28,443 research outputs found

    Silent emergency alarm system for schools and the like

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    An emergency alert system is described. In a school each classroom (or other area) is instrumented with a hidden microphone and receiver tuned to a non-audible frequency. The receivers' outputs are connected to a central display unit in the school's administrative office. Each instructor is provided with a small concealable transmitter which, when hand activated by the instructor upon the occurrance of any emergency, generates a non-audible signal at the receiver's tuned frequency

    A Unification of Models of Tethered Satellites

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    In this paper, different conservative models of tethered satellites are related mathematically, and it is established in what limit they may provide useful insight into the underlying dynamics. An infinite dimensional model is linked to a finite dimensional model, the slack-spring model, through a conjecture on the singular perturbation of tether thickness. The slack-spring model is then naturally related to a billiard model in the limit of an inextensible spring. Next, the motion of a dumbbell model, which is lowest in the hierarchy of models, is identified within the motion of the billiard model through a theorem on the existence of invariant curves by exploiting Moser's twist map theorem. Finally, numerical computations provide insight into the dynamics of the billiard model

    Garnet–monazite rare earth element relationships in sub-solidus metapelites: a case study from Bhutan

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    A key aim of modern metamorphic geochronology is to constrain precise and accurate rates and timescales of tectonic processes. One promising approach in amphibolite and granulite-facies rocks links the geochronological information recorded in zoned accessory phases such as monazite to the pressure–temperature information recorded in zoned major rock-forming minerals such as garnet. Both phases incorporate rare earth elements (REE) as they crystallize and their equilibrium partitioning behaviour potentially provides a useful way of linking time to temperature. We report REE data from sub-solidus amphibolite-facies metapelites from Bhutan, where overlapping ages, inclusion relationships and Gd/Lu ratios suggest that garnet and monazite co-crystallized. The garnet–monazite REE relationships in these samples show a steeper pattern across the heavy (H)REE than previously reported. The difference between our dataset and the previously reported data may be due to a temperature-dependence on the partition coefficients, disequilibrium in either dataset, differences in monazite chemistry or the presence or absence of a third phase that competed for the available REE during growth. We urge caution against using empirically-derived partition coefficients from natural samples as evidence for, or against, equilibrium of REE-bearing phases until monazite–garnet partitioning behaviour is better constrained

    An Expansion Term In Hamilton's Equations

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    For any given spacetime the choice of time coordinate is undetermined. A particular choice is the absolute time associated with a preferred vector field. Using the absolute time Hamilton's equations are −(ÎŽHc)/(ÎŽq)=π˙+Θπ,- (\delta H_{c})/(\delta q)=\dot{\pi}+\Theta\pi, + (\delta H_{c})/(\delta \pi)=\dot{q},where, where \Theta = V^{a}_{.;a}istheexpansionofthevectorfield.Thusthereisahithertounnoticedtermintheexpansionofthepreferredvectorfield.Hamiltonâ€Čsequationscanbeusedtodescribefluidmotion.Inthiscasetheabsolutetimeisthetimeassociatedwiththefluidâ€Čsco−movingvector.Asmeasuredbythisabsolutetimetheexpansiontermispresent.Similarlyincosmology,eachobserverhasaco−movingvectorandHamiltonâ€Čsequationsagainhaveanexpansionterm.ItisnecessarytoincludetheexpansiontermtoquantizesystemssuchastheabovebythecanonicalmethodofreplacingDiracbracketsbycommutators.Hamiltonâ€Čsequationsinthisformdonothaveacorrespondingsympleticform.Replacingtheexpansionbyaparticlenumber is the expansion of the vector field. Thus there is a hitherto unnoticed term in the expansion of the preferred vector field. Hamilton's equations can be used to describe fluid motion. In this case the absolute time is the time associated with the fluid's co-moving vector. As measured by this absolute time the expansion term is present. Similarly in cosmology, each observer has a co-moving vector and Hamilton's equations again have an expansion term. It is necessary to include the expansion term to quantize systems such as the above by the canonical method of replacing Dirac brackets by commutators. Hamilton's equations in this form do not have a corresponding sympletic form. Replacing the expansion by a particle number N\equiv exp(-\int\Theta d \ta)andintroducingtheparticlenumbersconjugatemomentum and introducing the particle numbers conjugate momentum \pi^{N}thestandardsympleticformcanberecoveredwithtwoextrafieldsNand the standard sympletic form can be recovered with two extra fields N and \pi^N$. Briefly the possibility of a non-standard sympletic form and the further possibility of there being a non-zero Finsler curvature corresponding to this are looked at.Comment: 10 page

    Multiwavelength Studies of PSR J1420-6048, a Young Pulsar in the Kookaburra

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    We present X-ray, radio, and infrared observations of the 68 ms pulsar PSR J1420-6048 and its surrounding nebula, a possible counterpart of the gamma-ray source GeV J1417-6100/3EG J1420-6038. Pulsed X-ray emission at the radio period is marginally detected by ASCA from a source embedded in the hard spectrum X-ray nebula AX J1420.1-6049. At radio wavelengths, the pulsar is found to be strongly linearly and circularly polarized, and the polarization sweep is measured. A comparison of high resolution ATCA radio imaging of the Kookaburra's upper wing (G313.6+0.3), which contains the pulsar and the X-ray nebula, with infrared images suggests the radio emission is partly non-thermal.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Improvement of oral reports through the students' use of audio-visual aids

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    Author misnumbered thesis. Please note that there are TWO page 108s, but the continuity is the same. Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Meson spectroscopy and properties using Dyson-Schwinger equations

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    We study pseudoscalar and scalar mesons using a practical and symmetry preserving truncation of QCD's Dyson-Schwinger equations. We investigate and compare properties of ground and radially excited meson states. In addition to exact results for radial meson excitations we also present results for meson masses and decay constants from the chiral limit up to the charm-quark mass, e. g., the mass of the chi_{c0} (2P) meson.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (Meson2006), Krakow, Poland, 9 - 13 June 200

    Stability of Negative Image Equilibria in Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    We investigate the stability of negative image equilibria in mean synaptic weight dynamics governed by spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The neural architecture of the model is based on the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyrid electric fish, which forms a negative image of the reafferent signal from the fish's own electric discharge to optimize detection of external electric fields. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability, for arbitrary postsynaptic potential functions and arbitrary learning rules. We then apply the general result to several examples of biological interest.Comment: 13 pages, revtex4; uses packages: graphicx, subfigure; 9 figures, 16 subfigure

    Structuring Judicial Discretion in China: Exploring the 2014 Sentencing Guidelines

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    In recent years, a range of western jurisdictions has introduced reforms designed to restrict and guide judicial discretion at sentencing. The reforms enacted include mandatory sentencing laws and guiding statutes prescribing sentencing purposes and principles as well as important aggravating and mitigating factors. However, formal guidelines are the most promising and well-studied innovation. We may now add China to the growing list of countries that have recognized the utility of guidelines. Over the past decade, China has slowly developed sentencing guidelines for its courts. The new guidelines contain both general directions with respect to the determination of sentence as well as specific numerical guidelines for common offences. The guidelines do not follow the approach taken by the US schemes, many of which employ a two-dimensional sentencing grid. Instead, China has adopted a strategy consisting of “Starting Point” sentences which are then adjusted by the court to reflect relevant mitigating and aggravating factors. This approach is much closer to the guidelines developed in England and Wales and those proposed but not yet implemented in New Zealand and Israel. In this article, we explore the new Chinese guidelines and provide a limited comparative analysis with guidelines in other jurisdictions. England and Wales is selected as the principal comparator since it has developed and implemented a comprehensive system consisting of both offence-specified guidelines as well as generic guidelines

    The GBT350 Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane for Radio Pulsars and Transients

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    Using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and Pulsar Spigot at 350MHz, we have surveyed the Northern Galactic Plane for pulsars and radio transients. This survey covers roughly 1000 square degrees of sky within 75 deg < l < 165 deg and |b| < 5.5 deg, a region of the Galactic Plane inaccessible to both the Parkes and Arecibo multibeam surveys. The large gain of the GBT along with the high time and frequency resolution provided by the Spigot make this survey more sensitive by factors of about 4 to slow pulsars and more than 10 to millisecond pulsars (MSPs), compared with previous surveys of this area. In a preliminary, reduced-resolution search of all the survey data, we have discovered 33 new pulsars, almost doubling the number of known pulsars in this part of the Galaxy. While most of these sources were discovered by normal periodicity searches, 5 of these sources were first identified through single, dispersed bursts. We discuss the interesting properties of some of these new sources. Data processing using the data's full-resolution is ongoing, with the goal of uncovering MSPs missed by our first, coarse round of processing.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of "Forty Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More" held in Montreal, Canada, August 12-17, 2007. 3 pages, 2 figure
