111 research outputs found

    A Scoring Matrix Method for Integrated Evaluation of Water-Related Ecosystem Services Provided by Urban Parks

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    Increasing urbanization, landscape conversion, and resource consumption represent the most important, visible and irreversible human-induced actions on Earth. As a consequence, nowadays it is of seminal importance to understand and assess how anthropic pressures are related to the provision of ecosystem services (ES). This paper focuses on urban parks and their provision of water-induced ecosystem services (WES) connected to urban hydrologic cycle. The study uses a broad holistic approach to comprehensively understand the links between anthropic pressures and WES production. With the help of biological, chemical, and physical indicators collected in publicly available databases a scoring matrix was created. The method was applied to two different parks in Turin (Italy), the Arrivore Park and the Michelotti Park. The matrices reveal that anthropic pressures are marked, and the most affected WES are habitat maintenance, recreational services, and the provision of drinkable and non-drinkable water. The hydromorphological alterations are the anthropogenic pressures most strongly present in both parks. More specifically, in the Arrivore Park urbanization represents one of the most important pressures while the main pressures in the Michelotti Park are water abstraction for industrial and agricultural use and point source pollution. This study makes a major contribution to research on WES assessment by demonstrating the possibility to understand and to assess the impact of anthropic pressures. Moreover, the proposed matrix method provides an easy tool to support policymakers, public administrations, and private companies within sustainable urban planning

    Constitutional principles and ethno-regional parties

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    Introduction: This paper surveys the norms and procedures adopted in a number of European countries to facilitate representation and participation of ethnic minorities in the political process. The emergence of regional parties is the result of a process of mobilization of new constituencies in places in which local ethnic realities possessed little political weight or national influence. Ad hoc political parties were created to redress a strong majoritarian bias and allow minorities into the political process

    Absence of protein A expression is associated with higher capsule production in staphylococcal isolates

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen, and a leading cause of soft tissue and blood stream infections. One of the causes of its success as a pathogen is the peculiar array of immune evasion factors through which the bacterium avoids host defenses, where the staphylococcal protein A (SpA) plays a major role thanks to its IgG binding activities. Moreover, SpA has recently been proposed as a promising vaccine antigen. In this study, we evaluated the expression of SpA in a collection of staphylococcal strains, about 7% of which did not express SpA (SpA- strains), despite the presence of the gene. By a comparative genomic analysis, we identified that a mutation in the spa 5′ UTR sequence affecting the RBS is responsible for the loss of SpA in a subset of SpA- strains. Using a high-throughput qRT-PCR approach on a selected panel of virulence-related genes, we identified that the SpA- phenotype is associated with lower spa transcript levels and increased expression and production of capsule as well as other changes in the transcription of several key virulence factors. Our data suggest that the SpA- phenotype has occurred in geographically distinct strains through different molecular mechanisms including both mutation, leading likely to translation alterations, and transcriptional deregulation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that SpA- strains are highly susceptible to phagocytic uptake mediated by anti-capsule antibodies. These data suggest that S. aureus may alter its virulence factor expression pattern as an adaptation to the host or environment. Vaccination strategies targeting both SpA and capsule could therefore result in broader coverage against staphylococcal isolates than SpA alone

    Specific Involvement of Pilus Type 2a in Biofilm Formation in Group B Streptococcus

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    Streptococcus agalactiae is the primary colonizer of the anogenital mucosa of up to 30% of healthy women and can infect newborns during delivery and cause severe sepsis and meningitis. Persistent colonization usually involves the formation of biofilm and increasing evidences indicate that in pathogenic streptococci biofilm formation is mediated by pili. Recently, we have characterized pili distribution and conservation in 289 GBS clinical isolates and we have shown that GBS has three pilus types, 1, 2a and 2b encoded by three corresponding pilus islands, and that each strain carries one or two islands. Here we have investigated the capacity of these strains to form biofilms. We have found that most of the biofilm-formers carry pilus 2a, and using insertion and deletion mutants we have confirmed that pilus type 2a, but not pilus types 1 and 2b, confers biofilm-forming phenotype. We also show that deletion of the major ancillary protein of type 2a did not impair biofilm formation while the inactivation of the other ancillary protein and of the backbone protein completely abolished this phenotype. Furthermore, antibodies raised against pilus components inhibited bacterial adherence to solid surfaces, offering new strategies to prevent GBS infection by targeting bacteria during their initial attachment to host epithelial cells

    Enhancing a multi-purpose artificial urine for culture and gene expression studies of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains

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    Aims: The main objective of this study was to modify a recently reported multi-purpose artificial urine (MP-AU) for culture and gene expression studies of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains. Methods and results: We used liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to identify and adjust the metabolic profile of MP-AU closer to that of pooled human urine (PHU). Modification in this way facilitated growth of UPEC strains with growth rates similar to those obtained in PHU. Transcriptomic analysis of UPEC strains cultured in enhanced artificial urine (enhanced AU) and PHU showed that the gene expression profiles are similar, with less than 7% of genes differentially expressed between the two conditions. Conclusions: Enhancing an MP-AU with metabolites identified in PHU allows the enhanced AU to be used as a substitute for the culture and in vitro gene expression studies of UPEC strains

    Identification of the Autochaperone Domain in the Type Va Secretion System (T5aSS):Prevalent Feature of Autotransporters with a β-Helical Passenger

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    Autotransporters (ATs) belong to a family of modular proteins secreted by the Type V, subtype a, secretion system (T5aSS) and considered as an important source of virulence factors in lipopolysaccharidic diderm bacteria (archetypical Gram-negative bacteria). While exported by the Sec pathway, the ATs are further secreted across the outer membrane via their own C-terminal translocator forming a β-barrel, through which the rest of the protein, namely the passenger, can pass. In several ATs, an autochaperone domain (AC) present at the C-terminal region of the passenger and upstream of the translocator was demonstrated as strictly required for proper secretion and folding. However, considering it was functionally characterised and identified only in a handful of ATs, wariness recently fells on the commonality and conservation of this structural element in the T5aSS. To circumvent the issue of sequence divergence and taking advantage of the resolved three-dimensional structure of some ACs, identification of this domain was performed following structural alignment among all AT passengers experimentally resolved by crystallography before searching in a dataset of 1523 ATs. While demonstrating that the AC is indeed a conserved structure found in numerous ATs, phylogenetic analysis further revealed a distribution into deeply rooted branches, from which emerge 20 main clusters. Sequence analysis revealed that an AC could be identified in the large majority of SAATs (self-associating ATs) but not in any LEATs (lipase/esterase ATs) nor in some PATs (protease autotransporters) and PHATs (phosphatase/hydrolase ATs). Structural analysis indicated that an AC was present in passengers exhibiting single-stranded right-handed parallel β-helix, whatever the type of β-solenoid, but not with α-helical globular fold. From this investigation, the AC of type 1 appears as a prevalent and conserved structural element exclusively associated to β-helical AT passenger and should promote further studies about the protein secretion and folding via the T5aSS, especially toward α-helical AT passengers

    A relação entre o nível de Empreendedorismo (TEG) e os aspectos sociodemográficos dos Taxistas cooperados da cidade de Santo André/São Paulo, Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o nível de empreendedorismo em 147 taxistas de Santo André/SP, bem como averiguá-lo em associação aos aspectos sociodemográficos. Utilizou-se a metodologia quantitativa e para avaliar o grau de empreendedorismo elegeu-se o instrumento TEG (Tendência Empreendedora Geral) de Caird (1991). Os resultados indicaram uma população majoritariamente masculina (89%), casada (58,5%) e com o ensino médio (colegial) concluído (57,8%). Quanto ao grau de empreendedorismo, em nenhum dos constructos analisados os taxistas obtiveram a média para serem classificados empreendedores. Revelou-se que a escolaridade possui efeito significativo à TEG (F (3,147) = 3,747, p .05): quanto mais anos de estudo, tanto maior é o nível da TEG. Em outra direção, o tempo de empresa (F (30, 147) = 30,274, p.05).

    Genomic analysis reveals the molecular basis for capsule loss in the group B Streptococcus population

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    The human and bovine bacterial pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) expresses a thick polysaccharide capsule that constitutes a major virulence factor and vaccine target. GBS can be classified into ten distinct serotypes differing in the chemical composition of their capsular polysaccharide. However, non-typeable strains that do not react with anti-capsular sera are frequently isolated from colonized and infected humans and cattle. To gain a comprehensive insight into the molecular basis for the loss of capsule expression in GBS, a collection of well-characterized non-typeable strains was investigated by genome sequencing. Genome based phylogenetic analysis extended to a wide population of sequenced strains confirmed the recently observed high clonality among GBS lineages mainly containing human strains, and revealed a much higher degree of diversity in the bovine population. Remarkably, non-typeable strains were equally distributed in all lineages. A number of distinct mutations in the cps operon were identified that were apparently responsible for inactivation of capsule synthesis. The most frequent genetic alterations were point mutations leading to stop codons in the cps genes, and the main target was found to be cpsE encoding the portal glycosyl trasferase of capsule biosynthesis. Complementation of strains carrying missense mutations in cpsE with a wild-type gene restored capsule expression allowing the identification of amino acid residues essential for enzyme activity

    Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 Inhibitors Reduce Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Upregulate the Pro-inflammatory Immune Response in Calomys callosus Rodents and Human Monocyte Cell Line

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    Toxoplasma gondii is able to infect a wide range of vertebrates, including humans. Studies show that cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a modulator of immune response in multiple types of infection, such as Trypanosoma cruzi. However, the role of COX-2 during T. gondii infection is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of COX-2 during infection by moderately or highly virulent strains of T. gondii in Calomys callosus rodents and human THP-1 cells. C. callosus were infected with 50 cysts of T. gondii (ME49), treated with COX-2 inhibitors (meloxicam or celecoxib) and evaluated to check body weight and morbidity. After 40 days, brain and serum were collected for detection of T. gondii by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry or cytokines by CBA. Furthermore, peritoneal macrophages or THP-1 cells, infected with RH strain or uninfected, were treated with meloxicam or celecoxib to evaluate the parasite proliferation by colorimetric assay and cytokine production by ELISA. Finally, in order to verify the role of prostaglandin E2 in COX-2 mechanism, THP-1 cells were infected, treated with meloxicam or celecoxib plus PGE2, and analyzed to parasite proliferation and cytokine production. The data showed that body weight and morbidity of the animals changed after infection by T. gondii, under both treatments. Immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR showed a reduction of T. gondii in brains of animals treated with both COX-2 inhibitors. Additionally, it was observed that both COX-2 inhibitors controlled the T. gondii proliferation in peritoneal macrophages and THP-1 cells, and the treatment with PGE2 restored the parasite growth in THP-1 cells blocked to COX-2. In the serum of Calomys, upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines was detected, while the supernatants of peritoneal macrophages and THP-1 cells demonstrated significant production of TNF and nitrite, or TNF, nitrite and MIF, respectively, under both COX-2 inhibitors. Finally, PGE2 treatment in THP-1 cells triggered downmodulation of pro-inflammatory mediators and upregulation of IL-8 and IL-10. Thus, COX-2 is an immune mediator involved in the susceptibility to T. gondii regardless of strain or cell types, since inhibition of this enzyme induced control of infection by upregulating important pro-inflammatory mediators against Toxoplasma
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