1,667 research outputs found

    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming

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    Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming were carried out in 2003 and 2004. The tests took place into two organic olive groves located in Agrigento and Trapani (Sicily); in both years the olive cultivar was Cerasuola. In Agrigento, it was considered the effectiveness of Eco-trap vs. bottle traps baited with diammonium phosphate; while in Trapani the effectiveness of Eco-trap added to other products admitted in organic farming (two products containing kaolin and one containing copper) was evaluated. In 2003, year with a low B. oleae population density, no statistically significant difference resulted among Eco-trap, bottle traps with diammonium phosphate and control. In 2004 B. oleae infestations were high; although some statistically significant differences among plots with Eco-traps and plots without them emerged, the additional power of Eco-trap in controlling B. oleae resulted very limited in plots sprayed with kaolin products and more consistent in the plot with copper hydroxide. The economic advantage of the use of Eco-trap, also in comparison with repellent and antiovipositional products, still remains doubtful

    Transforming semantics by abstract interpretation

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    In 1997, Cousot introduced a hierarchy where semantics are related with each other by abstract interpretation. In this field we consider the standard abstract domain transformers, devoted to refine abstract domains in order to include attribute independent and relational information, respectively the reduced product and power of abstract domains, as domain operations to systematically design and compare semantics of programming languages by abstract interpretation. We first prove that natural semantics can be decomposed in terms of complementary attribute independent observables, leading to an algebraic characterization of the symmetric structure of the hierarchy. Moreover, we characterize some structural property of semantics, such as their compositionality, in terms of simple abstract domain equations. This provides an equational presentation of most well known semantics, which is parametric on the observable and structural property of the semantics, making it possible to systematically derive abstract semantics, e.g. for program analysis, as solutions of abstract domain equations

    How Fitting is Your Abstract Domain?

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    Abstract interpretation offers sound and decidable approxi- mations for undecidable queries related to program behavior. The effec- tiveness of an abstract domain is entirely reliant on the abstract domain itself, and the worst-case scenario is when the abstract interpreter pro- vides a response of “don’t know”, indicating that anything could happen during runtime. Conversely, a desirable outcome is when the abstract in- terpreter provides information that exceeds a specified level of precision, resulting in a more precise answer. The concept of completeness relates to the level of precision that is forfeited when performing computations within the abstract domain. Our focus is on the domain’s ability to ex- press program behaviour, which we refer to as adequacy. In this paper, we present a domain refinement strategy towards adequacy and a sim- ple sound proof system for adequacy, designed to determine whether an abstract domain is capable of providing satisfactory responses to spec- ified program queries. Notably, this proof system is both language and domain agnostic, and can be readily incorporated to support static pro- gram analysis

    Analyzing program dependences for malware detection.

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    Metamorphic malware continuously modify their code, while preserving their functionality, in order to foil misuse detection. The key for defeating metamorphism relies in a semantic characterization of the embedding of the malware into the target program. Indeed, a behavioral model of program infection that does not relay on syntactic program features should be able to defeat metamorphism. Moreover, a general model of infection should be able to express dependences and interactions between the malicious codeand the target program. ANI is a general theory for the analysis of dependences of data in a program. We propose an high order theory for ANI, later called HOANI, that allows to study program dependencies. Our idea is then to formalize and study the malware detection problem in terms of HOANI

    Is there an interplay between adherence to mediterranean diet, antioxidant status, and vascular disease in atrial fibrillation patients?

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    Mediterranean Diet (Med-Diet) is associated with reduced incidence of vascular events (VEs) in atrial fibrillation (AF), but the mechanism accounting for its beneficial effect is only partially known. We hypothesized that Med-Diet may reduce VEs by improving antioxidant status, as assessed by glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPx3) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). We performed a prospective cohort study investigating the relationship between adherence to Med-Diet, serum baseline GPx3 and SOD activities, and the occurrence of VEs in 690 AF patients. GPx3 activity was directly associated with Med-Diet score (B = 0.192, p < 0.001) and inversely with age (B = −0.124, p = 0.001), after adjustment for potential confounders; Med-Diet weakly affected SOD levels. During a mean follow-up of 46.1 ± 28.2 months, 89 VEs were recorded; patients with VEs had lower GPx3 levels compared with those without VEs (p = 0.002); and no differences regarding SOD activity were found. Multivariable Cox regression analysis showed that age (Hazard ratio [HR]:1.065, p < 0.001), logGPx3 (above median, HR: 0.629, p < 0.05), and Med-Diet score (HR: 0.547, p < 0.05) predicted VEs. Med-Diet favorably modulates antioxidant activity of GPx3 in AF, resulting in reduced VEs rate. We hypothesize that the modulation of GPx3 levels by Med-Diet could represent an additional nutritional strategy to prevent VEs in AF patients

    Avian neural crest cell migration is diversely regulated by the two major hyaluronan-binding proteoglycans PG-M/versican and aggrecan

