3,060 research outputs found

    Is football an indicator of development at the international level? (WP)

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    [spa] El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar si el fútbol puede ser considerado como un indicador de desarrollo a nivel internacional. Se ha diseñado un modelo econométrico empírico con el fin de analizar el desarrollo en términos de niveles de PIB per cápita y del crecimiento del PIB. Se utiliza información transversal y temporal. Los resultados sugieren que la clasificación FIFA de las selecciones nacionales se puede utilizar para complementar nuestra comprensión del desarrollo multidimensional en aquellos países donde la disponibilidad de la información no es tan buena como los investigadores quisieran.[eng] The aim of this paper is to examine whether football can be considered an indicator of development at the international level. An empirical econometric model is designed in order to analyse development in terms of both levels of GDP per capita and GDP growth. Cross-sectional and time series information is used. The results suggest that FIFA rankings of national teams can be used to complement our understanding of multidimensional development in those countries where the availability of information is not as good as researchers would like

    One-dimensional von K\'arm\'an models for elastic ribbons

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    By means of a variational approach we rigorously deduce three one-dimensional models for elastic ribbons from the theory of von K\'arm\'an plates, passing to the limit as the width of the plate goes to zero. The one-dimensional model found starting from the "linearized" von K\'arm\'an energy corresponds to that of a linearly elastic beam that can twist but can deform in just one plane; while the model found from the von K\'arm\'an energy is a non-linear model that comprises stretching, bendings, and twisting. The "constrained" von K\'arm\'an energy, instead, leads to a new Sadowsky type of model

    A variational model for anisotropic and naturally twisted ribbons

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    We consider thin plates whose energy density is a quadratic function of the difference between the second fundamental form of the deformed configuration and a "natural" curvature tensor. This tensor either denotes the second fundamental form of the stress-free configuration, if it exists, or a target curvature tensor. In the latter case, residual stress arises from the geometrical frustration involved in the attempt to achieve the target curvature: as a result, the plate is naturally twisted, even in the absence of external forces or prescribed boundary conditions. Here, starting from this kind of plate energies, we derive a new variational one-dimensional model for naturally twisted ribbons by means of Gamma-convergence. Our result generalizes, and corrects, the classical Sadowsky energy to geometrically frustrated anisotropic ribbons with a narrow, possibly curved, reference configuration

    Aproximación a la obra poética de Ramón Xirau: Entre filosofía y mística

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    A lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo XX Ramón Xirau, en su actividad como filósofo, maestro, crítico literario, editor, escritor y pensador, se ha confirmado como un autor clave para la comprensión de la Historia del Pensamiento Iberoamericano y de la Historia de la Literatura Latinoamericana, en particular, mexicana. Este trabajo quiere ser una aproximación a su obra poética, gracias a la cual hoy en día es conocido como uno de los principales poetas en lengua catalana. Se analizarán especialmente aquellos elementos de su poética que, conceptualizados, podemos encontrar también en sus obras filosófica y que relacionan de modo esencial poesía, filosofía y místic

    Marketing Insight: The Construct, Antecedents, Implications, and Empirical Testing

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    While firms’ data are exponentially growing, the level of marketing insight within firms is not. Insight is becoming a buzzword and dissipating its value due to the lack of conceptual understanding. This research develops and tests a marketing insight nomological network to answer how firms can generate marketing insights and what are the consequences of managing marketing insights. The research findings are relevant for the literature because (1) define the term theoretical domain, (2) lead companies to increase their chances to generate marketing insights and (3) establish the activities to improve the positive financial effect of marketing insight generation

    Urban regeneration in the digital era: how to develop Smart City strategies in large european cities. La rigenerazione urbana nell’era digitale: come sviluppare strategie Smart City in città europee di grandi dimensioni.

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    La ricerca documentata in questo articolo è stata svolta allo scopo di approfondire la conoscenza relativa ai processi di sviluppo delle strategie che consentono alle città di diventare Smart. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo sono state analizzate le strategie proposte dalle amministrazioni comunali di Amsterdam e Barcellona. Due casi di successo che hanno permesso di delineare una step-by step roadmap in cui è stato descritto un possibile approccio per costruire strategie Smart City in città Europee di grandi dimensioni. Nonostante il suo stadio di sviluppo iniziale, questa procedura fornisce nuova conoscenza, prospettive di ricerca innovative, e un modello concettuale per sostenere lo svolgimento di ulteriori ricerche comparative. Un’attività indispensabile per garantire la sua continua crescita e il perfezionamento della sua struttura.The study documented in this paper has been carried out in order to acquire new knowledge concerning the development processes of smart city strategies. This aim has been achieved through the analysis of the initiatives proposed by the municipal administrations of Amsterdam and Barcelona. Two successful cases that have allowed to outline a step-by-step roadmap in which a possible approach for developing smart city strategies in large European cities is described. Despite its early stage of development, this procedure provides new knowledge, innovative research perspectives, and a conceptual framework for supporting future comparative research and theory-building. Activities that are fundamental to ensure its continuous growth and the refinement of its structure

