836 research outputs found

    The hub of the system. Discussions and perceptions regarding the geopolitical role of Milan in the 16th century

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    El hub del sistema. Discussions i percepcions sobre el paper geopolític de Milà el segle XVIL’article analitza el paper geopolític de l’Estat de Milà durant el segle XVI de la manera que va ser percebut i debatut en el si de la classe dirigent dels Habsburg i també per escriptors, polítics i diplomàtics italians que no pertanyien a l’esfera d’influència dels Àustria. L’anàlisi comença a inicis del segle i s’ocupa seguidament del període de les Guerres d’Itàlia i de la segona meitat del segle, quan el nou context internacional creat per la pau de Cateau-Cambrésis va donar lloc a un joc complex entre continuïtat i canvi.The article studies the geopolitical role of the State of Milan during the 16th century, as it was perceived and discussed by both members of the Habsburg ruling class as well as Italian writers, politicians and diplomats who did not belong to those circles nor were under their influences. The analysis starts with the early years of the century and subsequently covers the period of the Wars of Italy and then the second half of the century, when the new international context created by the peace of Cateau Cambrésis gave rise to a complex interplay between continuity and change.El hub del sistema. Discusiones y percepciones sobre el papel geopolítico de Milán en el siglo XVI El artículo analiza el papel geopolítico del Estado de Milán durante el siglo XVI según fue percibido y debatido no solo en el seno de la clase dirigente Habsburgo, sino también por parte de escritores, políticos y diplomáticos italianos que no pertenecían a la esfera de influencia de los Austrias. El análisis empieza en los inicios del siglo y cubre seguidamente el período de las guerras de Italia y la segunda mitad del siglo, cuando el nuevo contexto internacional creado por la paz de Cateau-Cambrésis fue ocasión para un complejo juego entre continuidad y cambio

    Justice Versus Benevolence: A Modern Humean View

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    Perceptions of workers of the role of Maltese tradeunions in health and safety issues

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    Issues related to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) form part of the domain of the trade unions, as workers’ representatives, and of the employers who have to shoulder responsibility for what goes on at the workplace. The Legislative framework governing and regulating OHS practices in Malta assigns specific roles to the employers and to workers’ representatives. How does this affect the psyche of the workers who ultimately are the main stakeholders in this issue? How are the provisions in the law being translated into practices and policies that affect workers’ perceptions and awareness at the workplace? Are initiatives and measures being taken to raise the level of awareness and alertness about OHS issues among the workers? These are the main questions being addressed in this paper through a quantitative survey complemented by data emanating from interviews with three actors who play a leading role in this field. From the data that emanate from the empirical study the indicators are that, by and large, the employers are putting into practice the principles underlying OHS practices and overall they are conforming to the provisions of the OHSA Act regulating and governing OHS practices and policies. Indeed most of the employees do not believe that there is wide gap between the principles governing OHS and the practicalities at the workplace. The trade union however is not seen by most employees as being the focal point about OHS issues. What the data emphatically points out is the need to raise the awareness of employees to a higher level so as to make OHS measures more effective.peer-reviewe

