1,042 research outputs found

    The LGBT Population and the Fight for Adoption Rights

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    This paper discusses the rights of LGBT individuals to adopt children, in light of the recent legalization of same-sex marriage, as well as the basic rights of children to a stable home, and basic social and economic justice for adults and children

    The Impacts of Climate Uncertainty on Streamflow in Andes, Antioquia, Colombia

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    Natural hazards, such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and droughts impact human systems that rely on predictable patterns in the natural elements with which they interact. Skillful prediction of the impacts of climate change on linked, human-natural systems, like surface water resources, can help ensure physical risks within vulnerable communities are mitigated, resource sustainability is maximized, and intersectoral markets continue to contribute to socioeconomic stability. Due to water resources being a primary conduit through which climate uncertainty impacts people, economies, and ecosystems, its study is worthy of investigation; particularly, where those resources are uncertain and demanded by a variety of competitive users. This work evaluates a season-ahead statistical prediction model of growing season streamflow (September – December) in Andes, Antioquia, Colombia, against a suite of global and local predictor variables: precipitation, soil moisture, Niño 3.4 sea-surface temperature anomaly, and Southern Oscillation Index anomaly. Skillful results, which are defined as streamflow forecasts that outperform a specified climatological baseline, are produced for the models when analyzing extreme streamflow events (r^2 = 0.77, mean absolute percentage error = 21.87, ranked probability skill score = 0.21). Viewed cumulatively, these results suggest streamflow predictions and forecasts can identify the role of global and local climate on communities, inform how and when changes should be implemented, and justify stakeholder decisions

    The vincennes incident: Another player on the stage

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    The article of record as published may be found at ttps://doi.org/10.1080/0743017950840564

    Health equity and quantifying the patient experience: A case study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has invigorated efforts to address health inequities disproportionately burdened by racial/ethnic groups and individuals of low socioeconomic status. Measuring and monitoring patient experience is crucial to understanding why the gaps exist and identifying mechanisms necessary to close them. Electronic health records and digital health tools hold much promise in this regard and can lead to change. We present a case study describing the innovative efforts undertaken at Sutter Health, a large integrated health network in Northern California, to quantify gaps in health equity using electronic platforms and visualization modalities. More work is needed to identify and address barriers rooted in social context and structural inequities and ultimately impact health equity. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Improving resilience to hot weather in the UK: The role of communication, behaviour and social insights in policy interventions

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    At present, there is little guidance on how to communicate the dangers relating to hot weather events and on how to better prepare for them. Social responses to hot weather risks need to be a priority as populations around the world become more exposed to these under a changing climate. In this commentary, we argue that policy interventions focused on improving resilience to hot weather need to be more closely aligned with broader sustainability challenges and more effectively incorporate communication, behaviour, and social insights. With a particular focus on the UK, we highlight the risks of not taking these into account and outline ways in which policy-making on hot weather events could be improved, by drawing on international best practice and supporting decision-making within a range of relevant institutions across the health, transport and housing sectors

    Students' Experiences of Undergraduate Dissertation Supervision

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    Increasingly, students completing undergraduate dissertations in Australia are expected by their supervisors to produce publishable research. Despite this, limited resources are available for supervisors of undergraduate dissertation students on how best to supervise students toward this aim. Building on our previous research on the perspectives of supervisors and dissertation coordinators of what constitutes good undergraduate dissertation supervision, we present here the findings on student perspectives of good supervision. Twenty-five students (seventeen students who were currently completing an undergraduate dissertation and eight who had recently completed an undergraduate dissertation) were interviewed about their experiences in being supervised. A critical incident methodology was used to invite students to reflect on times when supervision had gone well, and times when it had not. Interviews were recorded and transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. Key themes to emerge were that students viewed “good” supervisors as those that were supportive and empowering, directed learning, and whose style and interests aligned with those of the students. Challenges in supervision related to lack of clarity and inconsistencies, perceived power imbalances between students and supervisors, and perceived inequities in the amount of supervision provided across students. Whilst the publication of undergraduate research is a worthy aim, the pressure to publish for some students resulted in feelings of inadequacy and perceptions of supervisors losing interest when findings were not deemed publishable

    Women’s experiences seeking informal sector abortion services in Cape Town, South Africa: a descriptive study

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    BACKGROUND: In settings where abortion is legally restricted, or permitted but not widely accessible, women face significant barriers to abortion access, sometimes leading them to seek services outside legal facilities. The advent of medication abortion has further increased the prevalence of informal sector abortion. This study investigates the reasons for attempting self-induction, methods used, complications, and sources of information about informal sector abortion, and tests a specific recruitment method which could lead to improved estimates of informal sector abortion prevalence among an at-risk population. METHODS: We recruited women who have sought informal sector abortion services in Cape Town, South Africa using respondent driven sampling (RDS). An initial seed recruiter was responsible for initiating recruitment using a structured coupon system. Participants completed face-to-face questionnaires, which included information about demographics, informal sector abortion seeking, and safe abortion access needs. RESULTS: We enrolled 42 women, nearly one-third of whom reported they were sex workers. Thirty-four women (81%) reported having had one informal sector abortion within the past 5 years, 14% reported having had two, and 5% reported having had three. These women consumed home remedies, herbal mixtures from traditional healers, or tablets from an unregistered provider. Twelve sought additional care for potential warning signs of complications. Privacy and fear of mistreatment at public sector facilities were among the main reported reasons for attempting informal sector abortion. Most women (67%) cited other community members as their source of information about informal sector abortion; posted signs and fliers in public spaces also served as an important source of information. CONCLUSIONS: Women are attempting informal sector abortion because they seek privacy and fear mistreatment and stigma in health facilities. Some were unaware how or where to seek formal sector services, or believed the cost was too high. Many informal methods are ineffective and unsafe, leading to potential warning signs of complications and continued pregnancy. Sex workers may be at particular risk of unsafe abortion. Based on these results, it is essential that future studies sample women outside of the formal health sector. The use of innovative sampling methods would greatly improve our knowledge about informal sector abortion in South Africa
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