23 research outputs found

    La Cova del Somo (Castell de Castells, Alacant)

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    Aquest treball pretén donar a conéixer un petit conjunt de materials prehistòrics procedents de diferents exploracions realitzades a la Cova del Somo (Castell de Castells, Alacant), que es troben depositats en diverses col·leccions: Museu de Prehistòria i de les Cultures de València, Museu Arqueològic Provincial d’Alacant, Museu Arqueològic Municipal Camil Visedo Moltó d’Alcoi i Centre d’Estudis Contestans.Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer un conjunto de materiales prehistóricos procedentes de diferentes exploraciones realizadas en los últimos años en la Cova del Somo (Castell de Castells, Alicante) y que se encuentran depositados en varias colecciones: Museo de Prehistoria y de las Culturas de Valencia, Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante, Museu Arqueològic Municipal Camil Visedo Moltó de Alcoi y Centre d’Estudis Contestans.In this work we present an assembly of prehistoric material coming from different explorations carried out in recent years in La Cova del Somo (Castell de Castells, Alicante, Spain). These materials are deposited in several collections: Museum of Prehistory and of the Cultures of Valencia, Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante, Museu Arqueològic Municipal Camil Visedo Moltó of Alcoi and Centre d’Estudis Contestans

    Nuevas aportaciones al Paleolítico superior medio de la Cova Beneito

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    En el presente trabajo se ofrecen por primera vez dataciones absoluta obtenidas para los niveles adscritos al Solutrense. Al mismo tiempo se avanza con carácter preliminar los datos tipológicos, sedimentológicos/paleoambientales y antropológicos aportados por las excavaciones recientes en el exterior del abrigo.En aquest treball s’ofereix per primera vegada les datacions absolutes obtingudes per als nivells adscrits al Solutrià. Així com també es mostra un avanç amb carácter preliminar de les dades tipològiques, sedimentològiques/paleoambientals i antropològiques aportades per les recents excavacions a l’exterior de l’abric

    Genomic transformation and social organization during the Copper Age-Bronze Age transition in southern Iberia

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    The emerging Bronze Age (BA) of southeastern Iberia saw marked social changes. Late Copper Age (CA) settlements were abandoned in favor of hilltop sites, and collective graves were largely replaced by single or double burials with often distinctive grave goods indirectly reflecting a hierarchical social organization, as exemplified by the BA El Argar group. We explored this transition from a genomic viewpoint by tripling the amount of data available for this period. Concomitant with the rise of El Argar starting ∼2200 cal BCE, we observe a complete turnover of Y-chromosome lineages along with the arrival of steppe-related ancestry. This pattern is consistent with a founder effect in male lineages, supported by our finding that males shared more relatives at sites than females. However, simple two-source models do not find support in some El Argar groups, suggesting additional genetic contributions from the Mediterranean that could predate the BA.This work was supported by the Max Planck Society (V.V.-M. and W.H.); European Research Council (ERC) grant 771234—PALEoRIDER (W.H.); Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness project HAR2017-85962-P (C.O., C.R.-H., M.I.F., E.C.B., C.V.-F., V.L., R.M., and R.R.); AGAUR 2017SGR1044 (C.O., C.R.-H., M.I.F., E.C.B., C.V.-F., V.L., R.M., and R.R.); ICREA Academia program (R.R.); John Templeton Foundation grant 61220 (D.R.); and Paul Allen Family Foundation (D.R.). D.R. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    Genomic transformation and social organization during the Copper Age-Bronze Age transition in southern Iberia

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    [EN]The emerging Bronze Age (BA) of southeastern Iberia saw marked social changes. Late Copper Age (CA) settlements were abandoned in favor of hilltop sites, and collective graves were largely replaced by single or double burials with often distinctive grave goods indirectly reflecting a hierarchical social organization, as exemplified by the BA El Argar group. We explored this transition from a genomic viewpoint by tripling the amount of data available for this period. Concomitant with the rise of El Argar starting similar to 2200 cal BCE, we observe a complete turnover of Y-chromosome lineages along with the arrival of steppe-related ancestry. This pattern is consistent with a founder effect in male lineages, supported by our finding that males shared more relatives at sites than females. However, simple two-source models do not find support in some El Argar groups, suggesting additional genetic contributions from the Mediterranean that could predate the BA.This work was supported by the Max Planck Society (V.V.-M. and W.H.); European Research Council (ERC) grant 771234-PALEoRIDER (W. H.); Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness project HAR2017-85962-P (C.O., C.R.-H., M.I.F., E.C.B., C.V.-F., V.L., R.M., and R.R.); AGAUR 2017SGR1044 (C.O., C.R.-H., M.I.F., E. C.B., C.V.-F., V. L., R.M., and R.R.); ICREA Academia program (R.R.); John Templeton Foundation grant 61220 (D.R.); and Paul Allen Family Foundation (D.R.). D.R. is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    Anthropology and paleopathology of the bone remains exhumed in the maqbara of the Tossal de Manises (La Albufereta, Alicante)

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    Se presenta un resumen de los resultados del estudio antropológico y paleopatológico sobre los restos óseos pertenecientes a los enterramientos islámicos hallados en la necrópolis del Tossal de Manises (La Albufereta, Alicante), cuyo trabajo íntegro ha sido publicado recientemente por el MARQ de la Diputación Provincial de Alicante.This paper presents an abstract with the results of the Anthropological and Paleopathological studies of the bone remains belonging to the Islamic burials found in the necropolis of «Tossal de Manises» (La Albufereta, Alicante). The complete study has been recently published by the MARQ of the Diputación Provincial de Alicante

    Joaquín de Rojas. Primer director del Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante

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