3,358 research outputs found
Parque Biblioteca Quinta Paredes
Trabajo de gradoEl resultado del proyecto en el caso puntual para la UPZ de Quinta Paredes, después de analizado el lugar y determinar sus necesidades se definió que el proyecto a implantar era El Parque Biblioteca Quinta Paredes, permitiendo un conexión con los equipamientos culturales de Innobo y a su vez con la comunidad, teniendo en cuenta que el uso predominante es residencial.PregradoArquitect
Underwater noise propagation models and its application in renewable energy parks: WaveRoller Case Study
In the light of global warming, large-scale transition to renewable power sources is a worldwide challenge, playing wind power a significant role. Sea wave energy is being increasingly regarded in many countries as a major and promising resource but, like all forms of energy conversion, it will inevitably have an impact on the marine environment.
WaveRoller, a Wave Energy Conversion Device, is installed in front of Almagreira beach, on the west coast of Portugal. The purpose of this thesis is to study and quantify the underwater radiated noise from this device using an underwater acoustic model in order to estimate potential effects it may have in the marine environment. The model used to run the data will be MIKE Zero – Underwater Acoustic Simulator by DHI .
In the study site only cetacean species are expected to occur. Results showed that behavioural responses might be expected for low and mid-frequency cetaceans if they swim close to the device. Also, the device shouldn’t be installed in an area in which a population of cetaceans exists in a 28m ray. For these individuals, injury can be assumed if SEL (Sound Exposure Level) is higher than 215 dB re 1μPa2.s, for non-pulse sounds. Results showed the calculated maximum SEL of the Waveroller sound is 150 dB re 1μPa2.s and therefore no injury is expected.
MIKE Zero – Underwater Acoustic Simulator is a powerful tool to test any device that produces underwater noise and offers the possibility to create Surface Sound maps of results by using MIKEXYZ Converter tool
Saúde e saneamento no município de Galinhos-RN
The state of health and sanitation in the city de Galinhos/RN is alarming,
considering that access to public water supply and sanitation is absent. This
condition is further exacerbated by the demand of that area as a tourist destination,
especially to celebrate the festivities as the carnival, catholic festival and activities of
summer. The city population growth, at times above cited, carries the collapse of
poor sanitation system. The work now directs the foregoing discussion to the links
between health, sanitation and environment, understood as built environment. In this
context, the understanding of socio-sanitary conditions of the council is essential in
the process of examining the actions of human rebut on the quality of life of local
people. Thus, we developed the analysis of primary and secondary data, to conduct
a holistic analysis of the health and sanitation in the city in the existing scenario. We
verified, in the course of the research, that the conditions for solve part of the
problem are already evident. However, the lack of political and popular
demobilization contribute to the maintenance of the status quoA situação da saúde e do saneamento básico no município de Galinhos/RN
é alarmante, tendo em vista que o acesso ao sistema público de abastecimento de
água e esgotamento sanitário inexiste. Essa condição é agravada ainda mais pela
procura da referida área como destino turístico, principalmente em comemoração a
festejos como o carnaval, festa da padroeira e atividades de veraneio. O crescimento
da população do município em foco, nos momentos supracitados, provoca um
colapso no deficitário sistema de saneamento básico. O trabalho ora exposto
direciona a discussão para as relações existentes entre saúde, saneamento e meio
ambiente, entendido como meio ambiente construído. Nesse contexto, a
compreensão das condições sócio-sanitárias do município é essencial no processo
de análise dos rebatimentos das ações antrópicas sobre a qualidade de vida da
população local. Assim, desenvolvemos a análise dos dados secundários e
primários, procurando realizar uma análise holística das condições de saúde e
saneamento existentes no município em tela. Constatamos, no decorrer da
pesquisa, que as condições para equacionamento de parte do problema evidenciado
já existem. Todavia, a falta de interesse político e a desmobilização popular
contribuem para a manutenção do status qu
Identification and Quantification of Phases in Steels by X Ray Diffraction Using Rietveld Refinement
X-ray diffraction has been applied in the investigation of phase formation in steels, operating in industrial environments. In this work, identification and quantification of phases by X-ray diffraction and peak fitting, using the Rietveld method, were employed. In a first scenario, two different types of steels, subjected to abrasive surface cleaning, suffered contamination from the blasting operation that compromise between 10 and 36% of the blasted surface, as revealed by the quantitative phase analysis. Such high values of particulates can jeopardize the corrosion protection offered by posterior coating application. In a second scenario, duplex steels (DS) subjected to aggressive environments and high temperatures of service went through phase transformation that formed amounts up to 3.5% of a deleterious phase, known as sigma phase. This phase compromises the steel mechanical resistance and corrosion protection, and its quantification is crucial for the assurance of the material integrity. The quantitative phase analysis (QPA) by X-ray diffraction provided the diagnosis of forthcoming problems related to the presence of such phases in the investigated steels, allowing the optimization of techniques and the choice of correct process parameters
Phase Transformations in Duplex Stainless Steel: An Assessment by In Situ X-Ray Diffraction
Duplex stainless steels (commonly known as DSS) are a class of stainless steels with a microstructure formed by two main phases: ferrite and austenite. They are used in a wide range of applications, such as chemical processing, in maritime environments and in the oil and gas industries. In most cases, DSS are chosen based on their strength and corrosion resistance for various environments. When exposed to temperatures above 600°C though, the balance of alloying elements can be modified due to precipitation of various secondary phases, such as sigma (σ) and chi (χ). The sigma phase is typically enriched with Cr and Mo, so its formation can lead to a drastic deterioration in toughness, corrosion resistance, and weldability of duplex stainless steels. To prevent damages to these steels due to the formation of sigma phase, the understanding of such transformation becomes mandatory, not only during the development of these steels but also during their processing. In this research, samples from a lean duplex steel UNS S32304 are subjected to a temperature of 800°C and analyzed in situ by X-ray diffraction. Thus, the kinetics of phase transformations occurring in duplex stainless steels are observed in real time
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), inserida no plano de estudos do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança (ESEB), do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
As experiências de ensino aprendizagem, aqui apresentadas, foram pensadas numa perspetiva de articulação curricular, em que os interesses e necessidades das crianças bem como os seus ritmos de aprendizagem, foram contemplados. Para o efeito, apoiamo-nos nas Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar (OCEPE), no Guião de Educação, Género e Cidadania para a Educação Pré- Escolar, no Programa do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, nas Metas Curriculares para o 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Guião de Educação, Género e Cidadania para o 1º. Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Estas experiências de ensino aprendizagem traduzem-se num processo descritivo, interpretativo e reflexivo, enquadrado numa abordagem qualitativa. É importante salientar que, ao longo da prática educativa, adotamos uma atitude reflexiva e crítica face ao trabalho desenvolvido.
No decorrer da prática, as atividades que desenvolvemos foram pensadas no sentido de darmos resposta à questão problema: Quais as perceções das crianças sobre as questões de género? Para tal delineamos os seguintes objetivos: i) conhecer as perceções das crianças sobre as questões de género ii) Perceber se a família e a escola são responsáveis pela perpetuação de estereótipos de género iii) Analisar os processos associados à construção identitária de género, em contexto de Creche, Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico iv) Perceber de que forma as questões de género estão presentes no quotidiano dos futuros adultos.
Para que fosse possível recolhermos a informação para a nossa investigação selecionamos um conjunto de técnicas e de instrumentos de recolha de dados. Foram eles: observação participante, notas de campo, registos fotográficos e entrevista. Para a análise dos dados recorremos à análise de conteúdo.
Após a análise dos dados, estes parecem apontar para existência de conceções estereotipadas sobre o género que podem condicionar a criança e o modo como, em adulto, a mesma assumirá os seus papéis pessoais, sociais e profissionais.This report was developed within the curricular unit of the Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), inserted in Master's Course in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, of the Higher School of Education of Bragança (ESEB), of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança.
The teaching learning experiences presented here were conceived in a perspective of curricular articulation, in which the interests and needs of the children as well as their learning rhythms were contemplated. To this end, we support ourselves in the Curricular Guidelines for Pre-School Education (OCEPE), the Gender and Citizenship Education Guide for Pre-School Education, the Program of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, the Curricular Goals for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and in the Guide of Education Gender and Citizenship for the 1st. Basic Cycle of Education. These learning teaching experiences translate into a descriptive, interpretive and reflective process, framed in a qualitative approach. It is important to emphasize that, throughout the educational practice, we adopted a reflexive and critical attitude towards the work developed.
In the course of the practice, the activities that we developed were designed in order to answer the problem question: What are the children's perceptions about gender issues? To this end, we outline the following objectives: i) to know children's perceptions of gender issues ii) to understand if family and school are responsible for the perpetuation of gender stereotypes iii) to analyze the processes associated with gender identity construction, in context Nursery, Kindergarten and 1st Cycle of Basic Education iv) Understand how gender issues are present in the daily lives of future adults.
In order to collect the information for our investigation, we selected a set of techniques and data collection instruments. They were: participant observation, field notes, photographic records and interview. For the analysis of the data we used content analysis.
After analyzing the data, these seem to point to stereotyped conceptions about gender that can condition the child and how, in adult, it will assume their personal, social and professional roles
Determinantes socio-económicos en los fenómenos de pobreza y desigualdad en Colombia: análisis a nivel departamental 2008 – 2017
Trabajo de investigaciónEn este documento se estudia el efecto del PIB per cápita y de la tasa global de participación (TGP), como determinantes socioeconómicos de ingreso y mercado laboral, sobre la desigualdad y la pobreza, a nivel departamental usando un modelo de datos panel con efectos fijos. Se emplean datos del índice de Gini, como medida de desigualdad, y de la pobreza monetaria y la pobreza extrema.INTRODUCCIÓN
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