137 research outputs found

    Inclusão digital de idosos

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    Aplicação de uma língua electrónica na classificação de méis monoflorais

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    Analisou-se o perfil polínico de 51 amostras de mel nacional. Os pólens mais frequentes no mel são originários das plantas dos géneros Lavandula, Cistus, Echium, Erica, Castanea, Thymus, Prunus, Cytisus, Carduus, Trifolium e Citrus. Considerando a classificação de mel monofloral de Lavandula (pólen predominante superior a 15%), de Erica e de Echium (pólen predominante superior a 45%) seleccionaram-se 38 méis monoflorais: 18, 9 e 11 destes méis foram classificados como méis monoflorais de Lavandula, Erica e Echium, respectivamente. Contudo há méis que podem ser classificados como mel monofloral de dois géneros de pólen (Lavandula-Echium, Erica-Lavandula, Echium-Lavandula). Os méis monoflorais foram analisados com um sistema de multi-sensores químicos não específicos de sensibilidade cruzada (Língua Electrónica) e os resultados foram tratados através da análise de componentes principais e análise discriminante. Verificou-se que é possível discriminar razoavelmente o mel monofloral de acordo com o género do pólen predominante

    Learning analyticsin a virtual learning environment : the challenge of mapping socio-affective scenarios

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    Virtual courses are increasingly being offered in Brazil, making it imperative to develop technological resources and research to help in the teaching and learning processes in this modality. One approach is to analyze student's socio-affective profile in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). The co-operative learning network (ROODA) VLE has two features called the Social Map (SM) and Affective Map (AM), which can both contribute to the visualization of data regarding social interaction indicators and students' moods in the environment. The SM presents the social relations formed through indicators, which are the absence; collaboration; the distance from the class; evasion; informal groups and popularity, enabling the identification of the participating subjects in the form of sociograms. The AM identifies students' moods graphically through indicators, which are excitement, discouragement, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction. Thus, this article aims to map the possible recurrent socio-affective scenarios in a VLE using Learning Analytics (LA). LA is defined as measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about students and their contexts to understand as well as optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs. It can also contribute to the understanding of student's learning profile, based on social and affective aspects, thus allowing the teacher to develop pedagogical strategies consistent with the needs of each subject. The importance of integrating the possible social and affective scenarios was verified using LA, making it possible to deepen the comprehension of the subjective and qualitative questions regarding the students' interactions in the VLE. In this study, the scenarios are understood as the intersection between the Affective Map and Social Map indicators identified in a VLE. It has both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The choice is qualitatively justified because the research object involves social and affective phenomena that were subjectively expressed in texts and social interactions manifested in the ROODA VLE. It is quantitatively justified by the need to measure the mapping of socio-affective indicators through social parameters and moods applying LA. The subjects were undergraduate students who participated in distance learning courses at a Brazilian public university that used the ROODA VLE in the second semester of 2019. Data were collected from social and affective maps to identify if there was a relationship between them. As a result, based on the existing indicators of social interactions and moods, the socio-affective indicators were created using LA in order to analyze the students’ behavior in relation to the forms of interaction and communication that occur in the ROODA VLE

    Socio-affective competences in virtual learning environments : a concept discussion

