142 research outputs found

    An evaluation of urban consolidation centers through continuous analysis with non-equal market share companies

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    This paper analyzes the logistic cost savings caused by the implementation of Urban Consolidation Centers (UCC) in a dense area of a city. In these urban terminals, freight flows from interurban carriers are consolidated and transferred to a neutral last-mile carrier to perform final deliveries. This operation would reduce both last-mile fleet size and average distance cost. Our UCC modeling approach is focused on continuous analytic models for the general case of carriers with different market shares. Savings are highly sensitive to the design of the system: the increment of capacity in interurban vehicles and the proximity of the UCC terminal to the area in relation to current distribution centers. An exhaustive collection of possible market shares distributions are discussed. Results show that market shares distribution does not affect cost savings significantly. The analysis of the proposed model also highlights the trade-off between savings in the system and a minimum market share per company when the consolidation center is established.Postprint (published version

    Stakeholder’s profitability of carrier-led consolidation strategies in urban goods distribution

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    This paper presents the necessary conditions to ensure a minimal profitability of carrier-led consolidation strategies in urban distribution. These conditions are shown by compact formulas obtained by continuous approximations representing the cost of the stakeholders involved: society, regular carriers, consolidation facility operator and environment. The domain of the retailer density variable that always produces negative effects on each stakeholder has been identified. The envelope of this domain does not depend on vehicle costs and other site-related parameters. On the other hand, there is a critical density of receivers that makes the carrier cost savings higher than the CF operator costs.Postprint (author's final draft

    Bidimensional scattering of tm and te polarized waves by dielectric

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    In the study of electromagnetic radiation effects over dielectric bodies, effective numerical methods are needed. At present, there is a lack of tools for measuring this effects and due to the huge growth of microwave devices, like cellular radio telephones working close to the human body, it is necessary to develop accurate numerical methods for evaluating those effects. One of the most efficient and extensively used method is the FFT-CGM (Fast-Fourier-Transform Conjugate Gradient Method). In this paper, algorithms for solving the two-dimensional scattering of transversal magnetic (TM) and transversal electric (TE) polarized waves by a lossy dielectric and metallic objects are presented. At the same time, the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of tissues and the modified radiation diagrams when the body is present are obtained from the diffracted fields.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La baja capacidad estatal administrativa del personal policial de la Unidad Ejecutora 029 - DIREJANDRO PNP a cargo de las contrataciones públicas en el departamento de Lima, y su incidencia en el Orden Interno

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    Cómo, las capacidades estatales administrativas de cualquier efectivo policial que labora en una unidad ejecutora de la Policía Nacional del Perú, influye en la ejecución del presupuesto asignado anualmente a dicha unidad, es un aspecto no abordado, y mucho menos estudiado por algún órgano o unidad orgánica de la PNP. La especialidad en Contrataciones del Estado, o en Contrataciones Públicas, no existe en la PNP; y es que la evolución de los programas presupuestales en nuestro país es relativamente nuevo, ya que vienen siendo implementados por el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas desde el año 2008; a ello se suma la capacitación que tiene que tener el personal policial que es asignado a una Unidad Ejecutora, ya que como dijimos, además de no ser una especialidad, tampoco dicha materia es dictada en los centros de formación policial. Lo que no lleva a la pregunta: ¿y cómo hace el personal policial que es cambiado para trabajar en una Unidad Ejecutora? La respuesta llega sola, tiene que ir aprendiendo desde el nivel básico. Pero las normas sobre contrataciones son modificadas continuamente, lo que implica una actualización permanente. Pero cuando la situación parece estabilizarse, vienen los desplazamientos de cargos, es decir, los cambios de colocación de aquel personal policial que habiéndose capacitado y actualizado, tiene que ser cambiado de colocación a otra unidad policial, que no necesariamente es otra unidad ejecutora. El presente proyecto de innovación se centra en estas capacidades estatales administrativas, en el caso particular, en las del personal policial de la Unidad Ejecutora 029 DIREJANDRO PNP, y cómo su mayor o menor fortalecimiento institucional, influye finalmente en el trabajo profesional y éste, en los bienes, servicios u obras que como producto, son entregados a la sociedad, como parte de la implementación de las políticas públicas donde la PNP tiene participación.How, the administrative state capacities of any police force that works in an executing unit of the National Police, influences the execution of the budget assigned annually to said unit, is an aspect not addressed, and much less studied by any organ or organic unit of the National Police of Peru. The specialty in State Procurement, or in Public Procurement, does not exist in the National Police; The fact is that the evolution of budget programs in our country is relatively new, since they have been implemented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance since 2008; Added to this is the training that police personnel who are assigned to an Execution Unit must have, since as we said, in addition to not being a specialty, this subject is not taught in police training centers either. Which does not lead to the question: and how do the police personnel who are changed to work in an Execution Unit do? The answer comes alone; you have to learn from the basic level. But the rules on hiring are continually modified, which implies a permanent update. But when the situation seems to stabilize, there are the displacements of positions, that is, the changes of placement of those police personnel who, having been trained and updated, have to be transferred to another police unit, which is not necessarily another executing unit. This innovation project focuses on these administrative state capacities, in the particular case, on those of the police personnel of the Executing Unit 029 DIREJANDRO PNP, and how their greater or lesser institutional strengthening ultimately influences professional work and this, in the goods, services or works that, as a product, are delivered to society, as part of the implementation of public policies where the National Police has participation

