40,038 research outputs found

    A search for a superconducting effect on alpha particle differential energy loss in type 1 superconductors

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    Superconducting effects on alpha particle differential energy loss in tin, vanadium, and lead superconductor


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    Monte carlo computer technique applied to focusing of cryopump configurations in free molecular flow regio

    On the elastic approximation to the vacancy formation energy in metals

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    Isotropic elastic continuum model application to calculate energy and entropy of vacancy formation in metal crystal

    Stark ladders as tunable far-infrared emitters

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    A superlattice of GaAs/Ga(1 – x)Al(x)As quantum wells forms a Stark ladder under the influence of a perpendicular electric field. A two level incoherent emitter system, formed by radiative intersubband transitions between adjacent wells, is investigated as a tunable far-infrared radiation source. Intersubband transition rates are calculated at 4, 77, and 300 K for applied fields from 0 to 40 kV cm(–1). It is shown that the quantum efficiency of the radiative emission reaches a maximum at low temperatures for a field of 32 kV cm(–1). Under these conditions the emission wavelength is 38 µm with an estimated power output of 1.1 mW. © 1998 American Institute of Physics

    Theoretical flow regime diagrams for the AGCE

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    The major criterion for the design of the Atmospheric General Circulation Experiment is that it be possible to realize strong baroclinic instability in the apparatus. A spherical annulus configuration which allows only steady basic state flows was chosen for the first set of stability analyses. Baroclinic instability was found for this configuration and few results suggest a regime diagram very different from the cylindrical annulus regime diagram

    Extensive lava flow fields on Venus: Preliminary investigation of source elevation and regional slope variations

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    Large-volume lava flow fields have been identified on Venus, the most areally extensive of which are known as fluctus and have been subdivided into six morphologic types. Sheetlike flow fields (Type 1) lack the numerous, closely spaced, discrete lava flow lobes that characterize digitate flow fields. Transitional flow fields (Type 2) are similar to sheetlike flow fields but contain one or more broad flow lobes. Digitate flow fields are divided further into divergent (Types 3-5) and subparallel (Type 6) classes on the basis of variations in the amount of downstream flow divergence. As a result of our previous analysis of the detailed morphology, stratigraphy, and tectonic associations of Mylitta Fluctus, we have formulated a number of questions to apply to all large flow fields on Venus. In particular, we would like to address the following: (1) eruption conditions and style of flow emplacement (effusion rate, eruption duration), (2) the nature of magma storage zones (presence of neutral buoyancy zones, deep or shallow crustal magma chambers), (3) the origin of melt and possible link to mantle plumes, and (4) the importance of large flow fields in plains evolution. To answer these questions we have begun to examine variations in flow field dimension and morphology; the distribution of large flow fields in terms of elevation above the mean planetary radius; links to regional tectonic or volcanic structures (e.g., associations with large shield edifices, coronae, or rift zones); statigraphic relationships between large flow fields, volcanic plains, shields, and coronae; and various models of flow emplacement in order to estimate eruption parameters. In this particular study, we have examined the proximal elevations and topographic slopes of 16 of the most distinctive flow fields that represent each of the 6 morphologic types

    A Unification of Models of Tethered Satellites

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    In this paper, different conservative models of tethered satellites are related mathematically, and it is established in what limit they may provide useful insight into the underlying dynamics. An infinite dimensional model is linked to a finite dimensional model, the slack-spring model, through a conjecture on the singular perturbation of tether thickness. The slack-spring model is then naturally related to a billiard model in the limit of an inextensible spring. Next, the motion of a dumbbell model, which is lowest in the hierarchy of models, is identified within the motion of the billiard model through a theorem on the existence of invariant curves by exploiting Moser's twist map theorem. Finally, numerical computations provide insight into the dynamics of the billiard model

    Stability of Negative Image Equilibria in Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    We investigate the stability of negative image equilibria in mean synaptic weight dynamics governed by spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The neural architecture of the model is based on the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyrid electric fish, which forms a negative image of the reafferent signal from the fish's own electric discharge to optimize detection of external electric fields. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability, for arbitrary postsynaptic potential functions and arbitrary learning rules. We then apply the general result to several examples of biological interest.Comment: 13 pages, revtex4; uses packages: graphicx, subfigure; 9 figures, 16 subfigure