1,410 research outputs found

    Stability of Relativistic Matter with Magnetic Fields for Nuclear Charges up to the Critical Value

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    We give a proof of stability of relativistic matter with magnetic fields all the way up to the critical value of the nuclear charge Zα=2/πZ\alpha=2/\pi.Comment: LaTeX2e, 12 page

    Cartographie des dimères cyclobutyliques de pyrimidines (DCP) induits par les UVA et étude des effets de certains gènes de réparation des mésappariements et du gène P53 muté sur la réparation par excision de nucléotides des DCP

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005Les cancers cutanés sont associés à la formation des dimères cyclobutyliques de pyrimidine (DCP) générés par les ultraviolets (UV) du soleil. Nos résultats indiquent que les transversions T-->G retrouvées suite aux UVA sont dues aux DCP formés majoritairement sur les TT. Nous avons également démontré que, contrairement au dogme établi, les protéines réparant les mésappariements n'influencent pas la réparation des DCP. p53 a indéniablement une influence sur la réparation des DCP. Cependant, la lignée SW480, contenant un gène p53 double-muté, est fonctionnelle en réparation par excision de nucléotides des DCP. Normalement, un stress est nécessaire à l'activation des effecteurs de p53. Cependant, la protéine p53 double-mutée des SW480 active constitutivement p21, un effecteur de p53. L'activation des protéines réparant les DCP par p53 se fait probablement de la même façon que p21. L'éclaircissement de ces mécanismes a amené une meilleure compréhension de l'induction des cancers

    In situ multi-frequency measurements of magnetic susceptibility as an indicator of planetary regolith maturity

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    Space weathering is now generally accepted to modify the optical and magnetic properties of airless planetary regoliths such as those on the Moon and Mercury. Under micrometeorite and ion bombardment, ferrous iron in such surfaces is reduced to metallic iron spheres, found in amorphous coatings on almost all exposed regolith grains. The size and number distribution of these particles and their location in the regolith all determine the nature and extent of the optical and magnetic changes. These parameters in turn reflect the formation mechanisms, temperatures, and durations involved in the evolution of the regolith. Studying them in situ is of intrinsic value to understanding the weathering process, and useful for determining the maturity of the regolith and providing supporting data for interpreting remotely sensed mineralogy. Fine-grained metallic iron has a number of properties that make it amenable to magnetic techniques, of which magnetic susceptibility is the simplest and most robust. The magnetic properties of the lunar regolith and laboratory regolith analogues are therefore reviewed and the theoretical basis for the frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility presented. Proposed here is then an instrument concept using multi-frequency measurements of magnetic susceptibility to confirm the presence of fine grained magnetic material and attempt to infer its quantity and size distribution. Such an instrument would be invaluable on a future mission to an asteroid, the Moon, Mercury or other airless rocky Solar System body

    Restoration of mitochondrial integrity, telomere length, and sensitivity to oxidation by in vitro culture of Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy cells

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    PURPOSE. Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD), a degenerative disease of the corneal endothelium that leads to vision loss, is a leading cause of corneal transplantation. The cause of this disease is still unknown, but the implication of oxidative stress is strongly suggested. In this study, we analyzed the impact of FECD on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) integrity and telomere length, both of which are affected by the oxidative status of the cell. METHODS. We compared the levels of total mtDNA, mtDNA common deletion (4977 bp), and relative telomere length in the corneal endothelial cells of fresh Descemet’s membraneendothelium explants and cultured cells from healthy and late stage FECD subjects. Oxidantantioxidant gene expression and sensitivity to ultraviolet A (UVA)- and H2O2-induced cell death were assessed in cultured cells. RESULTS. Our results revealed increased mtDNA levels and telomere shortening in FECD explants. We also found that cell culture restores a normal phenotype in terms of mtDNA levels, telomere length, oxidant-antioxidant gene expression balance, and sensitivity to oxidative stress-induced cell death in the FECD cells compared with the healthy cells. CONCLUSIONS. Taken together, these results bring new evidence of the implication of oxidative stress in FECD. They also show that FECD does not evenly affect the integrity of corneal endothelial cells and that cell culture can rehabilitate the molecular phenotypes related to oxidative stress by selecting the more functional FECD cells
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