    Telecommuting´s impact in management and communications variables: IT sector case

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    En este artículo vamos a profundizar en el análisis de las asociaciones existentes entre las diferentes modalidades de teletrabajo que se encuentran en el sector de TIC y las variables relacionadas con la dirección y comunicación. Por un lado, abundaremos en la forma en que se controla el rendimiento de los teletrabajadores, el momento en que se realiza el control y, en este punto, si son los mismos que se aplican a los no teletrabajadores. También, trataremos de conocer las diferencias respecto a la opinión de si la supervisión de los teletrabajadores requiere más tiempo que la de sus compañeros y al grado de autonomía de éstos para tomar decisiones. Por otro, puntualizaremos las posibles diferencias encontradas respecto a la influencia que tiene el teletrabajo sobre algunas de las variables de comunicación y sobre las opiniones relacionadas con la efectividad de las comunicaciones con los teletrabajadores, características de la dirección remota o el modo de entender la labor del supervisor.In this article we are going to deepen in the analysis of the existing associations between the different modalities from telecommuting in the sector of CIT and variables related to the direction and communication patterns. On the one hand, we will abound in the form at that controls the results of telecommuters, the moment in which the control is made and, in this point, if they are the same that they are applied to non-telecommuters. Also, we will try to know the differences with respect to the opinion of if the supervision of telecommuters requires more time than the one of colleagues and the degree of autonomy of them to make decisions. On the other hand, we will emphasize the possible differences found with respect to the influence that has telecommuting on some of the communication variables and the opinions related to the effectiveness of the communications with the teleworkers, characteristics of the remote direction or the way to understand the work of the supervisor

    Apoyo de una web a la docencia presencial: una experiencia en TMRA2

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    En este trabajo pretendemos contar nuestra experiencia impartiendo docencia tradicional con el apoyo de una web educativa. Empezaremos analizando brevemente el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en la educación. Seguiremos con el análisis detallado de los pasos que hemos seguido para el desarrollo de la web. Finalmente, mostramos los resultados de la investigación empírica realizada con los alumnos participantes en esta experiencia docente, la cual nos ha contrastado las dos hipótesis planteadas: que la web ha servido de apoyo a las clases tradicionales y que el grado de satisfacción de la misma ha sido muy positivo.In this work we seek to count our educational experience when imparting traditional docencia with the support of an educational web. We will begin analyzing the impact of the Tecnologies of the Informatión and Comunicatión (TIC) shortly in the education. We will continue with the detailed analysis of the steps that we have continued for the development of the web. Finally, we show the results of the empiric investigation carried out with the participant students in this educational experience, which you have contrasted us the two outlined hypotheses: that the web has served from support to the traditional classes and that the grade of satisfaction of the same one has been very positive

    El impacto de la crisis económica en nuestras dos constituciones

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    This paper presents the text of the conference pronounced by Javier García Roca at the Center of Political and Constitutional Studies, on January 30, 2014. That commitment served to expose the main thesis of our essay: Budgetary stability and constitutional consecration of debt brake (Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2013). So we decided we both would sign this article. Now we try to stimulate discussion about the transformation of the economic crisis is leaving problems that we had long and have gotten worse and emerged practically at once, after thirty-five years of constitutional development. The crisis has introduced in the law of the European Union and in our domestic legislation —with the reform of Article 135 of the Constitution—a stronger principle of budget stability, a true constitutional prohibition. At European level, we are witnessing a material constitutional place, that is where there are the basic and supreme political decisions about the economy. And at the domestic level it is urgent to undertake a constitutional reform, as a defense of the Constitution, in order to avoid the blackout of the representative democratic system.Este trabajo recoge el texto de la conferencia pronunciada por Javier García Roca en el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales el 30 de enero de 2014. Aquel compromiso sirvió para exponer las principales tesis de nuestra monografía: Estabilidad presupuestaria y consagración del freno constitucional al endeudamiento (Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2013). Por eso decidimos que este artículo viniera firmado por ambos autores. Ahora tratamos de propiciar la discusión sobre la transformación que la crisis económica está dejando en problemas que ya teníamos desde hace tiempo y que han empeorado y aflorado prácticamente a la vez, después de treinta y cinco años de desarrollo constitucional. La crisis ha introducido en el Derecho de la Unión Europea y en nuestro ordenamiento interno —con la reforma del artículo 135 de la Constitución— un reforzado principio de estabilidad presupuestaria, una verdadera prohibición de rango constitucional. A nivel europeo asistimos a un lugar constitucional material, que es donde se encuentran las decisiones políticas básicas y supremas respecto de la economía. Y a nivel interno se hace urgente emprender una reforma constitucional como mecanismo de defensa de la Constitución, con el fin de evitar el apagón del circuito democrático representativo

    Família: funcionalidade e efetividade como rede de apoio social em pacientes com depressão que estão internados na área de hospitalização de psiquiatria do hospital do iess dr. teodoro maldonado carbo na cidade de Guayaquil

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    Objective: To identify how it contributes the support of social networks, especially the family to the evolution of depressed patients during the period of hospitalization in the of a general hospital psychiatry service as it exists in the IESS Hospital "Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo". Method: Quantitative Research. Questionnaires that assessed the fundamental constructs and clinical interviews were used. Results: Most patients had a good perception of social support but contrary to what was expected there was an inverse correlation with social support and the evolution of depression it was found that family functioning was a predictor of a good clinical evolution of depression. An analysis aiming to explain and clarify this apparent contradiction is performed. Conclusions: Perceived social support is not a good predictor of the clinical course of hospitalized depressed patient, quite the contrary.Objetivo: Identificar cómo contribuye el apoyo de las redes sociales, en especial la familia a la evolución de los pacientes deprimidos durante el periodo de hospitalización en el servicio de Psiquiatría de un hospital general como el existente en el Hospital del IESS “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo”. Método: Investigación cuantitativa. Se emplearon cuestionarios que evaluaron los constructos fundamentales y entrevistas clínicas. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes tenían una buena percepción del apoyo social pero contrario a lo que se esperaba hubo una correlación inversa con respecto al apoyo social y la evolución de la depresión sin embargo se encontró que la funcionalidad familiar si era un predictor de una buena evolución clínica de la depresión. Se realiza un análisis encaminado a explicar y esclarecer esta aparente contradicción. Conclusiones: El apoyo social percibido no resulta un buen predictor de la evolución clínica del paciente deprimido hospitalizado, sino todo lo contrario.Objetivo: Identificar como contribui o apoio das redes sociais, em especial a família à evolução dos pacientes deprimidos durante o período de hospitalização no serviço de Psiquiatria de um hospital geral como o existente no Hospital do IESS “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo”. Método: Investigação quantitativa. Empregaram-se questionários que avaliaram os constructos fundamentais e entrevistas clínicas. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes tinham uma boa percepção do apoio social mas contrário ao que se esperava teve uma correlação inversa com respeito ao apoio social e a evolução da depressão no entanto se encontrou que a funcionalidade familiar se era um preditor de uma boa evolução clínica da depressão. Realiza-se uma análise encaminhada a explicar e esclarecer esta aparente contradição. Conclusões: Percepção de apoio social não é um bom indicador da evolução clínica do paciente deprimido hospitalizado, muito pelo contrario

