1,442 research outputs found

    Impact of adhesive and photoactivation method on sealant integrity and polymer network formation

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    We evaluated the influence of photoactivation method and hydrophobic resin (HR) application on the marginal and internal adaptation, hardness (KHN), and crosslink density (CLD) of a resin-based fissure sealant. Model fissures were created in bovine enamel fragments (n = 10) and sealed using one of the following protocols: no adhesive system + photoactivation of the sealant using continuous light (CL), no adhesive system + photoactivation of the sealant using the soft-start method (SS), HR + CL, or HR + SS. Marginal and internal gaps and KHN were assessed after storage in water for 24 h. The CLD was indirectly assessed by repeating the KHN measurement after 24 h of immersion in 100% ethanol. There was no difference among the samples with regard to marginal or internal adaptation. The KHN and CLD were similar for samples cured using either photoactivation method. Use of a hydrophobic resin prior to placement of fissure sealants and curing the sealant using the soft-start method may not provide any positive influence on integrity or crosslink density

    Effects of a multidisciplinar cognitive rehabilitation program for patients with mild Alzheimer's disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program on cognition, quality of life, and neuropsychiatry symptoms in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease. METHOD: The present study was a single-blind, controlled study that was conducted at a university-based day-hospital memory facility. The study included 25 Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers and involved a 12-week stimulation and psychoeducational program. The comparison group consisted of 16 Alzheimer's patients in waiting lists for future intervention. INTERVENTION: Group sessions were provided by a multiprofessional team and included memory training, computer-assisted cognitive stimulation, expressive activities (painting, verbal expression, writing), physiotherapy, and physical training. Treatment was administered twice a week during 6.5-h gatherings. MEASUREMENTS: The assessment battery comprised the following tests: Mini-Mental State Examination, Short Cognitive Test, Quality of Life in Alzheimer's disease, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Geriatric Depression Scale. Test scores were evaluated at baseline and the end of the study by raters who were blinded to the group assignments. RESULTS: Measurements of global cognitive function and performance on attention tasks indicated that patients in the experimental group remained stable, whereas controls displayed mild but significant worsening. The intervention was associated with reduced depression symptoms for patients and caregivers and decreased neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's subjects. The treatment was also beneficial for the patients' quality of life. CONCLUSION: This multimodal rehabilitation program was associated with cognitive stability and significant improvements in the quality of life for Alzheimer's patients. We also observed a significant decrease in depressive symptoms and caregiver burden. These results support the notion that structured nonpharmacological interventions can yield adjunct and clinically relevant benefits in dementia treatment

    O curuquerê, Anomis impasta (Guenée) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) em algodoeiro

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    Anomis impasta (Guenée) é uma espécie que apresenta morfologia e comportamento muito similar ao curuquerê-do-algodoeiro, Alabama argillacea (Hübner). Durante duas safras de algodão, foi monitorada a alimentação de A. impasta em folhas e brácteas da cultura. Assim, este estudo foi conduzido para gerar informações biológicas sobre a espécie. As larvas foram criadas em folhas de algodão e botões florais (brácteas + botão floral), partes em que as lagartas foram comumente encontradas em campo. Larvas criadas com botão floral apresentaram maior período larval (18,5 ± 0,18 dias) e menor peso pupal (140,8 ± 2,26 mg) em comparação às larvas criadas apenas com folhas (14,0 ± 0,07 dias e 169,3 ± 2,06 mg). Assim, uma geração de A. impasta foi obtida alimentando-se as larvas com folhas de algodão. A média (variação) de duração para a fase de ovo, larva e pupa foi de 3,0 (3 a 4), 14,8 (14 a 18) e 9,7 (7 a 14) dias, respectivamente. A viabilidade para ovos, larva e pupa foi de 43,7; 98,3 e 94,7%, respectivamente. As fêmeas viveram em média 25,2 dias (15 a 37) e produziram 869 ovos (4 a 1866). O desenvolvimento e reprodução de A. impasta em algodoeiro, em especial quando as lagartas desenvolvem-se sobre folhas, fornecem indícios do seu potencial em atingir condição de praga na cultura. A semelhança com a espécie A. argillacea, como apresentado neste estudo, pode ser uma das razões de sua baixa constatação de A. impasta em campo. Portanto, acredita-se que as informações geradas com este estudo auxiliem pesquisadores e produtores na identificação dessas duas espécies desfolhadoras do algodoeiro.Anomis impasta (Guenée) is a species that shows remarkable morphological and behavioral similarities with the cotton leafworm Alabama argillacea (Hübner). During two growing cotton seasons, A. impasta was observed feeding on leaves and flower bracts of cotton and monitored. Furthermore, a study was conducted under laboratory conditions to generate biological information about this species with larvae feeding cotton squares and leaves. Larvae fed on cotton squares exhibited delayed development (18.5 ± 0.18 days) and lower pupal weight (140.8 ± 2.26 mg) compared to larvae fed on cotton leaves (14.0 ± 0.07 days and 169.3 ± 2.06 mg). Thus, one generation cycle of A. impasta was obtained by feeding the larvae with cotton leaves. The mean (minimum-maximum) values for the duration of eggs, larvae and pupae were: 3.0 (3-4), 14.8 (14-18), and 9.7 (7-14) days, respectively. The viability of the eggs, larvae, and pupae were 43.7, 98.3, and 94.7%, respectively. Females lived on average 25.2 days (ranging from 15 to 37 days) and produced 869 eggs (from 4 to 1,866 eggs). The successful development and reproduction of A. impasta on cotton, especially, on the cotton leaves, suggest the potential of this species to reach a pest status in cotton. The similarities with A. argillacea, as discussed in this study, can be one of the reasons for low reference to A. impasta in the field. Therefore, the information provided here will allow researchers and growers to distinguish these two cotton defoliators

    Nutritional value and kinetics of in vitro fermentation of spineless cactus of the genus Nopalea in different phenological phases

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    Abstract The objective was to evaluate the chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of spineless cactus of the genus Nopalea, F-21 (Nopalea cochenillifera Dyck), IPA-Sertânia (Nopalea cochenillifera Dyck) and Miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck), in different phenophases. There was no effect (P < 0.05) of the phenological phases of spineless cactus on DM, ash, OM, EE, and CP. Varieties F-21 and Miúda presented higher values of DM and OM, whereas the CP was higher for IPA-Sertânia. The contents of NDF, ADF, and ADL, as well as the fractions of carbohydrates B2 and C were higher in the mature stage, irrespective of the variety. The Miúda variety showed higher levels of NFC and fractions A + B1 and the lower levels of pectin compared to the F-21 and IPA-Sertânia varieties, but not differ of TC to F-21. The volume of gas produced via the degradation of NFC was higher for young phenological phases. The young and intermediate stages showed a higher in vitro digestibility of DM. Based on the results, varieties IPA-Sertânia and Miúda have a high potential for use in animal feed because of their high nutritional quality. Mature cladodes showed a higher fibrous fraction and lower digestibility in all varieties

    Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amphiphilic carbohydrate derivatives

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    N-monoalkylated diamines were synthesised and treated with D-ribonolactone or D-gluconolactone. The resulting aldonamides were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, E. coli, M. tuberculosis and C. albicans. Two hydrazides were also prepared from ribonohydrazide and their biological activity was compared to their amide analogues. All the ribono-derivatives displayed moderated antitubercular activity, and some of them were also active against S. aureus

    Renal Involvement in Leptospirosis: The Effect of Glycolipoprotein on Renal Water Absorption

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    on vasopressin (Vp) action in the guinea pig inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). Copenhageni, GLPc, n = 5); Group II, IMCD from normal guinea-pigs in the presence of GLPc (GLPc group, n = 54); Group III, IMCD from injected animals with GLPc ip (n = 8). (GLPp, non pathogenic, 250 µg) did not alter Vp action. In Group III, GLPc (250 µg) injected intraperitoneally produced a decrease of about 20% in IMCD Aquaporin 2 expression.The IMCD Pf decrease caused by GLP is evidence, at least in part, towards explaining the urinary concentrating incapacity observed in infected guinea-pigs