51 research outputs found

    „Mit śródziemnomorski” a „polityka śródziemnomorska” Alberta Camusa

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    In this article author presents how Albert Camus opposed the totalitarian harmony of Mediterranean and Nordic disharmony. A. Camus gives to the myth of Mediterranean much political and ideological overtones and shows how far away it is from the idealistic and revolutionary ideology of northern Europe. The writer argues that the struggle between South and North is permanent, even though Europe for centuries tried to forget the ideals of the South, destroying itself by doing so and moving towards of self-degradation. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that A. Camus does not ignore modern Europe, because his intention is only making clear to the reader that the modern world can no longer dispense without the idea of the Mediterranean world

    “A Memory Born Conscience…” Promethee of Albert Camus and Zbigniew Herbert

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    The ancient Greek tradition talking about the relationship between man and the world so often, has been becoming for ages the basis for the efforts of explanation of man’s place in the universe. Such an effort is visible in the literary works of Zbigniew Herbert and Albert Camus. The purpose of that sketch is to demonstrate the Promethean myth reception in the works of both writers in a way that provokes thoughts about literary parallels that unites those two writers. In Prometheus, asking about the human conscience, memory and solidarity, as in Camus, as well as in Herbert, the author, Joanna Roś, sees some kind of a symbol that would connects „parallel lifes” of Zbigniew Herbert and Albert Camus

    A three domain covariance framework for EEG/MEG data

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    In this paper we introduce a covariance framework for the analysis of EEG and MEG data that takes into account observed temporal stationarity on small time scales and trial-to-trial variations. We formulate a model for the covariance matrix, which is a Kronecker product of three components that correspond to space, time and epochs/trials, and consider maximum likelihood estimation of the unknown parameter values. An iterative algorithm that finds approximations of the maximum likelihood estimates is proposed. We perform a simulation study to assess the performance of the estimator and investigate the influence of different assumptions about the covariance factors on the estimated covariance matrix and on its components. Apart from that, we illustrate our method on real EEG and MEG data sets. The proposed covariance model is applicable in a variety of cases where spontaneous EEG or MEG acts as source of noise and realistic noise covariance estimates are needed for accurate dipole localization, such as in evoked activity studies, or where the properties of spontaneous EEG or MEG are themselves the topic of interest, such as in combined EEG/fMRI experiments in which the correlation between EEG and fMRI signals is investigated.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Wokół publikacji Wydawnictwa Karakter

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    The purpose of this draft is to invite readers to read several novels, which Wydawnictwo Karakter from Cracow in the past few years introduced on the Polish publishing market. Joanna Ros explains why Karakter, popularizing the work of African writers, does the fancies of Albert Camus a favour. The novels cited by Joanna Roś testify to the fact that their authors are well acquainted with the literature of the author of The Plague and propose a completely new and unexpected encounters with it in the pages of his own works

    Między polityką a etyką : kazania ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki wygłaszane podczas "Mszy za Ojczyznę" (1982-1984)

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    The goal ofthis article is to find an answer to the question regarding the motivation ofthe uncompromising attitude ofFather Jerzy Popiełuszko, and to depict the commitment to faith and life that he attempted to convey to the participants of the “Mass for the Country". Such ceremonies became popular in the so-called “first Solidarity” period and they gained a special character under Martial Law due to the fact that Martial Law allowed only some divine services. Father Jerzy Popiełuszko’s involvement in the organisation ofservices stemmed directly from his previous activity as a shepherd of souls for the steelworkers in Waraaw. The sermons of Father Popiełuszko constitute a certain whole, including repetitive metaphors, references to the same figures of authority, as well as to the same morał issues. Popiełuszko is consistent in using the unambiguous expressions and in avoiding mere allusions or the so-called “Aesopian language.” In his sermons evil is evil and good is good. However, the sermons do not present the simplified, black-and-white vision of the world but rather manifest Popiełuszko’s conscious effort to restore the “morał balance” and the right proportion between good and evil which was shattered during the years ofthe communist regime. Father Popiełuszko’s sermons were regarded by the authorities as implicitly political and intended to incite a confrontation with the govemment. Interestingly, Popiełuszko's superiora also frequently interpreted his pastorał activity as too much involved in “politics” and criticised his references to the contemporary situation and the direct evaluation ofthe govemment and society. Many hierarchs thought he was an "obstacle" in the negotiations with the authorities. Nonetheless, a morę detailed analysis of his sermons leads to a conclusion that his preaching was a part of a widespread cali to restore the priority of ethics in public life. Undoubtedly, Father Popiełuszko preached according to Christian ethics but his postulates also had a univeraal dimension. His sermons were devoid of any invitation to change the govemment or the system. They were a never-ending cali for the authorities and society to act according to the Decalogue. Thus, it was not the politics but the ethics which constituted the reference and the contents of Popiełuszko’s sermon

    Zwierzęca natura czy absurd istnienia? Rozważania nad zwierzęcością Meursaulta – bohatera „Obcego” Alberta Camusa

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    The purpose of this paper is to attempt to answer the question of how the interpretation of the main character in The Stranger by Albert Camus as „an animal in the human skin” can be applied to understanding the actions of the character in the world. The next question posed is whether Camus describes Meursault literally as an animal or refers to the character symbolically. The author argues that such an extreme treatment of „the animality” of the character is useless in the broader context of this book since Meursault has a human nature which proves the complexity of his mental processes

    Now us! Animations created by youth and their application in film education

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    The article is an attempt to answer the question of how to write critical film narratives about films made by adolescents during professional workshops on animation. The author points out that such productions should be considered in two dimensions: the formal, including an analysis from an artistic point of view, and the educational, including a description of the production of a given work. Inspiring clues for answering the question concerning the content of such texts can be found in the works of Polish, English, and French researchers such as Bogusław Skowronek, Eliot Eisner, Cary Bazalgette, Ian Wall, and Alain Bergal, or in materials published on the platform Film Education: A User’s Guide. On the basis of the analysis of these texts, the author creates her own educational model, intended for people dealing with film education, containing particular stages for individual work in the classroom. The starting point for constructing the model was three films: Winda, Dziura, and Reflection, awarded at the 10th National Animation Festival O!PLA in the category Fine Arts Secondary Schools and Animation Workshops (15–19 years)

    Fatum i absurd. Inspiracja tragedią grecką w twórczości Alberta Camusa

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    The purpose of this article is to show that the Greek drama for Albert Camus was an expression of the universal experience of the cruelty of fate. Dramatic stories of Oedipus and Prometheus were for him a kind of map of the world with space selected for the man and his denial of suffering. Camus knows that in the tragedy even a man who is a „plaything of the gods”, maintains strength and honor in his defeat, and that the hero embroiled in horror stories, preserves the dignity, which adds faith and courage. This is where Camus found the connotation between the concept of fate and absurd, because absurd can’t be defeated by force of human will, a munity directed against absurd does not save the Man from misfortune.The purpose of this article is to show that the Greek drama for Albert Camus was an expression of the universal experience of the cruelty of fate. Dramatic stories of Oedipus and Prometheus were for him a kind of map of the world with space selected for the man and his denial of suffering. Camus knows that in the tragedy even a man who is a „plaything of the gods”, maintains strength and honor in his defeat, and that the hero embroiled in horror stories, preserves the dignity, which adds faith and courage. This is where Camus found the connotation between the concept of fate and absurd, because absurd can’t be defeated by force of human will, a munity directed against absurd does not save the Man from misfortune