778 research outputs found

    Annotated checklist and biogeographic composition of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad, West Indies

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    A revised annotated checklist for the butterfl y family Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of Trinidad is presented, updating nomenclature, and indicating synonyms from earlier lists and papers. The checklist includes 131 species of Lycaenidae, comprising 127 species of 49 genera of Eumaeini, Theclinae, and four species of three genera of Polyommatinae. There are more than 30 new island records. No lycaenid species is endemic to Trinidad, and the fauna consists primarily of widespread species (71%) that occur from Central America to the Amazon Basin. However, the primary biogeographic affi nity is the Amazon Region, where 94% of the Trinidad lycaenid fauna also occurs. Corrections are made to the literature cited in the fi rst author’s earlier checklists on other Trinidad butterfl ies. Resumen. Se presenta una lista anotada para la familia de mariposas Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) de Trinidad, actualizando la nomenclatura e indicando sinĂłnimos de listas y artĂ­culos prĂ©vios. La lista incluye 131 especies de Lycaenidae, que comprende 127 especies de 49 gĂ©neros de Eumaeini, Theclinae, y cuatro especies de tres gĂ©neros de Polyommatinae. Se presentan mĂĄs de 30 nuevo registros procedente de la isla. Ninguna especies de lycaenido es endĂ©mico de Trinidad, y la fauna consiste principalmente de especies de amplia distribuciĂłn (71%) que ocurren desde CentroamĂ©rica hasta la Cuenca del Amazonas. Sin embargo, la principal afi nidad biogeogrĂĄfi ca es la RegiĂłn AmazĂłnica, donde el 94% de la fauna de lycaenidos de Trinidad ocurren. Se hacen correcciones en la literatura citada de las listas anotadas anteriores del primer autor sobre otras mariposas de Trinidad

    A segmented and clawed male foreleg in a newly described genus and species of eumaeine butterfly (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

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    Grishinata Robbins and Busby, new genus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Eumaeini), possesses a five-segmented foretarsus with a clawed pretarsus, a trait that differentiates it from all eumaeine genera except Theclopsis Godman and Salvin. Grishinata penny Busby, Hall, and Robbins, new species, differs from all species of Theclopsis (and most Eumaeini) in lacking male secondary sexual organs on the wings or in the abdomen. It is recorded from the eastern slope of the Andes in Ecuador and Peru. We cannot place Grishinata penny in an existing Eumaeini genus based upon its wing pattern, male foreleg structure, lack of male second­ary sexual organs, and male genitalic morphology. We propose names for the genus and species to document its leg morphology and to provide a name for a genome sequencing project, which will allow us to place the genus in the eumaeine Linnaean hierarchy. There are two morphological types of male forelegs in the lepidopteran butterfly family Lycaenidae, each of which is functionally and structurally different from male forelegs in other diurnal butterfly families. The first male foreleg type is superficially similar to that of Nymphalidae and Riodinidae in that the tarsus is unsegmented, lacks a pretarsus, and is not used to groom the antennae (Robbins 1988, 1990). It differs functionally from these families in that it is used for walking. It differs morphologically in that it possesses tarsal alpha and beta trichoid sensilla (terminology from Chun and Schoonhoven 1973), which are lacking in Nymphalidae and Riodinidae with few exceptions (Robbins 1988). This male foreleg type occurs in more than 98% of lycaenid species (Mattoni and Fiedler 1991). The second lycaenid male foreleg type is superficially similar to that of Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, and Pieridae in that the foretarsus is segmented with a clawed pretarsus. It differs functionally from these families in that it is not used to groom the antennae (Jander 1966; Robbins 1990). It differs morphologically in that it lacks the tibial epiphysis of Hesperiidae and Papilionidae or the vestigial remnant of an epiphysis that occurs in some Pieridae (Robbins 1990). Within Eumaeini, this male foreleg type is restricted to some species of Theclopsis Godman and Salvin, 1887 (Godman and Salvin 1887; Robbins 2004). We discovered a species (Fig. 1) belonging to the Eumaeini with a male foreleg that has a clawed pretarsus and a five-segmented tarsus (Fig. 2), but the male genitalia, secondary sexual characters, and wing pattern (Fig. 1, 3) are dissimilar from those of Theclopsis. The males lack secondary sexual organs on the wings or in the abdomen (Fig. 1, 3), which is highly unusual in Eumaeini (Valencia-Montoya et al. 2021). The male genitalia (Fig. 3) lack structures that would be useful in determining its closest phylogenetic relatives. More generally, we find no clear-cut morphological evidence to place this species in an available eumaeine genus. The purpose of this paper is to propose new generic and specific names for this newly discovered taxon. One reason is that we need a name to document its unusual leg morphology. Another is that we are currently sequencing its genome for a phylogenetic project. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data will allow us to place the genus in the eumaeine Linnaean hierarchy. We predict that it will show, in accord with the findings of Mattoni and Fiedler (1991), that its male foreleg with a clawed pretarsus and five-segmented tarsus evolved from a tarsus that was fused without a pretarsus

    Riodinid butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera) of the Cosñipata Region, Peru: Annotated checklist, community structure, and contrast with Lycaenidae

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    A team of experienced lepidopterists sampled the butterfly fauna of Peru’s Cosñipata Region from 400 to 4,000 m elevation for more than a decade (7,440 field person-hours) and supplemented this sam­ple with data from museum specimens and the scientific literature. An annotated checklist of Cosñipata Riodinidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) documents 398 species, which represents 29% of the world Rio­dinidae fauna. For each, it lists sample abundance, adult behavior, elevation, and temporal distribution. In the fieldwork sample, 75 species (20.9%) were sampled once and 39 (9.8%) were not encountered (collected or imaged by others). A riodinid species of median abundance was sampled an average of once every 826 field person-hours. Sampled sex ratios were 81.2% male, but were not statistically higher in species in which male perching behavior was observed. We document examples of conspicuous geographic variation in the time of male perching behavior. Species richness is greatest at low elevation and at the transition between the dry and wet seasons. There is little evidence that the community is composed of species restricted to narrow elevational bands or restricted in the adult stage to a single season. Compared with Lycaenidae, Riodinidae are significantly more restricted to lowland habitats and were sampled 2.5 times as frequently with a mean number of individuals per species more than twice as great as that of Lycaenidae

    Cunoniaceae, nuevo registro de familia de plantas hospederas para los géneros altoandinos Penaincisalia y Micandra (Lycaenidae: Theclinae: Eumaeini)

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    Caterpillars of two Andean species of Eumaeini (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) were found eating leaves of Weinmannia crassifolia Ruiz & Pav., 1802 (Cunoniaceae). They were collected by “beating” the leaves. This plant family is reported for the first time as a food plant for Eumaeini. Although it was not possible to rear the caterpillars to the adult stage, we identified them using DNA barcodes. The caterpillars of Penaincisalia purpurea (K. Johnson, 1992) and Micandra dignota (Draudt, 1919) are described and illustrated for the first time. Data on their ecology and relationships with similar species are also presented. A third species collected on the same plant of W. crassifolia in the pupal stage was a Nymphalidae, Perisama diotima (Hewitson, 1852).Orugas de dos especies altoandinas de Eumaeini (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) fueron halladas consumiendo hojas de Weinmannia crassifolia Ruiz & Pav., 1802 (Cunoniaceae). La colecta se realizĂł usando la tĂ©cnica de colecta por golpeo. Esta familia de plantas es registrada por primera vez como planta alimenticia de los Eumaeini. Aunque no pudimos completar la crianza, las especies de Lycaenidae fueron identificadas mediante sus cĂłdigos de barra de ADN. Las orugas de Penaincisalia purpurea (K. Johnson, 1992) y Micandra dignota (Draudt, 1919) se describen e ilustran por primera vez. TambiĂ©n se presentan datos sobre su ecologĂ­a y relaciones con especies similares. Una tercera especie, registrada en estadio pupal en la misma planta de W. crassifolia fue un Nymphalidae, Perisama diotima (Hewitson, 1852)

    Collateral and Debt Maturity Choice. A Signaling Model

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    This paper derives optimal loan policies under asymmetric information where banks offer loan contracts of long and short duration, backed or unbacked with collateral. The main novelty of the paper is that it analyzes a setting in which high quality firms use collateral as a complementary device along with debt maturity to signal their superiority. The least-cost signaling equilibrium depends on the relative costs of the signaling devices, the difference in firm quality and the proportion of good firms in the market. Model simulations suggest a non-monotonic relationship between firm quality and debt maturity, in which high quality firms have both long-term secured debt and short-term secured or non-secured debt.

