. The primary objective of noninferiority at week 48 was met. At week 96, treatment success rate was 92.2% in the DTG-I arm and 87% in the DTG-D arm (difference, 5.2% [95% confidence interval, –.6% to 11%]). There were 5 virological failures in the DTG-I arm and 5 (1 while on PI/r and 4 after switching to DTG) in the DTG-D arm without selection of resistance mutations. There was no significant difference in terms of grade 3 or 4 AEs or treatment-modifying AEs. Total cholesterol and other lipid fractions (except high-density lipoprotein) significantly (P < .001) improved both after immediate and deferred switching to DTG overall and regardless of baseline PI/r strata. Conclusions Both immediate and deferred switching from a PI/r to a DTG regimen in virologically suppressed HIV-infected patients ≥50 years old or with a Framingham score ≥10% was highly efficacious and well tolerated, and improved the lipid profile

    Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor sparing regimen with once daily integrase inhibitor plus boosted darunavir is non-inferior to standard of care in virologically-suppressed children and adolescents living with HIV – Week 48 results of the randomised SMILE Penta-17-ANRS 152 clinical trial

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    Development of a docetaxel-trastuzumab immunoliposome in breast cancer

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    Les nanotechnologies appliquées à la médecine, et plus particulièrement à l’oncologie, ont permis le développement d’une nouvelle classe d’entités, appelées communément nanomédicaments ou médicaments vectorisés. Ce projet de recherche a pour objectif d’encapsuler du docétaxel dans un vecteur lipidique unilamellaire furtif, puis de greffer en surface le trastuzumab afin d’en améliorer le profil pharmacocinétique, notamment en optimisant la spécificité de la phase de distribution. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il est possible de développer un immunoliposome furtif de 140 nm encapsulant 90 % de docétaxel avec un taux de greffage de trastuzumab de 30 %. L’approche en cytométrie de flux que nous avons développée et appliquée a permis une quantification absolue du nombre d’anticorps présents en surface. In vitro, un double screening en culture 2D et en sphéroïde 3D a démontré la supériorité antiproliférative de l’immunoliposome comparativement à tous les autres traitements, indépendamment du statut Her2 des lignées étudiées. Les études in vivo ont confirmé cette supériorité, y compris comparativement au T-DM1, l’antibody-drug conjugate de référence dans la pathologie. Les études de biodistribution ont montré que l’accumulation de notre forme vectorielle dépendait de la taille et du degré de vascularisation des tumeurs, plus que statut Her2 tumoral. En conclusion, nous avons démontré l’intérêt thérapeutique de développer des formes vectorielles dans la prise en charge du cancer du sein, comparativement aux traitements standard. Une optimisation de la phase de distribution explique la supériorité antiproliférative obtenue avec l’immunoliposome.The application of nanotechnology in medicine, especially oncology, has allowed for the development of a new class of entities, commonly called nanomedicine or vectorized medicine.This research project aims to encapsulate docetaxel in a stealthy, unilamellar, lipidic vector, then graft trastuzumab onto its surface to improve its pharmacokinetic profile, specifically by optimizing the specificity of the distribution phase.The results show that it is possible to develop a stealthy immunoliposome of 140 nm encapsulating 90% docetaxel and a trastuzumab grafting rate of 30 %. The flow cytometry approach that we developed and applied allowed for an absolute quantification of the number of antibodies present on the surface. In vitro, a double screening in 2D culture and in 3D spheroid showed the antiproliferative superiority of the immunoliposome compared to all the other treatments, regardless of the Her2 status in the cells studied. In vivo studies have confirmed said superiority compared to T-DM1; the benchmark antibody-drug conjugate for this pathology. Biodistribution studies have shown that the accumulation of our vector depends moreover on the size and degree of tumor vascularization than its Her2 status. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the therapeutic value of developing vector forms in the management of breast cancer therapy compared to standard treatments. The optimization of the distribution phase explains the antiproliferative superiority obtained by using the immunoliposome

    Risque d'intoxication par les plantes et pratique officinale

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    Les intoxications dues aux plantes sont à l'origine d'environ 5% des appels aux Centres Antipoisons. A partir de cas récents, nous exposerons les différentes circonstances d'intoxication recensées dans la littérature. Suite à cette approche qualitative, des données quantitatives permettent de mesurer l'importance du phénomène et ouvre la voie aux actions envisageables en officine. Celle-ci sont de deux natures: une prise en charge immédiate d'une intoxication, avec des premiers gestes à effectuer ainsi qu'un interrogatoire permettant, en contact avec le Centre Antipoisons ou le SAMU de préciser la prise en charge, et des actions de préventions. Pour ces actions de prévention, ainsi que pour l'identification d'une plante mise en cause, l'existence d'outils et de documentations, disponible sur internet, aident l'action du pharmacien.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Tumeurs endocrines du pancréas (scanner hélicoïdal avec corrélations histopathologiques)

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    PARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocCentre Technique Livre Ens. Sup. (774682301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le devenir anatomique et visuel des décollements de rétine de l'enfant après l'étude de 92 cas

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    PARIS7-Xavier Bichat (751182101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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