1,298 research outputs found

    Vagus nerve stimulation paired with tactile training improved sensory function in a chronic stroke patient

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    Background: Recent studies indicate that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) paired with rehabilitation can enhance neural plasticity in the primary sensory and motor cortices, improve forelimb function after stroke in animal models and improve motor function in patients with arm weakness after stroke. OBJECTIVE:To gain ā€œfirst-in-manā€ experience of VNS paired with tactile training in a patient with severe sensory impairment after stroke. Methods: During the long-term follow-up phase of a clinical trial of VNS paired with motor rehabilitation, a 71-year-old man who had made good motor recovery had ongoing severe sensory loss in his left hand and arm. He received VNS paired with tactile therapy in an attempt to improve his sensory function. During twenty 2-hour sessions, each passive and active tactile event was paired with a 0.5 second burst of 0.8ā€ŠmA VNS. Sensory function was measured before, halfway through, and after this therapy. Results: The patient did not report any side effects during or following VNS+Tactile therapy. Quantitative measures revealed lasting and clinically meaningful improvements in tactile threshold, proprioception, and stereognosis. After VNS+Tactile therapy, the patient was able to detect tactile stimulation to his affected hand that was eight times less intense, identify the joint position of his fingers in the affected hand three times more often, and identify everyday objects using his affected hand seven times more often, compared to baseline. Conclusions: Sensory function significantly improved in this man following VNS paired with tactile stimulation. This approach merits further study in controlled clinical trials

    Expert systems for automated maintenance of a Mars oxygen production system

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    A prototype expert system was developed for maintaining autonomous operation of a Mars oxygen production system. Normal operation conditions and failure modes according to certain desired criteria are tested and identified. Several schemes for failure detection and isolation using forward chaining, backward chaining, knowledge-based and rule-based are devised to perform several housekeeping functions. These functions include self-health checkout, an emergency shut down program, fault detection and conventional control activities. An effort was made to derive the dynamic model of the system using Bond-Graph technique in order to develop the model-based failure detection and isolation scheme by estimation method. Finally, computer simulations and experimental results demonstrated the feasibility of the expert system and a preliminary reliability analysis for the oxygen production system is also provided

    Relationship Between Radial Compressive Modulus of Elasticity and Shear Modulus of Wood

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    Wood properties in transverse compression are difficult to determine because of such factors as anatomical complexity, specimen geometry, and loading conditions. The mechanical properties of wood, considered as an anisotropic or orthotropic material, are related by certain tensor transformation rules when the reference coordinate system changes its orientation. In this paper, we used our verified shear modulus model to estimate compressive modulus of elasticity in the radial direction by means of certain established tensor transformation rules. The obtained basic engineering constants form a viable set that agrees with reliable test data and the anisotropic elasticity theory

    Local false discovery rate facilitates comparison of different microarray experiments

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    The local false discovery rate (LFDR) estimates the probability of falsely identifying specific genes with changes in expression. In computer simulations, LFDR <10% successfully identified genes with changes in expression, while LFDR >90% identified genes without changes. We used LFDR to compare different microarray experiments quantitatively: (i) Venn diagrams of genes with and without changes in expression, (ii) scatter plots of the genes, (iii) correlation coefficients in the scatter plots and (iv) distributions of gene function. To illustrate, we compared three methods for pre-processing microarray data. Correlations between methods were high (r = 0.84ā€“0.92). However, responses were often different in magnitude, and sometimes discordant, even though the methods used the same raw data. LFDR complements functional assessments like gene set enrichment analysis. To illustrate, we compared responses to ultraviolet radiation (UV), ionizing radiation (IR) and tobacco smoke. Compared to unresponsive genes, genes responsive to both UV and IR were enriched for cell cycle, mitosis, and DNA repair functions. Genes responsive to UV but not IR were depleted for cell adhesion functions. Genes responsive to tobacco smoke were enriched for detoxification functions. Thus, LFDR reveals differences and similarities among experiments

    Mechanical and fracture behaviors of cellulose-based multilayer laminate

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    Cellulose nanomaterials (CNs) have become attracting recently as a result of renewable and sustainable sources, superior mechanical properties, lightweight and the potential to be produced at industrial size quantities. In this study, two types of CNs, cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), were used to fabricate multilayer laminate with various types of polymer, such as poly(vinyl butyral) resin (PVB) and poly(styrene-block-ethylene/butylene-block-styrene) (SEBS). In CNF laminate system, laminate had lower Youngā€™s modulus (E) and ultimate tensile strength (sT ) but higher strain of failure (ef) in comparison with neat CNF film properties, especially using PVB as interlayer. The improvement of ef of CNF/polymer laminate resulted in more energy was dissipated (work of fracture) during breaking laminate, which was also approved by observing facture surface of laminate where initiating high density of cracks in shear direction as comparison to the smooth fracture section of neat CNF films. In CNC laminate system, most properties (E, sT, and work of fracture) of the laminate were decreased. However, in CNC/maleated SEBS system, the ef was increased almost 50% as increasing the volume fraction of polymer. In addition, the stressā€“strain curves of CNC/maleated SEBS laminate presented multiple breaking steps which represented that cracks propagating through the laminate were delayed by maleated SEBS interlayer polymer

    Time-multiplexed, optically-addressed, gigabit optical crossbar switch

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    A time-multiplexed, optically-addressed, crossbar switch (38) is provided using a two-dimensional, optically-addressed, reflective spatial light modulator (O-SLM) (20). Since the optical addressing is time-multiplexed, only N addressing lines are required for an N.times.N crossbar, rather than the N.sup.2 lines needed in the prior art. This reduction in addressing lines makes possible the development of enormous crossbar switches, such as 100.times.100, for the first time. In addition, since data paths remain entirely in the optics domain, data speeds can reach the multi-gigabit level. In the switch, a row (40) of N inputs (42) at the read wavelength is spread over one axis of the O-SLM. The light is refocused along the other axis to an output array (48) of detectors (50), so that each input has the potential to talk to any one output. The O-SLM is normally off, i.e., non-reflective, so that the output is, in the absence of an input signal, zero. A one-dimensional array (52) of lasers (54) at the write wavelength is imaged onto the O-SLM. Each laser scans across an entire row of the O-SLM; where the laser is on, it turns on a portion of the O-SLM and establishes a connection between a particular input and a particular output. A full row is scanned in a time much shorter than the response time of the O-SLM, so that state of the O-SLM is capacitively stored and dynamically refreshed. The scanning is accomplished by tuning the wavelength of the laser and passing it through a grating, which sweeps the beam in space
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