    Improving Predictions for Helium Emission Lines

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    We have combined the detailed He I recombination model of Smits with the collisional transitions of Sawey & Berrington in order to produce new accurate helium emissivities that include the effects of collisional excitation from both the 2 (3)S and 2 (1) S levels. We present a grid of emissivities for a range of temperature and densities along with analytical fits and error estimates. Fits accurate to within 1% are given for the emissivities of the brightest lines over a restricted range for estimates of primordial helium abundance. We characterize the analysis uncertainties associated with uncertainties in temperature, density, fitting functions, and input atomic data. We estimate that atomic data uncertainties alone may limit abundance estimates to an accuracy of 1.5%; systematic errors may be greater than this. This analysis uncertainty must be incorporated when attempting to make high accuracy estimates of the helium abundance. For example, in recent determinations of the primordial helium abundance, uncertainties in the input atomic data have been neglected.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Reduction in ventral striatal activity when anticipating a reward in depression and schizophrenia: a replicated cross-diagnostic finding.

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    In the research domain framework (RDoC), dysfunctional reward expectation has been proposed to be a cross-diagnostic domain in psychiatry, which may contribute to symptoms common to various neuropsychiatric conditions, such as anhedonia or apathy/avolition. We used a modified version of the Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) paradigm to obtain functional MRI images from 22 patients with schizophrenia, 24 with depression and 21 controls. Anhedonia and other symptoms of depression, and overall positive and negative symptomatology were also measured. We hypothesized that the two clinical groups would have a reduced activity in the ventral striatum when anticipating reward (compared to anticipation of a neutral outcome) and that striatal activation would correlate with clinical measures of motivational problems and anhedonia. Results were consistent with the first hypothesis: two clusters in both the left and right ventral striatum were found to differ between the groups in reward anticipation. Post-hoc analysis showed that this was due to higher activation in the controls compared to the schizophrenia and the depression groups in the right ventral striatum, with activation differences between depression and controls also seen in the left ventral striatum. No differences were found between the two patient groups, and there were no areas of abnormal cortical activation in either group that survived correction for multiple comparisons. Reduced ventral striatal activity was related to greater anhedonia and overall depressive symptoms in the schizophrenia group, but not in the participants with depression. Findings are discussed in relation to previous literature but overall are supporting evidence of reward system dysfunction across the neuropsychiatric continuum, even if the specific clinical relevance is still not fully understood. We also discuss how the RDoC approach may help to solve some of the replication problems in psychiatric fMRI research.Supported by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund [097814/Z/11], a MRC Clinician Scientist [G0701911], a Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator, and an Isaac Newton Trust award to Dr Murray; an award to Dr Segarra from the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the European Union; by the University of Cambridge Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, funded by a joint award from the Medical Research Council [G1000183]and Wellcome Trust [093875/Z/10/Z]; by awards from the Wellcome Trust [095692] and the Bernard Wolfe Health Neuroscience Fund to Dr. Fletcher, and by the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Frontiers via http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.0128

    Explorations, Vol. 2, No. 1

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    Cover: The painting reproduced on the cover is a 22” by 30” acrylic on paper entitled Passage-10, by James Linehan, Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Maine at Orono, where he teaches painting. ©James Linehan, 1985. Articles include: Polyunsaturated Fats: are they killing us? by Linda J. Kling Where are the Dreamers: aspirations of Maine\u27s rural high school students, by Robert A. Cobb, Walter G. McIntire, and Philip A. Pratt Elsewhere in Education: a research sampler \u22Physical Education and Handicapped Children, Stephen A. Butterfield School Climate and Teacher Efficacy, Theodore Coadarci The Principal Principle, Gordon A. Donaldson, Jr. Assessing Leadership, Ronald L. Sparkes Malnutrition in Maine, by Richard A. Cook Hypertension: aging and intellect, by Merrill F. Elias and Michael Robbins From Campus to Public Schools A Ceiling on Shelter, by Peggy K. Schomaker From the Dispatch Case: Control of Cell Growth at the Level of the Genetic Code, by R.D. Blake In the Spring issue of EXPLORATIONS: The sure but silent force in American foreign policy in post World War II Japan—Harry F. Ker
