146 research outputs found

    A Solution to the Decompactification Problem in Chiral Heterotic Strings

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    We present a solution to the decompactification problem of gauge thresholds in chiral heterotic string theories with two large extra dimensions, where supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism. Whenever the Kaluza-Klein scale is much lower than the string scale, the infinite towers of heavy states contribute non-trivially to the renormalisation of gauge couplings, which typically grow linearly with the large volume of the internal space and invalidate perturbation theory. We trace the origin of the decompactification problem to properties of the six dimensional theory obtained in the infinite volume limit and show that thresholds may instead exhibit logarithmic volume dependence and we provide the conditions for this to occur. We illustrate this mechanism with explicit string constructions where the decompactification problem does not occur.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Spinor-vector duality and light Z' in heterotic string vacua

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    We discuss the construction of heterotic--string models that allow for the existence of an extra ZZ^\prime at low scales. One of the main difficulties encountered is that the desired symmetries tend to be anomalous in the prevailing three generation constructions. The reason is that these models utilise the symmetry breaking pattern E6SO(10)×U(1)ζE_6\rightarrow SO(10)\times U(1)_\zeta by GGSO projections. Consequently, U(1)ζU(1)_\zeta becomes anomalous. The spinor--vector duality that was observed in the fermionic Z2×Z2Z_2\times Z_2 orbifold compactifications is used to construct a phenomenological three generation Pati--Salam heterotic--string model in which U(1)ζU(1)_\zeta is anomaly free and therefore can be a component of a low scale ZZ^\prime. The model implies existence of matter states at the ZZ^\prime breaking scale, which are required for anomaly cancelation. Moreover, the string model gives rise to exotic states, which are SO(10)SO(10) singlets but carry exotic U(1)ζU(1)_\zeta charges. These states arise due to the breaking of E6E_6 by discrete Wilson lines and provide natural dark matter candidates. Initial indications suggest that the existence of additional gauge symmetries at the TeV scale may be confirmed in run II of the LHC experiment.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of PLANCK 2015 international conference, 25-29 May 2015, Ioannnina, Greece. 17 pages. Standard LaTex. 2 figure

    A Light Z' Heterotic-String Derived Model

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    The existence of an extra Z' inspired from heterotic-string theory at accessible energy scales attracted considerable interest in the particle physics literature. Surprisingly, however, the construction of heterotic--string derived models that allow for an extra Z' to remain unbroken down to low scales has proven to be very difficult. The main reason being that the U(1) symmetries that are typically discussed in the literature are either anomalous or have to be broken at a high scale to generate light neutrino masses. In this paper we use for that purpose the self duality property under the spinor vector duality, which was discovered in free fermionic heterotic-string models. The chiral massless states in the self--dual models fill complete 27 representations of E6. The anomaly free gauge symmetry in the effective low energy field theory of our string model is SU(4)C×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)ζSU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_\zeta, where U(1)ζU(1)_\zeta is the family universal U(1)U(1) symmetry that descends from E6, and is typically anomalous in other free fermionic heterotic-string models. Our model therefore allows for the existence of a low scale Z', which is a combination of BLB-L, T3LT_{3_L} and T3RT_{3_R}. The string model is free of exotic fractionally charged states in the massless spectrum. It contains exotic SO(10) singlet states that carry fractional, non--E6 charge, with respect to U(1)ζU(1)_\zeta. These non-E6 states arise in the string model due to the breaking of the E6 symmetry by discrete Wilson lines. They represent a distinct signature of the string vacua and cannot arise in E6 Grand Unified Theories. They may provide viable dark matter candidates.Comment: 18 pages. Standard LaTeX. 3 table

    Higgs Mass Textures in Flipped SU(5)

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    We analyze the Higgs doublet-triplet mass splitting problem in the version of flipped SU(5) derived from string theory. Analyzing non-renormalizable terms up to tenth order in the superpotential, we identify a pattern of field vev's that keeps one pair of electroweak Higgs doublets light, while all other Higgs doublets and all Higgs triplets are kept heavy, with the aid of the economical missing-doublet mechanism found in the field-theoretical version of flipped SU(5). The solution predicts that second-generation charge -1/3 quarks and charged leptons are much lighter than those in the third generation.Comment: 15 pages LaTe

    Classification of Flipped SU(5) Heterotic-String Vacua

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    We extend the classification of the free fermionic heterotic-string vacua to models in which the SO(10) GUT symmetry at the string scale is broken to the flipped SU(5) subgroup. In our classification method, the set of basis vectors defined by the boundary conditions which are assigned to the free fermions is fixed and the enumeration of the string vacua is obtained in terms of the Generalised GSO (GGSO) projection coefficients entering the one-loop partition function. We derive algebraic expressions for the GGSO projections for all the physical states appearing in the sectors generated by the set of basis vectors. This enables the analysis of the entire string spectrum to be programmed in to a computer code therefore, we performed a statistical sampling in the space of 2^{44} (approximately 10^{13}) flipped SU(5)SU(5) vacua and scanned up to 10^{12} GGSO configurations. For that purpose, two independent codes were developed based on JAVA and FORTRAN95. All the results presented here are confirmed by the two independent routines. Contrary to the corresponding Pati-Salam classification, we do not find exophobic flipped SU(5) vacua with an odd number of generations. We study the structure of exotic states appearing in the three generation models that additionally contain a viable Higgs spectrum. Moreover, we demonstrate the existence of models in which all the exotic states are confined by a hidden sector non-Abelian gauge symmetry as well as models that may admit the racetrack mechanism.Comment: Minor changes (Version 2) - 51 pages - 3 figures - Added acknowledgement

    Top Quark Mass in Exophobic Pati--Salam Heterotic String Model

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    We analyse the phenomenology of an exemplary exophobic Pati-Salam heterotic string vacuum, in which no exotic fractionally charged states exist in the massless string spectrum. Our model also contains the Higgs representations that are needed to break the gauge symmetry to that of the Standard Model and to generate fermion masses at the electroweak scale. We show that the requirement of a leading mass term for the heavy generation, which is not degenerate with the mass terms of the lighter generations, places an additional strong constraint on the viability of the models. In many models a top quark Yukawa may not exist at all, whereas in others two or more generations may obtain a mass term at leading order. In our exemplary model a mass term at leading order exist only for one family. Additionally, we demonstrate the existence of supersymmetric F- and D-flat directions that give heavy mass to all the colour triplets beyond those of the Standard Model and leave one pair of electroweak Higgs doublets light. Hence, below the Pati-Salam breaking scale, the matter states in our model that are charged under the observable gauge symmetries, consist solely of those of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: 16 pages. 2 figures. Minor typos correcte

    Implications of Anomalous U(1) Symmetry in Unified Models: the Flipped SU(5) x U(1) Paradigm

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    A generic feature of string-derived models is the appearance of an anomalous Abelian U(1)_A symmetry which, among other properties, constrains the Yukawa couplings and distinguishes the three families from each other. In this paper, we discuss in a model-independent way the general constraints imposed by such a U(1)_A symmetry on fermion masses, R-violating couplings and proton-decay operators in a generic flipped SU(5) x U(1)' model. We construct all possible viable fermion mass textures and give various examples of effective low-energy models which are distinguished from each other by their different predictions for B-, L- and R-violating effects. We pay particular attention to predictions for neutrino masses, in the light of the recent Super-Kamiokande data.Comment: 28 pages, reference adde

    Technical assistance-doubts and hopes

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    [Δε διατίθεται περίληψη][No abstract available

    The 750 GeV di-photon LHC excess and extra Z's in heterotic-string derived models

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    The ATLAS and CMS collaborations recently recorded possible di-photon excess at 750 GeV and a less significant di-boson excess around 1.9 TeV. Such excesses may be produced in heterotic-string derived Z' models, where the di-photon excess may be connected with the Standard Model singlet scalar responsible for the Z' symmetry breaking, whereas the di-boson excess arises from production of the extra vector boson. Additional vector-like states in the string Z' model are instrumental to explain the relatively large width of the di-photon events and mandated by anomaly cancellation to be in the vicinity of the Z' breaking scale. Wilson line breaking of the non-Abelian gauge symmetries in the string models naturally gives rise to dark matter candidates. Future collider experiments will discriminate between the high-scale heterotic-string models, which preserve the perturbative unification paradigm indicated by the Standard Model data, versus the low scale string models. We also discuss the possibility for the production of the di-photon events with high scale U(1)ZU(1)_{Z^\prime} breaking.Comment: 17 pages. 1 figure. Minor revisions. References added. Published versio

    String Model Building on Quantum Annealers

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    For the first time the direct construction of string models on quantum annealers has been explored and has been investigated their efficiency and effectiveness in the model discovery process. Through a thorough comparison with traditional methods such as simulated annealing, random scans, and genetic algorithms, it is highlighted the potential advantages offered by quantum annealers, which in this study promised to be roughly 50 times faster than random scans and genetic algorithm and approximately four times faster than simulated annealing