7,861 research outputs found

    Solving the kilo-second QPO problem of the intermediate polar GK Persei

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    We detect the likely optical counterpart to previously reported X-ray QPOs in spectrophotometry of the intermediate polar GK Persei during the 1996 dwarf nova outburst. The characteristic timescales range between 4000--6000 s. Although the QPOs are an order of magnitude longer than those detected in the other dwarf novae we show that a new QPO model is not required to explain the long timescale observed. We demonstrate that the observations are consistent with oscillations being the result of normal-timescale QPOs beating with the spin period of the white dwarf. We determine the spectral class of the companion to be consistent with its quiescent classification and find no significant evidence for irradiation over its inner face. We detect the white dwarf spin period in line fluxes, V/R ratios and Doppler-broadened emission profiles.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bioactivity in Whey Proteins Influencing Energy Balance

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    Peer-reviewedObesity develops due to energy (food) intake exceeding energy expenditure. Nutrients that reduce the positive energy balance are thus being considered as therapies to combat obesity. Here, we review the literature related to the physiological, cellular and endocrine effects of intake of whey proteins, namely α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, glycomacropeptide and lactoferrin. Moreover, we discuss how dietary composition and obesity may influence whey protein effects on the above parameters. Evidence suggests that intake of whey proteins causes a decrease in energy intake, increase in energy expenditure, influence insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis and alter lipid metabolism in the adipose, liver and muscle. These physiological changes are accompanied by alterations in the plasma levels of energy balance related hormones (cholecystokinin, ghrelin, insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1) and the expression of catabolic and anabolic genes in the above tissue in the direction to cause a negative energy balance

    Magnetic Insulator-Induced Proximity Effects in Graphene: Spin Filtering and Exchange Splitting Gaps

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    We report on first-principles calculations of spin-dependent properties in graphene induced by its interaction with a nearby magnetic insulator (Europium oxide, EuO). The magnetic proximity effect results in spin polarization of graphene π\pi orbitals by up to 24 %, together with large exchange splitting bandgap of about 36 meV. The position of the Dirac cone is further shown to depend strongly on the graphene-EuO interlayer. These findings point towards the possible engineering of spin gating by proximity effect at relatively high temperature, which stands as a hallmark for future all-spin information processing technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Distribution of dust clouds around the central engine of NGC 1068

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    We studied the distribution of dust clouds around the central engine of NGC 1068 based on shifted-and-added 8.8 - 12.3 micron (MIR) multi-filter images and 3.0 - 3.9 micron (L-band) spectra obtained with the Subaru Telescope. In a region of 100 pc (1.4") around the central peak, we successfully constructed maps of color temperatures and emissivities of the MIR and L-band continua as well as the 9.7 micron and 3.4 micron dust features with spatial resolutions of 26 pc (0.37") in the MIR and 22 pc (0.3") in the L-band. Our main results are: 1) color temperature of the MIR continuum scatters around the thermal equilibrium temperature with the central engine as the heat source while that of the L-band continuum is higher and independent upon distance from the central engine; 2) the peak of the 9.7 micron silicate absorption feature is shifted to a longer wavelength at some locations; 3) the ratio of the optical depths of the dust features is different from the Galactic values and show complicated spatial distribution; and 4) there is a pie shaped warm dust cloud as an enhancement in the emissivity of the MIR continuum extending about 50 pc to the north from the central engine. We speculate that material falls into the central engine through this cloud.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication on Ap

    Eutrophisation récente d'un lac de montagne sans occupation humaine (lac de Bastani, Corset : Conséquence d'agents atmosphériques?

