3,254 research outputs found

    Impurity dominated thin film growth

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    Magnetron sputter deposition was applied to grow thin metal films in the presence of impurities. These impurities are ambient gas molecules and/or atoms from the residual gas present in the vacuum chamber. Seven materials were investigated: four single element metals (Al, Ag, Cu, and Cr), two widely applied alloys (Cu55Ni45 and Ni90Cr10), and one high entropy alloy (CoCrCuFeNi). The thin films were analyzed using X-ray diffraction to determine the domain size, the film texture, and the lattice parameter. The same trend for all studied materials is observed. When the ratio between the impurity and metal flux towards the substrate is low, the domain size is not affected by the presence of the impurities. In this regime, the incorporation of the impurities affects the lattice parameter. At high flux ratios, the change of the domain size can be described by a power law with the exponent equal to -1/2 for all studied materials. A kinetic Monte Carlo code is used to demonstrate this observed trend

    The Kuramoto model on oriented and signed graphs

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    Many real-world systems of coupled agents exhibit directed interactions, meaning that the influence of an agent on another is not reciprocal. Furthermore, interactions usually do not have identical amplitude and/or sign. To describe synchronization phenomena in such systems, we use a generalized Kuramoto model with oriented, weighted and signed interactions. Taking a bottom-up approach, we investigate the simplest possible oriented networks, namely acyclic oriented networks and oriented cycles. These two types of networks are fundamental building blocks from which many general oriented networks can be constructed. For acyclic, weighted and signed networks, we are able to completely characterize synchronization properties through necessary and sufficient conditions, which we show are optimal. Additionally, we prove that if it exists, a stable synchronous state is unique. In oriented, weighted and signed cycles with identical natural frequencies, we show that the system globally synchronizes and that the number of stable synchronous states is finite.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Is the warm glow actually warm? An experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings

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      Giving money to others feels good. In the past years, this claim has received strong empirical support from psychology and neuroscience. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving, and many explanations of apparently altruistic behavior appeal to these internal rewards. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? Why do people experience them? In order to further our understanding of the phenomenon, we ran two studies: a recall task in which participants were asked to remember a donation they made, and a donation task in which participants were given the opportunity to make a donation before reporting their affective states. In both studies, correlational and experimental evidence converge towards the conclusion that, if the nature of the warm glow is straightforward, its source is multifaceted. Regarding the nature of ‘warm glow’, the pleasure people took in giving was mainly predicted by one particular positive emotion (‘joyful feelings’) and was indeed described by participants as a ‘warm’ sensation. Regarding the underlying psychological mechanisms, ‘warm glow’ feelings were elicited both by positive appraisals regarding the donor’s moral character and positive appraisals regarding the actual impact of the donor’s donation on the welfare of others. We discuss the implications of these findings for the role of positive emotions in explaining why people give. Keywords : Warm glow; Charity; Donation; Giving; Prosocial spending; Emotion

    Comparison of Three Compact Raman Systems with Excitation Laser Wavelengths of 405, 532, and 660 nm (”RA-RGB)

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    Based on good experience with Raman systems in general and the ”RA systems in particular, we try to expand the capabilities and possible applications of Raman spectroscopy. A central aspect is the excitation wavelength since signal intensity and fluorescence background depend on that. Besides the common 532-nm laser (green), we used a 660-nm (red) and 405-nm (blue) laser, hence the name ”RA-RGB. All three systems share the same basic principle (fiber coupling between laser, Raman head, and spectrometer) and only differ because of necessary adjustments for the excitation wavelength used, like the laser edge filter. As the original ”RA system has already proved its capability to simultaneously detect all six hydrogen isotopologues, this first RGB study was limited to H2, D2, and equilibrated mixtures of both. With one of Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe’s proven LARA systems connected to the same gas mixing loop system, comparing the ”RA systems against it was possible. This paper shows the results of the measurement campaign comparing all three ”RA systems (405-, 532-, 660-nm excitation wavelengths) and the comparison to the well-established large Raman systems (LARA, 532 nm)

    'The Dead are Watching Us':A landscape study of prehistoric rock-cut tomb cemeteries in Ossi, Sardinia, Italy