    Il futuro tecnologico dei centri storici

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    Parlare di recupero e valorizzazione dei centri storici può essere quanto mai attuale in un’epoca in cui, forse per la prima volta, si mettono in discussione alcuni modelli insediativi e di sviluppo volti prevalentemente alla espansione delle aree urbane. A cinquant’anni di distanza da quando si è cominciato a parlare in modo organico di centri storici, in un periodo caratterizzato da una delle più gravi crisi economiche globali dopo quella del 1929, com’è cambiato il rapporto tra le città e i propri Centri Storici? Come sono visti i centri storici da chi li abita e da chi non li abita? Quale può essere allora il ruolo potenziale delle nuove tecnologie per la tutela e la valorizzazione dei Centri Storici? Le nuove tecnologie possono non solamente cambiare significativamente la qualità di chi abita e vive nei centri storici ma anche aumentare la competitività degli stessi, aumentando così la loro capacità di attrarre risorse umane e finanziarie e favorendone lo sviluppo economico e socio-culturale. Tuttavia, come si coniuga il valore della storia con le mutevoli esigenze della vita contemporanea? Quali le potenziali applicazioni delle nuove tecnologie per il miglioramento della vita nei centri antichi? Il Centro Storico costituisce un ambito territoriale estremamente delicato, con una precisa identità urbanistica e un elevato valore storico e testimoniale riferibile sia al tessuto urbano, sia a elementi del patrimonio edilizio di rilevante valore, sia ai suoi abitanti. Ma può in realtà rivelarsi una risorsa importante in un progetto di trasformazione virtuosa dell'intera compagine urbana, rafforzandone sia l'identità propria che la capacità di attrazione verso l'esterno. E le nuove tecnologie in questo progetto possono assumere un ruolo determinante.Talk about recovery and valorisation of the historic centers can be as timely as ever at a time when, perhaps for the first time, are put into question some settlement and development models principally aimed to the expansion of urban areas. After fifty years since it been started talking about in an organic way of historical centers, in a period characterized by one of the most serious global economic crisis after the one of 1929, as the relationship between the city and its historical centers has changed? As the historical centers are seen by those who live there and those who do not live in them? Which then can be the potential role of new technologies for the protection and valorisation of historical centers? The new technologies can not only significantly change the quality whose inhabits and lives in the historic centers but also increase the competitiveness of the same, thus increasing their ability to attract human and financial resources and promoting the economic development and socio-cultural. However, how it combines the value of history with the changing needs of contemporary life? What are the potential applications of new technologies for the improvement of life in the ancient centers? The historical center constitutes a territorial field extremely delicate, with a specific urban identity and an high historical and testimonial value referable both to the urban texture, both to elements the building heritage of significant value, both to its inhabitants. But it can actually become an important resource in a virtuous transformation project of the whole urban structure, strengthening both the its own identity that the attractiveness to the outside. And the new technologies in this project can play a decisive role.Peer Reviewe

    Factores de riesgo que inciden en el reingreso de pacientes con EPOC

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    A lo largo de la profesión un enfermero debe contener y brindar cuidados a diferentes personas que padecen una diversidad de patologías muy amplias, entre las cuales se encuentra la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC), patología que es muy habitual en nuestra sociedad y es una de las principales causas de muertes a nivel mundial. Es de vital importancia el compromiso del profesional con el paciente y su entorno familiar; además de satisfacer las necesidades biológicas Es tarea del enfermero valorar a la persona en todos sus aspectos como; relaciones familiares, lazos afectivos, preocupaciones, miedos, ansiedad, estableciendo vínculo de confianza para lograr el compromiso del paciente con su tratamiento. Los periodos de internación de los pacientes van a repercutir tanto en su ámbito familiar directo, personas cercanas, equipo de salud y a la provincia en sí, debido a los gastos que los tratamientos demandan. Con respecto al equipo de salud, este puede sentir frustración en algún punto por el hecho de que muchos de los factores causales de la reinternación dependen de las malas decisiones propias de los pacientes Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar qué factores inciden en la reinternación de pacientes con EPOC en los servicios de clínica médica este y oeste del Hospital Lagomaggiore durante el segundo cuatrimestre del año 2016. Es una investigación de tipo cuantitativa con una fuente de información documental (archivos e historias clínicas) y de caso (cuestionario). El universo fue de 40 pacientes que presentan EPOC y 30 enfermeros de los servicios de clínica de dicho hospital.Fil: Rizzo, María Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Zavala, Mario Abel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Austrian Economics Re-examined

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    Austrian Economics Re-examined: The Economics of Time and Ignorance is an expanded version of the 1996 edition of The Economics of Time and Ignorance. This work is a classic statement of the role of subjectivism, radical uncertainty and change through real time in Austrian economics specifically, and in modern economics more generally. The new book contains the full text and Introductions of the earlier edition as well as the comprehensive previously-unpublished essay "What is Austrian Economics?" and a new Introduction. The essay is a comprehensive overview of the central themes of the book from a somewhat different perspective than in the book itself. It supplements the analysis in the book. The new Introduction explains that the 2007-8 financial crisis and recent developments in behavioural economics have made the book more relevant than ever before. Austrian Economic Re-examined develops and systematizes the fundamental principles of the Austrian tradition to the analysis of rational expectations, business cycles, monetary theory competition and monopoly, and capital theory
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