7,563 research outputs found

    Geometric mean extension for data sets with zeros

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    There are numerous examples in different research fields where the use of the geometric mean is more appropriate than the arithmetic mean. However, the geometric mean has a serious limitation in comparison with the arithmetic mean. Means are used to summarize the information in a large set of values in a single number; yet, the geometric mean of a data set with at least one zero is always zero. As a result, the geometric mean does not capture any information about the non-zero values. The purpose of this short contribution is to review solutions proposed in the literature that enable the computation of the geometric mean of data sets containing zeros and to show that they do not fulfil the `recovery' or `monotonicity' conditions that we define. The standard geometric mean should be recovered from the modified geometric mean if the data set does not contain any zeros (recovery condition). Also, if the values of an ordered data set are greater one by one than the values of another data set then the modified geometric mean of the first data set must be greater than the modified geometric mean of the second data set (monotonicity condition). We then formulate a modified version of the geometric mean that can handle zeros while satisfying both desired conditions

    Stochastic multi-scale models of competition within heterogeneous cellular populations: simulation methods and mean-field analysis

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    We propose a modelling framework to analyse the stochastic behaviour of heterogeneous, multi-scale cellular populations. We illustrate our methodology with a particular example in which we study a population with an oxygen-regulated proliferation rate. Our formulation is based on an age-dependent stochastic process. Cells within the population are characterised by their age. The age-dependent (oxygen-regulated) birth rate is given by a stochastic model of oxygen-dependent cell cycle progression. We then formulate an age-dependent birth-and-death process, which dictates the time evolution of the cell population. The population is under a feedback loop which controls its steady state size: cells consume oxygen which in turns fuels cell proliferation. We show that our stochastic model of cell cycle progression allows for heterogeneity within the cell population induced by stochastic effects. Such heterogeneous behaviour is reflected in variations in the proliferation rate. Within this set-up, we have established three main results. First, we have shown that the age to the G1/S transition, which essentially determines the birth rate, exhibits a remarkably simple scaling behaviour. This allows for a huge simplification of our numerical methodology. A further result is the observation that heterogeneous populations undergo an internal process of quasi-neutral competition. Finally, we investigated the effects of cell-cycle-phase dependent therapies (such as radiation therapy) on heterogeneous populations. In particular, we have studied the case in which the population contains a quiescent sub-population. Our mean-field analysis and numerical simulations confirm that, if the survival fraction of the therapy is too high, rescue of the quiescent population occurs. This gives rise to emergence of resistance to therapy since the rescued population is less sensitive to therapy

    Cultura de resistencia: un estudio antropológico

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    El camino hacia la comprensión del hecho deportivo en la sociedad actual posiblemente descansa en incorporar, hoy más que nunca, reflexiones humanísticas que aporten argumentos explicativos e interpretativos sobre dicho fenómeno. En esta línea se ubica este ensayo, en el que se pretende establecer algunos de los fundamentos del deporte de gran exigencia física desde la perspectiva de la antropología social y cultural. A partir de una visión del deporte contemporáneo como hecho social total, y mediante una metodología cualitativa (observación y entrevista abierta), analítica y de investigación documental, las conclusiones autorizan la inclusión de estos deportes emergentes como una filosofía de vida en su sentido más existencial

    From the Indian socialism to the Kingdom of Truth and Live: Reinaga’s utopías

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    El objetivo del artículo es reconstruir analíticamente las utopías del indianismo y del amautismo presentes en la obra del pensador quechuaymara Fausto Reinaga. Tomamos la noción de utopía propuesta por un filósofo de Nuestra América para aplicarla al “socialismo indio” en tanto utopía indianista y al “reino de la verdad y vida” en tanto utopía amáutica. Introducimos interrogantes sobre los modos de entender el espaciotiempo del pensamiento quechuaymara diferentes de una concepción progresista del tiempo. Finalmente, planteamos algunos desafíos a partir de las ideologías y filosofías producidas por sujetos indios de la región andina sudamericana.This article aims to reconstruct analytically the utopias of Indianism and Amautismpresent in the works of the Quechuaymara thinker Fausto Reinaga. We use the notion of “utopia” proposed by a philosopher of Our America to apply it to the “Indian Socialism” as an indianist utopia, and to the “kingdom of truth and life” as an amautic utopia. We will also put forth questions related to the ways of understanding the space-time in the Quechuaymara thought, which differs from a progressive conception of time. Finally, we will propose some challenges based on the ideologies and philosophies produced by Indian subjects of the Andean region of South America.Fil: Cruz, Gustavo Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; Argentina. Universidad Católica de Córdoba; Argentin

    Cultura de resistència: un estudi antropològic

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    El camí cap a la comprensió del fet esportiu en la societat actual possiblement és la incorporació, avui més que mai, de reflexions humanístiques que aportin arguments explicatius i interpretatius sobre aquest fenomen. En aquesta línia s’ubica aquest assaig, en el qual es pretén establir alguns dels fonaments de l’esport de gran exigència física des de la perspectiva de l’antropologia social i cultural. A partir d’una visió de l’esport contemporani com a fet social total, i mitjançant una metodologia qualitativa (observació i entrevista oberta), analítica i d’investigació documental, les conclusions autoritzen la inclusió d’aquests esports emergents com una filosofia de vida en el seu sentit més existencial

    Airbnb, Inc. v. Rice, 138 Nev. Adv. Op. 65 (Sept. 29, 2022)

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    When parties clearly and unmistakably delegate the issue of arbitrability to an arbitrator, the United States Supreme Court held in Henry Schein, Inc. v. Archer & White Sales, Inc., that, under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), a court has no power to determine the arbitrability of a dispute where the contract delegates the arbitrability question to an arbitrator, even if the argument that the arbitration agreement applies to the dispute is “wholly groundless.” Courts err when deciding on an arbitrability question itself if the required standard established in Henry Schein has been met