    Theoretical Study on the Photo-Oxidation and Photoreduction of an Azetidine Derivative as a Model of DNA Repair

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    [EN] Photocycloreversion plays a central role in the study of the repair of DNA lesions, reverting them into the original pyrimidine nucleobases. Particularly, among the proposed mechanisms for the repair of DNA (6-4) photoproducts by photolyases, it has been suggested that it takes place through an intermediate characterized by a four-membered heterocyclic oxetane or azetidine ring, whose opening requires the reduction of the fused nucleobases. The specific role of this electron transfer step and its impact on the ring opening energetics remain to be understood. These processes are studied herein by means of quantum-chemical calculations on the two azetidine stereoisomers obtained from photocycloaddition between 6-azauracil and cyclohexene. First, we analyze the efficiency of the electron-transfer processes by computing the redox properties of the azetidine isomers as well as those of a series of aromatic photosensitizers acting as photoreductants and photo-oxidants. We find certain stereodifferentiation favoring oxidation of the cis-isomer, in agreement with previous experimental data. Second, we determine the reaction profiles of the ring-opening mechanism of the cationic, neutral, and anionic systems and assess their feasibility based on their energy barrier heights and the stability of the reactants and products. Results show that oxidation largely decreases the ring-opening energy barrier for both stereoisomers, even though the process is forecast as too slow to be competitive. Conversely, one-electron reduction dramatically facilitates the ring opening of the azetidine heterocycle. Considering the overall quantum-chemistry findings, N,N-dimethylaniline is proposed as an efficient photosensitizer to trigger the photoinduced cycloreversion of the DNA lesion model.This work has been funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund through the postdoctoral contract APOSTD/2019/149 and the project GV/2020/226. It also was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN), projects CTQ2017-87054-C2-2-P and PGC2018-096684-B-I00, and a 2019 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. The Foundation takes no responsibility for the opinions, statements, and contents of this project, which are entirely the responsibility of its authors. D.R.-S. is grateful to the Spanish MICINN for the "Ramon y Cajal" grant (Ref. RYC-2015-19234). M.N.-M. acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana for the predoctoral grant (Ref. ACIF/2020/075).Navarrete-Miguel, M.; Francés-Monerris, A.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Lhiaubet, VL.; Roca-Sanjuan, D. (2021). Theoretical Study on the Photo-Oxidation and Photoreduction of an Azetidine Derivative as a Model of DNA Repair. Molecules. 26(10):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26102911S114261

    Stability Analysis of Soil and Rock Slopes

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    The analysis of the stability of slopes is a key aspect in the design of any infrastructure such as roads, railways, canals, pipelines and dams as well as in mining operations. For common infrastructures, slopes reach heights up to 40 or 50 m, although slope of more than 200 m can be built on some occasions. These slopes should normally be projected as vertical as possible for economic reasons and must be stable in the long term. On the other hand, mining slopes are designed based on the mineral deposit to be exploited and may need to be stable exclusively for a short or medium term. The potential instability of slopes is not only related to infrastructures or mining operations, but it is also of high importance in other areas of Civil Engineering like land use planning, urbanism and environmental issues. Although many landslides take place in sparsely populated mountain areas where material damage and deaths are lower than the one produced by other hazards like floods or earthquakes, some slope instabilities around the world resulted in infamous disasters with a great amount of life losses. The consequences of these great disasters together with the fact that small landslides, even though can cause just a dozen victims, are very numerous, almost continuous throughout any year and always result in significant economic losses,shows the importance of analyzing slope stability and forecasting and preventing such kind of natural and man-made potential hazards. For that, this book shows the most relevant aspects for the student of Civil Engineering within the field of the stability of slope.Torrijo Echarri, FJ.; Garzón Roca, J.; Eguíbar Galán, MÁ.; Trizio, F. (2022). Stability Analysis of Soil and Rock Slopes. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/184935EDITORIA