1,170 research outputs found

    Jumping the Queue: From NASA to the Commercial Cloud

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    NASA's High-End Computing Capability (HECC) Project has made it possible for its users to run on commercial cloud resources in a seamless way. In the first of three phases, we implemented a pilot project for a few users, enabling them to jump the queue and burst jobs from the HECC environment to Amazon Web Services (AWS). By using GPU-accelerated nodes at AWS, the users were able to make significant advances in their research. The second phase of the project made AWS access available to all HECC users and added accounting to make users responsible for cloud charges. We are also enabling export-controlled work through the use of AWS GovCloud. In the third phase, we will add web-based mechanisms to permit non-HECC users to access cloud resources for their HPC projects

    Vertical, longitudinal and seasonal variation in the benthic fauna at the Fernow Experimential Forest, Parsons, West Virginia

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    Multi-level basket samplers were placed within the shallow hyporheic zone (0 - 30 cm) of first through fourth-order streams in the Elklick Run drainage at the Fernow Experimental Forest, Parsons, West Virginia. Samplers were colonized by macroinvertebrates over three month intervals and collected during three different seasons. Seasonal, longitudinal, and vertical variation in the macroinvertebrate assemblage were examined to better understand the structure and function of the interstitial macroinvertebrate assemblage and important underlying factors. Surber samples were collected for comparison between surface and hyporheic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, water chemistry, and interstitial water movement were measured at sampler locations. Analysis indicated that most macroinvertebrates decrease in numbers with depth (vertically), especially at the first-order site. The structure of the macroinvertebrate community at the first order site was unique among sites. The family Chironomidae increased in relative abundance with depth at all sites. The effect of depth on macroinvertebrate abundance and taxonomic composition varied among sites in each season. During the study, a drought and flood event occurred, resulting in low densities of fauna in top basket levels and greater abundances with depth. The drought effect was a result of low water levels in top baskets. Flooding caused scouring of top basket contents. There were stronger correlations between velocity and density during the fall when dissolved oxygen was lowest

    Chinese Lullaby

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    Jumping the Queue: from NASA to the Commercial Cloud

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    You Never Can Tell

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    Wait For Me

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    Dolly Madison : Waltzes

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    My Egyptian Queen

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    Robert Reed: an interview

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    Somewhere In The World There\u27s A Little Girl For Me

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