39 research outputs found

    Measuring multivariate redundant information with pointwise common change in surprisal

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    The problem of how to properly quantify redundant information is an open question that has been the subject of much recent research. Redundant information refers to information about a target variable S that is common to two or more predictor variables Xi . It can be thought of as quantifying overlapping information content or similarities in the representation of S between the Xi . We present a new measure of redundancy which measures the common change in surprisal shared between variables at the local or pointwise level. We provide a game-theoretic operational definition of unique information, and use this to derive constraints which are used to obtain a maximum entropy distribution. Redundancy is then calculated from this maximum entropy distribution by counting only those local co-information terms which admit an unambiguous interpretation as redundant information. We show how this redundancy measure can be used within the framework of the Partial Information Decomposition (PID) to give an intuitive decomposition of the multivariate mutual information into redundant, unique and synergistic contributions. We compare our new measure to existing approaches over a range of example systems, including continuous Gaussian variables. Matlab code for the measure is provided, including all considered examples

    Simple acoustic features can explain phoneme-based predictions of cortical responses to speech

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    When we listen to speech, we have to make sense of a waveform of sound pressure. Hierarchical models of speech perception assume that, to extract semantic meaning, the signal is transformed into unknown, intermediate neuronal representations. Traditionally, studies of such intermediate representations are guided by linguistically defined concepts, such as phonemes. Here, we argue that in order to arrive at an unbiased understanding of the neuronal responses to speech, we should focus instead on representations obtained directly from the stimulus. We illustrate our view with a data-driven, information theoretic analysis of a dataset of 24 young, healthy humans who listened to a 1 h narrative while their magnetoencephalogram (MEG) was recorded. We find that two recent results, the improved performance of an encoding model in which annotated linguistic and acoustic features were combined and the decoding of phoneme subgroups from phoneme-locked responses, can be explained by an encoding model that is based entirely on acoustic features. These acoustic features capitalize on acoustic edges and outperform Gabor-filtered spectrograms, which can explicitly describe the spectrotemporal characteristics of individual phonemes. By replicating our results in publicly available electroencephalography (EEG) data, we conclude that models of brain responses based on linguistic features can serve as excellent benchmarks. However, we believe that in order to further our understanding of human cortical responses to speech, we should also explore low-level and parsimonious explanations for apparent high-level phenomena

    Frontal top-down signals increase coupling of auditory low-frequency oscillations to continuous speech in human listeners

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    Humans show a remarkable ability to understand continuous speech even under adverse listening conditions. This ability critically relies on dynamically updated predictions of incoming sensory information, but exactly how top-down predictions improve speech processing is still unclear. Brain oscillations are a likely mechanism for these top-down predictions [1 and 2]. Quasi-rhythmic components in speech are known to entrain low-frequency oscillations in auditory areas [3 and 4], and this entrainment increases with intelligibility [5]. We hypothesize that top-down signals from frontal brain areas causally modulate the phase of brain oscillations in auditory cortex. We use magnetoencephalography (MEG) to monitor brain oscillations in 22 participants during continuous speech perception. We characterize prominent spectral components of speech-brain coupling in auditory cortex and use causal connectivity analysis (transfer entropy) to identify the top-down signals driving this coupling more strongly during intelligible speech than during unintelligible speech. We report three main findings. First, frontal and motor cortices significantly modulate the phase of speech-coupled low-frequency oscillations in auditory cortex, and this effect depends on intelligibility of speech. Second, top-down signals are significantly stronger for left auditory cortex than for right auditory cortex. Third, speech-auditory cortex coupling is enhanced as a function of stronger top-down signals. Together, our results suggest that low-frequency brain oscillations play a role in implementing predictive top-down control during continuous speech perception and that top-down control is largely directed at left auditory cortex. This suggests a close relationship between (left-lateralized) speech production areas and the implementation of top-down control in continuous speech perception

    Disentangling presentation and processing times in the brain

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    Visual object recognition seems to occur almost instantaneously. However, not only does it require hundreds of milliseconds of processing, but our eyes also typically fixate the object for hundreds of milliseconds. Consequently, information reaching our eyes at different moments is processed in the brain together. Moreover, information received at different moments during fixation is likely to be processed differently, notably because different features might be selectively attended at different moments. Here, we introduce a novel reverse correlation paradigm that allows us to uncover with millisecond precision the processing time course of specific information received on the retina at specific moments. Using faces as stimuli, we observed that processing at several electrodes and latencies was different depending on the moment at which information was received. Some of these variations were caused by a disruption occurring 160–200 ​ms after the face onset, suggesting a role of the N170 ERP component in gating information processing; others hinted at temporal compression and integration mechanisms. Importantly, the observed differences were not explained by simple adaptation or repetition priming, they were modulated by the task, and they were correlated with differences in behavior. These results suggest that top-down routines of information sampling are applied to the continuous visual input, even within a single eye fixation

    Dynamic Construction of Reduced Representations in the Brain for Perceptual Decision Behavior

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    Summary: Over the past decade, extensive studies of the brain regions that support face, object, and scene recognition suggest that these regions have a hierarchically organized architecture that spans the occipital and temporal lobes [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], where visual categorizations unfold over the first 250 ms of processing [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. This same architecture is flexibly involved in multiple tasks that require task-specific representations—e.g. categorizing the same object as “a car” or “a Porsche.” While we partly understand where and when these categorizations happen in the occipito-ventral pathway, the next challenge is to unravel how these categorizations happen. That is, how does high-dimensional input collapse in the occipito-ventral pathway to become low dimensional representations that guide behavior? To address this, we investigated what information the brain processes in a visual perception task and visualized the dynamic representation of this information in brain activity. To do so, we developed stimulus information representation (SIR), an information theoretic framework, to tease apart stimulus information that supports behavior from that which does not. We then tracked the dynamic representations of both in magneto-encephalographic (MEG) activity. Using SIR, we demonstrate that a rapid (∼170 ms) reduction of behaviorally irrelevant information occurs in the occipital cortex and that representations of the information that supports distinct behaviors are constructed in the right fusiform gyrus (rFG). Our results thus highlight how SIR can be used to investigate the component processes of the brain by considering interactions between three variables (stimulus information, brain activity, behavior), rather than just two, as is the current norm