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    Le Lac de Bastani (Corse - France), petit lac d'altitude (2089 m) à bassin versant rocheux, est dépourvu de toute implantation ou activité humaine. Ce lac est mésotrophe à eutrophe par certains de ses caractères alors que 4 autres lacs étudiés dans le même contexte sont oligotrophes. De plus, il était décrit au début du siècle comme oligotrophe.Dans ce type de lacs, les apports atmosphériques constituent la majeure partie de la source externe de nutriments. L'apport d'azote inorganique dissous atmosphérique au bassin versant est important, de l'ordre de 0,8 g.N.m-2 par an, soit l'équivalent du rejet d'une trentaine d'habitants permanents. Les trois-quarts sont relargués à la fonte, pendant environ un mois; cela représente l'équivalent des rejets d'environ 300 habitants sur le bassin qui, du fait de la faible activité biologique dans les sols à cette température, arrive pratiquement en entier au lac. Ces apports de nutriments à la fonte sont responsables du démarrage très précoce de la production primaire.En l'absence d'un bilan complet des nutriments la comparaison du lac de Bastani avec les autres lacs oligotrophes et en particulier avec celui de Capitello, aux caractéristiques voisines, permet de cerner les facteurs responsables de la différence de leur niveau de trophie. Bastani et Capitello recevant une charge externe semblable, la source interne est probablement responsable de la situation de Bastani. Les concentrations estivales de N-NO3 notables (0,2-0,3 mg.l-1) des lacs oligotrophes sont un indice de la limitation de leur production primaire par le phosphore. Par contre à Bastani, l'azote étant pratiquement entièrement consommé en été le lac ne semble pas limité par le phosphore. Le vent violent et fréquent qui règne à Bastani semble le facteur déterminant de son niveau trophique supérieur : il assure le brassage de l'eau du lac et la remontée du phosphore (et aussi de l'azote) libéré des sédiments jusque dans la zone photique. Le phytoplancton consomme presque entièrement l'azote, alors que dans les lacs oligotrophes abrités du vent où le phosphore est limitant, les nitrates restent à des teneurs notables.L'eutrophisation récente du lac de Bastani peut s'expliquer par l'accroissement des apports atmosphériques, les seuls qui aient varié. Le phosphore étant disponible la production primaire devait être limitée auparavant par l'azote. Les apports d'azote inorganique dissous ont été dans cette région multipliés par 2 au moins par la pollution à longue distance. Cette dernière pourrait entraîner à elle seule l'évolution trophique d'un lac de haute montagne, dans un site vierge de toute occupation humaine, lorsque le brassage par le vent assure la mobilisation du phosphore des sédiments.Lake Bastani (Corsica, France), a small alpine lake (2089 m), is located in a pristine rocky watershed. It presents some characteristics of eutrophic lakes, whereas four other similar lakes are oligotrophic or ultraoligotrophic. Moreover, at the beginning of the century it was described as being oligotrophic.The lake is ice-covered from November to June. Intense phytoplankton activity begins before the ice melts completely and goes on until fall freezing. Consequently Secchi disk transparency is between 3.2 m in June and 1.8 m in August. The algal biomass, as expressed by chlorophyll-a content, is maximum at the bottom. Chlorophyll-a is about 4-5 mg-m-3 at ice melting and reaches a maximum of 46 mg.m-3 in August. Primary production is highest in the upper levels of water with 41 mg.C.m-3.d-1 at - 5 m. These values are 20 to 80 times that of the other Corsican lakes. Regarding the different trophic classifications this lake presents some features of eutrophic lakes.In 1923 a survey of phytoplankton by Pestalozzi showed that the lake was oligotrophic. This trophic evolution is therefore recent; it is shown by the complete disappearance of Desmidiaceae, the near disappearance of Diatoms, the appearance of green algae with Oedogonium and Spirogyra dominant in summer and autumn, and the development of blue-green algae with Oscillatoria.The seasonal pattern of phytoplankton composition displays diatom development at ice- and snow-melting with the green algae Oedogonium. During the summer warmth, green algae are dominant with the blue-green Oscillatoria. Green algae Oedogonium and Spirogyra increase until the fall turnover.The lake is 2nd-order dimictic with two turnovers in spring and autumn, and two periods of thermal stratification. A strong and frequent wind stirs the lake water inducing homogeneisation of the epilimnion and sometimes the disappearance of the hypolimnion. Dissolved oxygen is always present even at the bottom where O2 saturation is about 50% in winter. Nitrogen is very low - 0.01-0.04 mg.l-1 N-NO3 - and phosphorus (PO4) is below the detection level in the epilimnion during summer, due to intense phytoplankton activity, The hypolimnion is richer in NH4, NO2 and PO4. In spring when the snow begins to melt the surficial waters are enriched with N (NO3 + NH4) and P-PO4, showing the contribution of concentrated snow water.In fact atmospheric input is the dominant external loading in such a watershed. Nitrogen atmospheric input is extrapolated from data obtained at Lake Bavella 30 km southwards for 3 years - 1984 to 1986. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen input is about 0.8 g.m-2 .y-1 , equivalent to wastes from some 30 permanent inhabitants for the whole watershed, About 80 % of annual rainfall is stored in the snowpack, as are ¾ of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen. This nitrogen returns to the lake during a period of about one month which represents 100 kg and a loading of 80 mg.m-2.d-1 for 30 days; it is equivalent to wastes from some three hundred capita during one month. Moreover it is known that the first melwaters are considerably enriched with several ions, especially those of ecological concern, H+, SO4--, NO3¯, NH4+. Using findings from literature we can estimate that in the first two weeks of melting, up to half the annual atmospheric input of dissolved inorganic nitrogen reaches the lake with meltwater concentrations of more than 1 mg.N.l-1. The total dissolved nitrogen input is estimated at 1.2 g.m-2.y-1 and the total nitrogen input at 1.3 g.m-2 .y-1.No data are available for the phosphorus atmospheric input but estimations from literature are about 10 mg.m-2 .y-1 for orthophosphate and 60 mg.m-2 .y-1 for total phosphorus. The release of P-PO4 from the melting snowcover and from ice, added to the tremendous release of inorganic nitrogen, explains the start of vigorous phytoplankton production before the ice melts completely. By this early start primary production may avoid the flush of nutriments resulting from the flow of melting water.Trophic conditions in Lake Bastani are a matter of question as the other four lakes studied with the same edaphic conditions are oligo- or ultraoligotrophic. A comparison between Lake Bastani and the ultraoligotrophic Capitello Lake, which has the same geomorphological and ecological environment, reveals the determining factors of this paradoxical situation, though a nutrient budget is still not available.A low flushing rate (17 months) cannot be the explanation, as that of Lake Capitello is similar (12 months).The external loading (from watershed and atmosphere)being the same, the difference between the two lakes is to be found in the internal loading.The fact that Lake Capitelto and the other oligotrophic lakes present notable N concentrations in summer (0.2-0.3 mg.l-1 ), when Bastani displays N- concentrations 10 times lower, is a sign that they are limited in phosphorus. Conversely Lake Bastani is not phosphorus-limited.The determining factor in this situation seems to be windstirring. Lake Bastani is downwind of a pass in the axial range of Corsica and is submitted to strong frequent winds. Windstirring induces an epilimnion homogeneisation, the downward migration of the thermo- and chemoclines. Thus phosphorus from the sediments can be transferred to the photic zone and is not limiting for phytoplankton. Phytoplankton exhausts nitrogen which is very low at the end of summer. In Lake Capitello as in the other lakes, shielded from the wind by rockwall screens, no mixing occurs, phosphorus cannot be supplied from the sediments and is limiting : nitrogen is not used up and remains at relatively high levels of 0.2-0.3 mg.l -1.Recent eutrophication cannot be explained by an increase of nutrient availability from the sediments due to windstirring, as no climatic change has occurred in the fast century. The probability that internal loading had reached a threshold by progressive accumulation of nutrients in the sediment is very slight if there is no change in the external loading (the unique source of "new" nutrients) and/or the trophic status of the lake. Thus an increase in the external loading seems to be responsible for the eutrophication of Lake Bastani. The atmospheric inupt is the only external reason for a change in the nutrient rate. An increase in the phosphorus atmospheric input by local (forest fires) and regional (long range pollution) human activities is suspected, but does not seem sufficient to change the trophic status of the lake as it has no effect on other lakes, which remain oligotrophic. Moreover, atmospheric P loading is well below the level of phosphorus release from sediments, as estimated from literature. Conversely, an atmospheric inorganic nitrogen input has increased at least twice due to long range pollution (agricultural, industrial and domestic activities). This was estimated from a typologic classification of rain events in Corsica. This increase in atmospheric nitrogen loading might explain the change in the trophic status of the lake, N having been limiting. In the other P-limited lakes the increased atmospheric N input has only increased the N-NO3 concentration in lake water. This explanation being the most realistic, it is of great interest to note that long range atmospheric pollution could induce the eutrophication of a pristine oligotrophic lake

