38 research outputs found

    Towards a reference framework and characterization of Advanced Design, a design culture for strategic designers

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    The discipline of design is continually facing challenges related to the complexity and variability of the contexts which give rise to it. Assuming more strategic roles, the designer becomes involved in innovation processes, which act as facilitators for the creation of added value for businesses. The designer develops, therefore, as an anticipator and explorer of new opportunities for progress. In this way, assisted by the tools of Advanced Design, the designer is a key participant in the pre-project stages where the approach to the project is planned and where the meta-concepts that empower specific innovation projects are created. It is, for that reason, vital to understanding the distinctive features of this area of design and the ways in which it can facilitate the professional activity. This article showcases a part of the research carried out by Iñiguez and León (2016) and examines the principal attributes, which characterize Advanced Design, with the aim of serving as a reference framework for the project culture of contemporary strategic designers. Keywords: Advanced Design, design processes, design cultures

    Mexi-futurism. The transitorial path between tradition and innovation.

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    This paper presents a dissertation about the development of design in Mexico from the point of view of the approaches that its actors have had over time in the search and definition of a regional and authentic identity. The narrative examines the influence of different contextual variables and focuses its attention on the historical dichotomy still in force, between the vernacular cultural heritage and the valuation and appropriation of foreign elements; between the approach to the value of tradition and the promise of innovation as a goal, platform on which the foundations of advanced design emerge

    Advanced design as a systemic practice for innovation on territory: Creative Digital City case, Guadalajara, México.

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    [EN] Advanced design practice focuses on search and visualization of innovation opportunities. While applying systematic, this practice creates innovation brokers for companies that work under continual innovation concept. These performs have not been widely documented, particularly when they´re about its application on territorial innovation, reason why is crucial to regions understand the underlying complexity in these dynamics, as well as designer´s new roll. Designer task appears on the earlier phases on which anticipation, strategic design and applied systemic play a fundamental role to be able to identify development opportunities as well as value contribution to territory. In this regard, this paper aims to discourse about these statements through a specific case exposition: Digital Creative City, smart city project that sums renewal goals of urban environment of Guadalajara city, involving creation and promotion of the creative industry in Mexico. The methodology used for this purpose is based on systematic analysis of the different performers and variables involved in the case. Outcomes obtained as a result of interaction of the system are maps or routes configurations that show areas of opportunity for a specific local innovation; located within an emerging economy which evolves from an economic development strategy based on manufacturing, to a strategy based on design and innovation with the creation of regions of knowledge and smart cities.[ES] El Diseño Avanzado es una práctica orientada a la búsqueda y visualización de oportunidades de de innovación futuras, una práctica que si se realiza sistemáticamente, crea corredores de innovación para las empresas que trabajan bajo el concepto de innovación contínua.Estas prácticas han sido documentadas, en especial cuando se trata de su aplicación en la innovación territorial, de manera que se hace crucial para las regiones entender la complejidad implícita en estas dinámicas, así como el nuevo rol del diseñador,´pues su labor, aparace en etapas tempranas en las cuales, la anticipación, el diseño estratégico y la sistémica aplicada, juegan un papel fundamental en la identificación de oportunidades de desarrollo y aporte de valor para el territorio.En tal sentido, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo, disertar sobre estos fundamentos a través de la exposición de un caso específico: Ciudad Creativa Digital, proyecto de ciudad inteligente que suma los objetivos de renovación del entorno urbano de la Ciudad de Guadalajara, con la creación e impulso de la industria creativa en México. La metodología utilizada para tal fin, se basa en el análisis sistémico de los diferentes actores y variables que intervienen en el caso. Los resultados obtenidos como producto de interrelaciones del sistema, son la configuración de mapas o rutas que nuestran áreas de oportunidad para la innovación en una localidad determinada; situada dentro de una economía emergente que evoluciona de una estrategia de desarrollo económico basado en la manufactura, a una estrategia basada en el diseño y la innovación, con la creación de regiones del conocimiento y ciudades inteligentes.Iñiguez Flores, R.; León Morán, R. (2016). El Diseño Avanzado como práctica sistémica para la innovación en el territorio: caso Ciudad Creativa Digital, Guadalajara, México. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 288-301. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3728OCS28830

    Towards a reference framework and characterization of Advanced Design, a design culture for strategic designers

