327 research outputs found


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    Nuestra investigación se centra en el estudio del aprendizaje de relaciones causales en las que un compuesto estimular es una causa fiable de un efecto. En dos experimentos, hemos contrastado las predicciones derivadas de los Modelos Asociativos de Rescorla y Wagner (1972) y Pearce (1994), y los Modelos Inductivos de Cheng y Novick (1992) y Novick y Cheng (2004). En claro contraste con la investigación previa sobre este tema, en nuestros experimentos, hemos utilizado una tarea de juicios de causalidad en la que la información sobre la presencia/ausencia de las causas potenciales y el efecto se presentó mediante muestras o agrupaciones de casos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los mecanismos de aprendizaje involucrados en el procesamiento de compuestos podrían ser de origen asociativo

    Accessibility in Health related Virtual Learning Environments

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    Supporting patients and informal carers is an essential task in managing chronic diseases. Many of these diseases are either directly linked to disabilities or are age related and, thus, also strongly correlated with potential disabilities. Furthermore, as the population ages it is becoming more and more common to give an old person with a set of mild disabilities acting as informal carer of another person with some type of chronic disease. Support material and professional help can be provided through the use of an eLearning platform. These platforms are usually known as Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). People with disabilities, linked to physical and/or cognitive impairments can obtain an extraordinary advantage from access to eLearning but, in practice, they find important barriers when the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) and contents are not delivered in the suitable adapted forms according to their needs and preferences. All VLEs are supported by a set of different technological layers. Those layers can interfere with the final user gaining access to such adapted resources. Conflicts with user agents, assistive technologies and the delivery format of the resources are the most common problems. The accessibility of current VLEs, a mature technology, provides an interesting case study regarding the types of problems that can be encountered by users in current web application

    Activation capacity of the intrinsic musculature of the foot in handball athletes with chronic ankle instability

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    Producción CientíficaChronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common pathology in handball. The role of the intrinsic musculature of the foot in these players in relation to proprioception and stability has not been stablished. The objective of this study was to compare the ultrasound morphology of the heel fat pad of the foot in professional handball players to CAI in healthy players and establish relationships between CAI and physical and psychological variables. The study has been a descriptive observational case–control study in which 20 professional handball male players over 18 years of age were divided into 8 cases (CAI) and 12 controls (healthy). An ultrasound evaluation, the thickness and/or cross-sectional area at rest and the contraction measurement of the Abductor Digiti Minimi, Abductor Hallucis, Flexor Digitorum Brevis and Quadratus Plantae muscles were analyzed. Moreover, the compressibility index of the heel fat pad and the activation of the abdominal wall musculature (ultrasound), the flexion strength of the hallux and lesser toes (dynamometry), the foot functionality (Bristol Foot Score (BFS) questionnaire) and the psychological variables (self-reported questionnaires) were measured. There were no significant differences between the activation capacity values of the foot muscles of healthy and CAI athletes. Significant differences were found between groups regarding the BFS score (p = 0.007), d = 1.404), and significant correlations were also found between hallux flexion strength and lesser toes flexion strength in the total sample. Although there were no differences between the two groups, the identification of the activation pattern of these muscles in handball athletes is essential to the improvement of performance and preventing injuries such as CAI

    Modelos avanzados para la gestión a largo plazo de sistemas lacustres y fluviales contaminados por accidentes nucleares

