182 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in Fisheries Science and Their Prospects for Improving Fisheries Contributions to Food Security

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    Marine reserves, areas permanently closed to all fishing, are frequently proposed as a tool for managing fisheries. Fishery benefits claimed for reserves include increases in spawning stock size, animal body size, and reproductive output of exploited species. Reserves are predicted to augment catches through export of offspring to fishing grounds, and spillover of juveniles and adults from reserves to fisheries. Protection of stocks and development of extended age structures of populations in reserves are argued to offer insurance against environmental variability and management failure. Models also suggest reserves will reduce year-to-year variability in catches, and offer greater simplicity of management and enforcement. Reserves are predicted to lead to habitat recovery from fishing disturbance which can also enhance benefits to fisheries. Extensive field research confirms many of these predictions. Reserves worldwide have led to increases in abundance, body size, biomass and reproductive output of exploited species. Such measures often increase many times over, sometimes by an order of magnitude or more. Population build up is usually rapid with effects detectable within 2-3 years of protection. Increases are often sustained over extended periods, particularly for longer-lived species and for measures of habitat recovery. Reserves have benefitted species from a wide taxonomic spectrum that covers most economically important taxa, including many species of fish, crustaceans, mollusks and echinoderms. Encouraged by these results, many countries and states have embarked upon initiatives to establish networks of marine reserves. However, reserves remain highly controversial among fishers and fishing industry bodies who argue that fishery benefits remain unproven. In the last three years there has been rapid growth in the number of cases where fisheries have been shown to benefit from reserves. In this report, we critically analyze this body of evidence, drawing upon studies of reserves and fishery closures. Fishery managers have long used fishery closures, areas temporarily closed to fishing for one or more species or to specific fishing gears. They are employed to help rebuild depleted stocks, reduce gear conflicts, protect vulnerable life stages of exploited species or protect sensitive habitats from damaging gears. Such areas can tell us much about the potential effects of marine reserves. Fishery benefits from reserves and fishery closures typically develop quickly, in most cases within five years of their creation. Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of fishery effects of reserves comes from changing fishing patterns. In most places where well-respected reserves or fishery closures exist, fishers tend to move their fishing activities closer to their boundaries. Fishing-the-line, as it is called, allows fishers to benefit from spillover of animals from reserves to fishing grounds. There are now well-documented cases of spillover from more than a dozen countries and including a wide range of species. It is more technically demanding to prove fishery enhancement through export of offspring on ocean currents. Existing reserves are generally small, making it hard to detect increased recruitment to fisheries at a regional scale. However, there are now several cases in which export of eggs and larvae have been confirmed, including dramatic enhancement of scallop fisheries in Georges Bank and clam fisheries in Fiji. Small reserves have worked well and repeatedly produce local benefits. However, regional fisheries enhancement will require more extensive networks of reserves. Some of the most convincing success stories come from places in which between 10 and 35% of fishing grounds have been protected. In several cases there is evidence that yields with reserves have risen to higher levels than prior to protection, despite a reduction in the area of fishing grounds. In other cases, smaller reserves have stabilized catches from intensively exploited fisheries or slowed existing rates of decline. We describe experiences that prove that success of marine reserves is not contingent on habitat type, geographical location, the kind of fishery involved, or the technological sophistication of management. Reserve benefits are not restricted to habitats like coral reefs, or to artisanal fisheries, as some critics claim. Fishery benefits have been demonstrated from reserves established in tropical, warm- and cold-temperate waters, and in many habitats, including coral reefs, rocky reefs, kelp forests, seagrass beds, mangroves, estuaries, soft sediments, continental shelves and deep sea. Reserves and fishery closures have worked well for a wide range of fisheries, spanning recreational fisheries, artisanal fisheries like those of coral reefs, through small-scale nearshore fisheries for species like lobsters, up to industrial-scale fisheries for animals like flatfish and scallops. They have worked across a similarly broad spectrum of management sophistication, from self-policing by committed fishers, through warden patrols to satellite monitoring of distant fishing activities. We now have strong evidence that with the support of local communities, marine reserves offer a highly effective management tool. However, reserves will only rarely be adequate as a stand-alone management approach, although we describe cases where they have worked in the absence of other measures. They will be most effective when implemented as part of a package of limits on fishing effort and protect exploited species and their habitats