    Weekend hospitalization and additional risk of death: An analysis of inpatient data

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    Objective To assess whether weekend admissions to hospital and/or already being an inpatient on weekend days were associated with any additional mortality risk.Design Retrospective observational survivorship study. We analysed all admissions to the English National Health Service (NHS) during the financial year 2009/10, following up all patients for 30 days after admission and accounting for risk of death associated with diagnosis, co-morbidities, admission history, age, sex, ethnicity, deprivation, seasonality, day of admission and hospital trust, including day of death as a time dependent covariate. The principal analysis was based on time to in-hospital death.Participants National Health Service Hospitals in England.Main Outcome Measures 30 day mortality (in or out of hospital).Results There were 14,217,640 admissions included in the principal analysis, with 187,337 in-hospital deaths reported within 30 days of admission. Admission on weekend days was associated with a considerable increase in risk of subsequent death compared with admission on weekdays, hazard ratio for Sunday versus Wednesday 1.16 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.18; P < .0001), and for Saturday versus Wednesday 1.11 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.13; P < .0001). Hospital stays on weekend days were associated with a lower risk of death than midweek days, hazard ratio for being in hospital on Sunday versus Wednesday 0.92 (95% CI 0.91 to 0.94; P < .0001), and for Saturday versus Wednesday 0.95 (95% CI 0.93 to 0.96; P < .0001). Similar findings were observed on a smaller US data set.Conclusions Admission at the weekend is associated with increased risk of subsequent death within 30 days of admission. The likelihood of death actually occurring is less on a weekend day than on a mid-week day

    Molecule mapping of HR8799b using OSIRIS on Keck: Strong detection of water and carbon monoxide, but no methane

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    Context. In 2015, Barman et al. (ApJ, 804, 61) presented detections of absorption from water, carbon monoxide, and methane in the atmosphere of the directly imaged exoplanet HR8799b using integral field spectroscopy (IFS) with OSIRIS on the Keck II telescope. We recently devised a new method to analyse IFU data, called molecule mapping, searching for high-frequency signatures of particular molecules in an IFU data cube. Aims. The aim of this paper is to use the molecule mapping technique to search for the previously detected spectral signatures in HR8799b using the same data, allowing a comparison of molecule mapping with previous methods. Methods. The medium-resolution H- and K-band pipeline-reduced archival data were retrieved from the Keck archive facility. Telluric and stellar lines were removed from each spectrum in the data cube, after which the residuals were cross-correlated with model spectra of carbon monoxide, water, and methane. Results. Both carbon monoxide and water are clearly detected at high signal-to-noise, however, methane is not retrieved. Conclusions. Molecule mapping works very well on the OSIRIS data of exoplanet HR8799b. However, it is not evident why methane is detected in the original analysis, but not with the molecule mapping technique. Possible causes could be the presence of telluric residuals, different spectral filtering techniques, or the use of different methane models. We do note that in the original analysis methane was only detected in the K-band, while the H-band methane signal could be expected to be comparably strong. More sensitive observations with the JWST will be capable of confirming or disproving the presence of methane in this planet at high confidence.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables, accepted by A&

    Effect of interactions on the noise of chiral Luttinger liquid systems

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    We analyze the current noise, generated at a quantum point contact in fractional quantum Hall edge state devices, using the chiral Luttinger liquid model with an impurity and the associated exact field theoretic solution. We demonstrate that an experimentally relevant regime of parameters exists where the noise coincides with the partition noise of independent Laughlin quasiparticles. However, outside of this regime, this independent particle picture breaks down and the inclusion of interaction effects is essential to understand the shot noise.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2: modified FIG.1, new FIG.