553 research outputs found

    Microbiological surveillance of hospital ventilation systems in departments at high risk of nosocomial infections

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    The air in hospital wards with patients at high risk (Surgeries, Intensive Care Units and Bone Marrow Transplant Centers) has been surveyed less than the one in Operating Rooms. Therefore in this study we considered useful to verify the microbic contamination of the air of those wards evaluating the consistency of ventilation systems in relation also to the presence and location of HEPA absolute filters. Seven departments of Genoese San Martino Hospital at high risk of infection were taken into account. In there, environmental investigations have been performed by air samplings and by analyzing bacterial and fungal growth on plates after an incubation period. Almost 60% of all samples taken in wards yielded a positive result and the average values of bacterial and aspergillar charges measured at air flow emission openings decisively exceed the ones considered standard in operating rooms. Still, the average values of airborne bacterial charges were significantly higher in those wards equipped with central filters (p inf. 0.001), while as far as the aspergillar charge is concerned, no statistically relevant differences were noticed. In wards with ventilation system, the bacterial charge value raises from the emission grids to the middle of the room and to the aspiration grids, while the ward not equipped with a ventilation system presents in the middle of the room an average bacterial charge 2 to 10 times higher than the one in other wards. The average values regarding bacterial and aspergillar charges resulted quite high in all the departments surveyed. Nevertheless, if we take into account ventilation systems equipped with absolute filters HEPA located centrally or peripherally, it can be outlined that the air quality from the point of view of both microbic and aspergillar contamination turns out to be decisively better in systems with peripheral filters. Moreover, a compared analysis of the three Hematology wards allows us to infer that the presence of artificial ventilation systems can lower the bacterial and fungal compared with a ward with natural ventilation

    An ELISA method using serum derived HDAg for the sorological detection of HDV antigens and antibodies

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    One of the main difficulties related to the detection of the Hepatitis Delta Virus (HDV) antigen and antibody has been the source of the needed HD antigen since HDV containing human and animal livers are very difficult to obtain and since yield is low. This fact prompted us to try to use the serum of patients in the acute phase of HDV infection as a source of HDAg and turn to enzyme immunoassays (EIA) instead of RIA for the sake of easiness and economy in the amount of HDAg needed. The antigen for EIA was obtained from patients during the acute phase of HDV infection and the antibody from patients who have been carriers for many years. For the detection of the antigen, a sandwich type method was employed, whereas for the antibody a competition assay was developed. In order to assess the relative specificity and sensibility of the test, the antibody assay was compared to a commercial RIA (C. RIA, Abbott) and to a non-commercial RIA (NC RIA). Forty-two sera were tested by the two methods and only in two cases discrepant results were obtained. Its is concluded that: 1) sera from patients in the acute and chronic phases of HDV infection can be used as source of both antigen and antibody, for immunoassays; 2) EIA and RIA have comparable relative specificity and sensibility and 3) EIA is easier to perform, cheaper, non-hazardous, has a longer shelf-life and saves scarce HDAg

    The hepatitis D virus in Italy. A vanishing infection, not yet a vanished disease

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    Introduction: Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) infection is vanishing in Italy. It is therefore believed that hepatitis D is no longer a medical problem in the domestic population of the country but remains of concern only in migrants from HDV-endemic areas. Objectives: To report the clinical features and the medical impact of the residual domestic HDV infections in Italy. Methods: From 2010 to 2019, one hundred ninety-three first-time patients with chronic HDV liver disease attended gastroenterology units in Torino and San Giovanni Rotondo (Apulia); 121 were native Italians and 72 were immigrants born abroad. For this study, we considered the 121 native Italians in order to determine their clinical features and the impact of HDV disease in liver transplant programs. Results: At the last observation the median age of the 121 native Italians was 58 years. At the end of the follow-up, the median liver stiffness was 12.0 kPa (95% CI 11.2–17.4), 86 patients (71.1%) had a diagnosis of cirrhosis; 80 patients (66.1%) remained HDV viremic. The ratio of HDV to total HBsAg transplants varied from 38.5% (139/361) in 2000–2009 to 50.2% (130/259) in 2010–2019, indicating a disproportionate role of hepatitis D in liver transplants compared to the minor prevalence of HDV infections in the current scenario of HBsAg-positive liver disorders in Italy. Conclusion: Though HDV is vanishing in Italy, a legacy of ageing native-Italian patients with advanced HDV liver disease still represents an important medical issue and maintains an impact on liver transplantation

    Boceprevir is highly effective in treatment-experienced hepatitis C virus-positive genotype-1 menopausal women

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    AIM: To investigate the safety/efficacy of Boceprevirbased triple therapy in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-G1 menopausal women who were historic relapsers, partial-responders and null-responders. METHODS: In this single-assignment, unblinded study, we treated fifty-six menopausal women with HCV-G1, 46% F3-F4, and previous PEG-α/RBV failure (7% null, 41% non-responder, and 52% relapser) with 4 wk lead-in with PEG-IFNα2b/RBV followed by PEGIFNα2b/RBV+Boceprevir for 32 wk, with an additional 12 wk of PEG-IFN-α-2b/RBV if patients were HCV-RNA-positive by week 8. In previous null-responders, 44 wk of triple therapy was used. The primary objective of retreatment was to verify whether a sustained virological response (SVR) (HCV RNA undetectable at 24 wk of follow-up) rate of at least 20% could be obtained. The secondary objective was the evaluation of the percent of patients with negative HCV RNA at week 4 (RVR), 8 (RVR BOC), 12 (EVR), or at the end-of-treatment (ETR) that reached SVR. To assess the relationship between SVR and clinical and biochemical parameters, multiple logistic regression analysis was used. RESULTS: After lead-in, only two patients had RVR; HCV-RNA was unchanged in all but 62% who had ≤ 1 logio decrease. After Boceprevir, HCV RNA became undetectable at week 8 in 32/56 (57.1%) and at week 12 in 41/56 (73.2%). Of these, 53.8% and 52.0%, respectively, achieved SVR. Overall, SVR was obtained in 25/56 (44.6%). SVR was achieved in 55% previous relapsers vs. 41% non-responders (Ρ = 0.250), in 44% F0-F2 vs 54% F3-F4 (Ρ = 0.488), and in 11/19 (57.9%) of patients with cirrhosis. At univariate analysis for baseline predictors of SVR, only previous response to antiviral therapy (OR = 2.662, 95%CI: 0.957-6.881, Ρ= 0.043), was related with SVR. When considering "on treatment" factors, 1 log10 HCV RNA decline at week 4 (3.733, 95%CI: 1.676-12.658, Ρ= 0.034) and achievement of RVR BOC (7.347, 95%CI: 2.156-25.035, Ρ= 0.001) were significantly related with the SVR, al-though RVR BOC only (6.794, 95%CI: 1.596-21.644, Ρ = 0.010) maintained significance at multivariate logistic regression analysis. Anemia and neutropenia were managed with Erythropoietin and Filgrastim supplementation, respectively. Only six patients discontinued therapy. CONCLUSION: Boceprevir obtained high SVR response independent of previous response, RVR or baseline fibrosis or cirrhosis. RVR BOC was the only independent predictor of SVR

    Long-term supplementation with anthocyanin-rich or -poor Rubus idaeus berries does not influence microvascular architecture nor cognitive outcome in the APP/PS-1 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Disruption of microvascular architecture is a common pathogenic mechanism in the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Given the anti-angiogenic activity of berry (poly)phenols, we investigated whether long-term feeding of Rubus idaeus (raspberries) could ameliorate cerebral microvascular pathology and improve cognition in the APP/PS-1 mouse model of AD. Male C57Bl/6J mice (50 wild type, 50 APP/PS-1) aged 4-months were fed for 24-weeks, with a normal diet enriched with either 100 mg/day glucose (control diet) or supplemented with glucose and freeze-dried anthocyanin-rich (red) or -poor (yellow) raspberries (100 mg/day) and assessed/sampled post intervention. Cerebral microvascular architecture of wild-type mice was characterised by regularly spaced capillaries with uniform diameters, unlike APP/PS-1 transgenic mice which showed dysregulated microvascular architecture. Long-term feeding of raspberries demonstrated limited modulation of microbiota and no substantive effect on microvascular architecture or cognition in either mice model although changes were evident in endogenous cerebral and plasmatic metabolite
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