    Revealing the information contents of memory within the stimulus information representation framework

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    The information contents of memory are the cornerstone of the most influential models in cognition. To illustrate, consider that in predictive coding, a prediction implies that specific information is propagated down from memory through the visual hierarchy. Likewise, recognizing the input implies that sequentially accrued sensory evidence is successfully matched with memorized information (categorical knowledge). Although the existing models of prediction, memory, sensory representation and categorical decision are all implicitly cast within an information processing framework, it remains a challenge to precisely specify what this information is, and therefore where, when and how the architecture of the brain dynamically processes it to produce behaviour. Here, we review a framework that addresses these challenges for the studies of perception and categorization–stimulus information representation (SIR). We illustrate how SIR can reverse engineer the information contents of memory from behavioural and brain measures in the context of specific cognitive tasks that involve memory. We discuss two specific lessons from this approach that generally apply to memory studies: the importance of task, to constrain what the brain does, and of stimulus variations, to identify the specific information contents that are memorized, predicted, recalled and replayed

    Different computations over the same inputs produce selective behavior in algorithmic brain networks

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    A key challenge in neuroimaging remains to understand where, when, and now particularly how human brain networks compute over sensory inputs to achieve behavior. To study such dynamic algorithms from mass neural signals, we recorded the magnetoencephalographic (MEG) activity of participants who resolved the classic XOR, OR, and AND functions as overt behavioral tasks (N = 10 participants/task, N-of-1 replications). Each function requires a different computation over the same inputs to produce the task-specific behavioral outputs. In each task, we found that source-localized MEG activity progresses through four computational stages identified within individual participants: (1) initial contralateral representation of each visual input in occipital cortex, (2) a joint linearly combined representation of both inputs in midline occipital cortex and right fusiform gyrus, followed by (3) nonlinear task-dependent input integration in temporal-parietal cortex, and finally (4) behavioral response representation in postcentral gyrus. We demonstrate the specific dynamics of each computation at the level of individual sources. The spatiotemporal patterns of the first two computations are similar across the three tasks; the last two computations are task specific. Our results therefore reveal where, when, and how dynamic network algorithms perform different computations over the same inputs to produce different behaviors

    History biases reveal novel dissociations between perceptual and metacognitive decision-making

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    Human decision-making and self-reflection often depend on context and internal biases. For instance, decisions are often influenced by preceding choices, regardless of their relevance. It remains unclear how choice history influences different levels of the decision-making hierarchy. We used analyses grounded in information and detection theories to estimate the relative strength of perceptual and metacognitive history biases and to investigate whether they emerge from common/unique mechanisms. Although both perception and metacognition tended to be biased toward previous responses, we observed novel dissociations that challenge normative theories of confidence. Different evidence levels often informed perceptual and metacognitive decisions within observers, and response history distinctly influenced first- (perceptual) and second- (metacognitive) order decision-parameters, with the metacognitive bias likely to be strongest and most prevalent in the general population. We propose that recent choices and subjective confidence represent heuristics, which inform first- and second-order decisions in the absence of more relevant evidence

    Network communications flexibly predict visual contents that enhance representations for faster visual categorization

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    Models of visual cognition generally assume that brain networks predict the contents of a stimulus to facilitate its subsequent categorization. However, understanding prediction and categorization at a network level has remained challenging, partly because we need to reverse engineer their information processing mechanisms from the dynamic neural signals. Here, we used connectivity measures that can isolate the communications of a specific content to reconstruct these network mechanisms in each individual participant (N=11, both sexes). Each was cued to the spatial location (left vs. right) and contents (Low vs. High Spatial Frequency, LSF vs. HSF) of a predicted Gabor stimulus that they then categorized. Using each participant’s concurrently measured MEG, we reconstructed networks that predict and categorize LSF vs. HSF contents for behavior. We found that predicted contents flexibly propagate top-down from temporal to lateralized occipital cortex, depending on task demands, under supervisory control of prefrontal cortex. When they reach lateralized occipital cortex, predictions enhance the bottom-up LSF vs. HSF representations of the stimulus, all the way from occipital-ventral-parietal to pre-motor cortex, in turn producing faster categorization behavior. Importantly, content communications are subsets (i.e. 55-75%) of the signal-to-signal communications typically measured between brain regions. Hence, our study isolates functional networks that process the information of cognitive functions

    Information-theoretic methods for studying population codes

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    Population coding is the quantitative study of which algorithms or representations are used by the brain to combine together and evaluate the messages carried by different neurons. Here, we review an information-theoretic approach to population coding. We first discuss how to compute the information carried by simultaneously recorded neural populations, and in particular how to reduce the limited sampling bias which affects the calculation of information from a limited amount of experimental data. We then discuss how to quantify the contribution of individual members of the population, or the interaction between them, to the overall information encoded by the considered group of neurons. We focus in particular on evaluating what is the contribution of interactions up to any given order to the total information. We illustrate this formalism with applications to simulated data with realistic neuronal statistics and to real simultaneous recordings of multiple spike trains.Instituto de Física La PlataInstituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada