21 research outputs found

    Gas transport properties through intact and fractured Callovo-Oxfordian mudstones

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    A series of controlled water and gas experiments was undertaken on samples of Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) mudstone using a synthetic fluid and helium gas. Data from this study demonstrate that the advective movement of gas through COx is accompanied by dilation of the original fabric (i.e. the formation of pressure-induced microfissures) at gas pressures significantly below that of the minimum principal stress. Flow occurs through a local network of unstable pathways, the properties of which vary temporally and spatially within the mudstone. The coupling of variables results in the development of significant time-dependent effects affecting many aspects of COx behaviour, from the gas breakthrough time to the control of deformation processes. Variations in gas entry, breakthrough and steady-state pressures may result from the arbitrary nature of the flow pathways and/or microstructural heterogeneity. Under these conditions, the data suggest that gas flow is along pressure-induced preferential pathways, where permeability is a dependent variable related to the number, width and aperture distributions of these features. This has important implications for modelling gas migration through low permeability, clay-rich materials

    An experimental study of the potential for fault reactivation during changes in gas and pore-water pressure

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    The injection of CO2 into a depleted reservoir will alter the pore pressure, which if sufficiently perturbed could result in fault reactivation. This paper presents an experimental study of fault reactivation potential in fully saturated kaolinite and Ball Clay fault gouges. Clear differences were observed in fault reactivation pressure when water was injected, with the addition of mica/illite in Ball Clay seen to reduce the pressure necessary for reactivation. Slip occurred once pore-pressure within the gouge was sufficient to overcome the normal stress acting on the fault. During gas injection localised dilatant pathways are formed with approximately only 15 % of the fault observing an elevated gas pressure. This localisation is insufficient to overcome normal stress and so reactivation is not initiated. Therefore faults are more likely to conduct gas than to reactivate. The Mohr approach of assessing fault reactivity potential gave mixed results. Hydro-mechanical coupling, saturation state, mineralogical composition and time-dependent features of the clay require inclusion in this approach otherwise experiments that are predicted to be stable result in fault reactivation

    Gas network development in a precompacted bentonite experiment: evidence of generation and evolution

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    In a deep geological disposal facility for radioactive waste, precompacted bentonite is proposed as a sealing material for the isolation of boreholes, disposal galleries and deposition holes. The advective movement of repository gas in bentonite has been linked to the development of new porosity and propagation of dilatant pathways. For the first time we present a detailed analysis of stress field data during the generation and evolution of a gas network. A new experimental dataset, from a highly instrumented test, clearly shows the strong coupling between stress, gas pressure and flow in bentonite. Multiple discrete propagation events are observed, demonstrating spatial variability and time-dependency as permeability within the clay develops. Analysis of the stress data before, during and after gas entry indicates a heterogeneous stress field initially develops, resulting from the development of these pathways. The flow network is dynamic and continues to spatially evolve after gas entry, such that permeability under these conditions must be time-dependent in nature. Perturbation of the stress field is significant before all major gas outflow events, presumably resulting from the requirement to propagate an effective gas network before outflow is possible. In contrast, no major flow perturbations are detected which did not correlate with fluctuations in the stress field. The controls on the distribution and geometry of the resulting flow network are unclear, as well as its long-term evolution and stability. These will be beneficial in the assessment of gas pressure evolution as part of safety case development

    An experimental study of the flow of gas along synthetic faults of varying orientation to the stress field: implications for performance assessment of radioactive waste disposal

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    Critical stress theory states that fault transmissivity is strongly dependent upon orientation with respect to the stress tensor. This paper describes an experimental study aimed at verifying critical stress theory using a bespoke angled shear rig designed to examine the relationship between gas flows along a kaolinite-filled synthetic fault as a function of fault dip. A total of 22 gas injection experiments were conducted on faults oriented 0°, 15°, 30°, and 45° to horizontal; both with and without active shear. Gas flow was seen to be complex; repeat gas injection testing showed a consistent gas entry pressure but considerably different, nonrepeatable, gas peak or breakthrough pressure. Gas flow occurred along discrete, dilatant pathways. The physics governing the pressure at which these features formed was repeatable; however, permeability was dependent on the number, distribution, and geometry of the resultant pathways. The nonrepeatable gas response suggests that the number of pathways was dependent on very subtle variations in gouge properties. No fault orientations were seen to exhibit nonflow characteristics, although critical stress theory predicted that two of the investigated fault angles should be effective seals. However, a small variation in gas entry pressure was seen with fault angle as a result of varying normal and shear stress acting on the gouge material. Shear was seen to enhance gas movement by reducing gas entry pressure and increased permeability once gas became mobile. Therefore, in kaolinite gouge-filled faults, shear is not an effective self-sealing mechanism to gas flow