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    It has been proposed that hyaluronan-binding proteoglycans play an important role as guiding cues during neural crest (NC) cell migration, but their precise function has not been elucidated. In this study, we examine the distribution, structure and putative role of the two major hyaluronan-binding proteoglycans, PG-M/versicans and aggrecan, during the course of avian NC development. PG-M/versicans V0 and V1 are shown to be the prevalent isoforms at initial and advanced phases of NC cell movement, whereas the V2 and V3 transcripts are first detected following gangliogenesis. During NC cell dispersion, mRNAs for PG-M/versicans V0/V1 are transcribed by tissues lining the NC migratory pathways, as well as by tissues delimiting nonpermissive areas. Immunohistochemistry confirm the deposition of the macromolecules in these regions and highlight regional differences in the density of these proteoglycans. PG-M/versicans assembled within the sclerotome rearrange from an initially uniform distribution to a preferentially caudal localization, both at the mRNA and protein level. This reorganization is a direct consequence of the metameric NC cell migration through the rostral portion of the somites. As suggested by previous in situ hybridizations, aggrecan shows a virtually opposite distribution to PG-M/versicans being confined to the perinotochordal ECM and extending dorsolaterally in a segmentally organized manner eventually to the entire spinal cord at axial levels interspacing the ganglia. PG-M/versicans purified from the NC migratory routes are highly polydispersed, have an apparent M(r) of 1,200-2,000 kDa, are primarily substituted with chondroitin-6-sulfates and, upon chondroitinase ABC digestion, are found to be composed of core proteins with apparent M(r)of 360–530, 000. TEM/rotary shadowing analysis of the isolated PG-M/versicans confirmed that they exhibit the characteristic bi-globular shape, have core proteins with sizes predicted for the V0/V1 isoforms and carry relatively few extended glycosaminoglycan chains. Orthotopical implantation of PG-M/versicans immobilized onto transplantable micromembranes tend to ‘attract’ moving cells toward them, whereas similar implantations of a notochordal type-aggrecan retain both single and cohorts of moving NC cells in close proximity of the implant and thereby perturb their spatiotemporal migratory pattern. NC cells fail to migrate through three-dimensional collagen type I-aggrecan substrata in vitro, but locomote in a haptotactic manner through collagen type I-PG-M/versican V0 substrata via engagement of HNK-1 antigen-bearing cell surface components. The present data suggest that PG-M/versicans and notochordal aggrecan exert divergent guiding functions during NC cell dispersion, which are mediated by both their core proteins and glycosaminoglycan side chains and may involve ‘haptotactic-like’ motility phenomena. Whereas aggrecan defines strictly impenetrable embryonic areas, PG-M/versicans are central components of the NC migratory pathways favoring the directed movement of the cells

    Is there an interplay between adherence to mediterranean diet, antioxidant status, and vascular disease in atrial fibrillation patients?

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    Mediterranean Diet (Med-Diet) is associated with reduced incidence of vascular events (VEs) in atrial fibrillation (AF), but the mechanism accounting for its beneficial effect is only partially known. We hypothesized that Med-Diet may reduce VEs by improving antioxidant status, as assessed by glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPx3) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). We performed a prospective cohort study investigating the relationship between adherence to Med-Diet, serum baseline GPx3 and SOD activities, and the occurrence of VEs in 690 AF patients. GPx3 activity was directly associated with Med-Diet score (B = 0.192, p < 0.001) and inversely with age (B = −0.124, p = 0.001), after adjustment for potential confounders; Med-Diet weakly affected SOD levels. During a mean follow-up of 46.1 ± 28.2 months, 89 VEs were recorded; patients with VEs had lower GPx3 levels compared with those without VEs (p = 0.002); and no differences regarding SOD activity were found. Multivariable Cox regression analysis showed that age (Hazard ratio [HR]:1.065, p < 0.001), logGPx3 (above median, HR: 0.629, p < 0.05), and Med-Diet score (HR: 0.547, p < 0.05) predicted VEs. Med-Diet favorably modulates antioxidant activity of GPx3 in AF, resulting in reduced VEs rate. We hypothesize that the modulation of GPx3 levels by Med-Diet could represent an additional nutritional strategy to prevent VEs in AF patients

    Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables

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    We introduce a model for mixed syntactic/semantic approximation of programs based on symbolic finite automata (SFA). The edges of SFA are labeled by predicates whose semantics specifies the denotations that are allowed by the edge. We introduce the notion of abstract symbolic finite automaton (ASFA) where approximation is made by abstract interpretation of symbolic finite automata, acting both at syntactic (predicate) and semantic (denotation) level. We investigate in the details how the syntactic and semantic abstractions of SFA relate to each other and contribute to the determination of the recognized language. Then we introduce a family of transformations for simplifying ASFA. We apply this model to prove properties of commonly used tools for similarity analysis of binary executables. Following the structure of their control flow graphs, disassembled binary executables are represented as (concrete) SFA, where states are program points and predicates represent the (possibly infinite) I/O semantics of each basic block in a constraint form. Known tools for binary code analysis are viewed as specific choices of symbolic and semantic abstractions in our framework, making symbolic finite automata and their abstract interpretations a unifying model for comparing and reasoning about soundness and completeness of analyses of low-level code

    Nuclear Run-On Assay Using Biotin Labeling, Magnetic Bead Capture and Analysis by Fluorescence-Based RT-PCR

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    In this report, we present a fluorescencebased approach to the assessment of cellular gene expression and transcription rates. Nuclear run-on was performed by supplying biotin-16-UTP to nuclei, and labeled transcripts were bound to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Total cDNA was then synthesized by means of random hexamer primed reverse transcription of captured molecules. To monitor transcript abundance in cDNA, both from nuclear run-on and total RNA, we propose a semiquantitative PCR approach based on the use of fluorescent primers