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o conceito de competências socioafetivas (CSA) nas interações que ocorrem em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA). Para isso, é feita uma discussão teórica-prática trazendo definições importantes da literatura a fim de entender os cenários socioafetivos inferidos nas ferramentas Mapa Social e Mapa Afetivo do AVA ROODA. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, onde a metodologia é qualitativa, do tipo interpretativa, de natureza exploratória. O público-alvo é composto por estudantes de pós-graduação na modalidade EaD de uma Universidade pública do Brasil. A análise dos dados revelou um grupo de participantes consciente sobre a importância da modalidade EaD, principalmente quanto à colaboração. Em relação aos aspectos afetivos, predominou um estado de ânimo positivo para a maioria dos estudantes. Isso demonstra um perfil de motivação da turma durante as interações no ambiente virtual. Portanto, a partir dos dados coletados, em conjunto com a discussão teórica, foram identificadas cinco competências socioafetivas a serem construídas na EaD: Engajamento, Resiliência, Autogestão, Abertura ao Novo e Empatia. Desse modo, apresenta-se como resultado desta investigação a relação de cada indicador socioafetivo com as CSA.This article aims to discuss the concept of socio-affective competences (SAC) in the interactions that occur in virtual learning environments (VLE). For this, a theoretical-practical discussion is made for the construction of SAC in VLE, in which important definitions in literature for understand the socio-affective scenarios inferred in the Social Map and Affective Map tools of the VLE of application. The methodology is qualitative, interpretive and exploratory in nature. The target audience were graduate students in the distance education modality of a public university in Brazil. The data revealed a very conscious group about the distance education modality, since the collaboration between its members remained active during the classes. Regarding the affective aspects, a positive mood prevailed for most students, showing that the class profile remained in motivation. From the data collected, together with the theoretical discussion, five socio-affective skills were identified to be built in distance education: Engagement, Resilience, Self-management, Openness to the New and Empathy. Thus, the relationship of each socio-affective indicator with the SAC is presented as a result of this investigation

    Pedagogical architecture focusing on digital authorship by older person : a Look at creative learning

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    Esta pesquisa visa apresentar uma Arquitetura Pedagógica desenvolvida com foco na autoria digital para construção de filmes em stop motionpelos idosos. O cenário pandêmico exigiu alternativas remotas para o prosseguimento das aulas, sendo necessário que os docentes adaptassem os planejamentos à nova realidade. Nesse viés, a Arquitetura Pedagógica pode auxiliar os professores em desenvolver práticas voltadas à Aprendizagem Criativa, já que é constituída de aspectos que orientam no planejamento das atividades pedagógicas. A Aprendizagem Criativa é uma abordagem pedagógica no qual o intuito é tornar os ambientes educacionais mais criativos e lúdicos. Assim, acredita-se que se pode desenvolver uma Arquitetura Pedagógica baseada na Aprendizagem Criativa para idosos criarem filmes com a técnica de stopmotion. A metodologia é qualitativa, de natureza aplicada, sendo exploratória do tipo estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dois tipos de instrumentos: observação participante e questionários on-line. Portanto,por meio da proposta pedagógica 32 idosos cursaram o curso CineSênior em 2021 todos realizaram a produção audiovisual e destacaram que 93,75% (n=30) gostaram de ser autores digitais e 6,25%(n=2) não gostaram preferindo ser espectadores. Como resultado observou que a arquitetura proposta se mostrou eficiente para idosos com interesse em construir filmes em stopmotion, tornando a aprendizagem criativa para este públicoThis research aims to present a pedagogical architecture developed with a focus on digital authorship for the construction of stop motion films by the older person. The pandemic scenario required remote alternatives for the continuation of classes, making it necessary for teachers to adapt plans to the new reality. Pedagogical Architecture can help teachers to develop practices aimed at Creative Learning, since it is made up of aspects that guide the planning of pedagogical activities. Creative Learning is a pedagogical approach in which the aim is to make educational environments more creative and playful. Thus, it is believed that a Pedagogical Architecture based on Creative Learning can bedeveloped for the elderly to create films with the stop motion technique. The methodology is qualitative, applied in nature, being exploratory in the case study type. Two types of instruments were used for data collection: participant observation and online questionnaires. Therefore, through the pedagogical proposal, 32 older peopleattended the CineSenior course in 2021, all of them carried out the audiovisual production and highlighted that 93,75% (n=30) liked being digital authors and 6,25% (n=2) did not like it, preferring to be spectators. As a result, it was observed that the proposed architecture proved to be efficient for group 60+ interested in building stop motion films, making creative learning for this public

    Características Clínicas da Alopecia Frontal Fibrosante no Brasil: Série de 59 Pacientes