    An experimental study of the influence of stress history on fault slip during injection of supercritical CO2

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    The injection of super-critical CO2 into a depleted reservoir will alter the pore pressure of the basin, which if sufficiently perturbed could result in fault slip. Therefore, knowledge of the acceptable pressure limits is required in order to maintain fault stability. A two-part laboratory study was conducted on fully saturated kaolinite fault gouge to investigate this issue. Previously, we showed that fault slip occurred once pore-pressure within the gouge was sufficient to overcome the normal stress acting on the fault. For kaolinite, this behaviour occurred at a pressure similar to the yield stress. The current study shows that following a slow-reduction in the maximum principal stress, as would be expected through changes in effective stress, the reactivation pressure shows a stress memory. Consequently, the pressure necessary to initiate fault slip is similar to that required at the maximum stress encountered. Therefore, fault slip is at least partially controlled by the previous maximum stress and not the current stress state. During the slow reduction in normal stress, the flow characteristics of the fault remain unchanged until pore-pressure exceeds shear stress and does not increase significantly until it exceeds normal stress. This results in fault slip, which slows the rate of flow increase as shear is an effective self-sealing mechanism. These observations lead to the conclusion that stress history is a vital parameter when considering fault stability

    The role of the stress-path and importance of stress history on the flow of water along fractures and faults; an experimental study conducted on kaolinite gouge and Callovo-Oxfordian mudstone

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    The flow of water along discontinuities, such as fractures or faults, is of paramount importance in understanding the hydromechanical response of an underground geological disposal facility for radioactive waste. This paper reports four experiments conducted on kaolinite gouge on a 30° slip-plane and on realistic fractures created in Callovo-Oxfordian mudstone (COx) from France. Test histories were conducted that initially loaded the gouge material in step changes in vertical stress, followed by unloading of the sample in similar steps. This loading-unloading history showed considerable hysteresis in hydraulic flow, with only partial recovery of fracture transmissivity. This demonstrates the importance of stress history on fracture flow; consideration of just the current stress acting upon a fracture or fault may result in inaccuracies of predicted hydraulic flow. The stress dependency of fracture flow in both kaolinite and COx can be described by a power-law or cubic relationship, which is likely to be dependent on the fracture roughness, thickness of gouge material, saturation state, permeability of the host material, and clay mineralogy (i.e. swelling potential). The observed response of fracture transmissivity to normal stress in COx is a complex superposition of mechanical response of the fracture and the swelling of clay in the fracture surface. The stress-dependency of flow was also seen to be dependent on orientation with respect to bedding. A fracture perpendicular with bedding accommodates greater compression and results in a lower transmissivity. The orientation dependence is related to the anisotropic swelling characteristics of CO

    Yield envelope assessment as a preliminary screening tool to determine carbon capture and storage viability in depleted southern north-sea hydrocarbon reservoirs

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    This paper describes a laboratory study of the hydro-mechanical properties of samples from the Sherwood Sandstone Group (SSG), an onshore analogue of the finer grained, lower porosity portions that make up the Bunter Sandstone Formation (BSF). The study provides a yield envelope for this sandstone, and demonstrates that it is a competent sandstone at relevant reservoir depths. A theoretical yield envelope has been calculated based on the anticipated in situ stress induced by depletion and reinjection, showing that only the high porosity (35%), large grain diameter (290 µm) end-member of the BSF is likely to result in deformation of the reservoir rock. Stress analysis of four fields within the Southern North Sea suggest that depletion of 10 MPa will not result in permanent deformation of the reservoirs assuming similar porosity and grainsize characteristics to the SSG tested. Furthermore, re-inflation is unlikely to result in permanent deformation should the injection pressure not exceed the initial pre-production reservoir pore pressure

