10 research outputs found

    Mecanismos de eliminación de patógenos en sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales = Pathogen removal mechanisms in wastewater treatment systems

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    Pag. var.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los principales mecanismos de eliminación y/o inactivación de patógenos que tienen lugar en los sistemas de tratamiento de agua residual del noroeste de España (lagunajes, humedales artificiales y fangos activados) e intentar cuantificar el efecto de determinados factores ambientales sobre dicha inactivació

    Estimating the competence of preservice primary teachers to use inquiry and their willingness to apply It in the classroom

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    Producción CientíficaInquiry as a strategy for science teaching has become widespread in the classroom and has various applications. But whether teachers are sufficiently trained to carry it out in pre-university classrooms would need to be determined. The objective of this study is to determine the inquiry knowledge of preservice primary teachers and their ability to use it before and after experiencing it for themselves on their degree programmes. The study was carried out over three academic years (2018–2021) with students from the Experimental Sciences course on a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education at a teacher training centre in Spain. A total of 579 students participated and the study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, students answered a questionnaire about a hypothetical situation in which they had to apply inquiry, and in the second phase, they worked in groups on problematic situations in which they had to solve them or propose solutions through inquiry. The results indicate that students have a general ability to follow inquiry procedures, which improves after instruction, although they still need training in didactic content on inquiry methodology. Students were also asked about their willingness to apply inquiry in their future work, as well as the difficulties they consider they will encounter. A number of recommendations are made to address the shortcomings and to overcome the difficulties expressed by students in applying inquiry in their future teaching work.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCLEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad - Convocatoria 2017 para concesión de ayudas a proyectos de I + D + I correspondientes al Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (EDU2017-89405-R

    "Natusfera" como recurso para evitar la ceguera frente a las plantas

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    Memoria ID2022-098. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2022-2023

    Influence of the vegetation on the elimination of bacteria in wetlands superficial flow

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    [ES] El cosechado de vegetación es uno de los puntos controvertidos en relación con el funcionamiento y la gestión de humedales construidos. La cosecha generalmente se evita, en la mayor parte de los lugares, debido a la baja cantidad de nutrientes eliminados en relación con el gasto generado. En determinadas condiciones la cosecha podría tener importancia para reducir la producción de materia orgánica y aumentar la inactivación bacteriana. Se cosechó la mitad de la superficie de un humedal artificial de flujo superficial plantado con Typha y esta mitad fue aislada de la parte no cosechada utilizando una membrana impermeable. Los efluentes de ambas partes (cosechada y no cosechada) fueron comparados en relación con la eliminación de indicadores fecales. Coliformes fecales, E. coli, estreptococos, estafilococos, Clostridium perfringens y bacteriófagos fueron analizados en el influente y en el efluente entre los meses de diciembre de 2004 y abril de 2005. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en varios grupos bacteriales. Desde este artículo proponemos el sistema de cosechado como una técnica de gestión apropiada en condiciones mediterráneas sobre todo para aguas residuales de baja carga contaminante[EN] Harvest of vegetation is one of the controversial points in relation to operation and management of constructed wetlands. Harvesting is generally avoided in most places due to the low amount of nutrients removed and its associated costs. In some conditions harvesting could be important as it reduces organic matter production and increases inactivation of bacteria. A superficial-flow constructed wetland planted with Typha was half-harvested and isolated from the non harvested part using a impermeable layer. Efluents from harvested and non-harvested parts were compared in relation to faecal indicators removal. Faecal coliforms, E. coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Clostridium perfringens and phages were analyzed in the influent and effluents from december 2004 to april 2005. Results showed statistically significant differences in several bacterial groups. From this paper we propose harvesting as an appropriated management technique in Mediterranean conditions especially for low loaded wastewatersS


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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar los recursos TIC y las metodologías didácticas utilizadas por los profesores de secundaria antes y durante el estado de alarma decretado por el estado español para combatir el COVID-19, así como la opinión del profesorado sobre su propia formación en competencias digitales. La recogida de información se realizó a través de un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc dirigido a todo el profesorado de Biología y Geología de la comunidad autónoma Castilla y León que impartía docencia en centros de ESO, Bachillerato y/o Formación Profesional durante el curso académico 2019/2020 (n=145). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el uso de TIC aumentó considerablemente durante el estado de alarma permitiendo la adaptación de la programación didáctica y la metodología. Los docentes encuestados consideraron que su uso facilitó el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, sin embargo, un alto porcentaje aseguraron no tener la formación ni los recursos necesarios. Nuestro estudio también sugiere la existencia de una brecha digital en el sistema educativo español ya que un elevado porcentaje de los docentes indicaron que no todos sus alumnos disponían de los medios y/o la formación necesaria para utilizar entornos virtuales de aprendizaje o herramientas virtuales de comunicación educativa

    Flipped classroom for teaching digestive system to high school students: Performance, perception and inquiry competence level

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    This article presents an educational experience with 30 high school students based on the flipped classroom methodology and inquiry-based learning on aspects related to the pathophysiology of the digestive system during the 2017/2018 academic year. The main goal of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of the flipped classroom approach at this educational level. This case study was also used to assess the level of inquiry competence that high school students present when they have to carry out a research project and the main difficulties encountered in carrying it out. The results of the study show that the experience was clearly positive, since there was not only a significant improvement in student learning but also greater autonomy for students to work with the content, prepare for classes and actively participate in the tasks or practical activities that take place in the classroom, demonstrating its applicability in high school classrooms. The results also indicate that the students perceived advantages in their learning after experiencing the flipped classroom pedagogical model. Most of the students presented serious difficulties in carrying out their research work, probably due to a lack of experience when facing each of the stages that make up the process of inquiry

    Flipped classroom for teaching digestive system to high school students: Performance, perception and inquiry competence level

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    This article presents an educational experience with 30 high school students based on the flippedclassroom methodology and inquiry-based learning on aspects related to the pathophysiology of thedigestive system during the 2017/2018 academic year. The main goal of this study was to investigate theeffectiveness and acceptability of the flipped classroom approach at this educational level. This study wasalso used to assess the level of inquiry competence that high school students present when they have tocarry out a research project and the main difficulties encountered in carrying it out. The results of thestudy show that the experience was clearly positive, since there was not only a significant improvement instudent learning but also greater autonomy for students to work with the content, prepare for classes andactively participate in the tasks or practical activities that take place in the classroom, demonstrating itsapplicability in high school classrooms. The results also indicate that the students perceived advantages intheir learning after experiencing the flipped classroom pedagogical model. Most of the students presentedserious difficulties in carrying out their research work, probably due to a lack of experience when facingeach of the stages that make up the process of inquiryPeer Reviewe

    Prospective primary teachers’ views on the nature of science

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    This article presents the results of a piece of research that analyzed the views on the nature of science (NOS) among student teachers enrolled in programs of Primary Education at two public universities in Spain. Previous studies have reported that science teachers maintain ‘eclectic’ epistemological perspectives on science; in this article, we test if such a hypothesis holds when teachers’ NOS ideas are ‘anchored’ in specific periods and topics of the philosophy of science. We studied 114 prospective teachers attending an undergraduate teaching course with emphasis on the natural sciences at the Universities of Burgos and Valladolid in the period of 2017-18. A Likert-scale questionnaire with 37 items was applied to determine trends in those teachers’ epistemological views on science. The results showed that teachers’ views are mostly correlated with the philosophical period of Logical Positivism/Received View, and to some extent to the period of Recent and Contemporary Accounts. Regarding the classical epistemological topics of correspondence, methodologies, intervention, evolution and representation, teachers’ views could be related to the period of Logical Positivism/Received View and Critical Rationalism, but also to the New Philosophy of Science. The main conclusion of this study is that teachers’ expressed views on NOS are epistemologically eclectic to a much smaller degree when examined with more details concerning specific periods and topics of the philosophy of science.Fil: Amador Rodriguez, Rafael Yecid. Universidad del Norte; ColombiaFil: Aduriz Bravo, Agustin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Formación e Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias; ArgentinaFil: Valencia Cobo, Jorge Alberto. Universidad del Norte; ColombiaFil: Reinoso Tapia, Roberto. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Delgado Iglesias, Jaime. Universidad de Valladolid; Españ

    Influence of controlled environmental conditions in potential salivary ocular pain biomarkers for enhancing the assessment of ocular pain

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    Purpose: We endeavored to identify objective salivary biomarkers for pain, a subjective sensation with a biological basis, using molecules already described related to pain. The study aimed to analyze inter-individual differences and intersession variability in salivary potential ocular pain biomarkers on healthy subjects, in samples obtained under the influence of controlled environmental conditions. Methods: Thirty-four healthy subjects, 20 male, 14 female, median age 35.44 years (range 30-40) were exposed for 30 minutes under standard environmental conditions (T: 22°C, 50% relative humidity) in the Controlled Environmental Research Laboratory (CE-Lab, Vision R&D, Valladolid Spain) in two separate visits (V1, V2) at least 24 hours apart. Saliva was collected after the exposure in each of the visits, and cortisol, α-amylase (sAA), secretory IgA (sIgA), testosterone, and soluble fraction of TNFα receptor II (sTNFαRII) were analyzed by ELISA. Repeatability of inter-subject inter-session measurements was assayed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: There were no significant inter-session differences in testosterone (p = 0.2497), sTNFαRII (p = 0.6451) and sIgA (p = 0.9689) salivary levels. The reproducibility for salivary cortisol, sAA, testosterone, sTNFαRII and sIgA were 0.98 ng/ml, 20.58 U/ml, 21.07 μg/ml, 24.68 pg/ml and 0.19 pg/ml, respectively. Salivary cortisol, sAA, testosterone, sTNFαRII and sIgA yielded the following ICCs: 0.506, 0.569, 0.824, 0.870 and 0.4295, respectively; all these ICCs (except that for cortisol and sIgA) were found to be improved compared to those found previously by our group in a previous study in salivary samples obtained from healthy subjects under non-controlled environmental conditions; Cortisol´s ICC didn´t improve and was in both cases at the limit of acceptability. Conclusion: Environmental factors such as temperature and relative humidity affect the reproducibility of measurement of some salivary molecules which have been proposed as potential pain biomarkers. The exposure of subjects to standard controlled environmental conditions before salivary sample obtention would improve the reproducibility of these molecule measures' as potential biomarkers of chronic ocular pain