1,612 research outputs found

    P2Popular. La pirateria digitale e i consumi mediali

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    O conceito de literatura de viagens no bojo de algumas narraçoesiies científicas sobre Moçambique constituintes do iluminismo portugues (1758 - 1807)

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    Ao longo de e por todo o Impérío Ultramarino Portugues, como parte da política colonial do Marques de Pombal (1750 a 1777, contando os períodos como Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Prímeiro-Ministro), surge a necessidade de se obter um maior conhecimento sobre o que se passava pelas diversas colonias, exigíndo deste modo, constantes relatórios sobre os recursos naturais, a situayao política, economico-fmanceira e admmistrativa de tais territorios

    Coronal mass ejections observed by heliospheric imagers at 0.2 and 1 au: the events on April 1 and 2, 2019

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    Context. We study two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed between April 1-2, 2019 by both the inner Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe (WISPR-I) and the inner heliospheric imager (HI-1) on board STEREO-A. This is the first study of CME observations from two viewpoints in similar directions but at considerably different solar distances. Aims. Our objective is to understand how the PSP observations affect the CME kinematics, especially due to its proximity to the Sun. Methods. We estimate the CME positions, speeds, accelerations, propagation directions and longitudinal deflections using imaging observations from two spacecraft, and a set of analytical expressions that consider the CME as a point structure and take into account the rapid change in spacecraft position. Results. We find that both CMEs are slow (<400 km s1< 400\ km\ s^{-1}), propagating eastward of the Sun-Earth line. The second CME seems to accelerate between 0.1\sim 0.1 to 0.2 au\sim 0.2\ au and deflect westward with an angular speed consistent with the solar rotation speed. We find some discrepancies in the CME solar distance (up to 0.05 au0.05\ au, particularly for CME \#1), latitude (up to 10\sim10^{\circ}) and longitude (up to 2424^{\circ}) when comparing results from different fit cases (different observations or set of free parameters). Conclusions. Discrepancies in longitude are likely due to the feature tracked visually rather than instrumental biases or fit assumptions. For similar reasons, the CME \#1 solar distance, as derived from WISPR-I observations, is larger than the HI-1 result, regardless of the fit parameters considered. Error estimates for CME kinematics do not show any clear trend associated to the observing instrument. The source region location and the lack of any clear in situ counterparts (both at near-Earth and at PSP) support our estimate of the propagation direction for both events.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Submitted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Tensile behavior of an eutectic Pb–Sn alloy processed by ECAP and rolling

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    AbstractA eutectic lead–tin alloy was prepared by melting the commercially pure metals and cast in cylindrical molds with 10mm diameter. The billets were processed by 4 passes of ECAP using a die with 90° between channels through route A and rolled to a final thickness of ∼1mm. The microstructure was determined by optical microscopy. Tensile tests were carried out at room temperature in the strain rate range between 10−4 and 10−2s−1. The results show the elongation to failure increases at low strain-rates. The strain-rate sensitivity parameter was determined and a maximum value of ∼0.4 was observed at the lowest strain-rate

    Alternatives in polymerization contraction stress management

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    Polymerization contraction stress of dental composites is often associated with marginal and interfacial failure of bonded restorations. The magnitude of the stress depends on the composite's composition (filler content and matrix composition) and its ability to flow before gelation, which is related to the cavity configuration and curing characteristics of the composite. This article reviews the variations found among studies regarding the contraction stress testing method, contraction stress values of current composites, and discusses the validity of contraction stress studies in relation to results from microleakage tests. The effect of lower curing rates and alternative curing routines on contraction stress values is also discussed, as well as the use of low elastic modulus liners. Moreover, studies with experimental Bis-GMA-based composites and recent developments in low-shrinkage monomers are described

    Mapping Co-Cr-Cu and Fe Occurrence in a Legacy Mining Waste Using Geochemistry and Satellite Imagery Analyses

