2,091 research outputs found

    Random steps in evolution and point processes

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    The thesis consists of four papers in the area of mathematical biology and probability theory. Mathematical biology is an field of research which seeks understanding of biological phenomena through the application of existing and new mathematical methods. The motivating biological problem addressed in the first two papers of the thesis falls into the area of the mathematical theory of evolution, where an ecological model described by a dynamical system is equipped with a further mechanism, under which one (or more) of the species represented in the model is able to undergo evolution through mutation and natural selection. The present work examines when the possibility of displacement of a resident phenotype by a mutant of another phenotype is described in simple terms by a so-called optimisation principle. An optimisation principle is a numerical function, defined for phenotypes, that allows one to compare the potential to invade all potential environments set by some currently present phenotype simultaneously. The main result of the first paper gives a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for when an optimization principle exists. The third and fourth papers in the thesis deal from different viewpoints with topics connected to Poisson point processes.Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä artikkelista matemaattisen biologian ja todennäköisyysteorian aloilta. Matemaattinen biologia on tutkimusala, joka tähtää biologisten ilmiöiden ymmärrykseen olemassaolevien ja uusien matemaattisten menetelmien avulla. Kaksi ensimmäistä väitöskirjan artikkelia käsittelevät matemaattista evoluutioteoriaa. Päätulos antaa välttämättömät ja riittävät ehdot evoluution kulkua määräävän optimointntiperiaatteen olemassaololle. Kaksi jälkimmäistä artikkelia käsittelee eri näkökulmista aiheita, jotka liittyvät Poissonin pisteprosessien teoriaan

    Leadership and Innovation Across Cultures: The CIQ—Contextual Intelligence Quotient

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    Robert W. “Bill” Service, Ph.D., is professor of management and leadership, Brock School of Business, Samford University, Birmingham, AL 35229. Recipient, Best Paper Award, 32nd Annual International Industrial Relations and Human Resource Conference (IIRHRC), Athens State University, Athens, AL 35611

    Measuring And Teaching For Success: Intelligence Versus IQ

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    Optimize action learning and successful evaluation through adopting new views of IQ. IQ as developed here relates to success in life and it is among the most changeable of characteristics. However, IQ as measured in the past is one of the least malleable of factors. Had you rather measure for and teach toward something that is not changeable or something that is very learnable and teachable? If you want to improve success for all in life, forget the normal IQ and begin to use the descriptives you find in this article. The extant literature is replete with theories espousing IQ, EQ, or a combination of both as predictors of success. While the historical importance of IQ as it is currently understood should not be discarded, a more important concept needs to be developed and taught in American educational systems. Simply put, a high IQ does not always correlate with success in life. Yet, our metrics for entry into American universities are principally IQ surrogates. And, our teaching favors those that can remember and pass a test not those that are good at the tasks required by their professions. Academicians need to be more concerned with successful intelligence than traditional IQ for even the most respected of IQ test “fail to do justice to their creators’ conceptions of the nature of intelligence (Sternberg, p. 336).” Read on and see if this paper develops a case for changing traditional methods for admission to higher education and teaching toward successful intelligence

    Achieving Competitive Advantage through Information Technology

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    Employing Information Systems for Competitive Advantage

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    Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was recently quoted as saying that information technology has begun to alter, fundamentally, the manner in which we do business and create economic value. In the information age, the organizations that survive will be those which succeed in using computer-based information systems (IS\u27s) to provide sustainable competitive advantage. Competitive advantage refers to the ability of an organization to provide products or services that are distinctive and more desirable that those provided by the competition. In a 1999 article, Service and Maddox proposed a measure of an organization\u27s ability to use its information system for this purpose. This project extends the work of Service and Maddox. It describes a mail survey of information system managers that enables the researchers to calculate the information quotient for their organizations. These measures are used to validate the theory proposed by Service and Maddox

    Teaching and Doing Strategy as an Intentional Strategic Innovation Mindset

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    There are many important keys in learning, teaching, and doing strategy today. We propose rethinking the learning strategies employed at the MBA level to make the degree more relevant. Recent calls from academia and practice indicate the need to stress adaptability using soft knowledge and skills to make MBA courses more aligned with the realities of strategic decision-making in today’s business environments. We emphasize that while traditional strategic framework models and diagrams have their place, today’s professionals must be prepared to make decisions in unstructured and highly ambiguous situations that traditional models do not address

    EIG 21, Collection of Information on Highways, May 1959.

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    This Engineer Intelligence Guide was prepared to provide intelligence collection, processing, production, and dissemination guidance by the Chief of Engineers to elements of the Corps of Engineers. The Introduction contains a list of five key army manuals and documents related to transportation intelligence. This guide contains detailed instructions for gathering information about highways and bridges. It also contains extensive illustrations and a glossary of highway terms. The distribution list shows engineer-related organizations interested in engineer intelligence

    EIG 21, Collection of Information on Highways, May 1959.

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    This Engineer Intelligence Guide was prepared to provide intelligence collection, processing, production, and dissemination guidance by the Chief of Engineers to elements of the Corps of Engineers. The Introduction contains a list of five key army manuals and documents related to transportation intelligence. This guide contains detailed instructions for gathering information about highways and bridges. It also contains extensive illustrations and a glossary of highway terms. The distribution list shows engineer-related organizations interested in engineer intelligence
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