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    International audienceZUSAMMENFASSUNG ‘Die Toten beobachten uns’: Eine Landschaftsstudie der vorgeschichtlichen Felsengrabfriedhöfe in Ossi, Sardinia, Italy , von Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, und Kirsty Lilley Die Insel Sardinien ist bekannt fĂŒr ihre unterirdischen FelsengrĂ€ber des SpĂ€tneolithikums und der Kupferzeit, die ĂŒber Generationen fĂŒr Kollektivbestattungen genutzt wurden. Viele GrĂ€ber waren derart dekoriert, dass sie dem Inneren von HĂ€usern glichen, und die Friedhöfe werden oft als Dörfer der Toten angesprochen. Die bisherige Forschung konzentrierte sich auf die Ausgrabung von stratigraphischen Kontexten innerhalb einiger dieser Monumente oder auf typologische Klassifizierungen von GrabplĂ€nen und Wanddekorationen, aber der landschaftliche Kontext der Friedhöfe und ihre Beziehung zu Siedlungen wurden ĂŒbersehen. Der Artikel stellt die Ergebnisse von zwei Surveykampagnen in Ossi (Nordwestsardinien) vor, die sich auf zwei große Friedhöfe (Mesu ‘e Montes und S’Adde ‘e Asile) konzentrieren. Durch die Kombination von Feldbegehung, Kartierung und 3D-Aufnahmeverfahren liefern die Surveys eine umfassende Dokumentation der Friedhöfe (von der unterirdischen Architektur einzelner GrĂ€ber bis zu ihrem landschaftlichen Umfeld) und ergeben Hinweise auf prĂ€historische Siedlungen in ihrer Umgebung. Der Artikel diskutiert die topographischen und visuellen Beziehungen zwischen den GrĂ€bern und den Wohngebieten und wie sie möglicherweise die sozialen Interaktionen zwischen den Lebenden und den Toten in Sardinien wĂ€hrend der jĂŒngeren Vorgeschichte widerspiegeln.The island of Sardinia is well known for its Late Neolithic and Copper Age underground rock-cut tombs that were used over generations for collective burials. Many tombs were decorated to resemble house interiors and cemeteries are often referred to as villages of the dead. Research so far has focused on excavating stratigraphic contexts within some of these monuments, or on typological classifications of tomb plans and wall decorations, but the landscape context of the cemeteries and their relationship to settlements have been overlooked. The article presents the results of two seasons of survey in Ossi (north-west Sardinia), focusing on two major cemeteries (Mesu ‘e Montes and S’Adde ‘e Asile). Combining fieldwalking, mapping and 3D recording techniques, the survey provides a comprehensive documentation of the cemeteries (from the underground architecture of individual tombs to their landscape setting) and yields evidence of prehistoric settlements in their vicinity. The article discusses the topographic and visual relationships between the tombs and the residential areas and how they may reflect social interactions between the living and the dead in late prehistoric Sardinia.RESUMEN “Los muertos nos estĂĄn mirando”: un estudio de paisaje de los cementerios prehistĂłricos con tumbas excavadas en la roca en Ossi, Cerdeña, Italia , por Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, y Kirsty Lilley La isla de Cerdeña es muy conocida por las tumbas excavadas en la roca adscritas al NeolĂ­tico final y la Edad del Bronce que fueron utilizadas durante generaciones como enterramientos colectivos. Muchas de estas tumbas fueron decoradas para parecerse a los interiores de las casas y los cementerios a menudo se conocen como las villas de los muertos. Hasta ahora la investigaciĂłn se ha centrado en la excavaciĂłn de contextos estratigrĂĄficos dentro de estos monumentos, asĂ­ como en la clasificaciĂłn tipolĂłgica de las plantas de las tumbas y de las decoraciones de las paredes, sin embargo, el contexto paisajĂ­stico de los cementerios y su relaciĂłn on los asentamientos ha sido ignorado. El artĂ­culo presenta los resultados de las campañas de prospecciĂłn en Ossi (noroeste de Cerdeña), centradas en dos cementerios de gran tamaño (Mesu ‘e Montes and S’Adde ‘e Asile). Los trabajos de prospecciĂłn, combinando prospecciĂłn superficial, mapeado y tĂ©cnicas de registro 3D, aportan una documentaciĂłn completa de los cementerios (desde la arquitectura subterrĂĄnea de las tumbas individuales a su entorno paisajĂ­stico) y evidencias de los asentamientos prehistĂłricos de su entorno. El artĂ­culo discute las relaciones topogrĂĄficas y visuales entre las tumbas y las ĂĄreas residenciales y cĂłmo podrĂ­an estar reflejando interacciones sociales entre la vida y la muerte de la Prehistoria reciente de Cerdeña.RÉSUMÉ ‘Les morts nous regardent’: Etude du paysage des cimetiĂšres nĂ©cropoles Ă  tombes hypogĂ©es prĂ©historiques Ă  Ossi, Sardaigne, Italie, de Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, et Kirsty Lilley L’üle de la Sardaigne est renomĂ©e pour ses tombes souterraines taillĂ©es dans le rocher du NĂ©olithique final et de l’ñge du cuivre qui furent utilisĂ©es pendant des gĂ©nĂ©rations pour des inhumations collectives. Nombre de ces tombes Ă©taient dĂ©corĂ©es de maniĂšre Ă  ressembler Ă  des intĂ©rieurs de maisons et les nĂ©cropoles sont souvent prĂ©sentĂ©es comme aux villages des morts. Les recherches se sont, jusqu’à prĂ©sent concentrĂ©es sur la fouille des contextes stratigraphiques Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de certains de ces monuments ou sur la classification typologique des plans de tombes et des dĂ©corations murales mais le contexte du paysage de ces cimetiĂšres et leurs relations avec les habitats ont Ă©tĂ© nĂ©gligĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats de deux campagnes de prospections Ă  Ossi, nord ouest de la Sardaigne, se concentrant sur deux importantes nĂ©cropoles (Mesu ‘e Montes et S’Adde ‘e Asile). Associant prospections pĂ©destres, gĂ©olocalisation, et techniques de relevĂ©s 3D, l’etude de terrain fournit une documentation dĂ©taillĂ©e des nĂ©cropoles qui va de l’architecture souterraine de tombes individuelles Ă  leur situation dans le paysage et a relevĂ© des tĂ©moinages d’occupations prĂ©historiques Ă  proximitĂ©. Cet article discute les relations topographiques et visuelles entre les tombes et les zones habitĂ©es et comment elles pouvaient reflĂ©ter les interactions entre les vivants et les morts Ă  la fin de la Prehistoire en Sardaigne
