871 research outputs found

    Optical Coronagraphic Spectroscopy of AU Mic: Evidence of Time Variable Colors?

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    We present coronagraphic long slit spectra of AU Mic's debris disk taken with the STIS instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Our spectra are the first spatially resolved, scattered light spectra of the system's disk, which we detect at projected distances between approximately 10 and 45 AU. Our spectra cover a wavelength range between 5200 and 10200 angstroms. We find that the color of AU Mic's debris disk is bluest at small (12-35 AU) projected separations. These results both confirm and quantify the findings qualitatively noted by Krist et al. (2005), and are different than IR observations that suggested a uniform blue or gray color as a function of projected separation in this region of the disk. Unlike previous literature that reported the color of AU Mic's disk became increasingly more blue as a function of projected separation beyond approximately 30 AU, we find the disk's optical color between 35-45 AU to be uniformly blue on the southeast side of the disk and decreasingly blue on the northwest side. We note that this apparent change in disk color at larger projected separations coincides with several fast, outward moving "features" that are passing through this region of the southeast side of the disk. We speculate that these phenomenon might be related, and that the fast moving features could be changing the localized distribution of sub-micron sized grains as they pass by, thereby reducing the blue color of the disk in the process. We encourage follow-up optical spectroscopic observations of the AU Mic to both confirm this result, and search for further modifications of the disk color caused by additional fast moving features propagating through the disk.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Origin of the anomalous Hall Effect in overdoped n-type cuprates: current vertex corrections due to antiferromagnetic fluctuations

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    The anomalous magneto-transport properties in electron doped (n-type) cuprates were investigated using Hall measurements at THz frequencies. The complex Hall angle was measured in overdoped Pr2x_{\rm 2-x}Cex_{\rm x}CuO4_{\rm 4} samples (x=0.17 and 0.18) as a continuous function of temperature above TcT_c at excitation energies 5.24 and 10.5 meV. The results, extrapolated to low temperatures, show that inelastic scattering introduces electron-like contributions to the Hall response. First principle calculations of the Hall angle that include current vertex corrections (CVC) induced by electron interactions mediated by magnetic fluctuations in the Hall conductivity reproduce the temperature, frequency, and doping dependence of the experimental data. These results show that CVC effects are the source of the anomalous Hall transport properties in overdoped n-\text{-}type cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Tensor interaction constraints from beta decay recoil spin asymmetry of trapped atoms

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    We have measured the angular distribution of recoiling daughter nuclei emitted from the Gamow-Teller β\beta decay of spin-polarized 80^{80}Rb. The asymmetry of this distribution vanishes to lowest order in the Standard Model (SM) in pure Gamow-Teller decays, producing an observable very sensitive to new interactions. We measure the non-SM contribution to the asymmetry to be ATA_{T}= 0.015 ±\pm 0.029 (stat) ±\pm 0.019 (syst), consistent with the SM prediction. We constrain higher-order SM corrections using the measured momentum dependence of the asymmetry, and their remaining uncertainty dominates the systematic error. Future progress in determining the weak magnetism term theoretically or experimentally would reduce the final errors. We describe the resulting constraints on fundamental 4-Fermi tensor interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; v2 published in Phys. Rev. C, with referee clarifications and figures improved for black-and-whit

    FUSE and HST STIS Observations of Hot and Cold Gas in the AB Aurigae System

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    We present the first observations of a Herbig Ae star with a circumstellar disk by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), as well as a simultaneous observation of the star obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). The spectra of AB Aurigae show emission and absorption features arising from gasses that have a wide range in temperature, from hot OVI emission to cold molecular hydrogen and CO absorption. Emissions from the highly ionized species OVI and CIII present in the FUSE spectrum are redshifted, while absorption features arising from low-ionization species like OI, NI, and SiII are blueshifted and show characteristic stellar wind line-profiles. We find the total column density of molecular hydrogen toward AB Aur from the FUSE apectrum, N(H_2) = (6.8 +/- 0.5) x 10^19 cm^-2. The gas kinetic temperature of the molecular hydrogen derived from the ratio N(J=1)/N(J=0) is 65 +/- 4 K. The column density of the CO observed in the STIS spectrum is N(CO) = (7.1 +/- 0.5) x 10^13 cm^-2, giving a CO/H_2 ratio of (1.04 +/- 0.11) x 10^-6. We also use the STIS spectrum to find the column density of HI, permitting us to calculate the total column density of hydrogen atoms, the fractional abundance of H_2, and the gas-to-dust ratio.Comment: 5 pages, including 6 figures. LaTex2e (emulateapj5.sty). Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Herschel PACS Observations and Modeling of Debris Disks in the Tucana-Horologium Association

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    We present Herschel PACS photometry of seventeen B- to M-type stars in the 30 Myr-old Tucana-Horologium Association. This work is part of the Herschel Open Time Key Programme "Gas in Protoplanetary Systems" (GASPS). Six of the seventeen targets were found to have infrared excesses significantly greater than the expected stellar IR fluxes, including a previously unknown disk around HD30051. These six debris disks were fitted with single-temperature blackbody models to estimate the temperatures and abundances of the dust in the systems. For the five stars that show excess emission in the Herschel PACS photometry and also have Spitzer IRS spectra, we fit the data with models of optically thin debris disks with realistic grain properties in order to better estimate the disk parameters. The model is determined by a set of six parameters: surface density index, grain size distribution index, minimum and maximum grain sizes, and the inner and outer radii of the disk. The best fitting parameters give us constraints on the geometry of the dust in these systems, as well as lower limits to the total dust masses. The HD105 disk was further constrained by fitting marginally resolved PACS 70 micron imaging.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to Ap

    High Resolution HST-STIS Spectra of CI and CO in the Beta Pictoris Circumstellar Disk

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    High resolution FUV echelle spectra showing absorption features arising from CI and CO gas in the Beta Pictoris circumstellar (CS) disk were obtained on 1997 December 6 and 19 using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). An unsaturated spin-forbidden line of CI at 1613.376 A not previously seen in spectra of Beta Pictoris was detected, allowing for an improved determination of the column density of CI at zero velocity relative to the star (the stable component), N = (2-4) x 10^{16} cm^{-2}. Variable components with multiple velocities, which are the signatures of infalling bodies in the Beta Pictoris CS disk, are observed in the CI 1561 A and 1657 A multiplets. Also seen for the first time were two lines arising from the metastable singlet D level of carbon, at 1931 A and 1463 A The results of analysis of the CO A-X (0-0), (1-0), and (2-0) bands are presented, including the bands arising from {13}^CO, with much better precision than has previously been possible, due to the very high resolution provided by the STIS echelle gratings. Only stable CO gas is observed, with a column density N(CO) = (6.3 +/- 0.3) x 10^{14} cm{-2}. An unusual ratio of the column densities of {12}^CO to {13}^CO is found (R = 15 +/- 2). The large difference between the column densities of CI and CO indicates that photodissociation of CO is not the primary source of CI gas in the disk, contrary to previous suggestion.Comment: 13 pages, including 6 figures. LaTex2e (emulateapj5.sty). Accepted for publication in Ap

    Finding the Needles in the Haystacks: High-Fidelity Models of the Modern and Archean Solar System for Simulating Exoplanet Observations

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    We present two state-of-the-art models of the solar system, one corresponding to the present day and one to the Archean Eon 3.5 billion years ago. Each model contains spatial and spectral information for the star, the planets, and the interplanetary dust, extending to 50 AU from the sun and covering the wavelength range 0.3 to 2.5 micron. In addition, we created a spectral image cube representative of the astronomical backgrounds that will be seen behind deep observations of extrasolar planetary systems, including galaxies and Milky Way stars. These models are intended as inputs to high-fidelity simulations of direct observations of exoplanetary systems using telescopes equipped with high-contrast capability. They will help improve the realism of observation and instrument parameters that are required inputs to statistical observatory yield calculations, as well as guide development of post-processing algorithms for telescopes capable of directly imaging Earth-like planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    Exocomet signatures around the A-shell star Φ\Phi Leo?

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    We present an intensive monitoring of high-resolution spectra of the Ca {\sc ii} K line in the A7IV shell star Φ\Phi Leo at very short (minutes, hours), short (night to night), and medium (weeks, months) timescales. The spectra show remarkable variable absorptions on timescales of hours, days, and months. The characteristics of these sporadic events are very similar to most that are observed toward the debris disk host star β\beta Pic, which are commonly interpreted as signs of the evaporation of solid, comet-like bodies grazing or falling onto the star. Therefore, our results suggest the presence of solid bodies around Φ\Phi Leo. To our knowledge, with the exception of β\beta Pic, our monitoring has the best time resolution at the mentioned timescales for a star with events attributed to exocomets. Assuming the cometary scenario and considering the timescales of our monitoring, our results indicate that Φ\Phi Leo presents the richest environment with comet-like events known to date, second only to β\beta Pic.Comment: A&A letters, proof-correcte

    Sphaleron Transition Rate in Presence of Dynamical Fermions

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    We investigate the effect of dynamical fermions on the sphaleron transition rate at finite temperature for the Abelian Higgs model in one spatial dimension. The fermion degrees of freedom are included through bosonization. Using a numerical simulation, we find that massless fermions do not change the rate within the measurement accuracy. Surprisingly, the exponential dependence of the sphaleron energy on the Yukawa coupling is not borne out by the transition rate, which shows a very weak dependence on the fermion mass.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, psfi

    Terahertz magneto-transport measurements in underdoped PCCO and comparison with ARPES

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    We present magneto-transport measurements performed on underdoped PCCO at THz frequencies as a function of temperature and doping. A rapidly decreasing Hall mass is observed as the doping is reduced consistent with the formation of small electron Fermi pockets. However, both dc and infrared (IR) magneto-transport data strongly deviate from the predictions of transport theory in the relaxation time approximation (RTA) based on angular resolved photoemission data. The Hall mass is observed to increase continuously with increasing temperature with no signature at the Neel temperature. In the paramagnetic state, the temperature dependence of the Hall mass is consistent with current vertex corrections to the Hall conductivity due to magnetic fluctuations as observed in overdoped PCCO. Possible causal mechanisms for the discrepancy between transport theory within the RTA and the magneto-transport data are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl