11 research outputs found

    The challenge and response to global tourism in the post-modern era: the commodification, reconfiguration and mutual transformation of Habana Vieja, Cuba

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    There is a growing literature on the symbolic and cultural meanings of tourism and the ways in which cities are increasingly competing for tourists through the promotion of cultural assets and different forms of spectacle in the `tourist bubble'. To date, research on the role and impact of tourism in cities has largely been confined to those in Western, post-industrial economies. This paper examines the growth of cultural tourism in the central area of Havana, Cuba, and explores the range of unique, devolved, state-owned enterprises that are attempting to use tourism as a funding mechanism to achieve improvements in the social and cultural fabric of the city for the benefit of residents. The paper concludes with an assessment of the implications of this example for our understanding of how the pressures for restructuring and commodification can be moderated at the city level. Copyright 2008 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution

    Species of the genus Galathea Fabricius, 1793 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae) from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with descriptions of 92 new species

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    334 páginas, 121 figuras, 3 tablas.The genus Galathea is one of the most speciose and unwieldy groups in the family Galatheidae. The examination of more than 9000 specimens of 144 species collected in the Indian and Pacific Oceans using morphological and molecular characters, has revealed the existence of 92 new species. The specimens examined during this study were obtained by various French expeditions supplemented by other collections from various sources, and including the type specimens of some previously described species. Most of the new species are distinguished by subtle but constant morphological differences, which are in agreement with molecular divergences of the mitochondrial markers COI and/or 16S rRNA. Here, we describe and illustrate the new species and redescribe some previously described species for which earlier accounts are not sufficiently detailed for modern standards. Furthermore we include a dichotomous identification key to all species in the genus from the Indian and Pacific Oceans.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the BENTHOMICS (CTM2010-22218-C02-01) project. The authors are part of the research group 2014SGR-120 of the Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer reviewe

    A new genus and some new species of the genus Lauriea Baba, 1971 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae) from the Pacific and Indian Oceans, using molecular and morphological characters

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    25 páginas.The genus Lauriea belongs to the family Galatheidae and is easily differentiated from other genera of the family by the endopod of the uropod being much wider than long and the dactyli of the walking legs being curved and strongly biunguiculate. Examination of many specimens collected during recent expeditions from Madagascar to French Polynesia and using morphological and molecular data revealed the existence of six species, five of them new, that are genetically distinct yet morphologically very similar. Furthermore, another new species, having a triunguiculate P2–4 dactyli, represents a new genus, Triodonthea.Peer reviewe

    Phylogeny and evolution of shallow-water squat lobsters (Decapoda, Galatheoidea) from the Indo-Pacific

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    12 páginas, 3 figuras.Squat lobsters have a worldwide distribution and are highly visible crustaceans living in a broad range of habitats. In this study, partial sequences of two mitochondrial DNA genes (16S rRNA and COI) and a nuclear gene (H3) were obtained for all but one of the known species of the shallow-water genera Sadayoshia (Munididae) and Lauriea, Macrothea and Triodonthea (Galatheidae). Lauriea siagiani appeared to be phylogenetically closer to Triodonthea and Macrothea than to other Lauriea species, suggesting the need for taxonomic re-evaluation of these taxa. All species of Sadayoshia formed a monophyletic group that would have diverged during the Paleogene (around 50 Mya). Our results support the hypothesis that the late Paleogene–Neogene transition was a period of rapid diversification for shallowwater species of both Galatheidae and Munididae in the Indo-Pacific region. This is probably related to high tectonic activity among the Eurasian, Philippine Sea, Indo-Australian and Pacific plates and corresponding changes in distribution of habitats and ocean currents during the late Paleogene. Finally, the tropical south-west Pacific province is identified as a major diversification centre for shallow-water squat lobsters, from where species dispersed to other Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.FP acknowledges a postdoctoral contract funded by project FP7 Marie Curie IAPP #324475 ‘Colbics’ of the European Union and Beatriu de Pin os contract 2014-BPB-00038. The authors are part of the research groups SGR2014-336, SGR2014-120 and SGR2014-1383 of the Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer reviewe

    Effect of oceanographic discontinuities on the genetic structure of the crab Liocarcinus depurator

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    The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting (TCSSM) - 10th Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea (CCDM), 3-7 June 2012, Athens, GreeceMany marine invertebrates present complex life cycles comprising several developmental stages which clearly differ morphologically from those finally reached by adults. This is the case of the brachyuran crustacean decapods. Most brachyuran crabs, with the exception of a few species that show direct development, pass through a planktonic larval period with two phases, zoea and megalopa, which are very different from each other and from the adult form. This represents an important drawback in the identification of the brachyuran larvae collected from plankton, which is further complicated by the fact that reliable larval descriptions are only available for a small amount of known brachyuran species, most of them based in laboratory-reared specimens. This gap in the knowledge of brachyuran larval morphology is in turn responsible of an important amount of problems encountered by researchers when studying population dynamics, recruitment events, larval dispersal and colonization, functioning of planktonic trophic webs (inter-specific interactions) and, overall, any kind of biodiversity research. The main objective of the present study is the optimization of the joint applicability of molecular techniques, DNA barcode, particularly the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (16S and Cox1), and morphological analysis, in the accurate identification of Iberian brachyuran megalopae obtained directly from planktonic samples. The first step needed to achieve this objective, is the setting-up of a complete database containing the sequences of the above-mentioned markers, for the 140 bachyuran species recorded in the Iberian Peninsula. Remarks We have presently obtained the DNA barcode for more than 80% of the Iberian crabs, and identified 26 different planktonic megalopae after examination of more than 800 specimens. Sixteen of them are megalopae of species already described from laboratory cultures that have been revised in order to look for differences with respect to wild specimens. Moreover, some of them also need to be re-described, considering that previous published descriptions were inaccurate or incomplete (i.e. Rhithropanopeus harrisii, Dyspanopeus sayi, Percnon gibbesi). Nine megalopae unknown until now (Sirpus zariquieyi, Parthenope angulifrons, Polybius zariquieyi, Ergasticus clouei, Afropinnotheres monodi, between others) will be described in detail. These new descriptions, together with the formerly existing ones, will allow the creation of an illustrated identification key, as a final objective, addressed to researchers and technicians, which is intended to assist in the correct identification of this important group of planktonic organismsThis study was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Plan Nacional I+D and FEDER through project MEGALOPADN (CGL2009 11225)Peer Reviewe

    Integrative study of marine clines: genetic and morphological gradients in the portunid crab Liocarcinus depurator

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    8th International Crustacean Congress (ICC-8), 18-23 August 2014, Frankfurt am Main.-- 1 pageGenetic clines, that is, geographic zones in which genetically differentiated populations interbreed, occur throughout the oceans (AVISE 2001). Because the width and shape of genetic clines commonly represent an evolutionary balance between selection and dispersal, clines provide researchers with the ability to powerfully analyze both evolutionary forces simultaneously. In this study, the population structure of the portunid crab Liocarcinus depurator was assessed using both genetic and morphology data collected from a total of 10 areas along the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. One mitochondrial gene (COI) was sequenced in 287 individuals and 280 individuals were genotyped using 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers. Furthermore, a geometric morphological analysis was performed in a larger collection of 350 crabs from both Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. The sampling design allowed us to detect the level and pattern of differentiation between populations, and define barriers for dispersal. After carrying out an integrated cline analysis of both genetic and morphological data, the presence of significant genetic gradients was discovered for both the mitochondrial (cline width = 0.291 - 0.396) and nuclear (cline width = 0.505 - 0.789) markers. The analyses of morphological shape changes along space did not show any significant gradient (cline width = -0.023 - 0.028). Our results indicate a clear reduction of gene flow between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations, with a stronger reduction in mtDNA than microsatellites. This could be related to different effective sizes in both the nuclear and the mitochondrial genomes, to different selective pressures or to different migration rates in males and femalesThis study was funded by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Plan Nacional I+D” through project CTM2010-22218-C02-01Peer Reviewe