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    Abandoned mining wastes are both an environmental challenge and a possible secondary raw material source. The characterization and monitoring of these sites are often expensive and cumbersome because of the need of repeated field surveys. Remote sensing data are a cost-effective alternative that helps in producing multiscale maps of mining wastes. These maps can be used to investigate and monitor the spatial patterns of different elements within the mining wastes. In this work, Sentinel-2 images are combined with the geochemical samples in order to map the distribution of iron, copper, chromium, and cobalt. The target area was the Vigonzano mining wastes in Northern Apennines (Italy) where there are a small number of geochemical analyses but a large amount of satellite image data. We used the multivariate geostatistical estimation method (Co-Kriging) that exploit the meaningful spatial correlation between the elements of interest and band ratios (obtained from Sentinel-2 images). The concentration maps highlighted subareas for Cu and Cr with an estimated grade of about 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively. In addition, the critical element Co showed an enrichment in the south-east part of the mining wastes, in a similar pattern as Cr. Instead, the obtained maps show Ce, La, Rb, and Nb depletion compared to the surrounding agricultural areas. The concentration maps were intended as a prefeasibility study to determine enriched areas for further detailed investigation

    Avaliação da sustentabilidade da expansão do perímetro urbano da cidade de Piracicaba - SP por meio de indicadores de forma urbana

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo a discussão e o desenvolvimento de indicadores para avaliação da sustentabilidade de processos de expansão urbana com base no conceito de forma urbana sustentável. O conceito de forma urbana sustentável reconhece que cidades mais compactas, socioespacialmente diversas e com usos do solo integrados são mais sustentáveis tanto ambiental quanto socialmente. O estudo de caso é a cidade de Piracicaba-SP e são avaliados os perímetros urbanos delimitados nos anos de 2000 e 2013. Foram desenvolvidos e aplicados seis indicadores. Os resultados indicaram que a delimitação do perímetro urbano não atendeu aos padrões de sustentabilidade, bem como houve uma piora dos indicadores no período analisado


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    O Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança - EIV - visa mediar os conflitos de vizinhança advindos da implantação de empreendimentos com potencial de gerar significativo incômodo ou impacto urbanístico sua vizinhança. Trata-se se um importante avanço introduzido pelo Estatuto da Cidade tanto como instrumento de controle do uso e ocupação do solo, quanto de democratização da gestão urbana local. O EIV, para cumprir as funções previstas no Estatuto da Cidade, deve ter ampla publicidade, ser submetido a audiência pública e ser apreciado por conselho local de política pública. O presente trabalho avalia os Planos Diretores, e normas urbanísticas correlatas, dos 23 municípios da Aglomeração Urbana de Piracicaba-SP, quanto aos aspectos relativos à transparência e o controle social no processo de análise e aprovação dos Estudos de Impacto de Vizinhança. Os resultados apontaram que nenhum dos municípios analisados adota procedimentos que atendam os requisitos básicos de transparência pública e de controle social, como previstos na Lei de Acesso á Informação e o Estatuto da Cidade

    Análise avançada do capital de giro

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    This text discusses on the problem of the regional disparities in the São Paulo State and analyses the causes of the economic stagnation of the region of the Ribeira Valley. It’s made a historical profile of the regional economic formation in São Paulo State, since the century XVI to middles of the present century, through the cycles of gold, of naval construction, of rice and of banana. The placed arguments answer the explanations based on the thesis of the regional imperialism. The conclusion is that the decadence and stagnation of the area was due to a conjugation of historical and geographical factors, such as the end of the slavery, the geographical isolation, the regional lack of aptitude for the coffee cultivation and the difficulty of settling of free labour (immigrants) in the area. Key-words: Regional Development, Underdevelopment, Ribeira ValleyEste texto discute o problema das disparidades regionais no Estado de São Paulo e analisa as causas da estagnação econômica da região do Vale do Ribeira. É feito um perfil histórico da formação econômica regional no contexto paulista, desde o século XVI até meados do presente século, passando pelos ciclos do ouro, da construção naval, da rizicultura e da bananicultura. Os argumentos colocados contestam as explicações baseadas na tese do imperialismo regional. Conclui-se que a decadência e estagnação da região deveu-se a uma conjugação de fatores históricos e geográficos, entre os quais o fim do complexo rural escravista, o isolamento geográfico, a inaptidão regional para a cafeicultura e a dificuldade de fixação da mão-de-obra livre (imigrantes) na região. Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Regional, Subdesenvolvimento, Vale do Ribeir