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    Un problema a largo plazo derivado de la contaminación radiactiva de áreas extensas tras un accidente nuclear grave, es el impacto sobre los sistemas lacustres y fluviales, receptores de la radiactividad arrastrada por la escorrentía desde sus cuencas hidráulicas. Este problema, junto con las posibles alternativas de gestión para reducir el impacto radiológico derivado del mismo, lo analizaba el sistema europeo MOIRA, desarrollado hace ya cerca de 20 años y cuyos modelos fueron validados frente a distintos escenarios reales (post-Chernóbil y otros). Recientemente, en el proyecto PREPARE del 7º Programa Marco europeo, se abordó la tarea de integrar dichos modelos en el sistema multiplataforma europeo de ayuda a la decisión en emergencias nucleares JRodos, para así complementar sus capacidades dotándole de nuevos módulos. Para lograr ese objetivo, ha sido necesario desarrollar varios elementos, reprogramando los modelos de MOIRA (lagos y ríos) en lenguaje FORTRAN, desarrollando módulos de interfaz con el usuario en lenguaje Java, creando módulos de trasvase de datos entre los modelos, la interfaz de usuario y el SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) de JRodos, e integrándolo plenamente en el sistema. Ello permite por ejemplo su acoplamiento inmediato con los modelos de dispersión atmosférica, trasvasando la información sobre contaminación de las cuencas hidráulicas, o la presentación de resultados conjunta con otros módulos. El resultado es que se ha dotado al sistema JRodos de la capacidad de modelar la evolución en el largo plazo (meses, años, décadas) de los radionucleidos más significativos (Cs-137 y Sr-90) en sistemas lacustres y fluviales, además de posibles medidas correctoras de la contaminación radiactiva en el agua, los sedimentos o los peces. Así mismo, el acoplamiento con el módulo FDMA (Aquatic Food Chain and Dose Module) de JRodos, facilita la predicción de dosis a través de las vías de exposición relacionadas con el agua dulce, y también la eficiencia de posibles medidas de protección de tipo restrictivo, tales como la prohibición de la pesca u otras. Los escenarios analizados, tanto reales como supuestos, han permitido comprobar la correcta implementación de estas nuevas capacidades en el sistema JRodos, disponibles desde la versión de febrero de 2017, y que se muestran brevemente en este trabajo

    Perfil antropométrico de dos equipos universitarios de balonmano femenil

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    An important aspect of working in sports nutrition is the weight change and body composition. Many athletes need to minimize body fat and weight to improve the biomechanics aspects or increase muscle mass to improve performance. For this reason, the aim of our study was to determine the anthropometric profile of handball players of two college teams. They we made 17 basic anthropometric measurements to both teams. Team 1 obtained a mesomorphic-endomorphic phenotype and Team 2 obtained an endomorphic-mesomorphic phenotype. The mesomorphic component is predominant in both teams; therefore, it can be assumed that the skeletal muscle strength in female handball is decisiv

    Toxicological assessment of nanocrystalline metal alloys with potential applications in the aeronautical field

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    The development of new candidate alloys with outstanding characteristics for their use in the aeronautical field is one of the main priorities for the sector. In this context, nanocrystaline (nc) alloys are considered relevant materials due to their special features, such as their exceptional physical and mechanical properties. However, another important point that needs to be considered with newly developed alloys is the potential toxicological impact that these materials may have in humans and other living organisms. The aim of this work was to perform a preliminary toxicological evaluation of three nc metal alloys (WCu, WAl and TiAl) in powder form produced by mechanical alloying, applying different in vitro assays, including a mix of W-Cu powders with standard grain size in the experiments to stablish comparisons. The effects of the direct exposure to powder suspensions and/or to their derived leachates were analysed in three model organisms representative of human and environmental exposures (the adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cell line A549, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the Gram negative bacterium Vibrio fischeri). Altogether, the results obtained provide new insights about the potential harmful effects of the selected nc alloys, showing that, from a toxicological perspective, nc TiAl is the safest candidate in the model organisms and conditions tested.EU Horizon 2020 projects ICARUS (H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA, grant agreement N° 713514) and ICARUS-INAS (FETOPEN-03-2018-2019-2020, Grant agreement N° 946174)

    On the behavior of quercetin + organic solvent solutions and their role for C60 fullerene solubilization

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    The nature of flavonoids in polar organic solvents solutions is studied using classical molecular dynamics simulations considering quercetin as an archetypical flavonoid and acetone, dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide as representatives of solvents with different polarity. The solvation, intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonding) and interactions of the flavonoid with the solvents are analyzed. Likewise, the role of quercetin on changing the solvent properties and the possibility of acting as a solubility enhancer for fullerenes (C60) are studied by considering the properties of C60 fullerene in quercetin plus polar solvents solutions. The reported results provide information on the nature of the considered complex liquid mixtures and analyze the possibility of using flavonoids as natural, non-toxic, modifiers of traditional polar organic solvents and to improve the solubility of complex solutes such as fullerene nanoparticles.Junta de Castilla y Leon (Spain, project NANOCOMP - BU058P20) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain, project RTI2018-101987-B-I00). We also acknowledge SCAYLE (Supercomputación Castilla y León, Spain) for providing supercomputing facilities

