4,636 research outputs found

    Some Key Questions About Stakeholder Theory

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    As businesses emerge as some of the most powerful institutions in the world, business ethics have never been more important, and given very recent history, more open to question. Corporations are relative newcomers to power, and for evidence of this we can look to Europe, where the oldest, largest, most elaborate buildings are the churches and cathedrals. For thousands of years, the church and its leaders were arguably the most powerful institution, but as the liberal notions of the Enlightenment supplanted church orthodoxy, the state supplanted religion as the more powerful institution. But at the dawn of the third millennium, the newest, grandest buildings are the corporate headquarters and facilities, an architectural phenomenon that neatly illustrates the transfer of power through history. It is not clear, however, that the business community has lived up to its obligations and responsibilities in proportion to its rapid increase in power. Witness the number of organizations and executives that are being exposed for immoral and fraudulent conduct. This is why the time is ripe for an in-depth examination of ethics in business. In this article, I will apply the principles of stakeholder theory to discuss questions that are central to the business ethics debate, specifically: Why should managers pay attention to stakeholders? Who are an organization’s stakeholders and what is the basis for their legitimacy? What do stakeholders want? How should managers prioritize among stakeholders? Are the ethics of business different from everyday ethics? If so, how and why

    \u3ci\u3eCulicoides\u3c/i\u3e Latreille and \u3ci\u3eLeptoconops\u3c/i\u3e Skuse biting midges of the southwestern United States with emphasis on the Canyonlands of southeastern Utah (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    Leptoconops Skuse and Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges are serious pests of mammals, birds, and reptiles and important vectors of viruses, protozoans, and filarial nematodes. Their collection became an important adjunct to mosquito surveillance using light-baited and CO2-baited suction traps in Grand County, Utah, United States, during 1999–2016. During 2017–2020, collecting was expanded to California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and other parts of Utah using an ultraviolet light suction trap. As a result, five species of Leptoconops and 59 species of Culicoides, representing Leptoconops subgenera Holoconops Kieffer and Leptoconops Skuse, Culicoides subgenera Amoss­ovia Glukhova, Beltranmyia Vargas, Diphaomyia Vargas, Drymodesmyia Vargas, Haematomyidium Goeldi, Monoculicoides Khalaf, Selfia Khalaf, Sensiculicoides Shevchenko, Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, Silvicola Mirza­eva and Isaev, and Wirthomyia Vargas, and the Culicoides Leoni, Limai, Palmerae, Piliferus, Saundersi, and Stonei species groups, were collected. Keys to adult males and females and tables of diagnostic characters are provided for identification of 15 species of Leptoconops and 86 species of Culicoides collected, reported by others, or likely to occur in the Southwestern United states west of the Continental Divide. Description ref­erences, synonymies, diagnoses, geographic and seasonal distributions, and biological summaries from the available literature are provided. Data on relative abundance in light-baited or CO2-baited traps are provided for the species collected. Intersex specimens and specimens parasitized by mites or mermithid nematodes are tabulated. Culicoides (Drymodesmyia) bakeri Vargas is reported from California (new United States re­cord). New state records of other species for Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico of the United States and for the Mexico states of Puebla, San Luis Potosi, and Oaxaca are reported. Culicoides salihi Khalaf is assigned to the subgenus Diphaomyia of Culicoides (new status). Culicoides stellifer (Coquillett) is reassigned to the subgenus Haematomyidium of Culicoides (new status). Culicoides travisi Vargas is assigned to the subgenus Sensiculicoides of Culicoides (new status). Culicoides luglani Jones and Wirth is reassigned to the Culicoides Limai group (new status). Confusion over species limits was evident between Culicoides cacticola Wirth and Hubert and Culicoides torridus Wirth and Hubert, between C. travisi and Culicoides kibunensis Tokunaga, between Culicoides doeringae Atchley and Culicoides lophortygis Atchley and Wirth, between Culicoides owyheensis Jones and Wirth and Culicoides mortivallis Wirth and Blanton, and between Culicoides cockerellii (Coquillett), Culicoides neomontanus Wirth, and Culicoides sierrensis Wirth and Blan­ton. Several new species, hybrids, or variants of Culicoides are diagnosed but not formally described: two of subgenus Silvicola, one of the Palmerae group, two of the Piliferus group, and one unplaced to subgenus or species group. Leptoconops Skuse y Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) los mosquitos picadores de son plagas graves de mamíferos, aves y reptiles y vectores importantes de virus, protozoos y nematodos fi­lariales. Su colección se convirtió en un complemento importante para la vigilancia de mosquitos mediante el uso de trampas de succión con cebo ligero y con cebo de CO2 en Grand County, Utah, Estados Unidos, durante 1999–2016. Durante 2017–2020, la recolección se expandió a California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, y otras partes de Utah usando una trampa de succión de luz ultravio­leta. Como resultado, cinco especies de Leptoconops y 59 especies de Culicoides, representando Leptoconops subgénero Holoconops Kieffer y Leptoconops Skuse, Culicoides subgénero Amossovia Glukhova, Beltranmyia Vargas, Diphaomyia Vargas, Drymodesmyia Vargas, Haematomyidium Goeldi, Monoculicoides Khalaf, Selfia Khalaf, Sensiculicoides Shevchenko, Silvaticulicoides Glukhova, Silvicola Mirzaeva e Isaev, y Wirthomyia Var­gas, y los grupos Culicoides Leoni, Limai, Palmerae, Piliferus, Saundersi, y Stonei. Se proporcionan claves para machos y hembras adultos y tablas de caracteres de diagnóstico para la identificación de 15 especies de Leptoconops y 86 especies de Culicoides recolectadas, reportadas de otra manera o que probablemente ocu­rran en el suroeste de los Estados Unidos al oeste de la Divisoria Continental de América. Se proporcionan referencias descriptivas, sinonimias, diagnósticos, distribuciones geográficas y estacionales, y resúmenes bio­lógicos de la literatura disponible. Se proporcionan datos sobre la abundancia relativa en trampas con cebo ligero o cebo con CO2 para las especies recolectadas. Se tabulan los especímenes intersexuales y los especí­menes parasitados por ácaros o nematodos mermitidos. Culicoides (Drymodesmyia) bakeri Vargas se informa de California (nuevo registro de Estados Unidos). Se reportan nuevos registros estatales de otras especies para Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, y Nuevo México de los Estados Unidos y para Puebla, San Luis Potosí, y Oaxaca de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Culicoides salihi Khalaf se asigna al subgénero Diphaom­yia de Culicoides (nuevo estatus). Culicoides stellifer (Coquillett) se reasigna al subgénero Haematomyidium de Culicoides (nuevo estatus). Culicoides travisi Vargas se asigna al subgénero Sensiculicoides de Culicoides (nuevo estatus). Culicoides luglani Jones y Wirth es reasignado al grupo Culicoides Limai (nuevo estatus). La confusión sobre los límites de especies fue evidente entre Culicoides cacticola Wirth y Hubert y Culicoides torridus Wirth y Hubert, entre C. travisi y Culicoides kibunensis Tokunaga, entre Culicoides doeringae Atchley y Culicoides lophortygis Atchley y Wirth, entre Culicoides owyheensis Jones y Wirth y Culicoides mortivallis Wirth y Blanton, y entre Culicoides cockerellii (Coquillett), Culicoides neomontanus Wirth, y Culicoides sie­rrensis Wirth y Blanton. Varias especies nuevas, híbridos o variantes de Culicoides se diagnostican, pero no se describen formalmente: dos del subgénero Silvicola, uno del grupo Palmerae, dos del grupo Piliferus, y uno no colocado en subgénero o grupo de especies

    A Study of Small Group Ministries and Their Effect Upon Christian Growth and Nurture

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    In recent years there has been an increased emphasis upon specialized studies concerning church growth. More and more, men are looking into the dynamics and elements that constitute effective and consistent church growth. In researching church growth and discipleship literature for seminary studies, this writer has found that one of the consistent elements contributing to church growth, discipleship, church renewal, and individual Christian maturity, is that of small group ministries. Church growth leaders cite the need for the church to be a place where there is true Christian community; wherein the laity is in fact recognized and functioning as a priesthood of believers; and where people come to have their total spectrum of needs met

    Stakeholder Theory: Impact and Prospects

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    Honoring the twenty-fifth anniversary of R. Edward Freeman’s Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, one of the most influential books in the history of business strategy and ethics, this work assembles a collection of contributions from some of the most renowned and widely-cited scholars working in the area of stakeholder scholarship today.https://scholarship.richmond.edu/bookshelf/1047/thumbnail.jp

    The Value of an Enterprise Postgraduate Research Programme for creating business start-ups in the UK

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    The Masters of Enterprise Programme is a postgraduate programme whereby a student attempts to start a business during the course of their studies. Established in 2001, we have analysed the success of the 59 companies created from the course and found that as expected the start-up rate is higher than the general population. We also found that ratio of male to female founders (70-30) was similar to start-ups from the general population; however, the survival rate of ventures created from the programme was significantly higher. Also, a higher rate of the businesses were employing more than just the founder, implying they are what could be considered “Entrepreneurial” businesses rather than simply someone self- employed as might be normal in some careers. Despite many overseas students completing the course, only 3 of the businesses were founded outside the UK, suggesting the UK economy is benefitting from the ventures created. We also discuss other outcomes from the course such as these entrepreneurial students are often recruited by top corporates. We further discuss what we believe are the contributing pedagogic factors to its success.   Keywords: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Education, Employability, Start-ups, UK economy.Papadopoulou, KA.; Phillips, RA. (2020). The Value of an Enterprise Postgraduate Research Programme for creating business start-ups in the UK. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):659-667. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11122OCS65966730-05-202

    We Met, We Loved, We Parted

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    Measurements of noise in Josephson-effect mixers

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    We present new heterodyne receiver results obtained at 100 GHz using resistively-shunted Nb and NbN tunnel junctions. In addition, we have carried out accurate measurements of the available noise power of these devices at the L-band (1.5 GHz) IF frequency. Both the heterodyne and the output noise measurements show that the noise of these devices can be a factor of five or more higher than that predicted by the simple current-biased RSJ model. The noise approaches the appropriate thermal or thermal and shot noise limits for bias voltages where the nonlinearity is not strong (i.e., V>ICRN), but as expected from the RSJ model, can be significantly higher at the low voltages where the mixers are typically biased. The bias voltage dependence of the noise shows structure which is associated with resonances in the RF embedding circuit. Surprisingly, we find that changes in the high-frequency (100 GHz) impedance presented to the junction can dramatically affect the magnitude and voltage dependence of the low-frequency (1.5 GHz) noise. This emphasizes the necessity of very closely matching the junction to free space over a wide frequency range


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    This landmark book takes a retrospective look at the most important and influential works in the study of stakeholders since Freeman’s 1984 publication, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. 2009 marked the 25th anniversary of this watershed in organizational scholarship, so now is an excellent time for Phillips and Freeman to revisit this topical and exciting subject. From the tremendous upsurge in the literature, the editors have carefully selected ground-breaking works on topics including corporate governance, stakeholder-agency theory, management models, ethical theory and stakeholder orientation. This invaluable volume will shape the thinking of scholars and academics for the next 25 years.https://scholarship.richmond.edu/bookshelf/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Corporate Citizenship and Community Stakeholders

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    Stipulating that work on corporate citizenship is intended to add to the conversation around the role of business in society, it is reasonable to assume that scholars adopting (and adapting) the language of corporate citizenship find something there that allows for better description, analysis and synthesis of this role. Though what \u27better\u27 may mean here remains an open question, a sensible place to begin considering the question is to compare and contrast corporate citizenship with more established ways of conceiving business\u27s role in society such as, in the case of this chapter, stakeholder theory


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    The stakeholder concept derives from a simple premise: organizations and technologies exist in constellations of relationships. Organizations operate in a network of market and nonmarket relationships with other organizations, groups, and individuals. Likewise technologies emerge and exist in a network of suppliers, end users, and others who bear the impact of the technology. Generally with reference to both organizations and technologies, these related parties are termed stakeholders, meaning that they hold a stake in the outcomes of the organization or technology
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