14,588 research outputs found

    Method of applying a thermal barrier coating system to a substrate

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    A metallic close-out layer is applied to the surface of a thermal barrier coating system to seal the ceramic material in the coating. The close-out layer is glass-bead preened to densify the surface

    Metallic seal for thermal barrier coating systems

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    The invention is particularly concerned with sealing thermal barrier coating systems of the type in use and being contemplated for use in diesel and other internal combustion engines. The invention also would find application in moderately high temperature regions of gas turbine engines and any other application employing a thermal barrier coating at moderate temperatures. Ni-35Cr-6Al-1Y, Ni-35Cr-6Al-1Yb, or other metallic alloy denoted as MCrAlx is applied over a zirconia-based thermal barrier overlayer. The close-out layer is glass-bead preened to densify its surface. This seals and protects the thermal barrier coating system

    HOST surface protection R and T overview

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    Most of the efforts in the HOST Surface Protection Subproject were focused on thermal barrier coating (TBC) life prediction. Also, a small effort, consisting primarily of wrapping up and reporting the work of previous years, remained on the airfoil deposition modeling. The work performed under the airfoil deposition modeling program element was concerned with modeling the deposition of corrodants onto turbine airfoils. Accomplishments included verification of the chemically frozen boundary (CFBL) theory. Encouraging results were also achieved with the recently developed local thermochemical equilibrium (LTCE) theory. The surface protection subprogram was devoted to thermal-barrier-coating life modeling. This modeling is an essential step in the development of TBC's

    High resolution video monitoring of coating thickness during plasma spraying

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    A new approach to monitoring the thickness of plasma sprayed coatings during application is described. The method employs a high resolution video camera and width analyzer to accurately measure the dimensions of samples having simple geometries. This approach is best suited for cylindrical or flat substrates but it may also work for selected locations on more complex geometries. Measurement accuracy is a function of specimen dimensions and extent of magnification. Tolerances of plus or minus 0.5 mil (0.13 mm) on final coating thickness can be achieved. Additionally, the plot of cumulative coating thickess versus the number of passes has proven to be a useful diagnostic tool. While the ideal plot is linear, strong deviations from linearity - indicating the need for corrective action - may be observed

    Antlions of Hispaniola (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    Twelve extant species of antlions are known from Hispaniola including four new species (Eremoleon petrophila, Eremoleon phasma, Purenleon nunezi, Purenleon woodruffi) and one new genus (Peruveleon). Five New World species are transferred into Peruveleon resulting in new combinations: Peruveleon bruneri (Alayo), Peruveleon camposi (Banks), Peruveleon dolichogaster (Navás), Peruveleon dorsalis (Banks), Peruveleon indiges (Walker). Vella fallax haitiensis Smith is considered a new synonym of Vella eggerti Esben-Petersen. Descriptions and records for the species are provided as well as keys to the adults and larvae. The larvae of eleven species were found and reared.Se documentan doce especies de Myrmeleontidae de Hispaniola incluyendo cuatro especies nuevas (Eremoleon petrophila, Eremoleon phasma, Purenleon nunezi, Purenleon woodruffi) y un género nuevo (Peruveleon). Cinco especies son transferidos al género Peruveleon resultando nuevas combinaciones: Peruveleon bruneri (Alayo), Peruveleon camposi (Banks), Peruveleon dolichogaster (Navás), Peruveleon dorsalis (Banks), Peruveleon indiges (Walker). Vella fallax haitiensis Smith es considerado como un sinonimo nuevo de Vella eggerti Esben-Petersen. Se proporcionan descripciones y registros para las especies y claves para los adultos y larvas. Las larvas de once especies fueron descubiertas y asociadas con adultos

    A new species of Stenorrhachus McLachlan from Chile (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae) with biological notes

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    A new species of Stenorrhachus (McLachlan), S. chilensis (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae), is described from Chile with biological observations of Stenorrhachus walkeri (McLachlan). A key to the two species is provided as well as diagnoses of the adults and of the larva of Stenorrhachus walkeri.Se describe una especie nueva de Stenorrhachus (McLachlan), S. chilensis (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae), de Chile con notas biológicas sobre Stenorrhachus walkeri (McLachlan). Se da una clave para las dos especies además descripciones de los adultos y de la larva de S. walkeri

    A revision of the genus Maracandula Currie (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    Three new species of Maracandula are described from Mexico and included in a key to the five species in Mexico. Diagnoses of the species are given as well as distributional data.Se describen tres especies nuevas de Maracandula de Mexico y se incluye una clave de las cinco especies conocidas de Mexico

    The cave mouth antlions of Australia (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    Larvae of thirty one species of antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) belonging to eleven genera live in the protection of cave mouths or large rock overhangs in Australia. New taxa proposed here include the following three new genera: Australeon, Newleon, Speleon. The following twelve new species are described: Froggattisca kakadu; Froggattisca rennerensis; Newleon fragilis; Speleon cavernicolus; Speleon pilliga; Speleon yallingup; Stenoleon xanthopsis; Xantholeon cavernicolus; Xantholeon kakadu; Xantholeon newi; Xantholeon pallens; Xantholeon pentlandensis. Two cave species are transferred into a new genus becoming new combinations: Australeon illustris (Gerstaecker), Australeon manselli (New and Matsura). The small non-cave species previously placed in Stenoleon Tillyard are transferred to Bandidus Navás, becoming B. gradostriatus (New), B. copleyensis (New), B. grandithecus (New), and B. navasi (New), new combinations. All known species of six genera (Stenoleon Tillyard, Xantholeon Tillyard, Eophanes Banks and three new genera) are known only in cave mouths. Also, species of Heoclisis Navás, Froggattisca Esben Petersen, Glenoleon Banks, Heoclisis Navás and Myrmeleon Linnaeus contain species living in cave mouths. Two main types of caves are found in Australia; those with loose organic material and those with loose inorganic material. The cave habitat is divided into four zones and several subzones. Many species are restricted to one zone or another but species of Stenoleon may overlap zones. Discussions of the species and some of their biological requirements are provided. One new parasite record is given, an undetermined species of Echthrobacella Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) reared from the larvae of Speleon yallingup Miller and Stange. Diagnoses or descriptions are given for all of these cave species including distributional data. Keys to the cave mouth inhabiting antlions of Australia (adults and larvae) are provided including a revised key to the Xantholeon Tillyard.Se documentan treinta uno especies en once géneros de Myrmeleontidae que viven en las entradas de cuevas en Australia y representan mas especies que en cualquier otra parte del mundo. Se describen tres genéros nuevos, Australeon, Newleon, y Speleon y doce especies nuevas: Froggattisca kakadu; Froggattisca rennerensis; Newleon fragilis; Speleon cavernicolus; Speleon pilliga; Speleon yallingup; Stenoleon xanthopsis; Xantholeon cavernicolus; Xantholeon kakadu; Xantholeon newi; Xantholeon pallens y Xantholeon pentlandensis. Dos especies son transferidas en un nueva género resultando en dos combinaciones nuevas: Australeon illustris (Gerstaecker) y Australeon manselli (New and Matsura). Tambien, cuatro especies en el género Stenoleon Tillyard son transferidas al género Bandidus Navas, resultando en cuatro combinaciones nuevas: B. gradostriatus (New), B. copleyensis (New), B. grandithecus (New) y B. navasi (New). Hay dos tipos de cuevas en Australia, unas con detritus orgánicos y otras con detritus principalmente inorgánicas. En algunas cuevas existen cuatro principales zonas de habitación. Todas las especies de cinco géneros (Eophanes Banks, Stenoleon Tillyard, Xantholeon Banks y tres nuevos géneros) están restringidas a las cuevas. Se da un registro nuevo para un parásito, Echthrobacella Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) criada de Speleon yallingup Miller and Stange. Se presentan diagnoses o descripciones para todas las especies incluyendo datos sobre distribucion. Se presentan claves para los adultos y larvas de las especies que viven dentro de las cuevas en Australia, incyudendo una clave revisada del genero Xantholeon

    Description of a new species of Paranthaclisis Banks from Florida (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae)

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    A new species of Paranthaclisis Banks, P. floridensis (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), is described from Florida and compared to the other described species in the genus. Keys to the adults and larvae are provided.Se describe una nueva especie de Paranthaclisis Banks, P. floridensis (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae), de Florida y se la incluye en una clave para las otras especies descriptas del género. Se da una descripción del adulto y de la larva

    University Library Development in Indiana, 1910 to 1966

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