    Lab-on-a-chip for the easy and visual detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva based on sensory polymers

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    The initial stages of the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 showed that early detection of the virus in a simple way is the best tool until the development of vaccines. Many different tests are invasive or need the patient to cough up or even drag a sample of mucus from the throat area. Besides, the manufacturing time has proven insufficient in pandemic conditions since they were out of stock in many countries. Here we show a new method of manufacturing virus sensors and a proof of concept with SARS-CoV-2. We found that a fluorogenic peptide substrate of the main protease of the virus (Mpro) can be covalently immobilized in a polymer, with which a cellulose-based material can be coated. These sensory labels fluoresce with a single saliva sample of a positive COVID-19 patient. The results matched with that of the antigen tests in 22 of 26 studied cases (85% success rate).We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by all funders. Author Saul Vallejos coordinates the project leading to these results, which has received funding from "La Caixa" Foundation, under agreement LCF/PR/PR18/51130007. This work was supported by the Regional Government of Castilla y León (Junta de Castilla y León) and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation MICIN and the European Union NextGenerationEU PRTR. Author Jose Miguel García received grant PID2020–113264RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Ana Arnaiz received funding from Ministerio de Universidades-European Union in the frame of NextGenerationEU RD 289/2021 (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Finally, all the authors want to thank the support provided by City Hall of Villadiego “Ayuntamiento de Villadiego” when looking for participants for the proof of concept

    In vitro safety evaluation of rare earth-lean alloys for permanent magnets manufacturing

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    Due to their exceptional physico-chemical and magnetic characteristics, rare earth (RE) permanent magnets are applied in multiple critical technologies. However, several environmental and economic difficulties arising from obtaining RE elements have prompted the search of alternatives with acceptable magnetic properties but containing a lower percentage of these elements in their composition. The aim of this work was to perform a preliminary toxicological evaluation of three forms of newly developed RE-lean alloys (one NdFeTi and two NdFeSi alloys) applying different in vitro assays, using as a benchmark a commercial NdFeB alloy. Thus, the effects of the direct exposure to powder suspensions and to their derived leachates were analysed in two model organisms (the A549 human cell line and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae) applying both viability and oxidative stress assays. Moreover, the impact of the alloy leachates on the bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri was also investigated. The obtained data showed that only the direct interaction of the alloys particulates with the applied organisms resulted in harmful effects, having all the alloys a comparable toxicological potential to that presented by the reference material in the conditions tested. Altogether, this study provides new insights about the safety of NdFeTi and NdFeSi alloys.EU Horizon 2020 NOVAMAG project (NMBP 23-2015, Grant Agreement No. 686056) and from the Junta de Castilla y León and the European Social Fund-Youth European Initiative Grant UBU-15-A

    Carbon nanomaterials with Thymol + Menthol Type V natural deep eutectic solvent: From surface properties to nano-Venturi effect through nanopores

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    A theoretical study using Density Functional Theory and classical Molecular Dynamics simulations for the study of carbon nanomaterials in archetypical Menthol + Thymol Type V Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent is reported. The nanoscopic structure of the representative nanofluid is analyzed considering confinement, adsorption and solvation effects, as well as consequences on diffusion properties through nano pores. Different types of nanomaterials were considered such as fullerenes, nanotubes, graphene and nanopores. The study of nanoscopic properties allowed to analyze the response of the solvent to the presence of the nanomaterials, taking into account solvent rearrangement and confinement in nanocavities and surfaces. This response shows liquid structure and mobility consequences, with a sort of nano-Venturi effect among them. The reported results provide for the first time a characterization of this type of natural solvents as a sustainable platform for the development of carbon – nanomaterials-based technologies.This work was funded by Junta de Castilla y León (Spain, project NANOCOMP - BU058P20), European Union H2020 Program (H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2020-twostage-DIAGONAL-GA- 953152) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain, project RTI2018-101987-B-I00). We also acknowledge SCAYLE (Supercomputación Castilla y León, Spain) for providing supercomputing facilities. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors