3,192 research outputs found

    Bare Nouns in Brazilian Portuguese: An experimental study on grinding

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    Much literature has explored the interpretation of the bare singular (BS) in Brazilian Portuguese. Pires de Oliveira and Rothstein (2011) claim that BS nouns are mass because they denote kinds and argue that this explains why only the BS in Brazilian Portuguese can have a non-cardinal interpretation. In this paper, based on an experimental task with Brazilian Portuguese adult speakers, we explore one of their predictions, namely that the ‘volume interpretation’ of the BS cannot be explained as a case of Grinding. Our results show that Grinding and Volume readings of a BS noun are not equivalent (in favor of their hypothesis). We also show that a volume interpretation of a noun is never preferred when a cardinal interpretation is available, but that this can be explained by other lexical and pragmatic factors. We conclude by suggesting that Rothstein’s (in press) distinction between counting and measuring accounts for the fact that non-cardinal readings are not grinding

    Finite element updating of a bridge model using operational modal analysis

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    Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) consist in finding the dynamic characteristic of a structure through its modal parameters using output-only signals. Differently from the classical approach of Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA), where the input signal are also measured, OMA only uses the stochastic nature of the inputs, assumed to be random due the ambient conditions. An important application of this technique appears in the model validation, where numerical and experimental results are compared (Brincker and Ventura, 2015).Because of the large size of bridges, the identification of this kind of structures are restricted to operational modal analysis. Output-only methods are necessary since a controlled input is usually hard and expensive to apply. Also, the ambient forces such as wind, waves, traffic and ground motion can notbe eliminated. The advantage of OMA when compared to EMA is that those forces do not need to be measured and quantified.In this paper, the stochastic subspace identification method is used to characterize the dynamic behavior of a small bridge model under wind load (Overschee and Moor, 1996)(Wagner et al., 2017). The identified natural frequencies and mode shapes are used to validate its finite element model, specially regarding the imposed boundary conditions (clamp-clamp). In reality, those conditions are uncertain and need to be taken into account to improve the predictability of the model (Ritto et al., 2008)(Ritto et al.,2016). The clamp condition is changed into a free condition with displacements and torsional linear springs, where the uncertainties parameters are the respective stiffnesses.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 22Facultad de Ingenierí

    The robust smooth orthogonal decomposition for system identification: a new way to quantify the modal parameters uncertainties

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    Recently, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) has generated a family of methods that allow system identification using output-only data. They all have been developed to overcome some of the POD limitations in the field of linear modal analysis. Two important achievement was accomplish by the smooth orthogonal decomposition (SOD) (Bellizzi and Sampaio, 2015) (Chelidze andZhou, 2006) (Farooq and Feeny, 2008): first, the method eliminates the need of a priori knowledge of the inertia matrix to relate the proper orthogonal modes (POMs) to the linear normal modes (LNMs). Second, the method allows a direct estimation of the system´s natural frequencies. Although this powerful tool has provided good predictions, experimental tests have shown inconsistent results when significant noise levels are present in the signal. Compared with other operational modal analysis identification techniques, the so far proposed SOD has shown to be the one with more noise sensitivity (Brincker and Ventura, 2015). The reason can be shown through an analysis of the noise distortion in the correlation estimation of the measured data. In this article, two new robust versions of the SOD are presented. They solve the problem of the noise sensibility and also have new important features. The robust versions of the SOD allow the identification of the modal parameters and their uncertainties, that the SOD could not do (Wagner et al., 2017). Thanks to the method simplicity, efficiency implementations can be use to perform real-time identification (duringthe data acquisition phase). An application shows how the methods are used.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 22Facultad de Ingenierí

    Publipost: a influência do instagram no comportamento da jovem consumidora

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    A Internet hoje é muito mais que um meio de pesquisa e comunicação, através desta é possível resolver problemas do dia a dia de forma eficiente e efetuar compras. Diante deste novo cenário, as empresas veem a oportunidade e o desafio de se fazerem presentes e chamar a atenção dos potenciais consumidores por meio das redes sociais. Este trabalho avalia a influência da publicidade na rede social Instagram no comportamento das consumidoras de 15 a 29 anos e o tempo gasto acessando a rede social. A pesquisa foi feita a partir da abordagem dos conceitos de internet, redes sociais, Instagram e marketing digital, da relação do marketing com as novas tecnologias e da aplicação de uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter quantitativo a partir de um questionário aos usuários desta rede social que compunham o perfil pesquisado por meio do Google Forms. Com os dados obtidos com a pesquisa foi possível constatar que as mulheres respondentes da faixa etária analisada são influenciadas pelas postagens do Instagram e consomem itens a partir das postagens das pessoas que elas seguem. Observa-se que estas mulheres destinam um tempo considerável do dia usando as redes sociais e apesar de serem influenciadas, as entrevistadas não se sentem incomodadas com as postagens de publicidade

    Violência, medo e superação: reflexões sobre o ensino de história e o ensino de geografia em uma escola classe em São Sebastião/DF

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2018.A pesquisa atende ao estágio obrigatório supervisionado do curso de Pedagogia da FE/UnB e buscou compreender o ensino de História e de Geografia a partir da História Local e como este é problematizado em sala de aula, no sentido de contribuir para construção da identidade e cidadania das crianças do 4° ano do Ensino Fundamental. e desconstruir discursos hegemônicos. A partir de conceitos tais como história local, memória, lugar, identidade, cidadania, desenvolveu-se essa pesquisa de cunho qualitativo respaldado em documentos legais como a LDB n° 9.394/1996 e nos documentos oficiais para a Educação Básica: Parâmetro Curricular Nacional (PCN) e Currículo em Movimento do Distrito Federal (CM/DF) de História e de Geografia. Por meio da observação das aulas, análise do Projeto Político-Pedagógico e dos livros didáticos usados procuramos compreender se as orientações no ensino de História e no ensino de Geografia apontam para conectar aspectos da História local à História regional e nacional e se no entrecruzamento aspectos sociais, espaciais, econômicos, étnicos e raciais da localidade das crianças são problematizados. Na busca por responder quais as contribuições do ensino de História e do ensino de Geografia para a formação de crianças residentes em São Sebastião-DF, concluímos que a escola apresenta resistência em aplicar as orientações estabelecidas pelos documentos oficiais da Educação Básica, apesar de executar alguns projetos que contemplam aspectos do lugar onde as crianças moram; em sala de aula, mas pouca menção foi feita a respeito da História Local, pouco foi falado sobre a cidade. Nas observações das aulas constatamos que a professora regente não está preparada para lidar com a temática, reproduzindo o discurso encontrado no livro didático. Quanto a este, submetido aos critérios estabelecidos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático/PNLD, apresenta conceitos como fonte histórica e memória que considera os sujeitos em seu cotidiano, mas são descontextualizados dos aspectos locais mais complexos. A aplicação do questionário à turma participante da pesquisa, contraditoriamente revelou o elo de pertencimento e afetividade das crianças com a cidade, apesar disso, em suas narrativas predominou o discurso sobre o medo da violência. Enquanto a professora regente, ao ser entrevistada, relatou conhecer pouco a cidade, desconhecer sua história e percebê-la muito violenta.This research attends the supervised compulsory internship of the FE / UnB Pedagogy course and seeks to understand the teaching of History and Geography from Local History and how this history is discussed in the classroom so that it can contribute to the construction of identity and citizenship of the 4th year of elementary school. Based on concepts such as local history, memory, place, identity, citizenship, this qualitative research was developed backed by legal documents such as LDB 9.394 /1996 and the official documents for Basic Education: National Curricular Parameter and Curriculum in Movement of the Federal District of History and Geography. Through the observation of the classes, analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project and the used textbooks, we try to understand if the orientations in the teaching of History and in the teaching of Geography point to connect aspects of local History to regional and national history and if in the cross-over social aspects, spatial, economic, ethnic and racial characteristics of the children's locality are problematized. In the search to answer the contributions of History teaching and Geography teaching for the formation of children residing in São Sebastião-DF, we conclude that the school is resistant to apply the guidelines established by the official documents of Basic Education, although some projects that contemplate aspects of the place where children live; in class, but little mention was made regarding Local History, little was said about the city. In the observations of the classes we found that the teacher regent is not prepared to deal with the theme, reproducing the discourse found in the textbook. Regarding this, submitted to the criteria established by the National Program of Didactic Book/PNLD, presents concepts as historical source and memory that considers the subjects in their daily life, but are decontextualized of the more complex local aspects. The application of the questionnaire to the group participating in the research contradictorily revealed the bond of affection and belonging of the children to the city. Nevertheless, in their narratives the discourse on fear of violence predominated. While the teacher regent, when being interviewed, reported to know little the city, to ignore its history and to perceive it very violent
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