61 research outputs found


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    A PHENOMENOLOGY STUDY: COPING STRATEGIES USED BY PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) Ridhoyanti Hidayah*, Ahmad Yusuf**, Rizki Fitryasari*** *Jurusan Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran Malang Email: [email protected] ** Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga *** Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga Coping strategies are important predictors of psychosocial adaptation among parents of children with ASD. This study aimed to explore coping strategies used by parents of children with ASD. This descriptive phenomenology study used in-depth semi-structured interviews to explore parents experiences. Six participants were recruited from Pusat Layanan Autis Kota Malang by using purposive sampling. The interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The thematic were analyzed using Colaizi’s phenomenological method. Eight themes were extracted according to the spesific purposes: (1) caring demand; (2) social stigma; (3) level of ASD severity; (4) life stressor of parent as a caregiver; (5) constructive coping strategies: seeking for information, formal support, spiritual approach, relaxation, positif thinking and by using emotion; (6) destructive coping strategies: physical and verbale action; (7) positive life meaning: the way of thinking and behaving change, and (8) negative life meaning: stress feeling of having ASD children. It can be concluded that both constructive and destructive coping strategies can be used by parents when dealing with children with ASD. Futher investigation with parents living in rural areas is needed to explore their constructive coping strategies using phenomenology study design. Keywords: coping strategies, parents, autism spectrum disorde


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    Introduction: Clinical practice is one of the learning process should be done by nursing student in order to finish their study. Most of nursing student having heavy and medium anxiety during the process of learning practice experience. Anxiety is caused by their lack of knowledge about clinical practice. Peer Group Discussion (PGD) is expected to decrease anxiety of the nursing student during learning practice so they can be professional nurse in the future. Method: This research was a quasy experiment with Pre-Post Test Non Randomized Control Group design. It has 72 nursing student as population with one control group and treatment group using simple random sampling and got 46 respondents.The independent variable was PGD and the dependent variable was level of anxiety in learning practice experience of nursing student in Airlangga University nursing school. Data collection was done by using CARS questionnaire (Covi Anxiety Rating Scale) to measure the level of anxiety. The analysis was done using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significant score p = 0.05 and Man Whitney Test with significant level p = 0.05. Result: The result showed significant effect between PGD and level of anxiety of the learning practice experience student (p=0.000). Discussion: In conclusion, PGD have an effect on the level of anxiety on learning practice experience nursing student because there was perception’s changes from maladaptive became adaptive. It is expected for future research to make another method such us tutorial or mentoring to decrease anxiety of the nursing students. Keywords : anxiety, peer group discussion, clinical practice experience nursing studen


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    Introductions: Caring behavior of nurses and nursing students has decreased so that it takes effort to improve caring behavior with emotional intelligence approaches to improve the competency of nursing. The aim of research was to develop a model caring behavior based on emotional intelligence toward improving the competence of nursing. Methods: The design of study was using explanative and quasy experiment. The first phase of the student population of 78 nurses and 16 student nurses a second phase. The sample was selected using simple random sampling technique amounted to 65 respondents and purposive sampling amounted to 16 respondents. The research variables were caring behavior based on emotional intelligence and competence of nursing. Data were collected using questionnaires and observation. PLS was used to analyzed and Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann Whitney test. Results and Analysis: Results showed effect of internal factors include knowledge (t = 8.740), attitude (t = 29.428), motivation (t = 18.268), emotional intelligence (t = 8.378) and the external factors include clinical learning environment (t = 6.929 ), the attitude of counselors (t = 21.875), behavioral counselors (t = 5.421), guidance method (t = 7.862) towards caring behavior. There was effect of the application of the module to the improvement of nursing within their competence test results in the treatment group (p-value 0.011) and the control group (p-value 0.102). The test results for the posttest (p-value 0.001) and pretest (p-value 0102). Conclusion: Students have a good emosional intelligence will be easier to behave caring so as to improve the competence of nursing. Increased caring behavior (compassion and competence) is crucial constituted with good emosional intelligence capabilities because the students will get to know ourselves, to control ourselves, to motivate themself, empathy, social skills so as to present emotionally it will increase the competence in caring for clients. Model caring behavior-based emotional intelligence is expected to be developed with the dimensions described in more detail within their emotional intelligence into caring behavior. Keywords: caring behavior, emotional intelligence, competency of nursin

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Ide Bunuh Diri pada Remaja: Literatur Review

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    Suicide is cause of death in 15 -29 years age group number second  in 2014. This study aims to explain related to internal and eksternal factors and suicide idea among adolescent. Study literature review was used in this study with sample adolescent age 10 – 19 years conducted three electronic databases (Scopus, Science Direct and ProQuest) which published between January 2015 - September 2020. Analysis of selected journals used prisma check list by assessing a suitable journal. with the aim of review literature topics ranging from title, abstract, background, research methods, research results.  Journal quality was assessed by 3 researchers using critical appraisal checklist from The Joanna Briggs Institute and process selection a literature using The Center for Review and Dissemination. Internal factors cause suicidal ideation are biological, demographics, psychological, deviant behavior, and lifestyle. External factors cause suicidal ideation are negative life experiences, family, economic, friendship, technology and education. We found that peer support, good relationships with classmates and teachers, physical activity, a good diet and positive religious coping were protective factors against suicidal ideation. Internal factors such as history of previous suicide, depression, anxiety and external factors such as adequate food intake, history of suicide in family are variables that have highest potential to cause suicidal ideation.Bunuh diri merupakan penyebab kematian kedua pada kelompok usia 15 - 29 tahun pada tahun 2014. Studi ini menjelaskan faktor internal dan eksternal penyebab ide bunuh diri remaja. Studi literature review  digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan sampel remaja usia 10 – 19 tahun menggunakan tiga database elektronik yaitu Scopus, Science Direct dan ProQuest yang dipublikasikan antara Januari 2015 sampai dengan September 2020. Analisis jurnal yang terpilih menggunakan prisma check list dengan menilai sebuah jurnal yang sesuai dengan tujuan topik literatur review mulai dari judul, abstrak, latar belakang, metode penelitian, hasil penelitian. Kualitas jurnal dinilai 3 orang peneliti menggunakan checklist critical appraisal dari The Joanna Briggs Institute dan proses seleksi literature menggunakan The Centre for Review and Dissemination. Faktor internal penyebab ide bunuh diri adalah biologis, demografi, psikologis, perilaku menyimpang, gaya hidup. Faktor eksternal penyebab ide bunuh diri adalah pengalaman hidup negatif, keluarga, ekonomi, pertemanan, teknologi dan pendidikan. Kami menemukan bahwa dukungan teman, hubungan remaja dengan teman dan guru yang baik, aktivitas fisik, pola makan yang baik dan koping keagamaan yang positif merupakan faktor pelindung dari ide bunuh diri. Faktor internal seperti riwayat bunuh diri sebelumnya, depresi, ansietas dan faktor ekternal  seperti kecukupan makan, riwayat bunuh diri keluarga merupakan variabel yang berpotensi tertinggi menjadi penyebab ide bunuh diri

    Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Remaja

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    This study aims to determine the risk factors that influence premarital sex behavior among adolescents. The method used is a systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines by searching for articles in the Pubmed, Scopus, ScienceDirect and Proquest databases. The results showed that parental supervision had a significant indirect relationship with the premarital sexual behavior of adolescents through attitudes about premarital sex, attitudes about premarital sexuality and intention to behave sexually. Most adolescents have less sexual and reproductive health knowledge, especially early adolescents. As for attitudes towards premarital sexual behavior, the influence of friends is vital to do risky things that must be avoided. In conclusion, the risk factors influencing premarital sexual behavior among adolescents include lack of knowledge, adolescent perceptions of premarital sex, parental supervision, strong peer influence, weak information about health services and sex education for adolescents.  Keywords: Risk Factors, Indonesia, Premarital Sex Adolescent

    Perception Stimulation Group Activity Therapy Increases E Children Self Esteem at Prison