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    The discipline of design is continually facing challenges related to the complexity and variability of the contexts which give rise to it. Assuming more strategic roles, the designer becomes involved in innovation processes, which act as facilitators for the creation of added value for businesses. The designer develops, therefore, as an anticipator and explorer of new opportunities for progress. In this way, assisted by the tools of Advanced Design, the designer is a key participant in the pre-project stages where the approach to the project is planned and where the meta-concepts that empower specific innovation projects are created. It is, for that reason, vital to understanding the distinctive features of this area of design and the ways in which it can facilitate the professional activity. This article showcases a part of the research carried out by Iñiguez and León (2016) and examines the principal attributes, which characterize Advanced Design, with the aim of serving as a reference framework for the project culture of contemporary strategic designers. Keywords: Advanced Design, design processes, design cultures

    Internacionalização e educação transdisciplinar em design: fatores de sucesso e armadilhas

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    The efficacy of project-based learning in design education has gained broad acceptance. Some innovative design curricula also recognize the significance of trans-disciplinary practice, and organize student teams such that different functions associated with key disciplines of design projects are represented. Project Oriented Learning Environment (POLE) is an educational paradigm (Holliger and Kündig, 2003; Eris et al., 2005). The publication describes the POLE platform and presents key success factors as well as the pitfalls experienced in distributed trans-disciplinary project-based design education. POLE is a learning system developed by a network of 16 international universities, it operates within a reflexive context, taking into account the various cultures involved. Since 2001, twenty one-semester projects, all originated from and funded by industry, have been completed using the platform. This publication includes details of process design and project outcomes through the description of a case study. It also presents the findings with regard to how this trans-disciplinary and multicultural learning environment challenges students and professors as well in the development of new and promising collaborative academic structures.Key words: design education, project based learning, transdisciplinary co-operation.A eficácia da aprendizagem baseada em projetos de educação de design ganhou ampla aceitação. Alguns currículos inovadores de design reconhecem a importância do transdisciplinar na prática e organização de equipes de estudantes de tal forma que diferentes funções associadas com a disciplina-chave de projeto de design possam estar representadas. Projeto de Ambiente para Aprendizagem Orientada (POLE) é um paradigma de educação (Holliger e Kündig, 2003; Eris et al., 2005). A publicação descreva a plataforma POLE e apresente os fatores-chave de sucesso, bem como as armadilhas com experiência em educação de design transdisciplinar baseada em projetos. POLE é um sistema de aprendizagem desenvolvido por uma rede de 16 universidades internacionais, opera dentro de um contexto reflexivo, tendo em conta as diferentes culturas envolvidas. Desde 2001, foram concluídos vinte e um projetos utilizando a plataforma, todos originados e financiados pela indústria. Esta publicação inclui detalhes de processo de projeto e resultados de projeto, através da descrição de estudos de casos. Ele também apresenta os resultados com relação ao funcionamento deste ambiente de aprendizagem transdisciplinar e multicultural desafiando alunos e professores, bem como o desenvolvimento de novas e promissoras estruturas acadêmicas através da colaboração.Palavras-chave: educação em design, projeto de aprendizagem, transdisciplinaridade, cooperação

    Design & Territories: Emergencies and Conflicts at the Time of the Anthropocene

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    The aim of the paper is to present a focus on the relationship between Design and Territory, framing it in the contemporary debate about the Anthropocene and orienting the discussion in the direction of emergencies and conflicts concerning the evolution of our artificial world. After an overview about typical issues regarding the relationship between design and territory, the authors propose to interpret it through the concept of "time", which is the, often underestimate, paradigm at the base of Advanced Design studies. This reasoning will be developed in three phases: how design relates itself with the past of territories and with the forms inherited; how contemporary design deals with the current issues of the territory, in terms of emergences and conflicts; how design anticipates visions of sharable future themes and solutions

    New Education Pathways for Future Designers in a Changing World

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    The article presents the results of the debate that emerged during the 8th International Forum of Design as a Process, organized in Bologna by the design units of three partner institutions: the University of Bologna, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Tecnológico de Monterrey (20-22 June 2022). In particular, the Authors were chairs of the New Education Pathways for Future Designers in a Changing World theme track. It focused on two complementary perspectives. First, how designers can apply their peculiar “productive thinking” to educational spheres or other forms of organization

    Comparación de resultados experimentales de un Venturi con simulación de dinámica de fluidos computacional