    The Structuring Role of Marine Life in Open Ocean Habitat: Importance to International Policy

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    Areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) lie outside the 200 nautical mile limits of national sovereignty and cover 58% of the ocean surface. Global conservation agreements recognize biodiversity loss in ABNJ and aim to protect ≥10% of oceans in marine protected areas (MPAs) by 2020. However, limited mechanisms to create MPAs in ABNJ currently exist, and existing management is widely regarded as inadequate to safeguard biodiversity. Negotiations are therefore underway for an “internationally legally binding instrument” (ILBI) to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to enable biodiversity conservation beyond national jurisdiction. While this agreement will, hopefully, establish a mechanism to create MPAs in ABNJ, discussions to date highlight a further problem: namely, defining what to protect. We have a good framework for terrestrial and coastal habitats, however habitats in ABNJ, particularly the open ocean, are less understood and poorly defined. Often, predictable broad oceanographic features are used to define open ocean habitats. But what exactly, constitutes the habitat—the water, or the species that live there? Complicating matters, species in the open sea are often highly mobile. Here, we argue that mobile marine organisms provide the structure-forming biomass and constitute “habitat” in the open ocean. For an ABNJ ILBI to offer effective protection to marine biodiversity it must consider habitats a function of their inhabitants and represent all marine life within its scope. Only by enabling strong protection for every element of biodiversity can we hope to be fully successful in conserving it

    Diving behaviour of whale sharks in relation to a predictable food pulse

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    We present diving data for four whale sharks in relation to a predictable food pulse (reef fish spawn) and an analysis of the longest continuous fine-resolution diving record for a planktivorous shark. Fine-resolution pressure data from a recovered pop-up archival satellite tag deployed for 206 days on a whale shark were analysed using the fast Fourier Transform method for frequency domain analysis of time-series. The results demonstrated that a free-ranging whale shark displays ultradian, diel and circa-lunar rhythmicity of diving behaviour. Whale sharks dive to over 979.5 m and can tolerate a temperature range of 26.4 degrees C. The whale sharks made primarily diurnal deep dives and remained in relatively shallow waters at night. Whale shark diving patterns are influenced by a seasonally predictable food source, with shallower dives made during fish spawning periods

    Addressing regression architecture for the robust mitigation of environmental and operational variations in wind turbine blade monitoring

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    Whilst wind power is a promising alternative to wasteful and polluting fossil fuels, there are a number of issues that must be addressed. Many difficulties lie in the maintenance of the ever increasing size of the blades, especially in offshore environments. The current industry standard of visual inspection is outdated and needs to be replaced with real-time and online monitoring. Vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring (VSHM) has been proposed as a potential solution to this problem. However, the presence of Environmental and Operational Variations (EOVs) causes VSHM methods to struggle to differentiate between damaged and undamaged observations. The Damage Sensitive Features (DSFs) measured from the wind turbine blades are heavily influenced by the EOVs and effort has to be made to mitigate their effects to ensure the damage detection is reliable. Through regression analysis, relationships can be established between the DSFs and measured Environmental and Operational Parameters (EOPs). Subsequently, EOP-normalised DSFs are created by the difference between the original DSFs and those predicted by the regression models. The reliability in the predictions, beyond what they were trained with, is an extremely important but often overlooked aspect of regression design. Uncertainty can easily be introduced by overfitting model orders, including non-influential EOPs and by benign trends present in the training data. Through considered design, this work aims to address such issues through the application of a comprehensive nonlinear forward stepwise regression method for the purpose of monitoring an operational wind turbine blade. The proposed methodology employs methods to remove collinear variables, identify the most influential EOPs, reduce model orders and determine which DSFs should be regressed. The combination of these methods facilitates a compact regression basis, purged of as much uncertainty as possible. Lasso regression is used for comparison, as it is a similar and established type of stepwise regression. Ultimately, reducing biases and overfitting through considered design will increase the robustness of the system, as well as increasing confidence in the decision making process