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    Introduction: Prison is societal implementer unit which accommodate care and develop the delinquent children. It was recorded that 57% of children at Blitar Child Prison undergo some self concept problems such as low self esteem. This was caused by some factors such as society\u27s stigmatization toward criminals, development pattern and education, and less support from family. If the self esteem problem is not being overcome soon, the children may fell useless, disable to control their self and recrime when they are back to society. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of GAT (Group Activity Therapy) perception stimulation in increasing the children self esteem at prison. Method: A quasy experimental pre post control design was used in this study. Samples were recruited by using total sampling and there were 22 samples as on inclusion criteria. The independent variable was GAT perception stimulation and the dependent variable was increasing self esteem of these childen. Data were collected by using questionnare and analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Mann Whitney U Test with the significance level α≤0.05.Result: The result showed that controlled group has significance level was p=0.654, it is mean there was no self esteem change before and after GAT perception stimulation was given. Whereas treatment group has significance level was p=0.001, it revealed that there was self esteem change before and after GAT perception stimulation was given. The result of Mann Whitney U Test showed p=0.000 which means was accepted. Discussion: It can be concluded that perception stimulation can increase the children self esteem at prison. Further studies are recommended to study the effect of GAT perception stimulation modified by skill therapy in increasing children self esteem in prison

    Efektifitas Faktor Organisasi dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (PPI)

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of organizational factors and motivation on the performance of nurses in implementing PPI. The method used is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. This study used a questionnaire conducted in 15 inpatient rooms at Haji Surabaya Hospital with 126 nurses. The sample collection technique uses purposive sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the results of the F test hypothesis on organizational factor variables (X1) and motivation (X2) had a value of F < (alpha) 0.05, namely 0.004 and 0.000 so that corporate and motivational factor variables had a significant influence on nurse performance variables in implementing PPI. In conclusion, organizational and motivational factors have a substantial effect on the performance of nurses in the implementation of PPI.   Keywords: Organizational Factors, Nurse Performance in Implementation of Infection Prevention and Control (PPI), Motivatio


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    Introduction: Caring of Patients in isolation wards require different treatments with the other wards. Satisfaction related to nurses caring behavior towards Patients. This research aimed to verify the relationship between nurse caring behaviors with isolation patient's satisfaction at G4 ward of Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital in Gorontalo City. Method: This research used descriptive correlative design with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique used non-probability sampling: Consecutive sampling. The population in this research were all patient isolation in isolation wards. Total sample was 29 respondents. The independent variable was the nurse caring behaviors. The dependent variable was the patient isolation. Data were collected by Parasuraman instruments and caring behavior inventory (CBI). Data were Analyzed by Spearman rho test with a significance level of α <0.05. Result: The results Showed that the nurse caring behaviors in isolation ward has relation with patient satisfaction (p = 0.000) and (r = 0.364). Discussion: The level of the relationship was low in interpretation. Improving patient's satisfaction isolation can be done by improving and maintaining nurse caring behaviors such as maintaining human values and human altruistic, trusting relationships, problem solving in decision making, always provide supportive, corrective and protective, and help meet basic human needs. Further studies should consider the characteristics used by patients in assessing the quality of hospital care. Keywords: nurse caring behavior, patient satisfaction, isolation war

    Using the Health Belief Model by Shadow Teachers in Identifying the Behavior of Children with Special Needs

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    The identification of behavioral and emotional disorders of children with special needs in inclusive classroom learning by using the important health belief model approach is carried out by shadow teachers before starting learning. This is used to regulate and place children into different learning systems by adjusting for their needs in relation to meeting the learning outcomes. This study aims to explore the meaning of the shadow teacher’s experience in identifying the behavioral and emotional problems that occur when accompanying children with special needs at following along with the learning in inclusive classes with the health belief model approach. This study was a phenomenology qualitative study that used a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used the Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis approach. Through in-depth interviews, observations and assistance from the note file, the population involved 7 participants who produced five themes. Three sub-themes were identified for perceived susceptibility: (1) lack of adherence to orders, (2) aggressive behavior, (3) difficulty expressing desires. Two sub-themes identified on perceived severity: (1) independence, (3) stigma. This study encourages the improvement of competence, especially the implementation of assessments when dealing with children with special needs, concerning the provision of adequate facilities and arrangements for inclusive learning and to raise public awareness of the acceptance of children with special needs in the community. Keywords: Health Belief Model, Behavior, Children Special Need
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