    Come costruire una Smart City. Esperienze a confronto e nuovi scenari di sviluppo

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    A FPA da anni seguiamo le politiche, i processi e i progetti di smart city. Alla smart city, ai suoi modelli e alle sue pratiche abbiamo negli anni dedicato un’intera manifestazione: Smart City Exhibition, trasformata quest’anno in ICity Lab, la due giorni di ottobre interamente focalizzata sui dati e sui processi di Data Driven Decision nelle città intelligenti. FPA cura, inoltre, il rapporto nazionale ICity Rate dedicato alle città capoluogo italiane, di cui misura e analizza su vari livelli il valore e il grado di innovatività. Da sempre attenti alle innovazioni territoriali, con un particolare interesse ai contesti urbani italiani, FPA contribuisce attraverso le sue attività e i suoi canali a far avanzare il dibattito sui tema dello sviluppo urbano, in chiave socio-tecnologica. Nel farlo interagisce con una community di contributor e collaboratori, attraverso laboratori, progetti sui territori e attività divulgative. La presente pubblicazione, raccoglie il lavoro di due collaboratori della testata www.forumpa.it proprio sul tema della Smart City: Luca Mora e Roberto Bolici, di cui trovate a seguire una breve bio. L’introduzione è di Chiara Buongiovanni, che per FPA segue i temi dell’innovazione sociale e dell’economia collaborativa in contesti urbani. In chiusura una nota di Gianni Dominici, direttore generale FPA e coordinatore ICity Rate e Valentina Piersanti, curatrice ICity Rate 2016

    Is football an indicator of development at the international level?

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    The aim of this paper is to examine whether football can be considered an indicator of development at the international level. An empirical econometric model is designed in order to analyse development in terms of GDP per capita as well as in terms of the Human Development Index. Cross-sectional and time-series information are used. The results suggest that FIFA rankings of national teams can be used to complement our understanding of multidimensional development, in particular, in those countries where the availability of information is not as good as researchers would like

    En respuesta a la ONU : ¿Es el fútbol un indicador del progreso y desarrollo en la esfera internacional?

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    [spa] El objetivo de este trabajo es corroborar la afirmación de la ONU de que el deporte es una herramienta poderosa para el progreso y el desarrollo. En este contexto, examinamos si el fútbol puede considerarse un indicador de desarrollo a nivel internacional. Un modelo empírico econométrico se diseña con el fin de analizar el desarrollo en términos de PIB per cápita, así como en términos del Índice de Desarrollo Humano. Se utiliza información transversal y temporal. Los resultados sugieren que la clasificación de la FIFA de selecciones nacionales puede ser utilizada para complementar nuestra comprensión del desarrollo multidimensional, en particular, en aquellos países donde la disponibilidad de información no es tan buena como los investigadores desearían.[eng] The aim of this paper is to corroborate the UN claim that sport is a powerful tool for progress and development. In this context, we examined whether football can be considered an indicator of development at the international level. An empirical econometric model is designed in order to analyse development in terms of GDP per capita as well as in terms of the Human Development Index. Crosssectional and time-series information are used. The results suggest that FIFA rankings of national teams can be used to complement our understanding of multidimensional development, in particular, in those countries where the availability of information is not as good as researchers would like

    The Determinants of International Football Success: A Panel Data Analysis of the Elo Rating

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    This paper investigates the determinants of football success at international level. We introduce three innovations as a) we apply the model developed by Bernard and Busse (2004) to football. b) We consider a wide panel of countries over a 33 years period and c) we supplement FIFA's classification with the Elo rating system. Our results, which are robust to several sensitivity analyses, show that economics, demographics, weather, geography and football institutions are good indicators of football success at international level. Besides, the Elo rating is a better alternative indicator that the FIFA ranking, and it may be used in the academic works that wish analyse a long period of time