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    Introduction: Clinical characteristics of frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) have been studied since its description in 1994 in Europe, North America and Australia, and the present study is the largest on FFA features in Latin America. Methods: This study, through questionnaire and medical records, describes characteristics of a Brazilian population of 59 patients with FFA, concerning clinical forms, individual features and use of cosmetic products. Results: Mean patients’ age was 58.4 years (range 35-84y). Duration of disease varied from six months to 20y (median 5y). Most women were postmenopausal (83.1%) and non-smokers (83.1%). Five percent had at least one associated autoimmune disease, most commonly hypothyroidism (13.6%). Six of 40 patients (15%) had lichen planus pigmentosus and ten had facial papules (25%). Eyebrow alopecia occurred in 50 (84.7%), and body hair loss in 47 (79.7%). Facial papules were more prevalent in premenopausal women. Conclusion: Studying FFA epide- miology may help understanding the pathophysiology of this epidemic disease and this study highlights similarities and differences to previously published studies in FFA, such as greater frequency in postmenopausal women, association with hypothyroidism and facial irritation with cosmetic products.Introdução: A alopecia frontal fibrosante (AFF) foi inicialmente descrita em 1994 na Austrália, Europa e América do Norte, e este é o maior estudo sobre as características da AFF na América Latina. Métodos: Através de questionários e revisão dos processos clínicos, descrevemos as características de 59 pacientes com AFF, quanto à forma clínica, características indivi- duais e uso de produtos cosméticos. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 58,4 anos (35-84 anos). A duração da doença variou de seis meses a 20 anos (mediana 5 anos). A maioria das mulheres encontrava-se na menopausa e (83,1%) e era não fumadora (83,1%). Cinco por cento tinham pelo menos uma doença autoimune associada, principalmente hipotireoidis- mo (13,6%). Seis pacientes (15%) apresentavam líquen plano pigmentoso e dez pápulas faciais (25%). Alopecia dos supracílios ocorreu em 50 (84,7%) e no corpo em 47 (79,7%). Pápulas faciais foram mais prevalentes em mulheres na pré-menopausa. Conclusão: Estudar a epidemiologia da AFF pode ajudar a entender a fisiopatologia dessa doença epidémica e este artigo traz algumas semelhanças e diferenças com estudos publicados anteriormente sobre a AFF, como maior frequência em mulheres na pós-menopausa, associação com hipotireoidismo e irritação facial com o uso de produtos cosméticos

    An electronic tongue for honey classification

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    An electronic tongue system was developed based on 20 all-solid-state potentiometric sensors and chemometric data processing, with polymeric membranes applied on solid conducting silver-epoxy supports and a Ag=AgCl reference electrode. The sensor array was applied to 52 commercial honey samples obtained randomly from different regions of Portugal. These samples were analysed independently for their pollen profiles by biological techniques and the data collected with the tongue were evaluated for discrimination of the samples with multivariate statistical methods (principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis), to investigate whether the device may provide an analytical alternative for classification of honey samples with respect to pollen type, a task which is time consuming and requires skilled labour when performed by biological techniques. It was found that the tongue has a reasonable efficiency for classification of honey samples of the most common three types (with Erica, Echium and Lavandula as predominant pollens). With linear discriminant analysis, the honey samples yielded about 84% classification accuracy and 72% for crossed validation. In this study, the honey samples correctly classified for the different types of the dominant pollen were: 53% for Lavandula, 83% for Erica and 78% for Echium pollen

    Affective and social aspects in distance education : the interdisciplinarity in focus

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    This article presents an analysis of the possible contributions of the affective and social aspects to the development of pedagogical practices in the modality of Distance Education. The interactions of students in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) were observed and identified based on the use of specific instruments of affective and social analysis. The aim is to assist the teacher in the development of his pedagogical practices carried out through an VLE. The methodology used was the qualitative developed in a discipline at a public university in the south of Brazil in 2018. Twelve undergraduate students from different undergraduate courses participated in the study. The data were extracted from the Social Map and Affective Map tools available in ROODA VLE, used in the discipline. These tools enable a mapping of the student's affective and social profile, from the productions and interactions of the students in the VLE. The results point to the relevance of the support that the information provided by the maps can provide to the teacher. In this sense, they contribute to the decision of pedagogical practices, since they can corroborate the strategies adopted by the teacher or they can base the (re)orientation of the proposed activities in order to meet the affective and social demands of each student. The data obtained provided, in addition to a more in-depth discussion on the subject, the development of new resources as a system of recommendation of pedagogical strategies based on the social and affective aspects of the student