92 research outputs found

    Identification of a small molecule yeast TORC1 inhibitor with a flow cytometry-based multiplex screen

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    TOR (target of rapamycin) is a serine/threonine kinase, evolutionarily conserved from yeast to human, which functions as a fundamental controller of cell growth. The moderate clinical benefit of rapamycin in mTOR-based therapy of many cancers favors the development of new TOR inhibitors. Here we report a high throughput flow cytometry multiplexed screen using five GFPtagged yeast clones that represent the readouts of four branches of the TORC1 signaling pathway in budding yeast. Each GFP-tagged clone was differentially color-coded and the GFP signal of each clone was measured simultaneously by flow cytometry, which allows rapid prioritization of compounds that likely act through direct modulation of TORC1 or proximal signaling components. A total of 255 compounds were confirmed in dose-response analysis to alter GFP expression in one or more clones. To validate the concept of the high throughput screen, we have characterized CID 3528206, a small molecule most likely to act on TORC1 as it alters GFP expression in all five GFP clones in an analogous manner to rapamycin. We have shown that CID 3528206 inhibited yeast cell growth, and that CID 3528206 inhibited TORC1 activity both in vitro and in vivo with EC50s of 150 nM and 3.9 μM, respectively. The results of microarray analysis and yeast GFP collection screen further support the notion that CID 3528206 and rapamycin modulate similar cellular pathways. Together, these results indicate that the HTS has identified a potentially useful small molecule for further development of TOR inhibitors

    A brief history of TOR

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    Abstract The TOR (target of rapamycin) serine/threonine kinases are fascinating in that they influence many different aspects of eukaryote physiology including processes often dysregulated in disease. Beginning with the initial characterization of rapamycin as an antifungal agent, studies with yeast have contributed greatly to our understanding of the molecular pathways in which TORs operate. Recently, building on advances in quantitative MS, the rapamycin-dependent phosphoproteome in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was elucidated. These studies emphasize the central importance of TOR and highlight its many previously unrecognized functions. One of these, the regulation of intermediary metabolism, is discussed

    Growth control: function follows form

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    Cell division, intuitively, is often dependent upon increases in cellular mass and volume. Less obvious is the reciprocal regulation of growth by the cell division cycle. In budding yeast, this link is mediated by the cell-cycle-dependent polarization of actin

    Regulation of Cellular Metabolism through Phase Separation of Enzymes

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    Metabolism is the sum of the life-giving chemical processes that occur within a cell. Proper regulation of these processes is essential for all organisms to thrive and prosper. When external factors are too extreme, or if internal regulation is corrupted through genetic or epigenetic changes, metabolic homeostasis is no longer achievable and diseases such as metabolic syndrome or cancer, aging, and, ultimately, death ensue. Metabolic reactions are catalyzed by proteins, and the in vitro kinetic properties of these enzymes have been studied by biochemists for many decades. These efforts led to the appreciation that enzyme activities can be acutely regulated and that this regulation is critical to metabolic homeostasis. Regulation can be mediated through allosteric interactions with metabolites themselves or via post-translational modifications triggered by intracellular signal transduction pathways. More recently, enzyme regulation has attracted the attention of cell biologists who noticed that change in growth conditions often triggers the condensation of diffusely localized enzymes into one or more discrete foci, easily visible by light microscopy. This reorganization from a soluble to a condensed state is best described as a phase separation. As summarized in this review, stimulus-induced phase separation has now been observed for dozens of enzymes suggesting that this could represent a widespread mode of activity regulation, rather than, or in addition to, a storage form of temporarily superfluous enzymes. Building on our recent structure determination of TOROIDs (TORc1 Organized in Inhibited Domain), the condensate formed by the protein kinase Target Of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1), we will highlight that the molecular organization of enzyme condensates can vary dramatically and that future work aimed at the structural characterization of enzyme condensates will be critical to understand how phase separation regulates enzyme activity and consequently metabolic homeostasis. This information may ultimately facilitate the design of strategies to target the assembly or disassembly of specific enzymes condensates as a therapeutic approach to restore metabolic homeostasis in certain diseases