    The effects of human-induced pollution on the replenishment of coral reefs

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    Coral reefs are suffering severe declines world-wide caused by multiple anthropogenic disturbances combined with natural events such as storms. Their future depends on the resilience of replenishment processes. However, few studies exist on the effects of multiple stresses on early life history of corals. This review describes coral early life history processes including reproduction, settlement and post-settlement survival. Relevant literature is then reviewed, focusing on the effects of four major human-induced threats, sedimentation, eutrophication, fishing and rising sea water temperature on reproduction, settlement and post-settlement survival. Research shows that in many cases different stresses affect the same replenishment process. Using two simple models results show that additive and synergistic stress can harm not only the energy budget of a single coral colony, but could also drive a species to extinction. A coral confronted by a disturbance may show a decrease in its energy budget due to either a change in environmental conditions such as reduced light penetration, or increased energy use for defensive mechanisms such as increased sediment rejecting activities. Adding other disturbances may reduce growth and/or reproductive output. If the energy budget decreases even further, processes involved in basal metabolism may suffer and the coral might finally die. Multiple stresses decrease maximum per capita growth of coral populations due to, for example, lower larval survival and decreased settlement success. Coral population extinctions may occur when interacting stresses are combined with Allee effects. Reduced coral densities and reduced reproductive output can lead to decreased fertilisation success. Hence, multiple stresses threaten not only adult corals, but also impact upon replenishment of coral reefs. This is a severe concern and highlights the importance of long-term studies of coral reef recovery and stress mitigation, particularly at a time where threats to reefs are expected to increase further in number, frequency and severity

    Aspects of coral reef fish community structure in the Saudi Arabian Red Sea and on the Great Barrier Reef

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX72441/87 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    A Global Assessment of Salmon Aquaculture Impacts on Wild Salmonids

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    Since the late 1980s, wild salmon catch and abundance have declined dramatically in the North Atlantic and in much of the northeastern Pacific south of Alaska. In these areas, there has been a concomitant increase in the production of farmed salmon. Previous studies have shown negative impacts on wild salmonids, but these results have been difficult to translate into predictions of change in wild population survival and abundance. We compared marine survival of salmonids in areas with salmon farming to adjacent areas without farms in Scotland, Ireland, Atlantic Canada, and Pacific Canada to estimate changes in marine survival concurrent with the growth of salmon aquaculture. Through a meta-analysis of existing data, we show a reduction in survival or abundance of Atlantic salmon; sea trout; and pink, chum, and coho salmon in association with increased production of farmed salmon. In many cases, these reductions in survival or abundance are greater than 50%. Meta-analytic estimates of the mean effect are significant and negative, suggesting that salmon farming has reduced survival of wild salmon and trout in many populations and countries

    The threatened status of restricted-range coral reef fish species

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    Assessment of regression variabilities and biases: a demonstration in the context of structural health monitoring

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    The challenge that is at the forefront of data-driven vibration-based structural health monitoring (VSHM) is the detrimental effect caused by environmental and operational variations (EOVs). Therefore, action must be taken in order to mitigate the effects of the EOVs without affecting the influence of damage. A number of regression-based approaches have been applied in VSHM, using measured environmental and operational parameters to model damage sensitive features (DSFs). In this work, a forward stepwise method is compared with Lasso regression for the purpose of regression model optimisation. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the variance of the covariance of the input variables are used to quantitatively assess the quality of the regression models. Additionally, the F-statistic is used to determine which DSFs should or should not be regressed. The results of the analysis showed that the reduced order forward stepwise regression had the lowest AIC and was the most appropriate model despite not having the most stable coefficient matrices. Ultimately, the choice of optimisation method has a significant impact on the quality of future predictions