    The prospectivity of a potential shale gas play: An example from the southern Pennine Basin (central England, UK)

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    During the Serpukhovian (late Mississippian) Stage, the Pennine Basin, now underlying much of northern England, consisted of a series of interlinked sub-basins that developed in response to the crustal extension north of the Hercynic orogenic zone. For the current study, mudstone samples of the Morridge Formation from two sub-basins located in the south-eastern part of the Pennine Basin were collected from the Carsington Dam Reconstruction C3 Borehole (Widmerpool Gulf sub-basin) and the Karenight 1 Borehole (Edale Gulf sub-basin). Detailed palynological analyses indicate that aside from the dominant (often 90% or more) heterogeneous amorphous organic matter (AOM), variable abundances of homogeneous AOM and phytoclasts are present. To complement the palynological dataset, a suite of geochemical and mineralogical techniques were applied to evaluate the prospectivity of these potentially important source rocks. Changes in the carbon isotope composition of the bulk organic fraction (δ13COM) suggest that the lower part (Biozone E2a) of Carsington DR C3 is markedly more influenced by terrigenous kerogen than the upper part of the core (Biozones E2a3–E2b1). The Karenight 1 core yielded more marine kerogen in the lower part (Marine Bands E1–E2b) than the upper part (Marine Band E2b). Present day Rock-Eval™ Total Organic Carbon (TOC) surpasses 2% in most samples from both cores, a proportion suggested by Jarvie (2012) that defines prospective shale gas reservoirs. However, when the pyrolysable component that reflects the generative kerogen fraction is considered, very few samples reach this threshold. The kerogen typing permits for the first time the calculation of an original hydrogen index (HIo) and original total organic carbon (TOCo) for Carboniferous mudstones of the Pennine Basin. The most prospective part of Carsington DR C3 (marine bands E2b1–E2a3) has an average TOCo of 3.2% and an average HIo of 465 mg/g TOCo. The most prospective part of Karenight 1 (242.80–251.89 m) is characterized by an average TOCo of 9.3% and an average HIo of 504 mg/g TOCo. Lastly, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms that the siliceous to argillaceous mudstones contain a highly variable carbonate content. The palynological, geochemical and mineralogical proxies combined indicate that marine sediments were continuously being deposited throughout the sampled intervals and were punctuated by episodic turbiditic events. The terrestrial material, originating from the Wales-Brabant High to the south of the Pennine Basin, was principally deposited in the Widmerpool Gulf, with much less terrigenous organic matter reaching the Edale Gulf. As a consequence, the prospective intervals are relatively thin, decimetre-to meter-scale, and further high resolution characterization of these intervals is required to understand variability in prospectivitiy over these limited intervals

    Fracture transmissivity as a function of normal and shear stress : first results in Opalinus Clay

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    Fracture transmissivity has been investigated along an idealised fracture for the influence of normal stress and for the transient behaviour during a slow shear experiment. A linear trend for the relationship between effective stress and transmissivity has been proposed for normal loads between 1 and 5 MPa; as effective stress increases transmissivity decreases. Transmissivity was very low throughout the complete spectrum of effective stresses examined and was close to the permeability for intact Opalinus Clay, suggesting that the fracture had effectively closed. During active shearing at a constant normal load, fracture transmissivity was seen to initially reduce, probably due to clear smearing. A series of flux events were seen, with transmissivity increasing by a factor of four. Some of the flux events corresponded with dilation, whilst others did not. This suggests that the opening flow paths were localised and did not result in bulk dilatancy. During the course of the shear test the sample formed its own series of fractures and a complex pattern of deformation occurred along the fracture surface to a depth of less than 1 mm. The impression of the end of the injection hole clearly shows that the block underwent at least 5 mm of the total 6 mm of shear displacement. The injection of fluorescein showed that flow along the fracture was not uniformly radial, as one might expect for such an experimental geometry. At the time of injection there were a number of dominant flow features, mainly in the direction of shear and only perpendicular on one side of the fracture surface. Flow occurred along the original fracture surface as well as the newly formed shear surface, indicating multiple pathways in a complex manner. The evolution of fracture transmissivity is very complex, even along initially planar surfaces. Fracture transmissivity has been seen to be a function of normal stress and porewater pressure, and has also been seen to be a dynamic feature during shear