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    En los sistemas de riego es necesario definir la línea de energía total del flujo de agua para evitar variaciones de presión y gasto en los puntos de entrega y control. En estos puntos se instalan equipos especiales, entre los que se encuentran los aforadores Venturi. Estos dispositivos han sido poco estudiados en relación con tamaños, formas, materiales o condiciones de funcionamiento, y las recomendaciones de operación provienen de características obtenidas de modo experimental. Así, modelar su funcionamiento a través de simulación con dinámica de fluidos computacional (DFC) resultaría práctico, económico y confiable. El objetivo del trabajo consistió en validar la simulación de funcionamiento con DFC de un dispositivo Venturi con base en observaciones de laboratorio. La comparación de los resultados experimentales y mediante DFC fueron altamente satisfactorios para los valores de velocidad media (1.53 m s-1), gasto (0.027 m3 s-1) y presión en el manómetro diferencial (15 cm de Hg). Una vez validado el modelo, se simularon ocho escenarios de operación, con variación de gasto desde 0.005 m3 s-1 hasta 0.040 m3 s-1, lo cual simplificó el modelo de la relación gasto-pérdida de carga del Venturi, con una ecuación cuadrática y así eliminar la incertidumbre del coeficiente de descarga requerido en los análisis experimentales. Los valores característicos del dispositivo fueron un requerimiento de carga hidráulica mínima en la contracción del Venturi de 0.4 kg cm-2, y una pérdida de carga total en el Venturi de 0.075 kg cm-2 para Qmáx de 0.040 m3 s-1. Por último se recomienda diseñar dispositivos Venturi con DFC y con ello obtener información confiable para su instalación en sistemas de riego

    Agricultural waste as a sustainable source for nanoparticle synthesis and their antimicrobial properties for food preservation

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    Traditional agriculture from cropping to harvesting is contributing to climate change by increasing global greenhouse emissions. Circular economy approaches and biorefinery technologies based on the reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing might result in the valorization of wastes that consequently would avoid environmental pollution. Nanoparticles synthesis using bio-waste such as stems, leaves, seeds, pulp, stubble, and bagasse is considered a green approach with low energy consumption, and low-cost production. Characteristics of raw materials influence the final application of nanoparticles in edible coatings, and films. Therefore, the preparation of nanoparticles based on cellulose, pectin, metal (titanium oxide, silver, zinc oxide), or silica are considered organic, inorganic, or hybrid nanocomposites, are resulted in several benefits including shelf-life extension and broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties by its capacity to encapsulate active compounds that greatly improve food preservation. For considering agro-waste-based nanoparticles in food, challenges in homogenization and synthesis, yield, and toxicity are mainly described. Therefore, this review examines the employment of agro-industrial waste for the development of sustainable nanoparticles and their synthesis methods (top-down and bottom-up). Moreover, it discusses their incorporation and role in active edible coatings and films by highlighting their bioactive properties, mechanisms of action, and applications in food group preservation

    Impact of Diabetes on 10‐Year Outcomes Following ST‐Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Insights From the EXAMINATION‐EXTEND Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes of ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes have been barely investigated. The objective of this analysis from the EXAMINATION-EXTEND (10-Years Follow-Up of the EXAMINATION trial) trial was to compare 10-year outcomes of patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction with and without diabetes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Of the study population, 258 patients had diabetes and 1240 did not. The primary end point was patient-oriented composite end point of all-cause death, any myocardial infarction, or any revascularization. Secondary end points were the individual components of the primary combined end point, cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization, and stent thrombosis. All end points were adjusted for potential confounders. At 10 years, patients with diabetes showed a higher incidence of patient-oriented composite end point compared with those without (46.5% versus 33.0%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.31 [95% CI, 1.05-1.61]; P=0.016) mainly driven by a higher incidence of any revascularization (24.4% versus 16.6%; adjusted HR, 1.61 [95% CI, 1.19-2.17]; P=0.002). Specifically, patients with diabetes had a higher incidence of any revascularization during the first 5 years of follow-up (20.2% versus 12.8%; adjusted HR, 1.57 [95% CI, 1.13-2.19]; P=0.007) compared with those without diabetes. No statistically significant differences were found with respect to the other end points. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction who had diabetes had worse clinical outcome at 10 years compared with those without diabetes, mainly driven by a higher incidence of any revascularizations in the first 5 years